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- Clashes between the AFU and Russian-led forces continue on the western outskirts of the town of Pesky;
- Clashes between the AFU and Russian-led forces continue in the village of Mariinka;
- Clashes between the AFU and Russian-led forces continue in the Avdiivka area;
- Clashes between the AFU and Russian-led forces continue in Vesela Dolyna;
- Clashes between the AFU and Russian-led forces continue in the village of Kodema.
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This will take time to crack but once that line breaks, it’ll shower
What makes you sure that the defence line will brake? And if you are right how should Russian occupy big cites if it’s army has so big problems with trenches? I am not so confident at the moment.
But moodys has made a new rating for Ukraine debts. Maybe the state will crash economic? Now it is time for China and Russia to veto against IMF helps for a land in the state of war.
Step by step, day by day, meter by meter the Allied Forces are advancing. Some telegram channels are saying that the big Armageddon offensive conducted by the Russian Air Force and Aerospace Forces will take place in some days, the preparations are ongoing. Ukrainian partisans should deliver more intel thou.
Russia is such a weak crappy country that even after they alllowed a moronic military amateur like Vladimir Putin destroy all of Russia’s military infrastructure in Eastern Ukraine, they still allow him to stay in power and make decisions like the terrorist human cockroach he is. Russia is shitty weakly bear.
Nobody is interested in your kike bullshit propaganda you inbred asswipe.
The Russians are now mopping up Pesky for weeks…it’s their moppilization!
Offensive is stalling, airports attacked. What is going on?
counter offensive planned in Cleveland may 2072; we will de Russify all Cleveland
Russia is a shitty weakly bear that just allowed a moronic military amateur like Vladimir Putin destroy its entire military by invading another country. Who is putting Vladimir Putin in prison for being such a deranged fucking moron? Because it’s all his fault. He and only him is to blame for this military catastrophe in eastern Ukraine.
Russian is advancing slowly in the Donbass region, because they withdrew most of their forces to Nikolaev and Zaporizhzhia. There will be a huge offensive there which they been preparing for weeks.
Russia has already defeated amerikan lgbt—only moron amerikan stupid enough to believe ukie babushkas can mount counter-offensive…thanks to moron tranny gringos ukies have permanently lost 20-30 trillion $ coal gas steel, minerals—what remainsins of ukie land is deindustrialize—EU can impoverish themselves to prevent mass ukie migration
MOST Americans see right through the NATO/OBIDEN BS and the agenda. The unlawful regime running America right now will be demolished. Americans will be taking their country back and this war will be finished. Death to the NWO and all the Zelenski’s around the world. Putin is a Great leader.
Viruela del mono generalizada entre los ukrogais debido a su promiscuidad homosexual generalizada.