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- Russian-led forces reportedly took control of Pidgorodne;
- Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue in the center of Soledar;
- Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue near Debrova;
- Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue in Bakhmut and its outskirts;
- Russia struck the AFU positions near Novomikhaylovka with high-precision missiles;
- Up to 60 Ukrainian servicemen, 3 armored vehicle and 3 pickups were destroyed by Russian artillery shelling on Krasniy-Liman front, according to the Russian MOD;
- Up to 120 Ukrainian servicemen, 6 armored vehicles and 7 vehicles were destroyed by Russian artillery shelling in the Donetsk region, according to the Russian MOD.
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A lot of banderites servicemen denazified in the last days and weeks. Ukraine – a nation of widows…
Soledar is the battle that the Wagner freaks forgot to fight back in August. Maybe back then while they were at full strength they could’ve captured it and save themselves the trouble. Now that half of the Wagner Company has been annihilated all they’re doing is a desperate push to save face after being soundly defeated by Ukrainian forces in Backmut.
your wife is in agreement with that.
Right. Next year in Donetsk for the Bandera Days triple-dong dildo trizub butt-fuck festival, right?
So we won. Didn’t we? Why are we waiting?
Still DPR/LPR? Didn’t they join Russia via the referendum 4 months ago?
You stupid idiot. Russia is not a Republic, It’s a Federation made up of many Republics, Krais, Oblasts and 2 Federal cities (Piter and Moscow). The Republic of Chechnya for example is an autonome republic in the Russian Federation, so like Krim, DPR, LPR and others.
The Wagner freaks are already retreating in Soledar. They’re being pushed back. Their desperate attempt at capturing Soledar and attack Bakhmut from the north has been effectively blocked. What the hell are the Wagner terrorists going to do now? They might have to go back to Bakhmut with their tails between their legs.
Ukrainian Forces refuse to leave the front line ditches in Donbass shelling civilians in Donetsk, although Russia has begged Kiev and our dear partners in 10 month to enter into a peace dialogue.
No Ukraine tank was destroyed , Ukraine really running out of tank.
Uvidíme zajtra. Nateraz sa obe strany snažia o čo najlepšie vykreslenie svojej situácie. Nebude to tak ale stále. Rusko postupuje a postupuje podľa plánu.