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MARCH 2025

Military Situation In Eastern Qalamoun After Recent Gains By Syrian Army

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Syrian government forces have been successfully developing an advance in eastern Qalamoun. So far, government troops have captured more than 70 square kilometers near the al-Seen Military Airbase.

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies got control over Beir al-Siba, the Mount Sabahiyat and the Rishi, Tal Shahab, al-Sabab Biyar and the Zaza Checkpoint.

The SAA and its allies are now aiming to reach the strategic Busairi crossroads from the both northern and southern directions. By doing this, government troops will prevent a possible militant advanc in the direction of Damascus and will secure the southern flank of the strategic Palmyra-Homs road.

Military Situation In Eastern Qalamoun After Recent Gains By Syrian Army

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Solomon Krupacek

We will see, what will happen. I hope, this move is not too late.



IMO: The pictures appear to be of an Jordanian armored brigade base camp. I think SAA will strike up road 53 next to Busairi. Daesh must be out of supplies and starving by now.

Gary Sellars

Daesh can eat their own dead…



Gary Sellars

Its laughable that the FSA claim the large open expanses of useless desert along the Jordanian and Iraqi borders. They are utterly useless, have no infrastructure, minimal roads (to nowhere), and only serves to scatter their manpower and stretch their logistics.

Once the war is over, the SAA can purge these wretched scumbags from the area. Kill them all, no mercy for traitors..


yeah bunch of desert areas and even volcanos apparently lol. The thing is not that its desert, just that there are not any notable gas,oil, or mineral mines there. So that particular area up to tanf is really useless in long term lol, except that its still border with iraq so important militarily anyway.

Solomon Krupacek

you are extremly stupid, man!!! there are mines, roads. and block the whole iraqi border. no help from PMU!!! finally, where these rats are, always can come american soldiers.


He meant its not important as much as an aleppo or idlib or even palmyra/dez desert areas which have oil

Solomon Krupacek

much more important. such block the movement of enemy from abroad.


They are still important militarily. But they have no resource value. The joke is the fsa take barren land easily but defended towns or villages they suck. Unless its nusra helping them

Solomon Krupacek

bullshit. there were no enemies. 2-3000 soldiers were enough. and after 1st retaking of ppalmyra there was enough manpower in that region.


Dude are u like this everyday? Chill the fuck out. Calm down, you are like rabid dog. Ppl have opinions and theres no need for that. There is manpower issue of the saa otherwise dont you think they would have done it then? As if the government would leave any syrian land one minute longer in the hands of foreigners if it could really do something about it…. priorities first. And we are talking about fsa, not saa.

Solomon Krupacek

i am nor nervous. but yes, it is very important to repeat the truth. the saa ic a corrupt organisation, i do not trust them. make lott of bog, bog mistakes. and manpower problem??? there are 10.7 million inhabitants under assad. he has >1 million man in reserve… youm, syrians are simply cowards and do not want to fight. it is shame, that some hundreds of jihdists rue in southern syria. and i will this repeat every day. if you are not able to read constructive critics, go away.


I never heard you say that. Not to me at least. Take a drink man or go for some fresh air LOL

Maybe they are corrupt. Its a huge organisation. But they multiple fronts and tens of thousands of cockroaches to take care of. Its easier said than done, behind a keyboard.

Solomon Krupacek

1 more thing. there is war. no excuses are accepted, if you want win the war.

Gary Sellars

GFY joo boi… stupid? Mate, that is your middle name in big fecking CAPITAL letters…


They better act quick. It’s anyone’s for the taking, if the FSA link up with the western pocket, that will be a massive problem for the eastern ghouta pocket and like a domino effect, screw up other fronts and leave us with an even slower path to final victory.

El Diablo

But…to attack directly the north of east Qalamun pocket? Is not simpler? :D

Wahid Algiers

Clashes are ongoing there, but it is now more important to secure the crossing of 2 and 45 and to cut off FSA from any supplies. SAA want to be alone with ISIS in Busair.


Trustin where are you? Please give us some observations…

Solomon Krupacek

he is stupid. always wrote me, this area is not importatnt and i am wrong.



Solomon Krupacek

i do not know why? he is preferring his irreal and minimalistic goals. he and his company can not see 3 steps fprward. trustin is maximally happy, that 3rd year in hama stopped the jihadists. for him is not important, that during 3 years there were no gains for SAA. and when in idlib goe turkey, americans he will be surprised. long tinme ago i wrote, the road 90 is essential. and the territory between thios line and jordan. to block the border and block the smuggling of weapons, armor. when palmyra was taken 1st time, the removal of forces could happen in this way. the territory betweem salaiyah and palmyra will remain, does not run away. but to block the borders is much more important. today is too late, everything control americans. and also idlib is slowly, but sure lost. :( SAA act as would be timie billionair. but it is not. just opposite.


I got your point and agree. But still one big problem for SAA that is shortage of soldiers. Road 90 is important and BIG question is why SAA didn’t made some progress in that area before. Everybody could see that Al Busayri crossroad ic CRUTIAL here. And it was crutial for very long time and SAA wasn’t react. Now they reacted when FSA take iniciative and like you said maybe it is to late now. I hope not. And regarding Trustin, he used to have fresh infos, so that why i mentioned him to give us observations and maybe more details of current SAA actions in this very important region.


Main reason of war: Qatar->Syria->Turkey->Europe …gas pipeline.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FSkmtpQen2o


yupp. I see 3 main reasons for this war

(1) The oil pipeline, which turkey and US had been trying for years prior to the ‘Arab Spring’ to convince Assad to let them pass it through his country. Erdoghan and his wife, and all sorts of US ambassadors, had been meeting up in damascus with assad for years. But since Assad said no to protect the interests of Russian and Gazprom like the loyal guy he is, they threw a tantrum like babies and decided to use the Arab Spring protests as an excuse to invade, overthrow and install their loyal puppet which would give permission for the pipeline. (2) Strategic interest: Russia’s only naval base in the Mediterranean. Nuff said, but that is a HUGE point. (3) Also strategic: The mainland linking iran/iraq to lebanon/palestine, the 2 resistance axis major blocks.


Totaly agree. My opinion is those 3 facts you mentioned had influence on the war in percentage: 1) 30 % ; 2) 50 % 3) 20 %


Well said man, thanks.

JN Beehay

it’s in the best interest of Europe to buy their gas and oil from Russia rather than from Qatar or the likes. The money given to these countries goes to international terrorism. If terrorism is to be eradicated, the strategic focus should be on strangling their financial sources.

Also don’t forget that oil bought from gulf countries keeps petrodollars in motion, hence increases the power of the US over European countries. The real independency for the EU passes through energy production. An European partnership with Russia will strenghten (enormously) both parts and loose the grip the US (hence zionists and masons) have over Europe.

Solomon Krupacek

interest of europe is diversity

JN Beehay

not at the cost of terrorism

Solomon Krupacek

but yes.

russian masochistic way is to be dependent on 1 product.

european, intelligent way is not be dependent on 1 country. europe bought also in cold war from enemy SU gas. each dollar went to soviet army. and? won the cold war. and we will win also the war with islam extremism. otherwise, in russia there are more moslems, more islamic terrorists.


Only according to jews https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/53330be3d1f17108e9793f65d46f1cb4621a7b653cece242e8cd499ce08663d3.jpg

Solomon Krupacek

please admin, kock out his fasistic pig.

on holy day for russia propagetes antisemitic, hitleristic ideas.


Not all europeans want a “multicultural”, globalist-controlled EU superstate, you fucking cuck.

Solomon Krupacek

fucking cuck is your father:DDD

imbecile, i wrote about EU. do not put imn my mouth your shitty words about superstate!!

and i did not write any word about multicultural, i wrote about diversification of resources.

finish firts the elementary school, after that come here to debate with adults.

Gary Sellars

STFU buddy… who made you Fuhrer?


Whats wrong with antisemitic ideas? XD … you dont support bibi and zionism now do you? And the jews wanna force multicultural and diversity BS on us? Yeah lulz why dont they take a look at their apartheid country and their palestinian genocide and their treatment of blacks and other non- ‘chosen ones’ first b4 pushing that agenda onto europe …. fukkin israhell

Solomon Krupacek

antisemitism is hateful iedology. also in russia, if somebody agitates against whole nation, religion, race, belongs to prison



Solomon Krupacek

zionism = fascism = communism = antihuman





Solomon Krupacek

salam is the original. shalom is dialect.



Solomon Krupacek

i do not now, why do you give me such pictures. i am not jew, ia am not israeli. you are simply sick.



Solomon Krupacek

boy, take your pills. we discussed about something else.


Shia crescent is a huge threat to the “you know whos” https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/333250f6ac7d796fbf22d940de3a1a3aed57e8753c5d629f26b61974c5084593.jpg

Solomon Krupacek

why crescent? if xou color the whole territories, you get wedge


The plan https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/fe0178a77e5b7ad42dd941dfd59fa151b1155154400fa87ead2fee0a6215f331.png

Solomon Krupacek

i do not know bor, but greater iran??? greatesr jordan? and the same IL???


Seems the SAA high command has its head on straight since they retook palmyra for the 2nd time. They are taking the east hama uqayribat pocket, this pocket east of quraytayn and south towards dumayr, and pushing north/east from palmyra to sukhnah while protecting their flanks and having huge bufferzones everywhere. Also seemingly joining uqayribat with the area further northeast to ithriya / saan / sheikh hilal and then to maskanah / khanasser which by then will be hopefully joined the jirah / deir hafer pocket. A solid plan for now. Which will divide east and west pockets of the SAA and ensure better success in the long term. And it has to start from palmyra and deir hafer directions.

Bravo, well done! And thanks to Russia and Iran for their help in all of this!

John Mason

Syria’s main problem is the US, UK and Jordanian military buid up in Jordan near Syrian border, apparently they have plans to invade and occupy southern Syria with intentions to divide Syria. If so, wonder if Iran and Russia will fight for Syrian sovereignty and integrity.


Thats why they started the push from there to DEZ, its a race atm.


The fact that the safe zones don’t include areas near Jordan and Iraqi border is not a coincidence. Those parts can and will be bombed mercilessly. And if a US SOF soldier becomes collateral damage – $hit happens…


Russia won’t fight for Syrian integrity as it didn’t fight for it in the first place. For example never helped with Tabqa 2016 offensive which was the last chance to capture Raqqah. On the other side it will help to divide Syria in 3 (or 4) interest zones as was the case with Bosnia and Dayton agreement or post WW2 Germany/Berlin.


If thats what it takes to prevent WW3, I am sure Bashar won’t complain. But to say Russia isn’t helping or trying …..


It might be correct, there are a lot of particulary interest, but Russia is only country fighting on the right side. About Bosnia- in BiH there is no oil, no gas, no nothing..

John Mason

At that time, Russia was going through internal turmoil and was in no position to interfere. Situation with Libya, Putin had no say at the time because he was only the Prime Minister. Medvedev was and he is a confirmed Antlanticist.

John Mason

Having the same nagging thoughts as you especially that there is a meeting between Lavrov, Tillerson and The Tramp. Deals could be made and Syria could be the sacraficial lamb. Sincerely hope not, if so, Russia is only prolonging the inevitable and that is US/NATO invasion on Russia.


The best and only solution must be to send the Russian troops in Syria. Those military advisers are not enough.

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