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Military Situation In Eastern Aleppo And Southern Raqqah On August 7, 2017 (Map Update)

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This map provides a general look at the military situation in eastern Aleppo and southern Raqqah on August 7, 2017. Government forces are now advancing against ISIS along the Euphrates River.

Military Situation In Eastern Aleppo And Southern Raqqah On August 7, 2017 (Map Update)

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Muslim block of countries have no leader to lead all Muslim countries united towards development and prosperity.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

They are divided by the Sectarian KSA and it’s allies and it is a despotic regime in need of some change. There is no Muslim block as much as you would think , they are mostly reliant on US favoritism in siding with the Dictators who lead those nations the ones they call allies. There is no Arab country that is allied to the West with any kind of leadership qualities like that.


Never trust in US and Israel otherwise you will be in stone era like Turkey and Saudi Arabia. You can trust only in friendly countries.


Like Turkey ? lol have you even seen Turkey ? they are nothing like Saudi Arabia.


Turkey itself is in stone era. They have no defence, no nuclear reactor, no nuclear weapons and no nuclear missiles.

Turkey has some 16 nuclear weapons but those are US property and in US custody. LOL.



So what’s the definition of this stone era? The lack of nuclear reactor ? Lol!


Stone era mean hundred years backward in science and technology and in awareness.


Then turkey ain’t in a stone era


Can you tell me how many ICBM missiles Turkey have made and what is their ranges? How many nuclear weapons Turkey have made and what is their power? How many nuclear reactors Turkey have made and what is their capacity. How many nuclear cities are there in Turkey. This is just one small sector of science and technology. You know there are many things to consider about for example, Commercial jets, See ships and submarines, Steal mills, pharmaceuticals and agriculture industry etc.


There – https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turkey#Science_and_technology – suggest the science and technology section.


I have studied your website of which link you have provided. It is a proof that Turkey is still in stone age.


Which part ?


Why everybody hate Israel so passionately. I happen to accidentally saw video on You tube showing satellite picture of Israel- Egypt border region. Thous people there are the abomination of what we call civilization. They are turning the desert into fertile farm land, draining swamps, have civil services unmatched anywhere in the world literally, health care, Education system, science development and funding, independent military industrial complex top military and I can go like this for hours. All they do is defending it at all cost. You have to respect that surely, in terms of resources they are the poorest in Middle East yet they are the richest and strongest. Have to give them a credit. What the gulf states did with all the free petro-wealth, what societies, culture, progress they brought to the mankind. NONE. They build luxuries Babylon towers, artificial sand Islands and distribute the wealth between the chosen few family members for their own benefit. Instead of progress, they are destroying every secular country and spread Islamist Fundamentalism. In that Sea of hostilities and 8TH century Barbarism, Israel is standing, and daringly looking these Savages in the eyes, ready to snap their neck in the blink of an Eye. I’m starting to change my opinion about Israel

Gary Sellars

“Why everybody hate Israel so passionately.”

Because they are RACIST bastards who has STOLEN the birthright of the Palestinian people and continue to systematically REPRESS them, and MURDER any who resist or fight back. They even go so far as to deny the Palestinian their very identity…

The Nazis had a successful economic and social program and rescued Germany from the pits of Weimar collapse, but does that make them a force for good, or worthy of respect?

Pull your head out your rear end and stop drinking the kool aid.


What this has to do with anything. If you would like to get the Palestinians in to the mix so let it be. The Israel State is LEADER, I’ll repeat that LEADER in science, agriculture techniques and innovation, is liberal society, leader in medicine, art, culture, military and many more. Jews are involved or leading human development and progress in the science, literature, art, culture, medicine, philosophy, economics and financing, trade. They create, develop, progress, evolve constantly. What have Palestinians delivered or contributed to mankind, apart for their existence. The purpose of their existence is their existence. And I can go even further, by saying what the Arab world and civilization have achieved in the last century, nothing apart from, Radical Islamism and Terrorism, poverty,mindset dominated by religion in 21st century. They are reversing the human history back to 8th century. Beheading left and right, burning and destroying everybody that is different than their specific group on large or small scale. They are untolerant toward themselves as well. Why the Arab nations did not shared their wealth with the Palestinians, they did not share their homes with them. No space, no money, no tolerance, what is the real reason. You can stare and try hard to blame others for your misfortunes, but at the end of the day is civilization and existential choice, choice you would have to make soon. Europe is melting pot NoW and soon will have to make it’s own choice. It’s easy to speak about something that is happening away from your home and does not really affect you, how would you react if the existence of your way of life is in jeopardy. Ask yourself wherever you want to live in society like Israel or Egypt for example or Tunisia. There is reason people from those areas try hard to escape and run to Civilization, because those are stagnant nations and failed societies, and on the other side you got people from all over the world moving to Israel. Make no mistake all these people that are settling in Israel got pretty good live in their societies, proven professionals and intellectuals, why they chose Israel. FACT. For thouse of you with short memory, Israel did not started the War in 1949 they finished it.


Wakeup what Zionist have done to this world no body have done before. In our country majority of key institutions like health, defense and security are controlled by Zionist, even our congress is in controlled of Zionist.


Your country is created and build as it is by Zionists. They build and created those institutions, the most powerful economy and companies, they brought all these Finances into your country. USA is Zionist project that is still ongoing, like it or not. Need to be grateful (which your government is completely) that Zionist have created your country, they could have chosen any other place on Earth.


America have been created by their own indigenous dwellers. At that time there was no Zionism. The criminals and terrorists went to America from Europe and start terrorism and butched thousands of people and destroyed their properties. I know their brutalities.


Nope get your facts together. The same genocide was implemented on unseen scale in human history, against indigenous population, the same methods used today in Palestine, same outcome. Don;t answer me do a background research on so called fathers of The American state, the biggest entrepreneurs, scientist, artists you’ll find something in common I’m sure. You are entitle to believe in anything up to you. It’s funny how everyone is screaming in hysteria when it’s about Holocaust of the Jews, but no one mention or is too keen to talk about the genocide of the native Americans, everyone is so hysterical about the Israel settlers on West Bank, but the “American” settlers that were squeezing the life out of Native Americans for 4 centuries seems to be fine. Your double standards don’t stop to amaze me, no one to this date call the Genocide over The Native Americans with it’s real name, noone is studying it, no one is admitting it, no one have apologized to Japan that 300 000 civilians predominantly women and children were nuked and another 300K were incinerated in Napalm raids over Japan. Easy to point and demand from others, but first you need to face your inner self and be open and honest with yourself.


I know US and Israel both are hypocrites.

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