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Military Situation In Eastern Ukraine On April 6, 2022 (Map Update)

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Military Situation In Eastern Ukraine On April 6, 2022 (Map Update)

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  • Russian units have took control over the village of Malaya Kamyshevatka near Izyum;
  • Russian units reportedly took control over most of Popasnaya town;
  • Clashes between Russian and Ukrainian forces continue in the Marinka and Novomikhailovka;
  • Clashes continue on the eastern outskirts of Novotoshkovskoe;
  • Clashes continue on the northern outskirts of Zamulovka near Severodonetsk.


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Yamil Perez

My beloved koshernazis are running on fumes. Oy oy…

Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy

I want WWIII. Somebody nuke my dickhead please.

hans raus

Slavs killing slavs. Adolf would be proud.

Steve P

You hit it.

Nothing more Nazi than having the three most targeted and mass murdered by Nazi Germany kill each other.

And just look at the crew driving rhis madness.

Jews want war? Let Jews get on the front lines and in the fields.

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

CIAtrolls and ukrobots are crying and raging 🤗🤡

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

An Iskander a day keeps Azovisis away 🤗

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Russia is gaining ukrobots are draining 🤗

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Slava Rossiye 🇷🇺

Burning Russian soldier

Go back to digging in the red forest, if the commissar catches you wasting time here he’ll shoot you.


So many dead Banderpites in the last six weeks, tens of thousands more to come in the next six. Reduced to medieval levels of operational mobility. Is there a Ukrotard draught animal corps? Maybe oxen and mules to haul Ukrotard artillery?

Russia is a paper tiger

Seem to work pretty fine on russian popcornd twitter.com/UAWeapons/status/1511672385753255940


I know Ukrotard successes are very hard to come by, but how many times will you guys link to that tweet in the next month?

Russia is a paper tiger

Nah, plenty to chose just scroll along the thread, my favorite is still the Belgorod attack under sleepy vks nose with the ship sunking and the others fleeing at berdyansk a close second. Special mention to the Kiev ” mega” convoy being trapped and turned to pieces by artillery


We will be victorious. We will kill every invader. Then ethnic clense Ukrain. Followed by Russia. Then the rest of the World. Everyone will kneel before us. Praise Adolf and Bandera. Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦


The greatest Twitter warriors in history! All will tremble before our tweets!

Clyde s Mum

Time to go to bed little Boy these are not your friends. Leave the basement and get some real ones

Aunt Polly

yeah-by moaning and wailing and stamping your feet.

Lance Ripplinger

Donetsk continues to be shelled daily from the Ukraine side of the contact line. Patrick Lancaster just posted a new video report today showing homes that were hit. He also talked to people whose lives were affected by it. I really am starting to wonder what the objective of the Russians are now. The fact that the Donbass region is still being attacked, and the Russians haven’t wiped out the Ukraine military positions that are doing the shelling seems a little strange.


True. Why would you say that is happening?

8D Chess Whores will be Whores

Maybe Putin’s plan wasn’t deNazification but just good old fashioned helping the globalists destroy Russia and empower NATO again. Certainly the shit show so far and his silence seems to hint at something only his most devout groupies would deny lol


Ukraine is bigger than France It’s army of over 200k ( 3x bigger than British army with 10x more tanks and artillery ) was trained and armed by the west since 2014 ( for 8+ Years ) It has a reserve (previously trained soldiers ) of over 600k It has a possible pool of manpower in the millions ( 10+ ) The whole of the west is sending billions in weapons and aiding with intelligence, sending mercenaries to aid Ukraine and sanctioning Russia with everything they can think of

Russia has only allocated 160K frontline troops and is trying to minimize civilian casualties So its gonna take a while

Death of putin

Ukraine army has given orders not to take ANYMORE prisoners of war or POW . Russian soliders will be shot on the spot. In Kherson Russian millitary is trying to find ways to flee the battlefield but unfortunately there’s Russian mercenaries wich they have orders from Putin to shoot to kill at any Russian millitary personnel who tries to flee. Here we go.. A new Russia is emerging .welcome to Stalin Times where he killed his own population. Stallin from the records finding killed 1.4 million Russians by execution style of His own population And around 8.7 million due to policy wich he brought in Russia. Putin will eventually create famine in Russia. In 1 year time all Russia will be closed to international trades and everything else. Today oil Chinese companies refused to sign new contract with Russia even at huge discounts.

I do not expect less deaths in Russia from Putin orders.


Cool story adolf. Its time for your evening Thorazin drops now. Nap nap time.

Hohol Tampax Inc.

The only problem is that you have mixed up Russia with Ukropisstan. And Wagner with Azov. Aside from that spot on.


Ukrainian army? I did not know that was still a thing.


Yes, yes, we already know the drill. Every time Zelenky is getting assf**ked by his western buddies or every time his army loses more ground/men/hardware he apparently whips his little propaganda dimwits so hard, they instantly cry us a river and spew out their propaganda how Russia is loosing while Ukraine is on their way to encircle Moscow. The whole world knows what is going on in Ukraine. They don’t care. All they do is making money right and left. Russia has already made a fortune on extreme high energy commodity prices. The only big looser is and will be Ukraine. Wait until they realize that. This should be epic.

Last edited 2 years ago by TopGum
hans raus

Damn, american switchblade 600 with range 40km dont want to wait to destroy some russian child rapists and their tanks column. How is kiev? russobots, are still with us? how is odessa ? how is your 18 000 dead russian rapists?


The big questions are: how is the Ukrainian membership in NATO coming along? How’s the Azov break-out from Mariupol going? How’s the overall ethnic cleansing operation by the Kiev Klown Kabal going in Donbas currently? What has been the overall trend in the status of military assets of the failed Ukrainian CIA project over the last six weeks? What’s the real figure of casualties in the military of the former Ukrainian state, including foreign fighters lost in the that period? Good news all around?

Dick Von D'Astard

I’m sure they shall just end up being used against some American CIA’s or British MI6 in Middle East or Africa. U.S./UK establishments has to realise that what they are doing in Ukraine is ultimately harmful to themselves and own interests going forwards from this.

Last edited 2 years ago by Dick Von D'Astard
Aunt Polly

All to keep you shed blood for the Evil Empire. You might feel proud.

don't ever leave liberated area without a fight

Once liberated territory must not be surrendered without a fight to the enemy, no matter what, as it happened in recent days west and east of Kiev. It looks like Putin’s will is weak/soft, maybe Putin dream to be a new Gandhi or French surrender monkey Marshal Patain. Russia needs a strong national leader, as Zirinovsky was, not somebody like Putin weak and coward. Putin must fear the reaction of angry patriotic Russians, not the reactions of pro-Western traitors (Nevalny and co.). For every killed pro-Russian civilian and Russian soldier, there must be a retaliation. The largest nuclear-armed force should not have such a weak leader. Putin in last 10 days showed a weak and defeatist mentality, it’s a danger for the whole world, because Putin’s attitude increases aggressiveness of World’s second nuclear power and it could eventually lead to a nuclear attack by US on Russia, because it will make US think that such a weak leader as Putin will not be able to order nuclear retaliation vs US. What will happen now in Kherson, if traitorous Putin’s surrenders that town, the way he did with Bucha, Ukrop Nazi will stage a new fake massacre, a new Bucha from Kherson, only this time the number of casualties (killed by bloodthirsty Russians) will be 10 bigger.

Timmy Temperance

Seriously now what? How can Zelensky be forced to negotiate/surrender? No doubt Russia can make life very difficult for people in West Ukraine, but Zelensky doesn’t give a damn. The war will likely continue for some time according to the current demarkation with the addition of all Donbass.

Dick Von D'Astard

Don’t know what the size of the DPR/LPR airforce is presently, but they probably could do with some MiG-29’s.

Muhammad your Prophet

The Russians finally made it to Dombass after being ambushed all the way from Kiev? How many tanks did the Putin cockroaches lose just from the retreat alone?


How many Ukrotard tanks lost in the last six weeks?


ucrappistan–new nation to be recognized by a few nazi European/anglo nations will replace the former ukraine where the territory populated by civilized peoples will now be integrated into Russia….denmark USA will immediately announce allegiance to hitler and exchange lgbt ambassadors….fascist Australia prisoner colony where you cannot leave unless injected with bill gates poison and fascist cuckold Canada where you are not permitted unless sodomized by bill gates covid poison will send sodomized ambassadors also

8D Chess Whores will be Whores

The never changing map lol


It sure looks different than it did on February 23, 2022, that’s for sure.

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