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- Clashes between Russian forces and the AFU continue near Bilogorivka;
- Clashes between Russian forces and the AFU continue near Pervomaiske;
- Clashes between Russian forces and the AFU continue in Bakhmut;
- Clashes between Russian forces and the AFU continue near Avdiivka;
- Up to 55 Ukrainian servicemen, 2 armored vehicles, 2 pickups were destroyed by Russian artillery on Krasniy-Liman front, according to the Russian MOD;
- Up to 310 Ukrainian servicemen, 3 motor vehicles, 4 armored vehicles, 1 howitzer were destroyed by Russian artillery on the Donetsk front, according to the Russian MOD;
- Up to 90 Ukrainian servicemen, 2 armoured vehicles, 3 pickups were destroyed by Russian artillery in the South Donetsk and Zaporozhye region, according to the Russian MOD.
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Ukraine has blamed the west for providing mismatched barrels for leopards, meaning they have to buy ammo for each tank differently, lack of AAA, mismatched AAA, missing radar for AAA etc. for postponing the great offensive of August 2022 which was suppossed to kick off approximately in August 2023 and is now all their fault. P.s. they now demand you send them several billion dollars as compensation. + 1 aircraft carrier (they have always wanted one of those) and aircraft for the ship, maybe some fancy heliocopters.
Ever get the feeling you’ve bet on a lame horse?
NATO is on the wrong side. Russia would be a better NATO partner.
At this point I am certain that the people of Myanmar realize what NATO’s words, the USA’s words and Europes words are worth, all made promises and yet three years on, not a single bullet has been recieved by the anti Junta forces from any of the above. such is their friendship, their actions and their intentions, anyone who believes a single utterance from the forces of darkness will share no illumination. They care less about democracy, rule of law, or protection of human life than the actual nazis of german descent were ever against. Russia needs nothing from NATO
They had an half made aircraft carrier they where stupid enough to sell it for scraps and the us are proably very happy they now have to deal with the finished version in the south china sea some day.
Might as well give them an aircraft Carrier, they just floating coffins anyway.
450 Nazis demilitarised, and this only in Donbass, only in 24 hours. I hope a lot of mercenazis among them. Thanks Russia for exterminating the fascist vermin from the face of Earth
@Die Grünen sind Kriegstreiber
The greens are green painted communist jews mainly mixed up with braindead globohomo mRNA injected trans, queer human trash and other complete idiots. See alone one of the founders of that party the proud pedophile jew Daniel Cohn-Bendit.
That pedophile long-ago gave an interview where he describes how much he enjoys it, and even describes in detail what he likes to do sexually with young boys. Very evil ! See the interview here:
Greens, Merkel (a communist jewess which even studied in Moscow – and later highjacked CDU), Linke, SPD (founded by 5 jews) etc. are now all one big SED – which is secretly working to destroy Germany, weaken and de-industrialize it in every possible way – and bring Germany into war with Russia – so that Russia can attack and easily and overwhelm Europe in a whole. USA too is infiltrated by commie jews, and is owned by jews since already 1913. But many people – especially in Europe -still buy into the green-red-jewish lies, thinking that Jewnited States of America and the Soviet Jewnion and now the new-labeled descendent, resp. Jewtins Russian Federation are enemies, when in fact they are all working together hand-in-hand for jewish world domination.
And they sometimes even openly admit it, saying they are working for NWO (aka JWO – Jewish World Order). And to disguise it a bit, and fool the maximum naive people, the western jews call it Unipolar NEW WORLD ORDER, while the eastern jewish puppets call their goal a Multipolar NEW World Order.
It’s like saying: ” ‘cars are evil’ so I never use one and sold my BMW and instead am now driving a Mercedes. ”
It’s schizophrenic, but the people don t get it – thinking if communist jews instead of capitalist jews are ruling over them, the world will become a better place. Naive people never realize that it is JEWS that are the problem, a problem which you cannot get rid off by voting or by switching from one jew to another.
It’s so easy to understand but because of the constant jewstream media brainwashing most people in Europe and USA and Russia still cannot understand these simple basics Here is good explaination that describes why:
See also:–Part-2–o-a-2018—May-9–2022
Alfred Schaefer interview carrington regarding hate speech
mzwnews answer to lawyer solmecke
450 dead means 1350 wounded 1800 per day cannot fight anymore in one month 54000 than in autum they not even manpower to drive abraham tanks
My Dog could make a better report than you guys, I’ve never seen such Lazy reporting.