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Military Situation In Donbass On January 14, 2023 (Map Update)

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Military Situation In Donbass On January 14, 2023 (Map Update)

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  • Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue near Debrova;
  • Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue in north of Soledar;
  • Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue in Bakhmut and its outskirts;
  • Russian artillery struck the AFU positions near Vodyanoye;
  • Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU were reported near Novomikhaylovka;
  • Up to 50 Ukrainian servicemen, 4 armored vehicle and 2 pickups were destroyed by Russian artillery shelling on Krasniy-Liman front, according to the Russian MOD;
  • Up to 100 Ukrainian servicemen, 7 armored vehicles and 8 vehicles were destroyed by Russian artillery shelling in the Donetsk region, according to the Russian MOD.


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Florian Geyer

Good work chaps.

Keep the Ukies on the run, all the way to the EU.


Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue in north of Soledar;”. How about that!

Those darned Ukies! Defending their own land! And with the material support of 75% of the works GDP, and open borders to free countries to the west. How did that formula work against the Germans 80 years ago, Ivan?

Propaganda runs into the iron resolve of a people wanting to be free from Russian dominance, exactly like all peoples bordering Russia. They all want to be free from the Bear. Clyde and Florian can eloquently parrot the party line propaganda but no one told the Ukies they were slaves, and they have a different idea.

A man fighting for his home will die rather than surrender.


Utter rubbish. The failed Ukrainian CIA project has been “free from Russian dominance” since 1991. They were so free from Russian dominance that the US overthrew the government twice between 2004 and 2014. The people fighting to be free were the citizens in Donbas who rejected the regime selected and installed by the Americans. So cram your Radio Free Europe clap-trap up your ass, fuck-o.


“Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue in north of Soledar;”.

Clyde that is a quote from SF’s above article.

The western economies are, per usual, outperforming the Russian economy and providing the people of the free west with the highest standard of living on earth.

There is no end to two things: the Ukrainian will to resist those who invaded their home; and the material support they will be provided by the western economic juggernaut.


Fuck off cunt. Here’s the “western economic juggernaut”: “Britain is bringing back austerity. Here’s why” https://www.cnn.com/2022/11/16/economy/uk-budget-austerity-brexit/index.html

Here’s more, cunt: “Germany’s economy to fall into recession next year due to the European energy crisis, says GlobalData”

There is no end to two things: the capacity of the United States to exploit proxies and the stupidity of people who parrot the US propaganda tropes.


It’s just stunning to see the wonderful developments in the failed Ukrainian CIA project since the 2014 US coup. Everybody is healthy, prosperous and free. The best idea Krusty ever had was insisting that the Ukraine was going into NATO, while clamouring for US nukes, as he escalated the strikes on Donbas. A giant of a statesmen, leading his people into a magnificent future.

jens holm

None here has ever said anything like that. He might have.

You seemes to has censured away Your lost Empire was all the way to west of Berlin in those days.

Krustjov confirmed Rustia emperialisme according themself only could insist behind a wall. And reason?? Well people left to anywhere else.

Joke from those days. If there was no iron ciúrtain Eric Honnecker would be the only person in dDR.


Each day you grow increasingly retarded and your facility with the English language becomes shittier, approaching an asymptote of pure gibberish.


MSM reporting that Sunak/NATO wants to send 70 ton tanks into the fray, albeit only 10 of them. Something something rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic…

jens holm

Typical one eye or worse comment. They will be added to many others, which has been in Our news for debate for many months.

Its the same about hos Bradleys. Even old they are not that bad. But here they are worse then none.

Thats how You make all Your surprices for Your own kind. 1) You are kept from facts and 2) You even support it. Thats why support people like the Ukras, which want anything else.

Rustica by the way has reinvented GULAG war production for fx ammo. Rustica by that mpre or less has invented slavery again. It might be because the rest are lazybums.

jens holm

How can You even believe only 10. Its a part of a package, which has been negosiated for many months.

You still see Nato as tiny small countries, but we are big as unification.

It was the same about artillery rom Australia. First Rusticans wonder if they shoot kanguroos and koalas with them. Next they are too few. But they are not. Its an addiction to help allies helping themself.

jens holm

The deep state is made by people and countries, which has censured themself away from any common sense.

It very sisible here everyday. So many Rustican lover has no idea about the rest of the world and believe anything Putin, Lavrov and medvedev says.

Thats the main part. But its true many things in the world is no open, but I dont care. We live here and are doing fine compared to the Rusticans and most parts of the rest of the world.

When people here fabricate dark its more difficult to find the hidden bad sides of the dark.

Skidrow Moe

USA needs to ban aid to Ukraine and force them to the table just like any other country that looses a war. The world needs to move on, we have bigger problems to solve!

Tommy Jensen

AFU shelling Donetsk again. Two kindergarten and a school with civilians inside were hit and two school buses, three teacher vehicles and a lot of bicycles were destroyed. AFU clashes with the Donetsk DPR forces is ongoing.


“Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue in north of Soledar;”. How about that!

Those darned Ukies! Defending their own land! And with the material support of 75% of the works GDP, and open borders to free countries to the west.

Propaganda runs into the iron resolve of a people wanting to be free from Russian dominance, exactly like all peoples bordering Russia. They all want to be free from the Bear. Clyde and Florian can eloquently parrot the party line propaganda but no one told the Ukies they were slaves, and they have a different idea.


You cut and pasted this nonsense twice, you fucking dipshit lame troll. The Ukrainians are absolutely slaves to the Zelensky regime which itself it a US puppet. Free countries to the west! Hilarious. There is no “free country” on earth. This whole conflict stems from the Ukrainians being made subject to the US campaign to eliminate Russia as a rival on the Eurasian landmass. Pack that drivel into cigar tube and shove it up your ass.


Russia will win the war against all NATO within month! According to western newspapers Germany has only ammunition for two days of a war (lowest quota in NATO) . French only for one week other European countries suffer the same problem. Only the USA is barley possible to provide for almost one month ammunition to its soldiers. Ukraine is running out of ammunition Ramstein meeting is intended to seek for solutions. They need western weapons now because they have no working factories and no ammunition for Soviet/Russian weapon systems anymore. Even the new Iris T system is running out of valuable rockets for this system. Rheinmetall is not able to produce it in high engouh numbers. So Ukrain air defense is inoot Russia can bomb all Ukraine with its airforce.

Russian victory is close because NATO has not enough ammunition for its self and not for Ukraine! China is the main supplier for explosives for US and EU. If China is a Russian ally the end is expectable.

Azov Batallion called Lloyd Austin a dirty Ape

Lol, at the end of the video the captured xoxol grandpa was so afraid that when asked where he was captured he said “Artyomovsk” so he didn’t say “Bakhmut” :) and he is damn right. t.me/intelslava/43407


USA’s civil/race war started not started? If not, why not? WTF

720 y. o. Big Guy POTUS sleepy Joe aka Pedo Peter

The Ukra secret bio weapon program files… between engine oil and tires.. in a suburban Delaware garage. yesterday the neighbor’s dog made his poo-poo there, well also bio, in a way

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