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Military Situation In Eastern Ukraine On December 15, 2022 (Map Update)

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Military Situation In Eastern Ukraine On December 15, 2022 (Map Update)

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  • Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue on the streets in the eastern part of Bakhmut;
  • Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue in Soledar;
  • The Russian Army repelled the AFU attack near the town of Pavlovka;
  • Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue near Debrova;
  • Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue near Zhytlivka.


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I want to see a map with Russian occupation of Liwiw, Lutsk and Ivano-Frankiwsk. If you get control over these cities no Baltic member of government has a rail to visit Kiew. No repaired weapons or new weapons can reach the Donbass, Cherson and Zhaporitza front from Poland and Czech republic. Time to cut the supply line from the west. To be honest it is a war against all NATO members and Russia. You cannot win if you vmxan not stop supply. NATO and EU are getting more and more encouraged to support more weapons. Putin has to make a hard decision to end the war. Only a successful attack on the western border areas of Ukraine can isolate Kiew and make them to surrender.

William White

YES for sure, how many times do we need to say it? A child could see this as the right thing to do, what is wrong with the Russian Generals?


@William White

They are mainly jewish or at least following orders of their tiny jewish-puppet called Putin. And they tell you “Nazi, nazi” while their leaders themselves are part of the NWO/JWO, working hand-in-hand with Israel and USA as well as China.

But the stupid masses of mankind still can t grasp this easy to see truth.

JEWISH CONTROLLED.. US, UK and Canada have been killing and genocides millions of innocent peoples in The Middle East. And not only there, also jewish controlled Russia killed more than 30 mio ethnically Russians and Ukrainians (see for example the fate of the Kulaks – or the russian red army soldiers forces full-purposely by bloodthirsty jewish political commissars in tens of thousands directly into the german machine-gun fire).(Same as now jew-Putin forces them again into certain death by forcing them into the – 8 long years carefully prepared – Ukrainian meatgrinder – just coincidence ??)

And now jewish established satanic so-called vaccine companies deadly poisoned more than 3 billion innocent people worldwide, and destroyed mankind – changing their genetics and making it become COMIRNATY , C-OMI-RNA-T-Y , C+T=G (put the T inside the big C and you’ll realize it), rest is OMI-Y and RNA , so it’s just an anagram for G-OYIM-RNA. (It’s the same prinicple that’s shown here in this clip with Pfizer being an anagram for Lucifer, see https://www.bitchute.com/video/8BxhVLjZjZjP/ ).

So all these vaccinated V-Aids folks are now have become None-human, they are now SUB-human indeed. Goyim is the jewish-hebrew word for SUBHUMAN or human-look-a-like cattle. Because their RNA was changed and they are no more in god-DNA structure but artifically twisted and chipped genetic gene-engineered garbage hybrids patented and OWNED by jewish pharma companies with their flesh and even their souls now.

With all those “vaccinated” resp. genetically mode rna’ed folks having the mark of the beast inside their DNA now.

They are no more part of the biblical 144.000 (with is two times 72.000 which is the number of 1 natural DNA stream, and as human DNA helix is double-stream it is 144.000 – which is also the number mentioned in the bible). https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Revelation%2014&version=WE

Last edited 2 years ago by Bridgeindawater
John Deer

Petro-$ (incl. present war against Russia) is Neocolonialism, much like Communism was.

Last edited 2 years ago by John Deer
John Deer

Kulak = Feudal, Baath = Axis, Soros = NS-officer, Jewish/Biblical law kills LGBT = globalsits public face today.

Tommy Jensen

Its all a game.

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