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Military Situation In Damascus’ Eastern Ghouta On January 4, 2017 (Map Update)

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The Ahrar al-Sham Movement and its allies have besieged a group of Syrian Army troops in the Armoured Vehicles Base in Damascus’ Eastern Ghouta and now are storming the area. Meanwhile, the Syrian military has started forming an assault force to lift the siege from the area. MORE DETAILS HERE

Military Situation In Damascus' Eastern Ghouta On January 4, 2017 (Map Update)

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Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The SAA and allies has captured 5 villages after advancing from Um-al Khalakhil village and are 6km from Sinjar Town now.


What is surprising in this report and makes me wonder about this, is that several days ago SF reported that massive reinforcements had been send to Harasta to help fend off AAS attacks and retake the lost area.

Firstly, it seems that either the reinforcements did not exist, did not arrive or were defeated as AAS continued its advance.

Secondly, given my first point, how are chances that SAA will succeed where it did not succeed the first time?

Thirdly, how is it possible for AAS and allies to have the capability for such a prolonged offensive when they themselves have been besieged for a long time so resupply would be difficult.

Or are the tales of large corruption schemes in the SAA/NDF correct and are crooked military selling weapons to rebels?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

You seem to forget it takes time to amass the troops into battle positions and AAS had reinforcements from Faylaq Rahman and Jaish al Sham I believe on the last one. The assault has started in Earnest and elsewhere the TF and Allies will soon capture Sinjar Town as they continue to secure more villages in the region.


The earlier report mentioned that reinforcements had arrived. I agree that reinforcements can take time to de deployed, but 4 days?

Furthermore, every time I get the impression that either SAA does not take into account countermoves by opposition forces and / or intelligence reports do not reach commanders on the battle fields.

Reinforcements for AAS are to be expected because when I can read of an SAA assault being readied, then so can they, right?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The deployments take time when their several groups from different units ,SAA intends to take the Harasta district . The reinforcements for AAS have already been either captured or killed as the SAA can see when they deploy. Various groups and elements of the SAA were conducting operations already in capturing or eliminating the terrorist Jihadis.


Or they are making proper preparations becaus ethe situation is very complex. But you as a true netherfucker have to voice your opinion as a fact.


It seems to me you are a confused person.

I asked questions, did not give an opinion at all in my comment. I understand English can be a difficult language but question marks are question marks in most languages.

Secondly, you did not give an answer to my questions at all other then resorting to namecalling, always a sign of a deficient mind, and making a remark that did not answer the questions either.

As for that one sane part in your comment, making proper preparations is always necessary for any assault or defense. However, it leaves unanswered the question as to how are they able to have the capabilities to have a prolonged fight when they are besieged themselves and have been for a long time?

I am always willing to have a discussion on a sane comment but it enhances the level of the discussions when racial slurs, antisemitic ranting and stupid and or sexual namecalling are absent.


English is not important to me at all :) but i think that i’ve reached a level where you can understand me. You are not asking questions, this is your way of discredit the people you oppose, making assumptions that makes the other party look bad :) We can clearly see the difference in your comments when you talk about the western useful kurds, sugar coating every little achievement they make, like that railway, refugees, etc…. boasting about how great they are although it’s Syria and allies who does all of the heavy lifting here and you poo on them. You are probably have been brought up with the idea that you are superior to others but that’s clearly not the case, you are just another overconfident and insolent netherfucker. :)


Seems to me you are doing the reverse :

Sugarcoating anything from the Assad side of this conflict, negative comments on anything done or not done by his opponents.

On top of this, you seem to be inferring something about my upbringing as a result of either not agreeing with you or recognising others have successes too and to seem to think you can start namecalling anytime.

Seems to me you are the one that is having an inferiority complex and have overly stimulated hormones, given your general and sexual ranting.

This is my final reaction to your ranting. I can spend my time more useful not going into these useless disputes. My best wishes for the bright new year.


Well of course, his opponents are either destroying or stealing parts and wealth of his country. The western coalition is literally dividing his people and country, they are destroying Syria and you are welcoming it. What does that make you? Do you consider yourself being a normal person ? Is that a normal way of life for you? Guess we also should be cheering when or if some other power will tear up your country, kill your people, steal your possession, rape and kill your children. Wonder how you would react to someone who will discuss that progress with the same savouring as you do. Funny that you that you think that you can just end the convo whenever you feel like it and feel good about it :) Sure you can block me but the others will still see my responses to you.

Frank Behrens

“his” country? And there I always thought it belonged to the people of Syria..errr and yes, an obvious supporter of a bloody dictator questions other peoples minds.^^..funny. Normaly such people are paid trolls, tin-hat-wearers or other folk with a serious inferiorty complex (far right winged nationalists most often…as it is virulent for slavs of any nation) . Dutchnational sensed that right. Of cause you will keep on yelling, name giving and behave childish (people like you , who don´t have much common sense and without sensible arguments , alwas behave like that and will keep on) …gods forbit if someone asks questions which contraticts/might disturb your rainbow world…I smell fear., fear leads to anger, anger makes stupid.


Last time i checked he was Syrian, so yes, his country, Syrians have voted for him. The biggest dictator on the world stage is the west, it’s do this or we will bomb your country to dust under any pretex, just because your country is somewhat milder to its citizens doesn’t make you a better “guy”, your govmnt. is still killing millions abroad and supporting others that do that, just look at Yemen. There is no bigger murderer than the west, Assad is fighting a war to keep his country together, your govmnt. is making wars to earn money.

I’ve got plenty of arguments for you, but you are just a dumb cunt like the Dutch is, so you two cunts have sensed each other and you have decided to back him up.

Frank Behrens

Voted for him ? Give me another joke…err..like ..people voted for Kim in North Korea..or Stalin (hey, he WAS elected …somehow)..and yeah…while we are at it: Saddam was elected also…and the King of Saudi-Arabia…:D Do you realy..I mean really (err, I promise I won`t tell others :)) believe that the vast majority will ever believe THAT ? C´mon…(next we will hear something along ” western mainstream medias etc….”, won´t we? My government? That would be the german government …truly elected (not by my btw.)…but what is that government of the “west” ? Will you tell us the usual bullshit about THE (zionist) lead deep state thingy ? Those evil people who rule them all in secrecy? Somewhat milder? Errr,,, yes, usually I don´t hear from torture in our prisions, or ungrounded arrests in the dead of night…or the use of toxics against terrorists.

Cunt? see…there you are…claiming to have arguments (which you of cause don´t have) ..delivering none and instead yelling, trashing around like a small angry child. Well, you show those typical inferiorty complexes concerning the west…feeling sooo small and threatened …where there is no (real) threat. You feel threatened by it´s way of life.


Lol, what a rant. Lots of gibberish but no real context. You want a joke … here you go … free west … funny isn’t it ? I thought that germans were contructive but it seems that the american hamburger culture did a number on you, throw in some populistic stereotypes and you think that you’ve got an argument, imho. Yes, let’s destroy more countries and absorb more refugees, must be your motto, “Wir schaffen das” right ? Haha.

Frank Behrens

Thanks, we are fine…regardless of all those losers around us :). And yeah, we ´, “the west” are coming for you…it is inevitable (see Iran) . Ps: your back.-door jams and thus doesn`t lock up properly…


Lol, this time we will fuck you so hard, there prolly won’t be any europe left, read your history german, you always came to us and we fucked you and ran back with your bleeding ass and we chased you all the way back to your home, german, and we fucked you there, we have always destroyed you, german, you need to come to your senses before it’s too late for you, again.

P.S. Iran will be just fine, with our support, you can’t do shit, protest are already been beaten down, you typical western cunt, all talk and nothing to back it up.

Frank Behrens

our support ? …see there, another lil`slave nationalist with inferiority complex ^^..with sexual problems it seems, or why all that fucking arses ? I am not responsible for your oppressed deep-hidden homosexuality and the personal problems which result from that. You are proud to help a clerical-islamist regime to oprress it`s own people ? And there we ask ourself which kind of persons support the Hitlers and Stalins of this world…guess we got our answer..small lil man, full of inferiority complexes, fear and (thus) hate… And I wonder how one gets from the issue at hand. Nevertheless,,,you were mildly amusing. But now I won`t give you any attention anymore…so, be a strong, slavic man, mentally, I stop answering (muster that discipline..else you will know that you are not disciplined at all) so best luck and Kopf hoch


Lol, Hitler is is YOUR boy and you should ask your countrymen about that, why they have chosen him, prolly because your neighbouring countries have been destroying Germany with that Treaty of Versailles, hyperinflation, no jobs, no money, mass suicides but i’ll let you google it, my smart and not oppressed german. Lol don’t even start talking about Syrian regime when your west supports Saudi Arabia which is by far worse than Syria when it comes to human rights and “you” gave them a seat in Human Rights Counsil IMHO, now that’s what i call double standards IMHO, You won’t be telling me what to do you silly german, i will do as i please :)

Frank Behrens



LOL … I’m gonna post my “facts” and then i’m gonna terminate the conversation and run away …LOL Run away boy, run away you cheap …. :) you should have just kept your mouth shut :)

Gary Sellars

Oh please STFU… you are a notorious anti-Assad troll and a confirmed jihadi-fondler. Couching your rabid pro-terror proclivities in ostensibly responsible language doesn’t fool anyone.

Kindly fck off.


This is a lie, you avoid Jew crime and evil like the plauge:


Frank Behrens

yeah, in best tradition since 1933


oh, and a nice Sieg Heil dear anti-semite


It’s called truth, something that Jew criminals hate because it exposes all of their crime and evil. Your evil pedophile cult that mass statutory rapes 1,000 cult babies every week should be outlawed to create a Jew free world. These sick perverts belong in jail:


Frank Behrens

my cult? Wow, didn`t know that the protestant church is “in” for that…will have to ask my priest next time. And yes, as a german, I pretty much know about all those disgusting jews are doing ..since 1933 (your are a little bit late , aren´t you…could have known that waaaay before…since the middle ages ) Here ´s for you my lil` anti-semit https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_libel


and a further Sieg Heil

(also your fascination with all things concerning jewish penisis is and what they do with them is…disturbing)


You’re the Jew pedophile rape cult supporter criticizing truthers for being “antisemetic”, not me.

Frank Behrens

man, you are really obsest with all things involving jews, strange sexual practices and all forms of fluents …errr, well, as long as you find a willing jew to do all the sexual practices you seem to dream of ,.. well,..who I am to judge your sexual preferences ?

Greetings to your fellow asylum inmates !


You didn’t answer the question:

Is the German government prosecuting these sex offenders? Or is it letting the Jew baby rapers sexually assault the cult babies, infect them with venereal disease, brain damage and murder them without investigation or prosecution? For fear of being accused of being “antisemetic” by Jew pedophile rape cult supporters like you.

Frank Behrens

As by german civil law any raper of babys (or other humans of any age) is tried and persecuted (as in every country …or do you know of such were this isn`t the case?)…wether he/she is a Jew, Israeli, Palestine, German, Russian, Arab, Turk, Tschirpa, Fröhn or Ewok. You could have google that (isn`t that difficult) https://dejure.org/gesetze/StGB/176.html


or in german https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexueller_Missbrauch_von_Kindern


You didn’t answer the question:

Is the German government prosecuting these sex offenders? Or is it letting the Jew baby rapers sexually assault the cult babies, infect them with venereal disease, brain damage and murder them without investigation or prosecution? For fear of being accused of being “antisemetic” by Jew pedophile rape cult supporters like you.


Terra Cotta Woolpuller

More sadness coming to you Dozens killed near the management wall and another group captured and sent (Sargeant Jamil) another trapped by Lions brigade who will soon have the building dropped on them. They will capture the Harasta district and this will bring this war on terrorism closer to an end.


Any loss of life is sad, even the lives of those deserving. The more so for soldiers/fighters of any side that just follow orders.

Gary Sellars

No, not really. Wahabbi orcs deserve death, and these medieval death-cult whackjobs revel in it. I’m happy to see the SAA helping them along with their wishes,


Your heroes:



They are indeed very corrupt and smuggling weapons into the pocket is very likely. I can’t prove it. But such a powerful attack can’t be launched without fresh supplies, ammo and weapons

Frank Behrens

I guess without (fluent) smuggling (tunnels) and a certain degree of corruption, it seems hardly possible for such a long time pocket not onl to survive…but to start attacks. Parts of the SAA are known to be corrupt (small wonde, since then hole state is known for it´s corruption).

Gary Sellars

Another anti-Assad terror-lover… you’re an old BF of douchnational I suppose?


Anti-Assad = terror-lover? Wow… dude the man is a bloody dictator

Frank Behrens

oh gods…sure, anyone not loving Assad is a terror-lover ? The degree of stupidity from the the Sellars of this world is astonishing. Of cause, speaking about terror…you don`t think Assad and his government terrorize the syrian people ? Ah, I forget, he is elected in a fair , open and free election and such a just and peacefull democratic and humanitarian gov. they have. But, ah yes, as such you can call my Anti-Assadist, won`t deny it…but no, which doens´t makes me a jihad lover (or whatever) . you facists.


Yes i mean Iraq still have WMD hidden somewhere. And 911 building bought down by fire. And holocaust kill 6million jews inside a ‘gas chamber ‘ in Auschwitz. Prester John kingdom is just waiting its moment even right now to help modern day crusaders to annihilate arabs once and for all. And jesus looks European. And jews is middle eastern origin.

Frank Behrens

ah, (mildly) interessting…and your point is? I mean, what has that to do with the issue at hand? Jews from the middle east ? And there I sought they were from the Vogon planet landing on earth some 6000 years ago and bringing with them their arabic slaves (which somehow escaped short after the landing)…


Vogon planet? They’re actually coming out of sewage in a form of a parasite bug diseases. That’s why none of them have commonality.

Frank Behrens

ah, I see..you are an expert and intime adept of the deeper mysteries of the Pan-Galactic society . But I assure you they derive from Vogon originally (the sewage came later) . And yes, they used in there former state their slave race to do that (you know, those which transformed later to the arabs…that´s why they are so close—minded )


Lol you don’t even know that they’ve enslaved mainly western people’s (which is why they look European) . Highly characterized by their various mind diseases such as gender confusion, gay, their cybernetics self esteem, mentally disproportionate maturity, inability to discern realities etc etc.

Frank Behrens

yeah, I ve noticed that you and your pals are obessed with all kind of strange sexual behaviour, homosexuality, transgender etc…are you soooo in fear of that? Psychology shows us, that in those cases, especially men, are of low selfesteem and unsecure about there sexual orientation or even gender (thus often trying to act and sound very masculine) https://www.livescience.com/19563-homophobia-hidden-homosexuals.html

As for actual problems aside from sexual orientation… That might help for a start: https://health.howstuffworks.com/sexual-health/sexuality/10-ways-to-overcome-sexual-insecurity.htm

Frank Behrens

And I`ve done a little bit research here ..and as I thought. https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/science/1.681385


Men, they ARE brothers (well, at least half-brothers…like Isamel and Isaac, as already the old testament and the quaran teaches us ) .

But loo…more to come: Jews looking like arabs !


They love the arabs and their culture (of cause)


You’re the Jew pedophile rape cult supporter. http://d2f0ora2gkri0g.cloudfront.net/bkpam2178775_solzhenitsynquote.jpg

Frank Behrens

ugh, what now? Am I a baby murdering and rapping jew or a pedophile german? Well, like most anti-semits and conspiracist /truthers you seem to be confused and mentaly unstable (not to mention sexual frustrated…an full of fears) ..often retreating to cursing and using a dirty language to hide the fact , that you don´t have any reasonable arguments (or reasonabilty at all) But go on…your jabbering is amusing ^^


You’re the Jew pedophile rape cult supporter accusing people exposing Jew crime and evil of being “antisemetic”.




Just read elsewhere the fourth general has been killed by the rebels in Harasta.

Does not bode well for Assad there.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Haven’t heard anything to corroborate your story heard al Kurdi was wounded and another General was sent with another element of the 42nd to the area.


Qalaat Al Mudiq ‏

@QalaatAlMudiq 2 uur2 uur geleden Meer Als antwoord op @QalaatAlMudiq E. #Damascus: the 4th General killed on #Harasta front is Ibrahim Dabraha (Republican Guard), the leader of a Commando Battalion.

Darko Dakić

I read many sources every day, also Qualat al Mudig. His posts last few months are something like this: rebels have destroyed Assad tank, rebels have destroyed Assad ATGM crew rebel sniper killed Assad soldier… rebels have this and that, but he is missing a point, SAA has liberated hundreds of cities and villages in that same time, clearing pockets one by one. It is war, people are dying…even generals. So what is the point? Are rebels going to taker a base, and turn the tide of the war? I guess not, they are day and night under fire, took also few days to bring reinforcements but now they are between a rock and a hard place. I guess in 2 days max is the story over.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The problem with this twitter account is it’s very pro Jihadist and many commanders of the terrorists are dead. He is kind of like the Co Prez who retweets old videos of Bahrain and calling them Iran even his position and the Rojava don’t exist only a US fairy-tale neither are legal.

Darko Dakić

at list not so hysteric like Jihadi Julian or World on Alert..have no idea what is wrong whit this German guys :)

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

They are in the hip of the elites and controlled tools , they say anything wrong so goes their career and no more BS from little marionettes speaking. Julian Roepechke is also a user of multiple accounts on disqus, seems these idiots are always spouting nonsense anyways.

Gary Sellars

Germans are too busy shooting underground gay porn movies in their garages…




I think you should be more worried about your own behind, when and if your masters, the americunts, will be sucessful with their war/revolution in Iran you’ll get another wave of refugees to europe.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

This should upset Dutch they are entering the Abu Bakr Mosque across from the governate building among heavy clashes,now that should send him spinning.


The battle for the Vehicle Base does not upset me at all. Neither will the results, whatever those may be.

Reading the articles just makes for asking questions as there are many inconsistencies between the SF reporting and other sources and in most cases, with a delay of several days, it turns out SF has to adapt its stories without rectifying the earlier ones.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Much different than fake news reporting that makes up a story with no facts or basis for it ,which is easier to tell a lie than the truth.


Tried to tell you a discussion without sexual remarks works better for a serious discussion.

Might I propose fora like “girls like sexual ranters” or the likes as better suited for you?


One cannot have a serious discussion with you cause you are hell bent on your own opinion, with constantly screaming out your own assumption that have got nothing to do with reality.


What if i told you that SF is a biased source, biased to the Russian gov/syrian gov side. They don’t like to mention the many negatives of the syrian government. You take that info and assume it’s reality… all dutch did was ask questions that struck a nerve with a lot of people. You and all are butthurt cuz you can’t accept any other source that doesn’t go well with your “reality” bubble


It seems that your assumptions about me are probably based off yourself. It’s not about reality it’s all about his bias and insolence.

Gary Sellars

A “reality” bubble? You mean the physical reality where the Syrian government is fighting a complex war against multiple protagonists on multiple fronts and is WINNING the war? Jihadist advances were stopped 3 years ago, and since then the Wahabbi goat fuckers have been steadily rolled back.

Is that the “reality” bubble you are referring to???


Of course not… i just think Assad is an evil murderer which is not tolerated by the readers here. I am not pro opposition/jihadists either cuz they’re just as bad. I hate it when i see the propoganda everywhere be it western or eastern propoganda cuz they both give you half the truth.


Well now if Assad were murderers what does that make literally all the people in the US government that supports murders, and murderers abroad? Literally all west head, leader, kings, president would be murderers

Frank Behrens

errr…let´s just assume you were right: he still would be a murderer.


Then everyone else would be a murderer. How’s that work with murderers call someone else murderers?

Frank Behrens

Still….the truth. If a murderer is called murderer by a murderer…he would still be a murderer nevertheless. Tu quoque is bullshit and never works.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Your terrorist friends HTS operations room was destroyed , Colonel Afandi had captured a whole terrorist group this morning with the 9th, they just captured a building the same length as the Bashr hospital and so far they are scorching the earth of the terrorists as dozens lie dead now.

leon mc pilibin

The general situation does not look very bright for Nutandyahoo’s zionist dream of conquest for his greater israhell project.The crime Minister will soon be in jail anyway as his own people hate him..Funny how these protests are kept very quiet by the jew MSM,lol.


Lack of evidences. We know that you are pro- Israel-USA-NATO terrorists group.



Frank Behrens

The typical made up garbage you can´t find https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1937_Ben-Gurion_letter

Original letter in english translation here : http://www.palestineremembered.com/download/B-G%20LetterTranslation.pdf

No such sentence can be found in it.

(also clearly written with a colonialism mind).

Besides: what again has that to do with the issue here? Aren´t there better sides to live your anti-semitism?


“”gives a number of examples of how Ben-Gurion supported the transfer of Arabs from Palestine, and he wrote: ‘But at no point during the 1930s and 1940s did Ben-Gurion ever go on record against the idea or policy of transfer. On the contrary, Ben-Gurion left a paper trail a mile long as to his actual thinking, and no amount of ignoring, twisting and turning, manipulation, contortion, and distortion can blow it away.” Simons continues by providing his own evidence that Ben-Gurion favoured the Transfer of Arabs, dating back to 1938.”


Frank Behrens

If you citate, do it right: Who gives that number of examples ? “In his 1998 book (revised 2004) on the Zionist transfer policy regarding the Palestinian Arabs, Rabbi Chaim Simons addressed earlier conflicting opinions .[16 UUh, RABBI Chaim Simons…..so a jewish Rabbi you are citating ?^^ I thought they are all lying and can`t be trusted ? And the wikipedia artile clearly shows , that this letter is debated and the mentioned sentence is dubious at best.

But again, what has that to do with the issue here ? You dodge that, which is very typical for those anti-semits


Unlike the translation that you linked to. The meme is accurately quoting the original hand written letter in the IDF archive. You haven’t provided any hand writing or ink analysis disproving that.

Frank Behrens

so, you start in believing a jewish Rabbi? (and the rest of the mentaly more sane people can make up there own mind following the links given)

Ah, and again: first we will adress the question: What the f.. has that alll to do with thne issue at hand??


Unlike the translation that you linked to. The meme is accurately quoting the original hand written letter in the IDF archive. You haven’t provided any hand writing or ink analysis disproving that. –

Joe Doe

SAA should finish and clear the packet for good. Never leave unfinished job


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