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Military Situation In Central Syria On October 23, 2017 (Map Update)

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This map provides a general look at the military situation in central Syria on October 23, 2017. Syrian government troops are advancing southeast of Mayadin city while the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces are developing momentum on the eastern bank of the Euphrates.

Military Situation In Central Syria On October 23, 2017 (Map Update)

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So this map gives oficial view that SDF took Omar Fields


yeah pretty weird and shocking


I don´t go with the map. Something is very wierd here. Lat week, they could not even hold the Jafra field, as RamboDave mentioned. Now, they are going to push all the way to the Iraq border. Whatever. :P


Jafra field was fake news. Sorry pal.


I don’t think so.

Gary Sellars

No, the Arab tribal fighters who were affiliated with IS have switched sides. The advance is unopposed, ie shows a change in loyalty rather than an actual advance of SDF military.


The map also doesn’t show any Syrian government coalition forces behind enemy lines in these areas. That I’m assuming are probably there. And to what extent there’s cooperation between the government and tribal forces. And what non tribal SDF forces, if any, are actually there.

Gary Sellars

Agreed, and I’m surprised that people think these maps are anything more than a general guide. The Euphrates is a currently a complex combat zone with 3 mutually-antagonistic combatants and the lines of control on areas of contention will shift constantly. I prefer to focus on the long term rather than get all adolescent about the day-to-day happenings, though sometimes its a little hard to stay cool.


The Syrian government coalition doesn’t have a buffer zone in DE to set up a peer air defense hub without being exposed to mortar and artillery fire. But they’re getting there. Once that’s done they’l be in a better position to extend peer air cover over the eastern front.

The government foot print is expanding in all areas, with minor exception, as government held area increases every week at the expense of the regime change invaders.

How the Omar field plays out remains to be seen. But the SDF has a big equipment deficit compared to the government. And there’s nothing preventing a government air insertion. If it hasn’t happened already and gone unreported. The government is across the river and right next to those fields in multiple places. It wouldn’t take much to push east. I’m sure that they have plans and preparations to do it.

DJ Double D

What the Kurds said about a month ago turned out to be very accurate. We won’t allow SAA and Russia to cross the Euphrates. This basically means that they alone will capture the whole of North eastern of Euphrates Syria. It turned out to be very true. I can tell you that everything Russia achieved in Syria is nullified by their inability to achieve any success North of Euphrates. This inability creates environment where more bloods will be shed in an attempt to correct it and even then there will be no guarantee of success. This a big shame.


What are you saying? The alternative scenario would have been that SDF would have gotten a lot more territory, including on the western side of Euphrates.

All know that SDF has been massacring, or ethnic cleansing, Arabs on behalf of the US government, so they can claim that they have cultural exclusivity on the land they grab. This will not fly for long among Syria, Iraq, Turkey nor even the gulf states. They can be strangled later on with a no fly zone and other blockades so long as they throw USA out, which has no beneficial relevance to exist in that region.


I think Russians are just allowing the americans to safe their face on international arena, like they have helped defeating isis, so the people would forget how they supported all of those alqaida linked groups to create chaos in Syria in the first place and the rest of ME, wonder what is agreed behind the scenes.


The SAA is across the Euphrates, they have taken most of DE on the east side.


This is news how????


I am talking about DE city. They crossed the river a while ago up there and took almost all of the city on that side, while the SDF just sat there btw. But, you must know this already.

Gary Sellars

Douche doesn’t care for facts that don’t support his NATO circle-jerk agendas.


You gave me a good laugh on this one. Thank you Gary.

DJ Double D

You know that we all know that SAA crossed the Euphrates, but to what ends. They didn’t do anything with it. Just crossing for the sake of crossing?

Gary Sellars

Don’t be terminally stupid. Crossing the Euphrates to contest the northern bank was a necessary part of driving IS from DeZ (fire control from two opposing directions is a great advantage). It also provides a nice bridgehead should the SAA be forced to intervene into SDF-held territory. Its far easier to advance from a bridgehead you already have than to try and cross in a contested area. Same goes for bridgehead at Mayadin.

its all about keeping your options open, and making sure the Kurd-Turds understand that.

DJ Double D

For sure I couldn’t be any stupider expressing my opinions than you expressing yours. right? So it goes to say that I’m well aware of everything you just mentioned above, but that’s where our intelligence on the matter differs. The main reason they crossed the Euphrates is to continue the liberation of Syrian land from ISIS including the ‘resource sites’, not to set a foothold. Well, as you can see, they couldn’t do that. Your point that they set a foothold is written by me weeks ago, but that foothold shouldn’t be what we have now, it should be much larger and wider. How do you think that from the position they are now, they can do any better in future battle than what they have achieved so far?


C´mon DJ. You can say anything you want and I have no problem with that. However, your comment is a bit mysterious to me. The SAA crossed the river and instead of heading east to take pics with the girls, like the SDF, they headed west and have been slugging it out with IS. The SDF has done virtually no fighting near DE city, accept to get their asses kicked in the Jafra oil field. IS had a ball with them there.

I am not trying to fight with you. Just, in my opinion, unless you want to get owned here at least keep up with the pace of what is going down. I wish you well.

Gary Sellars

” I can tell you that everything Russia achieved in Syria is nullified by their inability to achieve any success North of Euphrates.”

What complete shit. Russia has helped stabilise the gov in Damascus and helped them establish a MILITARY VICTORY where the Western circle-jerkers said that their could never be one, yet all this is “nullified” because the SDF have apparently been given the task of fighting IS on the east side of the Euphrates?

Its so easy to spot a fucking NATOstani troll. They come out with complete BS and endlessly grasp at straws to find some tiny nugget of gold in the Syrian shitstorm that they can hang their hat on claim that Russia is failing…. so pathetic.


Sorry, but any further or past victory gotten by Syria-Russia-Iran-hezbolah has been or will be overshadow by the fact they have lost Omar oil field…that’s simple. Omar oil fields have a mayor strategic economic for kurds (USA-puppets) and Israel. ¿ Can you see the point ?


They haven’t lost anything. The regime change flunkies have been playing name games for years and are losing territory to the government every week.

DJ Double D

To understand the situation the normal way, you need to cool down and look at things without bias. We all love to follow Russia progress. But we owe it to ourselves not to be blind when she faulted and faults in this war are many. Did Russia intervention help stabilize the situation in Syria? – yes. Help Assad to hang on to power? – yes. Did Russia cement these achievements? – no, and it’s becoming harder by the day to completely cement those achievements. If the Kurds are allowed to grab all these resources that made up to 80% of Syria livelihood, then sorry if you don’t understand this: Assad cannot be in power longer.

Gary Sellars

You don’t seem to understand that the Kurds can’t hold what they have. Once ISIS are done, they will have no choice but to withdraw and concede control to Damascus. Kurds don’t have the manpower to hold the territories they are in control of, and the Arab tribes are not going to accept Kurdish control for long after IS are dust.

DJ Double D

I really hope you are right. Don’t forget that the Iraqi scenario is not applicable in Syria. US factor.


Has the war ended already? Just wait a little while..Russians and the SAA they will cross the Euphrates.

DJ Double D

They already crossed and may cross again.

Joe Doe

SAA lost Omar Oil fields and eastern bank of the Euphrates due to SAA Generals poor tactical and strategical planning. There was a time, when SAA had insensitive and should continue advances south off the AL Sukhana and Deir Ezzor highway and sweep the desert. This will force ISIS fighter cross to eastern bank of the Euphrates and fight SDF to keep the territory.SAA General different approach and left huge packet South of the AL Sukhana and Deir Ezzor highway. Therefore ISIS fighter have enough space to contain large units in the packet to regroup and attack SAA and even grab some territory from SAA


right armchair commander lets get you to the front! LOL!


Even couch potatoes can have their tactical moments.


SAA had time and two big opportunities to stop SDF (Deir Ezzor and Al Mayadin) and did nothing. Russia strong aerospace force could very well protect and support ground troops, and this makes the Syrian generals capabilities very questionable. With this strong economical motivation, SDF kurds (USA-Israel puppets) will stay here forever.

El Mashi

From Iraq, Iranian backed Iraqi Shia militias, Iranians, Hezbollah will invade from Iraq as the Tiger forces, SAA and Hezbollah cross the Euphrates River. Together they will squeeze the Israeli backed Al Qaeda like a pimple; thus liberating Northeastern Syria.

John Veitch

Do you think that Mossad might be watching Hezbollah undergoing lots of live fire training in a really brutal war and saying to themselves, “That plan we have for Lebanon. Not just yet lads”. Regards

El Mashi

You are right about that. Good opportunity for Israel to attack Lebanon as Hezbollah is fighting Israeli backed terrorists in Syria.


The US terrorists and proxy Iraqi/Syrian Kurds coordinated this perfectly for SDF/ISIS to snatch north and east Syria from Damascus for good. Any losses in Iraq will be offset in Syria. Syrian Kurds were the ones to take Sinjar from Iraq to deliver it to KRG after all. Russia and Iran are being had on this one.

Looks like “our Western partners” will be installed in “North Syria” like they’ve been in South Korea, and South Vietnam.

Gary Sellars

No, because Syria has a recognised and legal national government, and their is no legal basis for partition.


Syria also has a superior military coalition that’s going to deal with Israelistan after they finish with Isis.


You dream, Syria generals are really questioned about their capabilities, also soldiers et al, with the strong exception of fighter in Deir Ezzor who in fact many of them were just hezbolah fighters.


Look at the SDF equipment deficit compared to Syria, Russia, Iran and Hezbollah. It’s not even close.


A lot of strange deals seem to be going on behind closed doors and not being made public.. Does anyone find it strange that Syrian Government, Iran, and Russia are pretty quite about what has transpired in the Eastern Bank of the Euphrates with Omar oil fields, Turkey, HTS and the Idlib province, Russians supposedly taking control of and oil facility on eastern bank of Euphrates. Will be awaiting to hear the official explanation of these unclarified events.. Until then, I see only a few logical explanation. 1. SAA and allies have lost the battle for east Euphrates, and are being quiet about it due to embarrassment. 2. Some sort of deal has been reached between SAA, allies and SDF/ allies 3. A decision to place the Eastern Euphrates front on the back burner till entire territories west of Euphrates is cleared of ISIS with exception of the Idlib province.


Yes, there was a deal between the SDF-Kurds and the tribal leaders to “capture” this area. However, I think that the SAA was also part of the same deal. It just can’t be reported right now.

Both the SAA and the SDF (and also the US) were very concerned that ISIS would set fire to all the oil wells if fighting took place for there possession. The result would be an environmental disaster similar to what happened in Kuwait in 1991 during the Gulf war. Therefore the SDF, already being in touch with the tribal leaders, and with the blessing of the SAA, made the deal, probably offering them immunity for their support for ISIS over the last few years.


Your theory makes a lot of sense. If indeed such a deal has been made, it would seem to fall in line with Statements made by the SDF’s spoke person, and I am Paraphrasing here.. that they seek to maintain the Unity of Syria while insuring the Kurds have equal representation or some sort of autonomy… However, such statements should be take with a grain of salt.


I think that the SAA is a silent partner to that SDF-Kurd deal with the tribal leaders. It just can’t be revealed yet. Yes …. the Kurds made the deal, but they just don’t have the strength to hold off the massive number of ISIS, who are not part of the deal, that will be heading toward the Omar oil fields from further East.

Just last weak they couldn’t keep ISIS out of the nearby Jafra oil field, who entered and set fire to the oil wells.


The map is probably correct. However, it shows the SDF-Kurds in possession of only about half of the Omar oil field. The Omar field is about 40 miles long. That is a lot of oil wells to defend from a lot of angry ISIS, who were not part of the deal.

The SDF-Kurds are going to need a lot of help to defend what they have gained. That is where the SAA comes to the rescue and enters the Omar oil field to take possession.

Keep in mind that the SDF and the SAA made a deal just a few days ago for the SAA to take control of the Conoco gas plant.

The recent crossing of the river by the SAA at al-Mayadin was nothing more than a bluff to try to speed up the SDF’s deal with the tribal leaders. The deal had been in the works for quite some time.


There is no deal on SAA taking Conoco fields.

At the most there is a deal by which Assad takes over production control of Conoco, but never military control. The production control will have to be paid for by Assad through a revenue sharing, that is in case there is a deal.

Gary Sellars

Poor little douche, feverishly denying the facts that don’t gel with the HATOstani narrative.

face facts – Damascus, Russia, Iran & Hezbollah are WINNING a hard fought MILITARY VICTORY and there is NOTHING that you or your cock-sucking Murican idols can do about it.


SAA needs to forget about East Euphrates for now and concentrate on Al Bukamal and cementing the land link to Iraq and Iran. If the Kurds believe they can control 1/3 of Syria with 70% hostile Sunni majority, most of whom are tribal, loyal only to their clan, and quite sympathetic to ISIL – it’s their funeral, pun intended. Pretty soon they’ll have a full blown Sunni insurgency as soon as they try implementing their ethnocentric one party Marxist dictatorship – just as they did in Iraq.


Agree with the first part and disagree with the second part.

In fact, there is an excellent cooperation between kurds and arabs in Manbij and Tabqah. There is no reason why this should be impossible in Raqqah and DeirezZor.

Gary Sellars

Douche is simply getting all hot and sweaty with the idea of balkanised Syria with a pro-US North and East. Sorry buddy, ain’t gonna happen.


Two can play the balkanization game as the Jews just found out to their dismay. With the 14-0 passage of UNSC Resolution 2334 extinguishing any legal claim to those areas that they tried to fabricate 100 years ago with the Balfour Declaration and San Remo Resolution.

Gary Sellars

Didn’t the Jews howl when that passed the UNSC? So good to see, the fucking Chosenites being defied by mere goyim? Outrageous!! LOL!!


Yes, and with the US abstention a thread on the Jewmerica coat that needs to be pulled to start unraveling it.


I think balkanised Syria might be necessary, but the Balkan shouldn’t have been put on that way. It should have been sorted out easily without pain, as it’s divided already, with borders being drawn by ethnicity.

Gary Sellars

Necessary? From whose point of view? Saudis and their pet Wahabbi terrorists? Zionistas? Murican ZOG apparatchiks? Nope, their desires don’t count.


That’s because the US are bribing arabs to cooperate. For how long?


Until a SAA tank rolls down the street, and it’s coming.


There is only ‘cooperation’ between YPG and Arabs in east Syria as long as US cash flow is available to buy Arabs off or into temporary alliance. Beyond that, Syrian Arabs will not tolerate being subordinate to northern Kurdish run ‘councils’ in their own Arab historical cities and lands for very long.


This SDF “capture” of the oil fields looks like it could be a scam to me. There are no reports of any fighting in these areas. Only that the Isis tribal units defected to the SDF. Did they defect to the SDF or the SAA, whose forces are actually present in these areas?

“Kurdish Majority Areas in Syria”




Nice but imcomplete map. It is all a question of definition by area. A large part of the countryside between Azaz and Jarablus is majority kurdish. Cities like Qabasin, D’zaa are almost totally kurdish. In the rest of the border areas kurds are a large minority. Just not in some cities like Azaz and Jarablus.


What’s incomplete is your ziotroll refusal to address the Jew issue driving these wars. Because you know that all of the Jew crime and evil will be exposed for what it is:



This is you:



That is the point, there is not fight at all. ISIS-Daesh are just transfering the jurisdiction of oil fields to SDF, and that is what most of us were expecting. Syria-Iran-Hezbolah-Russia are just watching this process.


The Syrian government coalition can smoke the entire field with the fire power that they have on that front. It’s why they’re rolling up Isis on the west side of the river so fast. You don’t know what the Syrian government coalition already has on the ground in those oil fields. Because it isn’t being publicized.

Gary Sellars

SDF are developing momentum? How? By co-opting ISIS fighters to switch sides? Yeah sure, that’s how you win against Sunni Wahabbi maniacs… let them join your side when the going gets too hot for them…

Kurdish idiots.


There’s a ton of Syrian government coalition fire power on the eastern front. Far more than what the SDF has. Anyone in those oil fields could be toast in short order.

Gary Sellars

Let the SDF play their little game, then they will get the Kirkuk treatment if they refuse to withdraw and cede the liberated territories to the legal and sovereign government.


Exactly, stock up on popcorn. It should be interesting.


Omar oil fields has been lost thanks to stupid tactic carried out by someone who did not wanted to stop SDF. When SAA took Deir Ezzor and when it took Al Mayadin. Syria-Russia-Iran-hezbolah had plenty of time to cross the river and stop SDF onn both cases, and they did nothing (so far). There is not valid excuse since Russia aerospace force is strong enough to protect and support ground troops. Now, kurds (USA-puppets) will have strong economical motivation to stay there forever and ever (with the help of USA, of course).


Syrian Commando Unit

These guys have recently deployed from central Syria to the east side of the river:


Agha Hussain

Bashar al Assad Zindabad!

(Zindabad means long live)

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