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- Russian-led forces reportedly entered the Pidgorodne village;
- Russian-led forces reached the central district of Soledar;
- Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue near Bakhmut;
- Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue near Debrova;
- Up to 30 Ukrainian servicemen, 1 armored vehicle and 1 pickups were destroyed by Russian artillery shelling on Krasniy-Liman front, according to the Russian MOD.
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Where does Ukraine have so much foreign in donbass?
They don’t is just an excuse for poor Russian army performance.
What about the thousands of NATO officers we found in Mariupol?
Lol good me forgot about that SOuthfront assertion.
Where are those officers? Lol figment of imagination. There were hardly 1000s of defenders.
Are you a fool? It was all over russian news!
No, Ihor, it was all over the Ukretard comments on SF.
Anything but rasputin who unlike that gimp imposter, was very intelligent!
1000 is survived men, ten of thousands are Ukraine soldiers and US and UK soldiers pretend dressing as Ukraine soldiers suffering heavy loss of life because human wave cannon fodder tactics sad US and UK will sell their widows and daughters as prostitutes and sex slaves in US and UK.
Dead? I hope.
Maybe a few, but there being saved for future negotiations
Eight years of the ethnic cleansing ATO, Ihor, and you couldn’t take Donbas.
Ukraine soldiers and US and UK soldiers pretend dressing as Ukraine soldiers suffering heavy loss of life because human wave cannon fodder tactics sad US and UK will sell their widows and daughters as prostitutes and sex slaves in US and UK.
Sure.the cannon folder is sent to the front lines first and a block of Ukrainian forces behind them to prevent them from retreating.You make a mistake of retreating you get shot.
What makes you think foreign (cia/wuzzy) fighters are better than ukranians gimp.
It’s a Christmas miracle
Just a ucro son of bitch could call it ‘miracle’. but it will not save your ass.
Well is actually a humanitarian catastrophe. The poor men had no choice on going to war. A war they don’t understand or wouldn’t Likely support if they did. Who would want to risk serious wounds or death , to save Putins ego?
Is actually a Human catastrophe. The poor dead Russians has to choose go to war or go to prison.
Ihor, you stupid cunts need to learn to use articles. Surely the failed Ukrainian CIA project can come up with trolls who understand basic English grammar. But perhaps not.
Ukraine soldiers and US and UK soldiers pretend dressing as Ukraine soldiers suffering heavy loss of life because human wave cannon fodder tactics sad US and UK will sell their widows and daughters as prostitutes and sex slaves in US and UK.
Ukrainian sources? Ghost of Kiev soars again! Good job, Ihor.
Why aren’t we advancing anywhere but on southfront?
Next year in Donetsk, Ihor? It’s only been eight years.
Good. Now burn all EU material.
What!!! Aren’t the nazi piss ment to be in Crimea by now.
@Joseph Day
The most funny thing of all is that the suppossed russians and pro-russians on the forum seem to not realize that THEIR RUSSIA today is exactly in the same complicated position which the German Realm and the Japanese Realm were in about 100 years ago.
World Jewry (mainly hidden behind USA-UK-Canada financial system, established in USA in 1913 – aka Federal Reserve Act) has ordered these both Empires (German and Japanese) to be brutally sanctioned and deprived of all economy important imports.
At the same time the jewish medias painted them as evil nations led by very evil men. The jewish politicians in the state neighboring the German Realm (mainly Poland – at that time ruled by the jew Ignacy Moscicki) ordered huntings and progroms against the german minority, and allowed that they be hunted, violated, robbed and shot at. Same as – since 2014 – Ukraine shot at and terrorized the ethnic-russian population in eastern Ukraine (Donbass). Hitler watched and tried to solve the thing peacefully – from 1936-39 – but the jews ordered their polish stooges to refuse all proposals to solve the issue peacefully. In 1938 more then a hundred thousand Germans had to flee from Poland, but the terror continued. Then after Hitler watching it for again more then a year (till autuum 1939) and getting heavily critized at home for not helping the Germans in Poland (which btw. was territory which before 1918 nearly completely belonged to the German Realm anyway) Hitler finally ordered his troops to invade Poland on 1st Sept. 1939.
So please, be honest everybody here. Can t you see the obvious parallels between what happened between Germany and Poland 1936-39 (1939 being the year the war started) and what took place between Russia and Ukraine 2014-2022 (with 2022 being the year this war started) What Putin did is the same Hitler did, with the only difference that Putin waited 8 years when Hitler waited just about 4 years before he ordered the invasion to free his countrymen from the oppression. And in both cases, I say, invading that foreign country was the wrong decision to do.
But the parrallels are shocking obvious !
– Ukraine territory before the war belonged to Soviet Russia – Poland territory before the war belonged to German Realm
– Ukraine attacked the ethnic russian population on ukrainian territory for years – Poland attacked the ethnic german population on polish territory for years
– Finally Putin ordered the Russian Army to invade Ukraine – Finally Hitler ordered the German Army to invade Poland
Even though it was of course deserved in a way, and understanble from their point of view, in both cases it was the wrong decision.
And Imperial Japan too, was aggressively sanctioned, by sanctions which hit Japan much harder then sanctions hit Germany, same goes for Iran, North Korea or Russia today, because Japan is an Island, and as such it cannot more or less easily circumvent the sanctions, like today for example Russia, Iran, or North Korea can. Japan was brutally hit by the USA ( resp. World Jewry ) sanctions and thereby directly forced to attack the main sanctioning body ( resp. the USA ). What was again, of course the wrong decision to be made. Same as it wasn t a good idea of Russia to invade Ukraine. Of course, that’s only my opinion. And as freedom of speech should be practiced everywhere, I say let’s honestly discuss the issues here. But the so-called mods, in fact jewish-communist censors, for sure do not want you to speak freely and exchange thoughts.
Maybe for all here really interested in the truth and real discussions, therefore good advice is to copy my posts immediately, before the anti-christian criminal mods here delete them. It is really sad that again these jews are censoring free speech and no-one here has the balls to speak against them, and telling them to fuck off.
Therefore I think WorldWar 3 is indeed at the doorsteps now. Maybe 6 months, 1 year or 2 but then the whole basket is going to explode.
Btw. there’s a good podcast from someone who left country and is now posting from Colombia.
He shows prove that Henry Kissinger (real name of that jew is: Avraham ben Elazar) openly posted knowledge years ahead of Putins invasion of Ukraine, that Russia would invade Ukraine in 2022. And even more that this war will turn into something bigger then.
So how could he know ? Like I told here again and again, of course he knew because he and his other stoneold high-grade jewish satanist wirepullers (Rothschild, Schiff, Warburg and Soros) are in fact the ones calling the shots, and not the puppet butt-boys like Macron, Merkel/Scholz, Putin, Modi, Xi Jingping, Orban or Biden, which are presented to us as world leaders.
And another very interesting and likely true assumption made in that video is that 2023 is likely going to be the year of continuing and expanding the ‘small war’ into a large war. Because the jewish global cabal knew they’ll not be able to hide the mass-dying of hundreds of mio. of people worldwide by the jewish-produced and promoted death-injections (so-called anti-corona vaccines) any longer. So what better move is there, than to start global war, and thus hide the hundred millions of death-jab deaths beneath the chaos of war and a mountain of fresh war-deaths ?
This indeed makes sense, and would allow World Jewry to again slip away and get away with unbelievable size of genocide.
See video:
Was there a one-sided ceasefire for 36 hours?
The USA Establishment promotes nuclear war with Russia and China, under the pretext of phising attacks by Russian hackers of nuclear facilities which is equivalent to nuclear attacks…
Nothing can stop them as they think they have total control of the sheeple brains and they certainly have the firepower and torture means to control the sheeple.
All sewers got are lies,nothing but lies.Just read yourself gimp,your a pathedic troll and the loser and liar=FIXED!
Soledar is Free.
I cannot wait to hear that ‘Witch’ in the area got yeeted. As for any AFU , strip them, check them for nazi emblem tattoo’s, hang those with them.Any Mercs should be summerily field executed by firing squad or small arms action. Banderite lives do not matter
funny video out of soledar yesterday or day before, green recruit in brand spanking new togs, paired with grubby camo’d old hand in slit trench while the band plays, shit flying everywhere, airbursts and impact. grabs grenade launcher on ak, stands in view three , four seconds and fires. looks for three more seconds, ducks, retrieves his ak fiddles with his helmet whilst still in view and gets yeeted from the left by either tank, arty or atgm direct hit with his old hand on his own cell phone because, yeah…tik tok. like the video say’s. There is no respawn. Oh Ukroptia… gonna need some new recruits…send the tiktok dancers!!