Thanks, I know it wouldn’t work without me. Well, first I’m going on vacation, tell our front soldiers not to rush. Slowly and surely, as there are still plenty of them in stock to die for. Meanwhile, has our commander come out of the bunker yet?
We are waiting to you to starve on the sixth or seventh world. It’s the glorious end for anglosaxons.
Last edited 2 years ago by jorge
2 years ago
still hard fightings and slow progress.
some reports claim that some 50 russian btgs are in belorus and another 50 btgs still in russia.
wtf are they waiting for?
send them all to ucraine and finish the whole yob within few months.
probably instead of another blitz offensive doomed to fail , Russia is now simply considering to grind down slowly the UKR , to let them run out of ammo, of soldiers, of weapons from NATO , pushing slowly but surely on all fronts . A strong offensive will full airforce support and hundreds of tanks could probably work faster but would also mean more casualties for Russia, when they are in no hurry.
So we won again. WTF, not yet?! What the hell are we waiting for?
Waiting for you to sign up as a front soldier. Can’t win without your contribution.
The Nazis will put a pink triangle badge on his shirt thou
The idiot can’t sign up: it has a mental age of 6 years old.
Thanks, I know it wouldn’t work without me. Well, first I’m going on vacation, tell our front soldiers not to rush. Slowly and surely, as there are still plenty of them in stock to die for. Meanwhile, has our commander come out of the bunker yet?
Were you asking this question when the NATO/LBTGQ terrorists were trying to conquer Afghanistan for over 20+ years? You sure sound like an imbecile.
We are waiting to you to starve on the sixth or seventh world. It’s the glorious end for anglosaxons.
still hard fightings and slow progress. some reports claim that some 50 russian btgs are in belorus and another 50 btgs still in russia. wtf are they waiting for? send them all to ucraine and finish the whole yob within few months.
probably instead of another blitz offensive doomed to fail , Russia is now simply considering to grind down slowly the UKR , to let them run out of ammo, of soldiers, of weapons from NATO , pushing slowly but surely on all fronts . A strong offensive will full airforce support and hundreds of tanks could probably work faster but would also mean more casualties for Russia, when they are in no hurry.