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- Russian forces took control of the village of Kamyshevakha;
- Russian forces took control of the village of Dovhenke;
- Clashes between the AFU and Russian forces continue in Zolotoe;
- Clashes between the AFU and Russian forces were reported in Severodonetsk city;
- As a result of the counterattack, the AFU reportedly managed to repel Russian forces from the western outskirts of Sirotino and from the village of Lesnaya Dacha.
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You forgot to mention AFU control 50% of Severodonetsk now and are still advancing in the city.
– 50%
Look here another russkie plane falling from the sky :
And now a ka 52
What about Ukie planes? They have very few. That’s because Russia shot them all down.
Either way, all that matters now is the attrition rate. The Ukies are soaking up casualties like a pig absorbs slop. Zelensky himself admits Ukie casualty rates of 100 KIA and 500 WIA per day.
The Ukraine will lose this war, and it will be punished very, very severely during the peace. The Ukraine will lose its independence and be dismembered. Just like the Ukies deserve.
Wishful thinking. Meanwhile Mr Pudin is crying like a slaughtered pig about those western weapons. Stop or else… Nothing vain threats. Ukraine stop striking Rússia or else… Nothing. By the way i thought Rússia was able to cut western supply and uaf was pinned, all that faint bulshit phase One, what happened 🤣
Comedy show!
Don’t worry. The Khazarians are coming to fill the void the made and make it the “Big Israel” in Zelensky’s words…
Advancing to where? Those fools just going to their certain death
I have a theory: One can refer to Severodonetsk as a city or the entire district. And since sirotino and Lesnaya Dacha are just there close…
Same goes for Izium. They alway tell about a conuteroffensive on Izium, but the city and most sorroundig ground is stil under russian control. This is a war of propaganda. Dont be quick at judging
A lot of what we’ve been hearing concerning Ukie offensives this month is total BS. All propaganda.
Ukie soldiers are being slaughtered like pigs in a meat processing factory. That’s what’s been happening in Donbass since the beginning of May. Russia’s new tactics, organized around the use of artillery bombardments, are turning the Ukies into human fertilizer.
There have been no significant Ukie counteroffensives anywhere. Never mind what the Western MSM propaganda machine prints.
Sure and Moskva is still being towed to sevastopol 🤣😂🤣
I m also still waiting for all those nato generals in mariupol, where are they? 😂😂🤣🤣
” turning the Ukies into human fertilizer ” There is somethin funny in this phrase, really. I never thought humans could be used as fertilizers :)
There’s a word wide shortage of fertilizer. Can we work out a deal with Zelensky to export some of his Ukrainian stuff? Of course, it’ll need to be deboned and mulched. I guess our good relations with Kolomoisky will help work out a deal on that.
Before you launch a counter attack you must first stop running from the enemy.
That’s why your information is fake as hell.
Yeah, most AFUs actually spending they time in mental Hospital, very probably you need to visited also .
Half the surviving Ukie army is suffering from PTSD and the other half is suffering from pre PTSD.
Fool. You don’t know what’s going on. Read my comment above, concerning Russian tactics.
Steiner mein fuhrer…. Hehe where is Steiner when the Avovs need him?.
Russia seems to be dancing around the point that the Ukrainians have retaken much of the city and SOMEHOW are being easily re-supplied, though the Russians control all roads leading to the city. How is that? Why is that? What moron Russian commander is InCharge there? How does a cut off force in Zolotoe hold out for 3 weeks now? Congrats on taking a village with a population of 10.
Steiner? The Chechens are posting livestreams and laughing about our reports from the city center as we speak. Continue the offensive and destroy them!
Sure, like tik tok kadirov making a video a week ago saying that Severo was fully liberated. What a loser 😂😘😂🤣🤡
It sounds like SF needs to get those feeds because what they are reporting is the Russians trying to admit and ignore the fact that they are losing ground.
Steiner mein fuhrer….. 😂
Du hast Steiner? 😂
Disinfo, relax. How can Ukrainians ”retake much of the city”? The back and forth happens in these fights and it’s all part of the grind. The city will fall, but for that to happen, the AFU has to be degraded. For that to happen, they have to be killed and equipment destroyed. For that to happen, they gotta come out for a fight.
Hey, I’m just requesting accurate reporting from the Russians, they didn’t miss a day when they advance but when the retreat, they call it ” Forces Clashing”. Why are they clashing? How are the unkranians being resupplied after Russia reported that the Ukrainians destroyed all the bridges weeks ago?
majority of russian are drunk or just dumb, dont expect much from them ^^
Given the Ukrainians have allowed themselves to be the tethered goat for NATO, who is the smart one? At the end of the day, Ukraine sits on the fault line between east and west, so either it finds a way to be the bridge and profits from it, such as charging for Russian oil to pass through, or it becomes the battle ground and is crushed under foot. Apparently they are just useful idiots.
many ukrainian man habe been forced to take part in this battle. There is a forced coscription in Ukraine. I wonder if you (or me for example) was in Ucraine… you would be able to escape from joining the army and to go to die under russian artiliery.
Yeah, the Ukrainians are calling it ‘mogilizatsia’.
(mogil means grave).
So, that cartoon character Mogilla Gorilla is just another name for The Grim Reaper? what kind of sick mind would push that onto kids? A Ukrop?
I am shocked to read this absolutely reasonable comment, the comment section is normally a total shitshow
That doesn’t say much about the Ukrainians who are losing to them.
You are dumb, slovenly khokhol, it appears. Right? Admit it.
It is old story. Till Russia has supreme commander that is always too late and too short, as Putin is, till then winning in war won’t happen easy for Russia. Russia should long ago call in its army reserve. It is funny that it is fighting major war, with peace configuration of its army, and with name like “special operation”. It is not serious aproach and it cost much more lifes of Russian solders as would be needed. But so it is till Vkadimir too late Putin is in charge.
Why rush the Russians? The longer they take, the more the west froths with economic collapse.
I especially like to watch BoJo the Clown frothing at the mouth.
You seem ignorant of the facts. That doesn’t say much about your intelligence.
FYI, the Ukes have spent the past eight years fortifying the area around Severodonetsk. The city and its environs are literally an Ukie version of the Maginot Line. That’s why they’ve got lots of supplies stockpiled at that position.
There are no Ukie supply columns moving along either of the highways leading into Severodonetsk. I can’t imagine why you presume otherwise, given all the media reports about the military situation in Donbass.
Vladimir Putin is begging his top general to capture Severdonetsk in five days. He’s really that desperate. If it drags on until July the way Mariupol did the shitty Russian government will finally realize that he’s a phony military amateur, just like Adolf Hitler. He can finally declare victory by putting a gun to his mouth.
Steiner, this is a direct command for your forces to avoid capturing the bunker of the steel plant in Severodonetsk. Let me speak candidly soldier, it was a fucking PR nightmare last time. They’ve got all kinds of Nazis and mercenaries testifying against each other in the war crime trials and our heroes remain in chains. You’re better off to Ukraine dead. Forward!
russian COPE
The fucking moron thinks that you’re me. The Putin cockroaches can get rattled very easily when they go into their paranoid psychotic state. Looks like I’m the stuff of nightmares to these pieces of shit. They see me everywhere.
I had a dream about you last night, running back and forth in a trench maze holding an umbrella and frantically looking for a button to push with your nose so another potato would fall out of a bin.
Which mercenaries? The Wagner freaks? The Wagner mercenaries are like Putin’s personal Gestapo.
Steiner is still gathering troops to storm kiev 🤣😂🤣
And sumy
And chernihiv
And kharkiv…
Whats Next?
Watching Zelensky’s house of cards collapse and he breaks his tailbone and calls Biden to demand a stretcher and evac, else he spills the big guy’s beans. Bring your own popcorn.
So, you’ve to talked to Vlad lately? Hmmm, what’s his mobile phone #?
How is life russobots? severdonetsk is controled in 75% by ukr troops. Seems like claims that russian invaders lost 1500+ troops there in last two days are correct.
Where’s Steiner? I guess Hans Raus will do. The Russians ran out of missiles and tanks months ago soldier, what are you so afraid of? Today Severodonetsk, tomorrow Mariupol, day after Moscow. Forward!
What’s the source of info on Russia’s alleged “1,500” losses?
Sounds like dumb Ukie propaganda to me.
Me no need no fucking sources.
I love it when the Ukrainians Nazi’s haven’t a clue what is going on – the reality Russia doesn’t care if you put all your Ukrainian Nazi’s there, because the door is shutting behind you, just like Mariupol. Ukraine Nazis only really have one choice, how many Nazis and how much equipment to leave for encirclement. The Ukrainian Nazis are up against a red wall, just like they were in football there it ended as well for tears for them as another small nation Wales, just like LPR or DPR – sent in the Zircon missile, curtesy this time of Gareth Z-ale.
Germans are afraid to give Ukraine any fancy weapons because the Ukrop army might collapse any day and what’s the point supplying the Russians with more NATO hardware?
You must be full of love 24/7 then.
The Ukies are getting slaughtered like livestock right now. That’s because Russia’s adjusted its tactics, eschewing infantry and armor assaults in favor of intensive, long-range artillery bombardments. Even Zelensky is confessing the devastating impact on his troops, which is 100 KIA and 500 WIA per day.
Horrifying. The Ukies are almost powerless.
As for the AFU’s “counteroffensive,” it’s all hype. In truth, the Russians’ flexible infantry tactics allow them to fall back instead of wasting resources trying to hold on to ground. When this happens, the Ukies move forward, mistakenly thinking they’ve retaken ground. But that’s when Russian artillery resumes its devastating bombardments, inflicting massive loss on the befuddled Ukies.. Inevitably, the Ukies have to retreat.
So, it’s nonsense that the Ukies have “reconquered” ground in Severodonetsk. Positionally, the situation is fluid. All that matters is which side is absorbing the most casualties. That side is very clearly the Ukies.
The Russians are outclassing the Ukies very badly. At this point, the Ukies don’t even need body bags. They need garbage bags. Russia is turning Ukie soldiers into human garbage.
Russia will run out of weapons at precisely 0300 on June 7th.
Where is Steiner when you need a fake counter offensive? 😂
Bavinkove is the new Russian envelopment target, that will cut off supply lines to multiple locations and for the Ukrainian forces in the east to protect their flanks. It could also lead to a giant envelopment of all the eastern forces. The only way to stop it is to redirect Kharkiv forces south, just as the Russians are starting a slow advance on the city.
The Ukraine must and will be defeated.
The Ukraine is being defeated. The surrender terms will be harsh, many Azov will be tried and executed, Zelensky possibly hung by his own people. Rump Ukraine will be bombed into a no mans land. Then we will take it. If a lr missile hits Krim’ , we will hit Kiev with everything, I see a strike on the country that sent the missiles. NATO wont do anything.
Well, OK. But can you at least be polite about it and call us Ukraine and drop the The?
In the couse of military action ppl forget easily the basics Ç 1. this is NOT a war between Ukraine and Russia 2. its between some mislead ppl in Ukraine that hold the whole country in their grips, thanks to lots of USD and NATO expansion on the 1 hand and Russia and the 80% of the world rooting for Russia on the other side
RF leaving Severodonesk. Is that the new style of operations Kadirov was talking about?