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Military Situation In Eastern Ukraine, Izyum-Severodonetsk On April 28, 2022 (Map Update)

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Military Situation In Eastern Ukraine, Izyum-Severodonetsk On April 28, 2022 (Map Update)

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USA Evil Empire

USA and all its vassals vs Russia.

hans raus dead

You are only going to suck 260.000 Yankee dicks in your brothel until you die from countless STDs and other diseases you dumb cocksucking bitch


Usa and its minions….the blind mice

Ashok Varma

Despite pouring in billions in weapons, latest CIA assessment is not promising. With oil exports strong in April, Russian President Vladimir Putin has managed to avoid economic ruin while hammering Ukraine and now looks like winning the war and securing Russian objectives. Russian military has stubbornly and methodically wiped out the UAF and its Nazi allies.


Russia should make out well later this year from the ludicrous food price surge in second half of the year. This is almost guaranteed given that Ukr agriculture is going to have a short growing season and reduced land due to azov and junta forces mining all sorts of areas, plus in other breadbasket regions of the world we have climate change driven agriculture disasters.

First example is California in its ever worsening mega drought and water resource mismanagement. That is going to cost its farmers no shortage of frustration.


Sadly I experienced the desolution of the USSR. I’m happy to experience the collapse of the USA.


It won’t be pretty or fun, but anything is better than having satanist psychopaths rule over you and rape the people of our world.

don' t worry

Watched the observertions of Alexander Mercorious yesterday, things will work out fine with all the backlash of the sanctions. Besides the fact taht it hurts the west very painful, russia will arise and grow in prosperity in unbelievable dimensions.



71rub to the dolla,russia power simply way too strong,usa is just the scamma senile gimp.

Ashok Varma

Indian RAW and Iranians who are on the ground with Russian forces estimate that Russia has barely suffered 5,700 fatalities and about 9,000 wounded but literally wiped out the largest military in ex-USSR and liberated an area bigger than UK, Ireland and Netherlands combined and the Red Army is not even done yet. The Russians are tough tenacious and adaptable fighters JAI RUS!

Last edited 2 years ago by Ashok Varma

Red Army is Rothschild Army. You communist face-cunt ! You are praising Satan, and think he will come liberate you !?

Both sides USA,EU as well as RU and China are controlled by the jewish satanists. And you dumb think by cheering your dungeon keeper’s actions, you’ll get treated better in the future, getting freedom and prosperity ? Bullshit ! Wake up crook ! You got cheated ! The jews want all non-jews to fight each other to the point of total exhaustion, and make trillions of all the bloodshed. And then at the end, they will come, with all the money they stole, and present themselves and their new leader as the saviour of the world. This guy then will miraculously be able to bring peace to all the world, create stable world government (of course under jewish control) and make us all slaves of their satanist JWO/NWO world dictatorship. China is the JWO/NWO authoritarian model state for what the jews are planning to transform the whole world into.

That’s their simple plan, and you are obviously so completely dumb that you not see, that with your comments you’re running fullly into their cheat-made trap, praising their stupid-wars, and havocing of foreign countries. You are praising war, murder and evil. What a disgusting grotesque little worm are you, to not vomit all day and night for the foul deeds you do !!?

Last edited 2 years ago by Sörenson
Pamfil Military Academy

These numbers are EXACTLY what my military academy stay for. The casualties ratio are in a big favor for Russia and are improving day by day. Also they not only take lot of prisoners but also a lot of all those western weapons as trophies. Telegram is full of them. I think already 15% of them are in russian hands. JAI Rus ! Traiasca Rusia !


No you shant,they were never yours to ever start with and you will be defeated poofta!

John Titor

When the liberals send us their shills, they’re not sending their best. Or maybe they do, but their IQ is so low you can’t really tell.

Mariupol was 100% liberated



where is wali the “alive” canadian sniper ??

hans raus

,,WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden on Thursday asked Congress to pass a proposed $33 billion Ukraine aid package, including more than $20 billion in military aid and other security assistance. ”


Russia is done

Last edited 2 years ago by hans raus

The funny this is that all these $33b will stay in USA. Not a dollar will go to Ukraine. Ukraine will receive some junk (almost expired/decommissioned) and Ukraine will have to pay it off for next 50-100 years (lend-lease act).

Politicians in Kiev are complete nuts

Last edited 2 years ago by good4u

Politicians in DC are no better.

John Titor

Even 100% of it wasn’t enough to stop the talibans. You western apologists have to be special needs children to still fail to learn from that. It happened less than 2 years ago :^)


#WarMongers #BloodThirsty rats

hans raus dead

2.600.000 Russian soldiers played with your grandma :D

Pity they didn’t improved your genetics tho. it must have been some dog from Ukraine who eventually fertilized her butt… and here you are dumb dog turd stinking as always.

Putin’s Bane

Is Belgorod still under Russian control?

jens holm

Your mama is.


Where is Wali, the “Alive” Canadian Sniper ??? Where is Wali you Imbecile ??

Arzt Injektion

Dude, why did you list all this? Do you think quantity matters when you have lost your best troops? Do you think throwing in a Frankenstein’s smorgasbord of armaments from dozen’s of countries is helpful to an army? Do you think it works? You know the Ukrainians are only really trained on Soviet Type Systems. You know you also need spare parts, maintenance and repairs. Where is the facilities to do the repairs? Right now Ukraine has to ship its tanks to the Czech Republic to be repaired. Where will the repairs be carried out for these foreign armaments.

I guess it makes people feel good to think Ukraine is getting all this and it will somehow make it a difference. It won’t.


This is a proxy war, USA/UK have admitted publicly that their goal is to keep this war going as long as possible in order to weaken Russia and drain it militarily hoping for some kind of Russian revolution to get rid of Putin !! They ready realized that they fucked up but it will go on as long as Russia wants it to go on !!

drew cuurah

Makes the banker feel real good.

hans raus

I decided to stop with shitty trolling here 20 hours every day and to join LGBTNATO volunteers! I packed my pink dildo and my barbie dolls and I’m going to Lvov tomorrow to kill some Ruskies.

Saliva cUckraine!


All this money hei g wasted for a bunch of looser Natzis is utterly senseless. It appears that Putin has been right all along, as to the bio labs sndvthe denatizifacation of ukrain. Buy the way here in Detroit Michigan USA we cannot even drive on our roads here with out falling into pot holes . He’ll the roads in bombed out Ukraine are in better shape then ours are here.

Im so gladd this current administration is sending 14 billion to Ukraine, we surly don’t need it here?. Especially to repair our own Infrastructure roads bridges, etc. What a fn joke this nation country is im sorry to say that we ever believed in American !.

So ill start pledging my alliances to the V Russia at least they take care, of their own country and people. Don’t recall seeing destroyed roads bridges in Russia like it is here in Detroit

Bobby Twoshoes

I personally think the biolabs have something to do with the level of retardation we are seeing from Ukraine and the rest of the Empire. They’ve just been calling us Nazis for not injecting ourselves with poison and now we’re supposed to give up what freedom we have left so actual Nazis can eat people on Tik Tok?

Michigan Man

Come on ! “Nazis” have absolutely nothing to do with all of this. In WW2 and ever since USA and Russia are controlled by jews ! Not by “Nazis”. The National Socialist were the only true force fighting the jews and their satanist agenda, which is why everybody who is not praising jews and judaism is since then labelled by the jewish world-wide medias in West and East as “Evil” and of course “Nazi”.

It is not the “Nazis” letting rot the roads in Detroit, it is not the “Nazis” trying to force the people of the world into accepting to get injected with deadly poison, no, it is JEWISH MEDIAS, Jewish pharmaceutical conglomerats, jewish politicians and jewish juristication. So wake up ! Do not fall to their traps !

National socialists are creators, they build bridges, houses, machines etc. They have strong ties to nature and family, but hate artificial shit like LGTBQ nonsense, electro-cars, total digitalizing of the world, internationalism, pedophiles, feminism or buying potatos or tomatos from China when you can easily grow them at home as well. No jewish madness they allow. National Socialists want their own as well as other people and nations to prosper and do friendly business with them. But they not tolerate jews or other criminals to disrupt, forbid, sanction or smear their freedom and peace, resp. their god given rights and will expell or kill every satanic jew trying to usurpate or infiltrate into their realms and actions.

That is why Jews hate nothing and nobody more than National Socialist Germany and true upright national socialists. Below that (in jewish hate ranking), come the ordinary upright nationalists from all around the world like iraqi nationalist like former Saddam Hussein government and the iraqi resistance factions (like 1920 Revolutionary Brigades, Jaish al Naqshabandia, Jaish al Rashideen etc.), as well as the true ukrainian nationalist factions from around the world like the turkish grey wolves and related. (Which is why they want to exterminate them. Zelensky did not put by mistake these factions in such an exposed outpost position like in Mariupol – it is because he and his jews are fearing them, and want to get rid of them).

Money is drained from the US and European taxpayers to feed the war in ukraine, or for asylum seekers which are falsely claimed by jewish propaganda to be the result of eighter US or RU policies when in fact it is the result of jewish terror policies all around the world, with US and russian politics being just parts of this much bigger thing. The jewish plan to flood USA and EU with toxic stupid and aggressive migrants from all over the world in order to stir up chaos, civil war and bloodshed inside these places is no coincidence or strange result of sudden wars, but of carefully planned jewish criminal operations and hidden world-wide satanic politics.

Last edited 2 years ago by Michigan Man

Everything you state is of course correct. In Russia, they call anyone who opposes Russians a Nazi. I agree that it is not the correct term at all, but for lack of a better one, it appears we are stuck with it.

Eliminating Jewry and Bolshevism was a noble goal. The Germans should have stuck with those two and left the racial supremacy aside. Had they done so, most Slavs would have been with them, including Russian ones.

Arzt Injektion

It is important to know who the true enemy of all mankind is. Jesus told us by the Synagogue of Satan. Our enemy is the not The Russian, Ukrainian, American, or Poles. It is the one in the shadows that manipulates peoples and nations to destroy each other. https://www.bitchute.com/video/9BwlPcotX7ec/

Michigan Man

Yes, it’s absolutely right what you say. SYNAGOGUE of Satan – that’s what Jesus said. And we all know which pedophile satanist cult, calls itself “a religion” today and is using SYNAGOGUES to meet and hold their satanic rituals and demon prayings. A hint to everybody who still not gets the solution. It’s not the Christin or the Muslims, it’s not the Eskimos it’s also not the Spainiards or the Francaise it is JEWS. That’s the parasites name, ok ? So for everyone still not hearing it. JEWS . The answer is: .J-E-W-S. That’s the word you’re looking for.

Last edited 2 years ago by Michigan Man

90% from this list will end up back in the European black market for arms. Ukraine is becoming the new Somalia on Europe’s doorstep.

Bill gates volunteers you for extermination

Putin you can take Canada now. All their arms are enroute to burn piles in Ukraine


Ukies are going to make BANK selling all that off in the black market if the Russians don’t blow it up first. They have no way to move it Russia shut down the railway. Ukies are corrupt AF.


Russia should tell Zelensky forces to evacuate the area in 60 miles radius from the Russian military positions before to attack. This will save lives both sides.


After light weapons, NATO states have also started heavy weapons landing from cargo planes in Ukraine. Russia must target these cargo planes, otherwise the NATO states’ fighter jets will join the war.


Slow or delayed military advance is not in favour of Russia. For rapid advance, Russia should issue a warning to Zelensky and his forces to evacuate the area in a 60 miles radius from the Russian military positions before attacking. This will also save lives on both sides.


Putin knows what he’s doing, I am sure. Avoiding unnecessary civilian, infrastructural and military losses.

Ashok Varma

That is the truth, the US criminals and NATO lapdogs have poured in more weapons than the combined defence budgets of India, Pakistan and Iran combined in mere 2 months and the Ukrainians are taking a hiding of a lifetime and mostly on the backfoot committing atrocities. Russians are hitting hard now and changing the landscape and they have no intention of going back. The Ruble is now the official currency of liberated Ukraine.


‘ US criminals and nato lapdogs have poured in more weapons . . ‘

. .to Russian armoury’s as they are quickly captured.


And Putin’s slow masturbation warfare in Ukraine continues. Now it’s much more interesting to follow energy markets and ruble course.

Bobby Twoshoes

Then fuck off to Bloomberg and spare us your childish drivel, cunt.

Bobby Twoshoes

Lol “man” power. Putin has more man power alone than 35 million NATO queers.

Elohim Kosher Bar

MOST of the weapons and ordinance are being stolen and sold by various oligarchs and weapon traffickers.

Did you know that Zelensky is a member of the Chabad Jewish Cult? According to the Chabad website, there are 613 commandments!!! What kind of dysfunctional water-headed retards need to have 613 commandments? No wonder the jews have been expelled from over 1030 cities / countries throughout history.


Zelensky is not so much broke that every NATO state sends him weapons.


It’s known as 10% for the big guy, AKA money laundering. Various democrat controlled US bureaucracies have been using Ukraine for this for a while now.


The BBC in London are reporting that 2 British nationals have been captured in southern Ukraine arrested as they attempted to go through a military road check patrol. The BBC are reporting that the two ate aid workers for a firm called presidium. Odd that evey time spy’s and mercenaries are captured the Western media tell us they are aid workers


They may actually be “aid workers”, it’s just that USAID has been weaponized as part of the US survelliance state and military-intelligence apparatus.

Orcrainians are white ISIS

The Donbas cauldron has started to boil, and orcrainians are cooking.


Israelis are NATO proxies.


It is most important to focus on the weak points in western Europe the EU and their economy. As I have said before Russia should flood the EU with hundreds of thousands of African and Afghanistan immigrants via the finish border and at any other EU border points over time this will have a major economic effect on the EU countries sending arms and munitions to west Ukraine. Also there is much decent within many ethnic groups in the West and in particular the EU itself. Use this to our advantage. Arm them and support them .the western vassal states in the EU are ready to fall anyway. So its only a matter of time


That’s what Lukasheno was doing and that is the correct strategy. One African/Middle East migrant is worth 100 Kalibr missiles. They immediately go on welfare and start draining the state. This is why Russia is also in favor of Ukraine joining the EU. It will have to turn brown as well. Especially given that its lost at least 20% of its population, the majority of which will never go back to Ukraine.

Pamfil Military Academy

Very correct strategy. The emigrant impact upon EU states will destroy entire economies and native peoples.


That’s probably close to amount of arms given to Afghanistan army by Yankees with long 20 years of training and then what has happened. They’ve lasted mere a few weeks against Taliban mostly armed with AK47 and RPG. Why do you think the amount and of arms win the wars? US has proven so many times quite the opposite.

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