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Military Situation In Eastern Ukraine, Izyum-Severodonetsk Region, On June 2, 2022 (Map Update)

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Military Situation In Eastern Ukraine, Izyum-Severodonetsk Region, On June 2, 2022 (Map Update)

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  • Clashes continue in the village of Velyka Komyshuvakha;
  • Clashes between the AFU and Russian forces continue in the western districts of Severodonetsk city;
  • Clashes between the AFU and Russian forces continue in the Raihorodok area;
  • Clashes between the AFU and Russian forces continue in Komyshuvakha village;
  • Clashes between the AFU and Russian forces were reported in Zolotoe.


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Muhammad your Prophet

No big secret that the main target has been Lisichansk all along. It was nearly impossible to defend both cities at once. That’s probably why the Putin cockroaches are still crying. Severdonetsk was good enough to decimate whatever rally the shitty Russian army had managed to make. Ukranian forces at Lisichansk are the fresh reserves.


Ukraine has no fresh reserves, just force conscripts and high jacked regional guardsmen…. all of which have taken refuge in a chemical plant (not the smartest place to hide).

Muhammad your Prophet

You mean like the ruskies. Digging bunkers at Chernobyl. I’d have to assume that those fucking morons are dead by now, right?

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet
Quit Drugs

Your shitty brain is dead you fucking moron.


i agree, what is this braindeath moron doing here? lol


I’m not saying that digging trenches in a wasteland was smart, but the Ukrainians don’t need to double down on stupid by hiding behind tanks of Sulfuric Acid. Live in the present Camel Jockey, and the present is the Ukrainians trying to create and alamo in a compound of battery fluid. Do you honestly think that hiding in a chemical plant is a smart move by them?


Cowards as you Mohammed die many times before their true death; The brave taste death only once.” William Shakespeare.

And now use your very long tongue to clean your mouth that every time you open it you fart, Mohammed the Coward

Muhammad your Prophet

We got one here who thinks he’s got a brain. I wonder if the lunatic googled it or if he actually read it.

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet

you are the only real lunatic here, get urself a shrink lol

10 Dead Generals

Russia has the highest cancer mortality anyway so nobody will observe


you only get negative respones :D


STFU you disgusting kike troll pretending to be a Muslim


Fake muslim looool


Sure you said severodonetsk was a trap and liman will be hard to take bla bla

Fucking scum, delusional copium addict piece of shit. Die in a fire


Keep pushing those goalposts back. Here let me get you primed for the next one.

“It was nearly impossible to defend Kramatorsk and no big secret the main target was Dnipro all along. The Ukrainian forces at Dnipro are the fresh reserves.”

Cut and paste as you like at what whatever city the Russian troops are at next.

Muhammad your Prophet

No, the main target all along was Kiev and they all burned to death.


How does it feel like to be zelenskiy’s cum dumpster you desperate goatshagger?



moron loser hilarious–desperate


indeed hilarious, he should act in comic TV serie lol

Kvass Boss

What drugs are you on? I want some!


mama pig shitted you out on the desert?

Michigan Man


Exactly ! That’s what nobody here could explain. And I said exactly that. I have nothing against russians. But I am against invaders. So why are the Putin cockroaches crying now ? Putin, who I and lots of people at least thought to be a leader a little less gung-ho, less warmongering than his US and israeli so-called counterparts, while at the same time being much cleverer and also a great chessplayer, missed the important point in time (in 2014). He, like a master, managed the Syria crisis, but then in 2014, 2015 and 2016 did nothing to reinstall russian rule in Ukraine also it was obvious US jewess Nuland had done a real coup there which was extraordinary humiliating to russia. But Putin waited and waited until it was too late. And then after 8 years he suddenly starts all-out war ? Thinking that’s ok to do ?

Strangely he did it, at the very moment when the whole COVID-narrative of the jewish medias was at the breaking point and couldn t be held up any longer without people violently revolting all around USA and especially EU against it. Coincidence ? No. I said it was as if Putin got the order to start war now, regardless what the world would think about him then. His masters needed a war to distract mankinds attention away from the fact that they (the jews) had just poisoned half of the earth population, and sterilized nearly 60 % of europes as well as the US population. And also the chinese communist party cheered, as the US military 75% took the lethal jabs. So it seems this all was long long planned in before.

And arsehole WEF leader Klaus Schwab even openly admitted that Mr. Putin, was one of their trained ‘young global leaders’ and placed into his position long ago by them in order to fullfill their plans. Schwab (btw.) has a Lenin figure/picture near his desk. Bottom line is, had Putin done things in 2014, 2015, 2016 that would have been halfway acceptable, also i am against war anyway. But taking the Donbass area and maybe create a 30 miles savezone/bufferzone in order to hinder ukraine military from shelling Donbass cities would have definitely been accepted by the consciousness of the people of the world as defensive act of russia likely even in 2022. But all out war of aggression ? In 2022 ? 8 years after the US-jewish Nuland coup in Ukraine ? No, that was madness, and was foreseeable leading into drawn out war with extraordinary high casualty rate.

In 2014, 2015, 2016 Putin could have toppled the Ukraine regime easily with a “special military operation” but waiting 8 years, until USA fully armed Ukraine and have deeply installed and taken grip of Ukraine and then starting all-out war ? No, that was of course going to destroy the otherwise halfway good reputation Putin had around the world (including in Europe population) and lead to Russia becoming the pariah. It’s like he was ordered to help his masters conceal/hide their global mRNA genocide, by starting World War 3 now, in order to distract the masses attention away from that unheard of universal total crime against mankind which the jews committed with their mRNA genetic-editing mRNA poisoning of mankind.

They killed half the world population with that time-triggered mRNA ratpoison and more and more people (running around as ‘ the real walking-dead’ started to realize that and starte asking questions and demanding answers. That’s why it was so urgently necessary for the World Jewry to kick loose big war immediately (in 2022) – before all the lies about the Covid-pandemic blow up into their own faces. War needed to be started as a distraction. The task they handed over to their little jewish butt-boy Putin.

Only when one realizes that USA, EU, and Russia+China are ALL ruled by the International Jewry, then all the things make sense and suddenly one sees the big evil picture very clearly, realizing the whole world is in deep shit, if we not start to revolt against these arc-enemies of mankind, called jews (which Jesus called “the children of Satan”).

Last edited 2 years ago by Michigan Man
Bernard Davis

Killed half the world’s population?? Don’t think so. I would have noticed by now lol


Sorry, but Putin never attended Schwab’s Young Leader’s school.


” And I said exactly that. I have nothing against russians. But I am against invaders. ” Sorry man but i stopped reading your comment at the word “Invader”. You shall analize the situation better before spitting out disinformation.


By “fresh reserves”, you mean the 55 year-olds just up from their afternoon naps?


The Grinder goes on to grind the Ukrainian Nazi piss till it flows into the land. Chechen’s – darlings of the west, doing a great job in the tight situations!

10 Dead Generals

All kadirovites are going through their godfather’s bed. That’s why Putin is afraid of him


You’re desperate and pathetic

‘Ukraine winning’ pmsl 😂

ugranazis are really winning in the brainwashed west minds. Reality is different, sorry adolf.


u are the 11th general dead from ignorance.


Zolote should have been pacified by now, the Ukranian forces should not have been allowed any resupply and the ammo depots for its small groups of fighters should have been easy to find and destroy. Why are the Russians not pulverizing that group with artillery?


War isn’t easy


Good workshop


Sanctions are not stopping the advance of Russia. US & NATO money and arms are not helping at all.


Russia has just stopped export of Noble gas used in semiconductor chips.


Again, how is the Zolote garrison still fighting? There is no way they had the buildup of ammunition and there is no way that they are being resupplied except through ineptness of the Russian command in that area. Also, they have no artillery support whatsoever!

Joseph Day

Probably because there no threat, no artilary ect, like azovstal and irrelevant at the moment. They’ll fade away eventually


now western fake news media recognizes Russian victory….LOL

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