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- The AFU artillery reportedly targeted a large assault group of Russian forces near Novoselivka Druha;
- Clashes between Russian forces and the AFU continue in Mariinka;
- Clashes between Russian forces and the AFU continue near Ugledar;
- Clashes between Russian forces and the AFU continue near Pervomaiske;
- Clashes between Russian forces and the AFU continue in Bakhmut;
- Up to 50 Ukrainian servicemen, 1 armored vehicle, 2 pickups were destroyed by Russian artillery on Krasniy-Liman front, according to the Russian MOD;
- Up to 385 Ukrainian servicemen, 4 motor vehicles, 4 armored vehicles, 1 tank were destroyed by Russian artillery on the Donetsk front, according to the Russian MOD;
- Up to 70 Ukrainian servicemen, 2 armored vehicles, 4 motor vehicle were destroyed by Russian artillery in the South Donetsk and Zaporozhye region, according to the Russian MOD;
- The AFU reportedly destroyed a control point, 12 manpower focus areas, 4 ammunition depots, an air defense system of the Russian Army in the past 24 hours.
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Normally, there are not reports of Russian forces being targeted or of manpower focus areas being destroyed. Four ammo depots destroyed is more than usual and how did they destroy an air defence system? What’s going on, how did they do what they normally do not? Sad re Russian casualties. Russia should DESTROY the NATO HQ, in Belgium when it is filled with NATO head officers, in retaliation for the drones at the Kremlin.
Ammo depots are hit all the time. By both sides. As for the air defense system, it can be a radar, or anything from a 9K35 Strela-10 to a buk system and everything in between. Remind you these are reports from UAF nit russian defense ministry. So take any thing with a grain of salt until footage or photos are released. In any case the loss of one piece of aa equipment is hardly anything for Russia. For Ukraine is a massive loss on the other hand.
Wagner leader says the Ukrainian push is on so makes sense that NATOSTAN and its Ukronazis are going all in. They are are attempting to grab any at all headlines they can grab for optics. No worries, sit back and grab some popcorn.
Bakhmut is 95% secured as of this morning.
Russia has been wiping out huge amounts of the Ukrainian army daily in the meat grinders. Bakhmut, Soledar before that and Avdivka, Marinka, Ugladar are grinders; as it’s easier to have them come to the Russians. Russians are over half million strong where ever they need them.
Can you imagine getting in to a Ukrainian jet! Your dead, and I haven’t heard of any choppers anywhere in Eastern Ukraine for last couple weeks.
2022-2023 has revealed what a piece of shit Russian military really is.
@Anders Bäcklund
Beware, Anders, because if you are in Russia, for this free speech comment, from now on you get life imprisonment there. No joke. New russian law Putin did, does exactly that. It’s real evil. See:
Russian senators voted Wednesday to toughen penalties for dissent as if the person in question had spied for a foreign country. The definition of treason now includes criticism of the regime, and someone can even have their citizenship revoked. This would make someone virtually outlawed; a stateless enemy.
Russia’s upper house of parliament, the Federation Council, passed a law increasing the maximum penalty for “high treason” from 20 years to life in prison.
Treason is defined as “discrediting” the Russian military. Thus, Stalinist conditions would once again apply in Russia. At that time, one could receive 25 years in camps for criticism or a joke.
The senators, in their weekly session, also increased the maximum sentences for convictions on “terrorism” and sabotage charges. The bill will become law once it receives Putin’s signature.
(end of quote)
This harsh treatment and criminality of Russian ruling class just underlined how weak and fragile system Russia has now. The whole narrative of Great Patriotic War has been used to brainwash and control young generation Russians.
Both Russian and Ukrainian forces are lacking ammo and have been forced to reduce ammunition monthly consumption. This will likely just lenghten this war for years. Last autumn Russia consumed 10 times more than it could produce. During this spring it has used up to 75% less.
Ako asi ešte dlho budú Banderovci držať mesto Bachmut? Predpokladal som, že mesto bude oslobodené už pred dvoma týždňami. Ale zrejme Ruské vedenie má iný plán. Zrejme sa rozhodli po pomalé ale zato isté a už im aj osvedčené pomalé ničenie Banderovcov. Zakaždým nechajú aby Kyjev vyslal ďalšie Banderovské svine na porážku. A Kyjev ich pravidelne zásobuje. Bolo by dobré dozvedieť sa aký pomer je v tejto oblasti je to 3 ku 1? Alebo je to snáď dokonca viac ako 5 ku 1? Lebo na rýchle vyčistenie by stačilo zhodiť 5 či 10 veľkých bômb a oblasť by bola čistá. V podstate by to Ruské vojská vedeli zrovnať zo zemou. Musí byť zrejme veľmi dobrý dôvod na to, že to tak neurobia. Lebo ako sami vidíme mesto je aj tak už zničené.