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Military Situation In Central Syria On July 17, 2017 (Map Update)

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This map provides a general look at the military situation in the provinces of Homs and Raqqah on July 17, 2017. Government forces are advancing against ISIS south of Resafa and northeast of Palmyra. At the same time, the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces are clashing with ISIS in the city of Raqqah.

Military Situation In Central Syria On July 17, 2017 (Map Update)

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I saw on al masdar that SAA suffered heavy losses in an advance on T2 area near humaymah :(( I think this is an excellent place for the desert hawks to be deployed to!!! It sure is a desert!

Joe Doe

The problem is that SAA General staff and commands very poor in tactical and strategic decision making, exempt the SAA Tiger force. First, they did not take the advantage of the initiative and momentum SAA had couple weeks ago. Second, SAA commands allows many time for ISIS to regroup, rearm and prepare defence lines. That’s why the advances are very slow and costly im infantry and military hardware


Well I dont think they are purposely allowing Isis to rearm and regroup, I dont think anyone fighting them would want them to do that, there has to be other reasons, but yes I agree the command needs to get better and not to wait too long between offensives

Night Hunter

Syria is been run like a family business, all the tribe are at the helm. No wonder they can not proceed effectively. If only they could put Russian and Iranian at the helms!!!

Jens Holm

Typical arabic and muslamic attitude cant be changed by that. The magic difference is soldiers and units in the front by themselves are educated to use opportunities.

Typical we see the opposite. When there is not a smiling officer commanding them, they take no initiave, because they are trainted to not or are ounished for it as well.

Commands from top very seldom reach the bottom in details as well as important information. The other way up, You dont get any or almost none.

Its about raising by Your way and the male competition.Its like here, Winning tha debate here by orgastic lies are too often more important then winning the war.

And groteske You prefare Your women being raised so they are not able to seethe opicture and even ask for it. And if they do,thay get punished hard too.

Too much – Your brain is in Your behind, and I ahve the whip.

Jens Holm

The reasons are well decriebed. You can regroup when You meet an elephant with no legs and go around it too. I cant even turn the strong side to it.

SAA still acts as they have learned almost nothing according to the strong sides of ISIS -or they cant.

SAA & SyAF are still in the armed forces are the best and enemies pr definition are stupid and should bow by that.


Can’t really understand u


I respect your position Joe Doe; however, I do disagree. SAA high command have this under control, you need time to retrain, rest and reinforce every front against an enemy, and sometimes you have to pretend to do so, deployment of Desert Hawks to Salamiya region was purely a strategic move. Bring the bees to the honey, makes other fronts weaker.

Solomon Krupacek

you exactly described the incompetency of saa high commad. what a shit command is, which did not close any front? why did not finish latakia? daraa? west alepoo? and so on… the largest stupidity is moving of units across syria. costs time, money, fuel.


just because of one setback doesnt mean they are shit, u cant say that, they have been winning so much recently, nobody is perfect

Night Hunter

Saa lost 2000 pieces of armour since 2012. They are preforming miracle with what’s left of weak army to start with. If it wasn’t for a helping hand they would have been defending Latakia only.

I have high hopes that one day saa will concur all of Syria by force and diplomacy.


Me too inshallah no doubt in my mind whatsoever they will prevail with our help on here too :D

Jens Holm

Its not one setback but bunches and bunches of them.


In the past yes but not as many as in the past 5 months


Mobility has always been a characteristic of the war in Syria – for both sides. You attack somewhere where the other side is weak, you make some advances but after some time the other side has brought in reserves from elsewhere and you get a stalemate. And then you move your surplus troops somewhere else where the adversary is weak and not expecting it.

But of course you are free to dispute that the SAA has always acted wise in this respect.


DH is at salamiya now?

Night Hunter

They have gone to Latakia



Jens Holm

Its totally wrong in all matters and far out.


Yes I noticed this on the map. I think this shows ISUS still has some strength along the river, and any advance on Al Bukamal by SAA at this time would be very foolish. That road south to Bir Qudaym you asked about is pictured on above map (to widen the Tiger front against ISUS).


ah okay thanks :)) yes i think desert hawks should really go to this area, they would really help i think, since i heard that they withdrew from homs and were considering where to go next, i think SAA in this area could use some reinforcements

Solomon Krupacek

of course, when SyAF is playing in abroad instead of eastern front



well russian air force were helping them near T2, but i think desert hawks should be deployed here, they would really help i think

Solomon Krupacek

tzhe problem of syria was, is and will be, that there is no normal army. there are army factions, rivality between them, quarrels, indignities. like now, when DH left other units. btw., DH are not under syrian goivernment, the russians command them directly.


Who told u this?

Solomon Krupacek

i read this here some months ago in article about DH.

Bill Wilson

The DH were someone’s handpicked ‘elite’ unit that refused to obey direct marching orders from Damascus so had their commanders replaced due to that and then got sent to retake the oil fields being discussed today. The DH had some initial success then were driven back to where they started after ISIS launched a surprise counterattack during a sandstorm. The DH lost quite a bit of equipment and lots of men during the rout. After that the DH were pulled out of the line for refit, reinforcements and retraining. Since then they seem to be giving a good account for themselves.


When did that Isis counterattack happen? Thanks for the info

Jens Holm

Haha -It coudnt be worse.


Yeah Tabqa offensive


Jens Holm

Its out of mind, the lack is good plans or any. Madness moving troops ariund that wasting so much imported fuel as well.

Desert hawks are not fortresses. I You want that there, You should build som in concrite.


Its better than no reinforcements

Jens Holm

They are always to late. If they made smaller planes, they could use the socalled reinforments as replacements and give the troops in front being the next replacement a good rest.

By that it would be taking half – and keep it. half and keep it. I prefare that. You also would get the same troops back knowing the conditions better being expiriensed.

thats how I see it.

Joe Doe

SAA Tiger force should continue South along two roads. One from Wahab towards Qudaym and Second from Resafa towards Tayyibah with wide buffer zone on each side to prevent to be outflank by ISIS. Qudaym and Tayyibah strategically very important


why they are important?


Focus on cease fire in regions around Damascus will be necessary for major offensive to Deir ez Zor. This implementation is required to divert garrison troops to offensives. Otherwise they are limited to the current narrative which is slow steady advances to conserve infantry resources. Strategies are fit for the current situation. If Russian MP can hold southwest Syria stable then we will see major gains east in the coming months.


sounds good :))


Seems like the Tiger forces are not encountering much ISIS resistance, they can move 30-40 kms a day or more. SAA tactical defeat at Hamimah, was reversed by a strong counterattack. SAA near the T2 station instead of having fixed lines of defenses should have a couple of mobile pincers that would encircle any ISIS forces in the region and wait for the main part of the army to close the encircled pockets. I do not see much threat from ISIS south of the border from Iraq. If PMU is not there to protect your right flank, maybe your right flank does not need protection.


desert hawks should go to that area near T2


I would like to see armour and mobility dislodging ISIS from south east Syria.


i as well :))

Alex Black

They are not great for that sort of combat. I think you need an armored division to deal with ISIS near T2, like the 4th, by they are busy elsewhere. It seems Deir Ezzor will be freed by the tigers.


DH has no armor?

Alex Black

they have a few vehicles, but vehicles are not their primary strong suit its a ratio and mobility issue. Isis is a type of a force that can not freely move without being destroyed by air assets. Thus, a mobile armored force, in a desert environment like that would make minced meat of them very fast, as long as air cover remained constant. DH are better for bleeding the enemy who is attacking them.


Are there any other armored divisions that can help? They should get some Russian terminators too

Alex Black

There are several, but they are engaged in offensive in other parts of the country. Syrian anti ISIS battle is separated into 4 major fronts, The Tigers Front, which is a quasi armored division/ Assault corp, the 5th Assault corp, north west of palmyrra, headed to deir ezzor, various iranian, guards, and hezbollah units securing the border with iraq and pushing to t2, the hawks were in the homs front, making very poor progress against the ISIS village pocket nears homs. This is not entirely their fault, but you have to recognize when something isnt working. Part of the problem in this area is the terrain. It is difficult to take on ISIS because they are dug in deep. The key to this area is to isolate it and starve them out while taking one village at a time with overwhelming force. There are not always short cuts in war. DH would be useful for securing these villages for ISIS counter attack. Also, SAA needs some counter mortar and artillery radar so they can take out these isis bandits the moment they fire.


If DH is useful for securing those villages why were they doing so poorly as u said?

Alex Black

Basically, mobility is a big issue when you are an assault division. This is why they are far better at defending then attacking. When you are fortified, it is much easier to fight the enemy then when you are forced to launch assault against fortified locations.

Jens Holm

Hahaha. You forget many succesfull counterattacks are included, and how they took Palmyra from socalled no where.

Alex Black

Talk all the smack you want, in a few month excepts for the heads, there will be nothing left from the ISIS takfiri animals. Then it will be the Kurds. Can’t wait to see piles of those treasonous gypsies in shallow graves. Also the taking of Palmyrra was not a mystery. The CIA decided to use their saudi ISIS connection to try to save the pentagon backed FSA terrorists in Aleppo, but despite their greatest efforts, the SAA took the city, and took back aleppo, after cooking countless takfiri beasts around t4. Sure is great how many of those disgusting creatures were wiped from the gene pool. The kurds will make equally great meat on the TOS.

Jens Holm

Like horseriders getting cars.




What is ur nationality and ethnicity?


I think he is Danish. His attitude towards SAA is quite sour but their pastries are quite sweet. :)


Jens Holm’s comments are avidly pro-Kurd and repeatably anti-Syrian state, so is an interesting and pertinent question.


Then the counteroffensive by IS around T2 must have come as an unwelcome surprise.

Alex Black

Sure did, not a big surprise that the Kurds who are stealing Arab land and their whore cheer leaders are happy to see SAA take a beating, but it happens. Soon enough we get to watch Turks execute your terrorist gypsies by the hundreds, then I can have a party with pop corn.

Jens Holm

Yes they learn almost nothing. We see it in the comments here.

If You add, what ISIS would or could to, You often are named as traitor or ISIS supporter.

Night Hunter

They did until few weeks back, they have been striped of their armour.



Jens Holm

Well, actually they should use anything else but all that artificial strength having no brain.

Graeme Rymill

30-40 kms a day??!! From Resafa the Tigers have advanced a total of 25 km according to the map above. There is no distance indicator that I can see but you can measure the road distance using Wikimapia. Not sure when the offensive officially started but 10 km per day is a better estimate. Still good progress by previous standards…..


I said, they CAN, under basic blitzkrieg guidelines, whereby you have open terrain, low level resistance and air support. What they actually do, and what they can potentially do are two different things.


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Maybe it would be a good idea for the SDF to start its long awaited offensive out of Shaddaada southwards and extend their grip on the north bank of the Euphrates and maybe cross the pontonbridge which lies close to their present lines.

Bill Wilson

The SDF ain’t gonna head south until the SAA is advancing well past al Sukhnuh.

Jens Holm

Thats not dependet on SAA at all. Its more like SDf has to wait and wait because they make normal warfare and progress.

Thats how I se the long line of SAA explanations having 1000`s of ISIS against them and USA as well as SDF are blocking this and that.

Jens Holm

Im not sure they have troops for it now, but taking the pressure would be a great help and help Hasakah. It could make Assads very unhappy too, because east of it, there are good oilfields.

I think turks are allowed to disturb and delay SDF too much.

Graeme Rymill

Some commentators suggest the Tiger Forces will unhinge the ISIS defences at Al-Sukhnah by cutting the road to Deir Ezzor to the rear of Al-Sukhnah. The ISIS defences between Palmyra and Al-Sukhnah have been very strong up until now. If the Tigers cut this road ISIS will find its logistical support drying up and may abandon Al-Sukhnah. This would be to the great benefit of the SAA and its advance on Deir Ezzor.

Jens Holm

Im sure ISIS has seen that for years.


IS has started a large counteroffensive around T2 and has overrun positions of the SAA, forcing them to retreat and having at least one tank captured by IS.

Source, including pictures, AMN, a pro SAA site.


Yes, Thegr8rambino informed us 6 hrs ago. And some think SAA can just advance to Al Bukama without solid flanks and kick DAESH off the River ! I doubt it. But the Tiger front is still advancing as we speak. THIS IS GREAT !

Solomon Krupacek

they must advance in al bukama, if do not want lose that territory.

Jens Holm

Actually the havnt got it. Its ant on a football field. ISIS and others are ant there too.

Jens Holm

There are no troops there, which can even reach Eufrat.


Yeah, not to mention the long and untenable supply route. I figured the SAA objective was to hold the road towards T2 and push a flanking force north against the Palmyra – Deir Ezzor highway. Good to spread out the ISUS defenders.


It seems to me that the purpose of the troops near T2 is primarily defensive. ISUS main strength is now on the Euphrates and Iraq. There is a vital need to have a trip wire in this area once the drive to D-E starts. ISUS uses Special Forces type fast attacks in the rear etc. and the counter attack just gone near Humima is what you would expect from them. The SAA contingent was strong enough to repel the counter attack (the tank round taking out a Toyota was marvellous!) but imagine if they came with more men and equipment. This is as far as the trip wire can go unless they want to do some serious fighting, which would be a further waste of time. As to the Northern arm of the attack: the Ithiriya-Resafa road is vital and must be secured well – it feeds the entire operation. The Tigers are not needed for that, they, and the DHs, should get on liberating national resources to the East, as every step in the direction of D-E will alarm ISUS and make their plans more complicated. In my opinion they should cut across the desert to Sabhkawi and then straight North along the road to the river. Securing a watering hole is a huge advantage in desert warfare and gives Syrian government a foothold in the South bank area of Euphrates! Disputes over the water will grow after ISUS is expelled, so it is a strategic move. US corporation thieves in the future will want to steal all the water in the river, there is no doubt about that.


El kowm oasis is hopefully not destroyed. One of the most ancient archaeological sites in a Region noted for ancient archaeological sites.


I suggest Tiger Forces take this good fortune, head south on the road to Al-Sukhna and link up with forces from Palmyra heading towards Al-Sukhna. If Tiger Forces go straight for Deir-Ezzor they might get surrounded and hit by Daesh counter-attacks.

Russia needs to send more of those Ka-52 Alligator squadrons to operate in this area as the Daesh have to be assumed to be capable of another Battle of the Bulge style counter-attack.They are weakened but they have shown in Mosul to be willing to fight to the last.


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