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Military Situation In Eastern Syria On December 10, 2017 (Map Update)

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The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and Hezbollah have liberated 2,000 km from ISIS in the  area between the T2 Pumping Station and the city of al-Mayadin in eastern Syria. The advance is a part of a wider effort to liberate the entire Homs desert from members of the terrorist group. MORE HERE

Military Situation In Eastern Syria On December 10, 2017 (Map Update)

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Richard M

Daesh are just rabbits trying to outrun snowmobiles now.


Meanwhile, one important piece of news is not being reported. More defection from SDF are being reported. This is making the SDF vulnerable to ISIS. Good for the SDF that they signed a peace treaty with ISIS.

Who would sign a peace treaty with a terrorist organization in his territory when they are clearly being defeated? Unless the SDF doesn’t really care about it’s country and has its own agenda. That for example will make the SDF very vulnerable to the local population. The only way for the short term survival of the SDF is to become a terrorist organization thus providing an excuse to the US to stay in Syria. No way around it for the US.

Walter White

There cant be many ISIS fighters in the desert but best to clear every square meter of desert to make sure :( good job SAA and allies :)


Actually, there are easily hundreds, maybe over a thousand Isis fighters in this pocket.

They might be able to break out and escape to the region around al Tanf in hopes of refuge.


nice choice of avatar man:) Pantera is the best sh*t evr collided with music industry


In the beginning of Syrian and Iraqi war America invested trillion US dollars on Al-Qaeda terrorists but at the end SAA and their allies defeated them. Then America invested trillion of US dollars on ISIS terrorists but SAA and their allies also defeated them. Then America invested trillion of US dollars on SDF, YPG etc but their position is also look fragile why because SDF, YPG etc should have to be completely consists of Kurds but there are Kurds are in minority and Arabs are in majority. So again US fail strategy. When God keep a country integrated then no powers can divide it.


^ lol this guy and his America paranoia


Rob lives in reality though Vidura,whereas you live in the fantasy bubble of American Exceptionalism.

Gary Sellars

Go away Murican clown.


Kurds are majority in SDF. I doubt they spent 1 trillion for each group. Don’t forget each group funded itself with oil and gas reserves that even the Syrians bought off them. Lets not forget that this war was mainly funded by Saudi Arabia, Qatar and uae. 3 of the richest nations in the world. So Rob, stop bullshitting people please. You do this site a disservice with ur lack of knowledge. I hate USA too but pls, u sound like a God damn fool when u make these comments. Change it to billions not trillions. Change it to KSA, QATAR AND UAE. USA funded too but probably did pay fighters. Fighters were trained by USA tho. Fighters were paid by the Arab nations and Syrian and Iraqi oil sales.


My comments are authentic because I see that how much weapons goes from where and how.


i thought that sdf was 50% ypg-kurds and 50% moderate opposition (laughing) arabs


Erdogan should have to defend Palestine not America and Israhell. Erdogan should have to lead the Muslim world and to kick out US ambassador from Turkey. Cut diplomatic relations with America and Israhell. America and Israhell creating problems in the world. The Muslim first Qabla is in threat. What Erdogan is looking for.


Erdi is an mentally unstable fasist ,nothing more. He will lead his country to destruction slowly and then face the fate of all previous dictators around the world.


According to Lebanese media, some protesters are demanding that kick out the US Ambassador from Lebanon. I think this is so reasonable treatment of US ambassador. This is tit for tat. I think all Muslim countries should follow Lebanon because their first Qabla is in threat.

Fernando Silva

ends with them saa

Hide Behind

Sorry folks but the US Empire is exceptional,; they act and rest react. They make world’s reality, which is all possible because almost all nations live under enclosed fantacies,; self imposed mostly,but always manipulated by a minority of their own. Not saying there is a bit of difference between what American people perceive of reality is any different than what most people’s worldview We in US may have bred a hell of a lot more clinicly insane % wise. We have not a minority but instead of % being low of knowingly supporting and being a part of ruling aristocricy, 28%, there also is just as fanatical group, some 80%, as any Islamic jihadist group, CHRISTIAN ZIONIST. The whole of North America, Mexico, US and Canada have , being primarily white and wanna be white peoples, have never as a nation had to pay or even seen the chaos their nations have caused. Better yet they have so long, generations of being told how good they have it and it is because they are good. Let us not forget US controls every Eurocentrics, most all of Africa, Central and South Americas nations foreign affairs and economic systems. That their leaders andXEO STRAUSS minority of elite leadership knows this and it is in their personal interest to keep that reality from public knowledge is understandable. What good is nationalism if people realize they have no nation and that their rulers are but lackeys to international interest. SO yes US and a very few worldwide elites have exceptional abilities, they have complete control over 150 nations, and the remaining nations are fighting to survive becoming the next casualties of Empire expansion. STUDY LEO STRAUSS. THEY DID.

John Brown

You are dreaming about 1995, today in 2017 the racist supremacist global Jewish confederate slave empire is losing everywhere militarily and economically and is bankrupt. the collapse can happen any day now tomorrow or next year I give it 3 years at most. I wonder what daily life will be like for the Goyim slaves of the racist supremacist global Jewish confederate slave empire when they have and inflation rate of 800% plus???

Hide Behind

It will make little or no difference upon elites power structures no matter the economic status of nations or peoples, lower currency to only 1% of todays values and the elites remain still in cotrol, all the powers intact and still owners of 98% of world’s resources. Nor will it make difference what religion those of Zionist oppress their own today as their ancestral roots did. Israel itself can utterly destroy all of ME, Iran included and still survive as their adherents are worlwide.

John Brown

Totally wrong and you are obviously a racist supremacist Jew or a Shabas Goyim. If what you are saying were true racist Jews would have nuked all long ago. Its a racist supremacist global Jewish confederate slave empire with the emphasis on slaves. Without their slaves to do all their bidding, work and fighting etc. for them your master Jewish race is nothing. Part 1 See good video examples of proof. Shouldn’t it be The Guardian, the BBC or The Daily Telegraph that look into these matters? Why aren’t they? Stop Everything You Do and Watch This!!! January 11, 2017 / Gilad Atzmon Al Jazeera Investigations – The Lobby EP 1-4 http://www.gilad.co.uk/writ… So that you learn how Israel and its Lobby are plotting against Britain and the Brits. So you learn about our treacherous MPs who are shamelessly serving a foreign state and its foreign interests. Ask yourself, how is it that the most important news about the institutional betrayal of our political system is delivered to us by a Qatar TV network? Shouln’t it be The Guardian, the BBC or The Daily Telegraph that look into these matters? Is it a coincidence? The Israeli Embassy told us that Shai Masot was a junior employee. Watch this video and judge for yourself, he seems to run the entire Labour Party. Britain must probe the activity of the Jewish Lobby and the Israeli Embassy immediately !!! And if you want to understand why this plot is embedded in Jewish culture just read this Full video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUc0VoNYjyA The Lobby P1: https://youtu.be/ceCOhdgRBoc The Lobby P2: https://youtu.be/Vuk1EhkEctE The Lobby P3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3dn-VV3czc The Lobby P4: The Takedown https://youtu.be/pddH2sfNKNY https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/65272ba33698043a57e8677e4dfb9b290550d79a0d39a7be6eeff14a12a9f86e.jpg

Hide Behind

You know me not. I Do not, at least try hard not to, begin with any bias of my own, I observe what today’s facts are and figure where else in history those facts may point to trends that are applicable today. History is an ignoble bitch, it cares not of morals, number of God’s that come and go, how many billions die in wars, famine, disease, raise or fall, cultures either adapt or become extinct. It is up to mankind to learn from the past in order to survive, and why whine woe is me and place blame upon others who have adapted, fate placed you wherever you are at. At this time in mankinds history the backwardness,( lack of technological and political sophistication) of many people’s and cultures is leading to their demise. Political actions lead to economic actions, that as we being not the ones who have mastered such changes, are but chafe caught in historical crosswinds. That one of world’s most cohesive groups with historical roots going back thousands of years has learned how not only to adapt to world’s condition but ways of keeping such a cohesive culture intact is to their credit. The weak do not survive, and being losers of history in the full context do not matter. Instead of looking at why Israel and it’s socio-economic culture is so strong and learning from it most of world’s people’s still exist at the whims of fate. There are no real trends that point to a demise of Israeli power, quite the opposite in fact, THERE ARE NO TRENDS POINTING TO THE DEMISE OF WHITE EUROCENTRIC POWERS EITHER. OTHER NATIONS, RACIAL , ANDRELIGIOUS ORGS, ARE BUT STRIVING TO EMULATE AND JOINING TO SHARE THOSE POWERS. The losses of millions of central Asians, ME and African lives these past ten years matter no more to history than the 10’s of millions killed in SE Asia by those same Eurocentric nations. Oh by the way Israel refused to join US led attacks during DR Asia invasions. Their answer to such a request was: “Why should they be concerned, it was just goyim killing goyim.”

John Brown

Hide behind. there is a big problem with your disinfo lies. You never present any facts which proves they are lies and it is also very easy to prove with real facts they are lies until your to Racist supremacist global Jewish confederate slave empire masters ban the internet. Don’t worry they are working on it ASAP. See Congress forced to sign loyalty oath to Racist supremacist global Jewish confederate slave empire masters if they want to continue to be members of congress. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImFMcbF2MYY

Will you admit on this board now with a post that the Talmud, Torah and Kaballah are all wrong and in sin, a great sin against god, when they say that god did not create Jews and non Jews as equals in the eyes of god and that Goyims are equal to Jews in the eyes of god and Jews are not superior genetically, spiritually, not chosen and not better then Goyims in any way in gods eyes? and that all men are brothers in the eyes of god??? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2ba743d3099a50a48552252e6612f90f6010badbb32239d63c34e24fa6f013ba.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/942928e4a2d7f53201f69fd469a245125e1da4dd5e27cae3a20a128041ee71d4.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f1524003ca53343e9fe2a1bebaa2d60329325dc88d3d29bc551dbc771fc32958.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b3388358879d49f26c655ba0eef38cb4b339280231c5d873b1f1c6eeff8d904b.jpg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2fyROhUxcI https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/65272ba33698043a57e8677e4dfb9 b290550d79a0d39a7be6eeff14a12a9f86e.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7893b725a257adba9a9468bab8686b5f4e8690465821609319e72e9d2fe83901.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1d056044aa631c59907a6b36af23b22e4c6e6b882780a067650c93c87f295244.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/02a4d449d36fb99e125fb879317ec279f8e9f73b523535368b27f226dab9469f.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9f0fb6ae3ab8cf99bc7e11b4e52f821478c1219e3c7ad20eda4ce058baf6fdef.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ad5ee0d0d5febec51af46f04527884ae1c81f7e20aab7b3cd93269ebf07c575a.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1d056044aa631c59907a6b36af23b22e4c6 https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/57ccaf45f334c4c8eb85e0876f917e3eab8d243c2c6fbb0c4e17892fe78cad2c.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9f0fb6ae3ab8cf99bc7e11b4e52f821478c1219e3c7ad20eda4ce058baf6fdef.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3e11a5550681c285238f67a00a8a3731d95f23297cf61d52fcbce8dc566877d0.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/63b12837b62873fed17ea93250ad04a3ea359313567b42ab4e453a78dc81dadb.jpg Jews Selling Blacks: Slave Sale Advertising by American Jews https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqzDSrR4L4w

Hide Behind

When one talks of and then for their God (s) and against others God (s) I always reply from my Gramps advice: “Sonny Boy, let fools argue over their religions God and never enter into their foolishness. If they persist tell them, next time your God is around send he/she/it and let them talk for themselves” PSSST, I have a Masters in Ancient M.E and Mesopotamian religions, minor degrees in both anthropology and archaeology, and published of pre-Renaissance era of how Abrahamic RELIGIOUS BELIEFS,changed.(As did their God (s). All religions, and those who adhere to them, have always and still today lie, and even a fool should know that. I care not what religion, race, creed or nationality one may hide behind, the actions of those are what become historical facts. I am at present studying Philosophy, because history is holistic and events, much like a Butterflys wings movements as it perfumes its wings among the flowers, affect the winds of change. Stolen from ancient Yemesi poem. What you best try is to enter research without your own bias, and reach outside of the obvious , into the “Why” of all human interactions.

John Brown

Part 2 See good video examples of proof. Shouldn’t it be The Guardian, the BBC or The Daily Telegraph that look into these matters? Why aren’t they? Stop Everything You Do and Watch This!!! January 11, 2017 / Gilad Atzmon Al Jazeera Investigations – The Lobby EP 1-4 http://www.gilad.co.uk/writings/2017/1/11/stop-everything-you-do-and-watch-this So that you learn how Israel and its Lobby are plotting against Britain and the Brits. So you learn about our treacherous MPs who are shamelessly serving a foreign state and its foreign interests. Ask yourself, how is it that the most important news about the institutional betrayal of our political system is delivered to us by a Qatar TV network? Shouln’t it be The Guardian, the BBC or The Daily Telegraph that look into these matters? Is it a coincidence? The Israeli Embassy told us that Shai Masot was a junior employee. Watch this video and judge for yourself, he seems to run the entire Labour Party. Britain must probe the activity of the Jewish Lobby and the Israeli Embassy immediately !!! And if you want to understand why this plot is embedded in Jewish culture just read this. http://www.gilad.co.uk/writings/2017/1/11/the-plot-against-britain Full video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUc0VoNYjyA The Lobby P1: https://youtu.be/ceCOhdgRBoc The Lobby P2: https://youtu.be/Vuk1EhkEctE The Lobby P3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3dn-VV3czc The Lobby P4: The Takedown https://youtu.be/pddH2sfNKNY https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9f0fb6ae3ab8cf99bc7e11b4e52f821478c1219e3c7ad20eda4ce058baf6fdef.jpg

John Brown

Part 3 This Al Jazeria investigation has dealt a massive blow to the racist supremacist Zionist global empire and its propaganda by exposing it for what it is. Evil needs darkness and dies under the light of day and transparency. While watching part 2 you may want to ask yourself why the Jewish lobby and Israel are so influential within the Left and the Labour movement, is it really a coincidence? The Lobby P3: An Anti-Semitic Trope https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3dn-VV3czc Then you watch Part 3 you may want to ask yourself what is it that drives the Shabbos Goy within the labour party and beyond? Is it greed? Is it power seeking? What is it that pushes Brits to become servants of a foreign despotic state? Al Jazeera Investigations: The Lobby P4: The Takedown https://youtu.be/pddH2sfNKNY Full video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUc0VoNYjyA When you watch this final episode you must ask yourself how is it possible that British media has remained silent? Would it also stay silent if Shai Masot was a Russian or an Iranian’s agent? Asking the above questions may suggest that you are at the footstep of the understanding of Jewish Power and its negative impact on our society. The Lobby P1: https://youtu.be/ceCOhdgRBoc The Lobby P2: https://youtu.be/Vuk1EhkEctE What drives is it that drives the Shabbos Goy? if they are not a racist supremacist Jews? Is it greed? Is it power seeking? What is it that pushes people like to become servants of a foreign despotic state? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ad5ee0d0d5febec51af46f04527884ae1c81f7e20aab7b3cd93269ebf07c575a.jpg

John Brown

Part 4 Below great video confession explained in great detail by a racist supremacist Jew; of the racist, supremacist, Jewish, dictatorship;,global, slave, empire of the chosen, racially superior, master, Jewish race and why Jews are the chosen, racially superior, master, Jewish race to rule the world in a global, dictatorship, slave, empire. The following is a lecture by Rabbi David Bar-Hayim whose biography, and gently smiling face, you can find on Wikipedia. For our purposes, just the first paragraph will be enough. It says that Bar-Hayim is an “Israeli Orthodox rabbi who heads the Shilo Institute (Machon Shilo), a Jerusalem-based rabbinical court and institute of Jewish education dedicated to the Torah of Israel”. Not a lightweight by any means, and a man with established credentials.I strongly encourage you to take the time to carefully listen to his entire lecture (1h47m) to not only convince yourself that my chosen excerpts are not partial or taken out of context, but also to get an emotional “feel” for the man who not only is an articulate speaker who is clearly used to teaching, but who also conveys a coherent picture of a man who gave these topics a great deal of thought and who has to courage to call things by their names rather than to “remain silent” like so many of his “politically correct” colleges. See this link for the confession http://www.myvi.ru/watch/Why-are-the-Rabbis-Silent-about-Gaza_RMl1JJ_ftUy7fjzY7Ehgug2 Full video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUc0VoNYjyA The Lobby P1: https://youtu.be/ceCOhdgRBoc The Lobby P2: https://youtu.be/Vuk1EhkEctE The Lobby P3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3dn-VV3czc The Lobby P4: The Takedown https://youtu.be/pddH2sfNKNY 7892fe78cad2c.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8c6bb81f8503e32d45effa246dbfedeb7dc94b83dc1f1dbc169691936f8b345b.jpg


M Qaddafi Net Wealth was US $200 Billion. Saddam Hussain net wealth was US $2 Billion. Saudi Arabia King Salman, US $18 billion Yemen Ali Abdullah Saleh Net wealth US $64 Billion, Pakistan Nawaz Sharif Net wealth US $1.4 Billion Egypt Hosni Mubarak Net wealth US $70 Billion

The Egyptian president was great friend of America and Israhell. He was a head of Egyptian army but nobody could saved him even his own wealth.

These leaders did not spent money on their own poor nation or they had not invested that money on industries and education in their own countries but had given to America and Europe.

Their nation now don’t have clean drinking water, roof on their heads, food and health facilities and jobs. These are the reasons that nobody have supported them.

Now where are Saddam Hussain, Ali Abdullah Saleh, Muammar Qaddafi all had billions of US dollars but people don’t learn lesson from them. They have had properties and businesses in America and in Europe but all left there.

Barack Obama and David Cameron net wealth is in million US dollars because they know that we cannot carry this wealth to the grave with us but in Muslim world there is competition of wealth and their nation are dying due to starvation, diseases and other many issues. God protect all world nations from corrupt leaders. Ameen


I see that SDF gives ISIS a free ride.

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