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- On April 18, clashes between Russian forces and the UAF continue in the town of Mariinka;
- On April 18, clashes between Russian forces and the UAF continue in the city of Mariupol;
- On April 18, clashes between Russian forces and the UAF continue in the town of Popasnaya;
- On April 18, clashes between Russian forces and the UAF continue south of Izyum;
- On April 18, clashes between Russian forces and the UAF continue in the town of Rubezhnoe and on the outskirts of Severodonetsk;
- Russian forces reportedly advanced to the northwest of Izyum. Clashes reached the area of Peski-Radkovskie front line
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“Russian troops have begun the battle for Donbass” – Zelensky
Everything he says is 100% bullshit so I don’t trust that one either by default. Although there are reports of heavy artillery barrage.
Much as some artillery barrage already has hit You.
You’ll get your arsedrillery soon enough, ukrhomo.
Russia should shoot one up your stink Jew dick sucking arse
Million yankee dicks hit your throat and your empty skull moronic bitch.
No it is true, they are moving. SF is about a day behind.
More than a day behind as of late.
Exactly right. If he lasts a week he will them say the offensive has failed. Not even Ukrainians are buying his bullshit anymore though.
It seemes so. there are some extra bombardments at supply.
There are extra bombardments of your ass in Aarhus brothel
The only important thing this clows has to worry about is that his Nazi troops never ever strike Russian territory again. He is a slow learner but as evey other lapdog he eventyaly will be taught to obey when expected to.
clearly, you are a clueless idiot who has probably never held a real weapon, nor have you been to Russia or Ukraine. FN wannabe relevant but getting your news from the wrong sources. Nazi troop bullshit. Get a clue comrade! Dumb fux Russian amateurs getting bag’d up and send home on ice.
So you one of those Nazi fanboys in here criticizing everyone who mentions their crimes. The evidence is are all over the internet, no need to deny anything, unless of course you cheering for them or seem to be simply really plain stupid not knowing those facts. Sorry to burst you little propaganda bubble and welcome to the real world. Just try not to embarrass yourself anymore defending the atrocities of Zelensky and his disgrace of an army. It only makes you one of them.
Beautiful girls are waiting for you on —
Sure there are. Probably Jens in drag.
Interviews taken in the aftermath of the Russian airforce bombing of Grozy in 1999.
> Good afternoon >> Afternoon
> You were here during war? >> What?
> You were here during World War II? >> Yeah, I was 9 years old. I was studying at school in 1942.Germans were bombing Grozy then. But they weren’t bombing civilian facilities. They only bombed them. German Luftwaffe was humane. Not like Russian airforce. Look what they did. Barbarians!
Yes, that is the truth, and even back then the Chechens fought together with the Germans against the soviet-bolshevic forces. German lost the war BECAUSE THEY WERE RELATIVELY HUMAN in everything they did. Completely contrary to the USA and UDSSR forces. And only because they lost the war, it is that now in every jewish media station around the world and every history book, the germans are painted as barbarians, when in fact the direct opposite is true. National Socialist wanted to destroy Satanism/Judaism in Europe in all forms. Which included of course also Bolsewism, Communism etc. While US Wallstreet jews and Rothschild and his Red Satanist Army, and his commnist puppets, of course wanted the opposite and brought up the whole world against Germany in order keep the satanic sick judaic global central-banking/enslavement system intact, and not allow godfearing people to establish natural law and order in this world.
I reading russian troops capture the small city kreminna at livemap.
just like kiev ? ^^
Yup and Borova and a few others. SF is not up to date, but that’s ok.
All men must die. Some die on the battlefield, and you will die in your stinky basement while spamming endless garbage that no one even reads…
You read it, I read it, other will as well. And it’s true Putin only cares if a soldier dies and he can use it as propaganda. Otherwise hide it. Like does any modern army leave their dead littering the battle field without trying to retrieve them? He has mobile crematoriums following them into battle to destroy the evidence.
Russia is 2nd army in the world…..not ^^
It’s interesting that posts about dead Russian soldiers are the most ones being deleted here. It must be the number one concern of the FSB. The losses must be terrible.
The russians themself hardly give any informations. For Moskva we not even know if 50 or 500 are dead.
We have much better information for the Ukra side. Its not beacsue of the Ukras but beacuse of the many other sources there.
They deleted all my posts they must be really angry
don’t be attached to your post, breathe in breathe out focus on your breath ebtering your body, be calm like water
Hahaha, ironically Yuri has the most banned posts here. Drops way too many truth bombs on you morons, they’re calling him a war criminal.
Top five Ukrainan delights on telegram : 5. Dead Russian soldiers littering the ground 4 Columns of Russian vehicles torn to shreds by Ukrainian artillery 3. Russian tanks having turrets blown off and passengers cooked by Stugna-P missiles. Sometimes you get a bonus helicopter. 2. Russian aircraft crashed and burned by Western supplied missiles. Bonus if the pilots are burning near the reck 1. Russian flagship burning with hundreds of men on the Moskva drowned the next minute. The thought of those ruskies filled with water seems like such a poetic justice.
And then you woke up
With a can of beer in his bottom.
without a country, doing a micro maidan as a refugee in a random European city where everyone wonders why we let those ukies in
You are losing territory. Permanently.
A great many Ukrainian soldiers are dying right now under massive artillery fire. Zelensky is 100% responsible for these avoidable deaths since he refused to allow them to retreat.
Ukraine should never forget how Zelensky betrayed the people of Ukraine and how he betrayed his position of trust as supreme commander of the military.
Elensky was and is still a US puppet. A US government who has killed over millions innocent civilians in their hegemonic wars, proxy wars and regime changes. What did you expect?
Yeah, Russians never killed one single human in their wars in Afghanistan, Chechnya, Syria. Sure kid, sure.
He is a drug addict, sexual pervert, and a bastard. Ukrainians will be cursing his name for generations to come.
Those men are responsible for their own decisions. They should have joined with us against the World Economic Forum. Ukraine has an IQ problem.
It’s just a disinformation hole nobody in their right mind cares about
He was on the Moskva.
Izyum-Slavyansk is the hottest destination of recent days, a lot of messages are coming from both sides. Our team succeeds in attacking successfully, despite the enemy’s attempts to prevent it from being done. Now we see the expansion of the bridgehead on this front. More and more reports are coming about the occupation of villages in the district. The offensive is going in several directions “fan”. To the west — to Lozova, to the east — to Oskol, and to the North — to Slavyansk. The APU has heavy losses. A large number of prisoners are reported. 93, 95, 25 brigades suffer very much. Prisoners report that up to 40% of the personnel are lost in these brigades.
To the east of the highway to Slavyansk, there are battles in the area of the village of Peski-Radkovskie. It is noted that the Ural shock brigade especially distinguished itself in the battles, which defeated the elite special forces of the AFU and the forces of the 79 brigade in the battle at Borovaya. Artillery is working hard from both sides.
When will you post the new interview with that chubby little Anglo explaining how the Hitler fanboys commit war crimes against civilians?
SHIT… didn’t mean to post that one… fuck. Jens how do I delete this???
To the east of these places, the NM of the LPR with the troops of the Russian Federation occupied Kremennaya — this is a village north of Rubezhnoye. There are fights going on inside. In other settlements of this agglomeration, there are also shootings and arrivals. We see a greater increase in pressure now in Popasnaya. Our people manage to break through the enemy’s defenses, though not quickly. From here, further actions are expected to close the boiler.
Activity has also greatly increased in the Donetsk region. Avdiivka is under heavy shelling — Su-25 was shot down here. “There is an Apocalypse on the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine near Donetsk, strikes of some powerful weapons arrive in fortified areas, terrible explosions are thundering. The fortified area of the AFU “Anthill” in the Sands is under fire,” military commander Sladkov reports. East of Gulyai-Pole, in Malinovka, the government is changing again, now it is ours, like a number of villages around. There is also an increase in artillery in this direction.
In Mariupol, according to eyewitnesses, the enemy remained only at the Azovstal plant — about 3,000 people. Well, point-by-point they also catch “lost” and single foci. Our people began to storm little by little. The northern cluster has already been “gnawed off”. But the main “military show” is the bombing of the Azov militants. VKS began to throw various large “candies” on the heads of “fanatics”. They write that even the FAB – 5000 was thrown off. This is the most powerful bomb in the world, not counting nuclear ones. As soon as the “hail of God” began, the militants began to ask for help, up to the Pope. And suddenly, they say, it turned out that there were many civilians, including children, in the Azovstal bunker. But why were they silent about them before, and no one is shown, except for one girl? Why didn’t they come out when they offered to surrender, and repeatedly? Question.
US government wants to dismantle Russia’s “war machine”. 9:08 p.m .: The US wants to continue to put pressure on Russia’s defense industry. “The next phase of our work will be to dismantle Russia’s war machine piece by piece by destroying the military-industrial complex and its supply chain,” announced Deputy Finance Minister Wally Adeyemo.
Further sanctions and export controls are intended to prevent the Russian military from restocking. The punitive measures were therefore particularly aimed at key sectors such as aerospace and electrical engineering.
Lol. In 5 years they will be totally reset and stronger than ever.
Russia missed a very big opportunity to grab the south and east of Ukraine in 2014 with minimal human and material loss. They could have grabbed more if they wanted to. They continue to disappoint their supporters and well wishers all over the world with their inconsistencies and half-done jobs that always come back to haunt them.
Russia has been cheated many times before during negotiations to end conflicts or wars. This time it was in Turkey. Turkey wanted to host and mediate between Russia and Ukraine. And even though Russian demands to end this operation are known to Turkey and to the world, Turkish official openly held interview with CNN and said that It is not possible for Ukraine to recognize the independence of the DPR and LPR and also recognize Crimea as Russian. Ibrahim Kalin went on to say that even Turkey didn’t recognize it. But we all know that the reason why Turkey didn’t recognize Crimea as Russian is because Ukraine didn’t recognize it and asked the world not to. If Russia is able to make Ukraine recognize Russian authority in those lands, will Turkey not do the same? So you see how treacherous Turkey is.
Again in Turkey Russia was deceived into withdrawing from Kiev, Chernigov and Sumy regions. The hard fought territorial gains that cost it hundreds of lives and ammunitions were given up in matter of days because Ukraine seemingly agreed in paper drafted that it will recognize Crimea, DPR and LPR as Russians. It was agreed that as a good faith, Russia should do that and that’s exactly what Russia did and she announced that to the world. Turkey was forefront into all these deceits because it was Turkey hosting this meeting. And now as soon as Russia withdrew from these areas, Ukraine refused to honour the agreement. After this horrific deceit, how can Russia agree for Turkey to host any future meetings with regards to Ukraine?
We saw how frustrated Lavrov and Putin were, what they said about the Ukrainian behaviour.
In times like this, Russia needs to maintain a step ahead of her opponents, unfortunately it doesn’t seem to be so. Russia’s inconsistencies in foreign policies cost their people and cost more lives and these happen on and on and no end in sight. It must stop!
You’ve posted this same exact copy pasta in at least 5 threads now in last couple hours, so are you troll or just desperate for attention, which is it.
Agreed which is why I’ve been pointing to the ABSURDITY of Pan-Slavism. Russia thought that they would drive up to the capital and that like Crimea 2014 be welcomed with Russian flags, Folk dancing and Vodka
To all the people from Russia here!
Note, that the WHOLE WORLD is considering YOU russians as pure fasists! You have started the world which no-one wanted. YOU have put milions of people of misery. YOU have decimated life of milions of childrens.
Because of this => YOU = Russians are FACISTS!!!
So remember, when You will celebrate in “May”, when You celebrate that You have “won” againts facists, remember also that YOU as a nation has become ONE!
Hopefully UA will push You where You all the soviet union belongs …. TO THE HISTORY.
/greeting from Slovakia!
The whole world, except for billions and billions of people who don’t live in the US empire.
The war has no true beginning. People have been fighting there since the Copper Age, if not before.
“that the WHOLE WORLD ‘
You are deluded. The ‘whole world’ is mainly China, India, Arabia, South-East Asia, Africa and South America, and most of the people there either hate America or are bored by this tribal fighting of white men. You are all irrelevant as your Green policies will not save the world, they will delete the European races from it.
I see Europe has moved so far to the left that now what was the center of politics is screamed at for being Fascist.
Who was the first to establish Slovakia as an independent country… oh right, the Third Reich. You Euroscum Nazis won’t sleep peacefully again, you can be sure of that. Time to own up to your racism and your crimes.
hahahahahaha russia = poverty Better focus to help you own citizens, 48% of russian citizens still dont have acces to toilet inside of their house. Russia is shithole and thats why ukraine decided to fallow same path as slovakia,estonia czechia or poland and join western world Nobody want to be under russia rule.
Exactly ! But like everywhere, also in russia people do seem to reject the truth vehemetly. Because they want not to know about it. Even when their own fellow countrymen tell them to wake up and look a historical truth and not lies. Below is a link to a vid, where a russian man ( who’s grandpa himself fought in WW2 in Red Army) speaks in russian to the russian people (but with english subtitles) about who was fighting for the good side and who for the jews and the Rothschild banking cartel, without knowing about it. Very rare and important historical video. Maybe somebody here can reupload to somewhere where more people can watch it ? Maybe to odysee,, gettr, youtube, liveleak etc. ?
Poster, nerob hanbu Slovákom! Našťastie väčšina Slovákov to vidí inak oko ty a odsudzuje UA nazistov a ich vojnychtivých sponzorov zo Západu.
Your a idiot. WWG1WGA
Here is an important video, a russian man speaks. He tells his fellow countrymen the true story about history. He says Red army is by enemy of russian people. It was created by jewish revolutionaries and fought heroically against the German Wehrmacht, and he (the man) does not want to lower or degrade the heroism & patriotism of the grandfathers of todays russians, which fought in the “Great Fatherland War”, but that one needs to realize the truth, which is that the Red army fought on purpose of high banker elite jews, like Rothschild and Jacob Schiff, who where behind the murder of the russian Czar and murdered millions of Russians in order to get and stay in power. Therefore today no true russian, who loves Russia, should fight in that army. The German army came to russia to destroy political-judaism, which is communism, a satanic massmurderous judeo-ideology. It didn t come to destroy russia or the russian people. And the people of Ukraine know it, since Holodomor and the Wehrmacht’s late minute saving-move, which saved mio. of Ukrainians from being deportated to the gulags by Stalin’s henchmen. Please re-upload and spread to everywhere this historically very important short video. And re-eupload to somewhere where more people can watch it ! Maybe odysee,, gettr, youtube, liveleak etc.
Especially russians should see this video in order to realize their true history. This video should also be shown to all captured russian soldiers in ukraine today, so that also they realize how wrong it was to come and invade Ukraine, and that indeed with the Red army they chose the wrong side to be with.
Slight Problem. The entire ruling class in Ukraine is Jewish. The plan seems to be to kill every Slav in the country or see them off as refugees where the woman work as sex slaves and the men drive taxis.
Were you not paying attention when Zelensky said he wanted to turn Ukraine into a Greater Isreal?
I won’t argue about the Jewish roots of Bolshevism, the killing of the Czar etc. I don’t like seeing the Soviet Flag being hoisted up in Ukraine. History is a little more nuanced though. Stalin soon turned on the Jews and had most of them executed.
German National Socialism should have just stuck with eliminating Jewry and Bolshevism. Forget about the racial aspect of it. If they treated Slavs as equals, the might have seen all of Ukraine join them.
It’s all so boring as it unfolds. It’s like opening unwanted Xmas gifts and wondering how you can return them for a refund.
In Google Maps military and strategic objects of #Russia became available in maximum resolution.
Cant wait for supply ukraine in long range missiles in order to bomb russians on their own territory. Something ,,special” is coming to russian child rapists xD happy time
You’ve literally been debunked by a tech platform, brother, please get help. You are so fucking brainwashed… 75% of that shit you read on Twitter is imaginary propaganda from an ultranationalist and genocidal government. I can mail you some books to educate yourself with if you’d like, you can leave me a PO Box rather than personal address. Wishing you all the best and keeping you in my prayers.
“Russian forces reportedly advanced to the northwest of Izyum. Clashes reached the area of Peski-Radkovskie front line” In the picture it’s north-east. :]
#Ukraine: Artillery fire from the 30th Mechanised Brigade of the Ukrainian Army struck and destroyed Russian supply trucks somewhere in the East.
Three trucks? Well, that’s it, the failed Ukrainian CIA project wins!
Russian culture has two major flaws. It’s inherently supremacist. It’s inherently conservative. It cannot imagine the future, it cannot create the future. That’s why the tsarist times were a social, economic and political failure. The Soviet times were based on the murderous supremacy of the state, using a supremacist ideology called Marxism. How is Marxist-Leninism supremacist, as Marx himself advocated for the supremacy of the individual? Marx wanted to empower the human being. But the problem with that proposition is that he didn’t define the limits of that power. But he did define the powers of the communist state, which was supposed to be unlimited. Now Marx made the false assumption that a all powerful state will wish to share some power with the citizens. But the all-powerful state has no interest to share power. Because that would mean to weaken itself. The Duginist ideology is frank about this. If does not want to give any power to the individual. Russian cultural homogeneity is the ultimate goal of duginism. And the individual would be the utmost Russian and the utmost powerless. Nothing has changed since tsarist times in Russia. It is always the almighty state, asking for absolute control to impose it’s cultural dominance geopolitically. The Russian culture is disgusting for the majority of the world population. It does not spread naturally like the anglo-saxon culture. Even Ukrainians, your closest neighbours are repulsed by Russian culture. It is such a repulsive combination of undesirable elements. That’s why it needs force. It was imposed by force during Soviet times. And now you cannot impose it by force in Ukraine during modern times. They are fighting it with everything they got.
There is no such thing as “ukrainians”. There are ruthenians (poles) and convert kazak to the catholic faith. Also,romanians,greeks,hungarians,russians. Ukraine means “the borderlands”.Get hold of a history bookl and stop watching TV.
The forever map lol