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Military Situation In Eastern Ukraine On July 7, 2022 (Map Update)

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Military Situation In Eastern Ukraine On July 7, 2022 (Map Update)

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  • The AFU took control of the village of Solodke;
  • Clashes between the AFU and Russian forces continue near Seversk;
  • Clashes between the AFU and Russian forces continue near Bilohorivka;
  • Clashes between the AFU and Russian forces continue near Dolyna.


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Pedo Andy from Fcukingham Palace

hahahaha hoholfgfdg….SLAVA ROSSIYA!

Retired Troll

The western hyena coalition is in big trouble as Russia is succeeding and winning in Ukraine. President Putin is a chief guest at the G-20 and Indonesia, the chair has already said that it will not allow a anti-Russia propaganda by few disgruntled western nations. Most of the G-20 including China, Russia, Mexico etc already support Russia. The west is looking really like an old angry toothless whore ignored by everyone. But the Americunt whore with its pimps like UK and Canada and slaves Japan, Germany and Italy will keep on barking against Russia while the world moves on.

Last edited 2 years ago by Retired Troll

Truss skank will not attend as fm,Doris gayee is finished,looks almost a certain g19 (minus irrelevant UK!

Retired Troll

The most important reality now is that NATO has lost to Russia and all these bastards can do is bark like an ugly ignored toothless crazy whore. Even if the ugly whore Truss becomes another puppet PM of a nothing island in the middle of nowhere, it will not affect the outcome in Ukraine. These NATO bastards are spent and short of a suicidal nuclear war can not do anything to Russia, let alone China or even Iran. Their populations are going bankrupt and hungry as starting to ask questions.

They poured billions into a deadloss corrupt Jew hijacked Ukraine, which historically is Russian land and even an idiot knows that. Now the western brainwashed population is facing dire economic problems, sky high gasoline prices, food shortages, no gas to cook, even can’t tampons to stick us senile Biden’s diapered ass. So now what can they do short of a nuclear war and killing the planet?

The NATO morons totally underestimated Russian power and also how much the world strategic equation has shifted to Eurasia. Russians have done well in sheer military, political, economic and diplomatic terms. The vast majority of the world supports Russia and now with the western warmongering parasitic losers in trouble, Ukraine is already yesterdays news and frankly no ones cares. Now is time for the real Ukrainian Orthodox Slavs to get rid of Zelensky and the Jew cabal and save Slavic lives. No more wars for Jews anywhere.

Last edited 2 years ago by Retired Troll

Well said

Michigan Man

@Retired Troll

Bullshit ! They are in bed, in cahoots with them ! USA and Russia are both controlled by jews, but you braindead troll not realize it. You are playing directly into the Jews hands. Every kid already knows that jews always finance BOTH SIDES ! Can t you see that ?? Is it too high for you, or what ? The Jew plays that old disgusting “Good Cop, Bad Cop” with you. You think there is only two gamers (contrahents) when in fact there is not even a real game. But 3 assholes cheating and shitting on you, using that nasty “Good Cop, Bad Cop” trick. It is just 1 master and two slaves, and the master ordered the two slaves (USA and Russia) to fight each other (for the cameras), like in Wrestling. It looks gruesame, the audience thinks “oh these two are really at each others throats”, when in fact they are just actors and collegues.

And that’s what is taking place between USA and Russia. Both are jew-controlled, same as Ukraine is, with the prime-swine Zelensky at its top. It’s all jews, and a lot of people here in this forum know that. Some just realize the situation in the West and some are a bit cleverer and even grasp that also in the East (especially in Russia !!!) everything is infested and controlled (already since 1917!!!) by these same parasite brute called jews.

Last edited 2 years ago by Michigan Man
None of Jews

Jews do not control Russia. They wage their dirty war against Russia for 200+ years first from London then from Washington. Yes, they managed to briefly occupy Russia in 1917. creating anti-russian “Union” instead, enforcing Ukrainization and supporting every separatist fanatic in ex-empire, planning to split Russia into 100 tiny states. But their project failed, mostly thanks to Stalin (the reason why he is so demonized in the West and not Lenin who was much worse), Trotsky never succeeded Lenin and USSR became just another conservative Russian empire, something you indoctrinated American idiots can’t comprehend. Unfortunately they managed to destroy this empire as well, again briefly occupying Russia under Yeltsin. But this time it was Putin who ruined their plans.


Correct ! He is only here to distract posters from the real enemy the USA which is controlled by Zionism so is jealous of Russian achievements in not obeying Zionists like the USA does.

Michigan Man


Every country in which the people give up their liberty or other essential rights or values in exchange for jewish promises are already defeated.

If you not have the right anymore to print your own money in your own country, then you are alrady defeated.

And neighter USA nor Russia have, as they both have Rothschild Central Bank System. USA since 1913 and Russia since 1917 resp. 1922 ( see above in the comment I gave to ‘None of Jews’)

So the real distraction is done by the jewish medias, which try to distract us all from the real enemy, which is them, THE JEWS ! They want us to fight each other. US and European Christians fighting Russian Christians till again millions of Christians lie dead on the ground like in World War 1 and World War 2.

And you imbecile want that again. You think that is clever, you ? You don t think with such wishes you are directly playing into the hands of the jews ?

How old are you 5 ? 12 , or even 16 ? Much more cannot be, as you write such glibberish nonsense and cannot even grasp the most obvious connections.

Maybe I am too harsh on you now, but common, I gave so much info here, and you still not realize the most obvious thing. Start thinking, instead of keeping on sinking into more childish hysterical “Nazi, Nazi” (at least define that word) or “USA is jewish, but Russia is not” talk. Wake up to the truth, before it’s too let ! I tell you !

Last edited 2 years ago by Michigan Man
Zelensky is a cuckold on roids and cocaine

Well, things are bad on both sides. The cancer is Matriarchy (goes under Patriarchy name in the West – from a word patricians, which is unrelated to a word males). Almost nobody does actual productive work anymore. Especially females. I’ve never met a female who does actual work. Being it a cunt from USA, Ukraine, Russia, France, or UK. And if they do, they only “work” some unproductive BS jobs at best: nurses, services, HR, marketing, banking. Age expectancy is 10 years less for males in Russia and Ukraine, 6 years in USA and France.

Last edited 2 years ago by Zelensky is a cuckold on roids and cocaine
Michigan Man

@Zelensky cuckold

Not that wrong what you state, i even agree to a certain point. Most women, but in fact more and more humans at all, in developed countries, not do really productive work anymore. They cannot even think clearly anymore and sadly are conditioned and programmed by their jewish controlled governments and the jewish medias like dogs. Therefore: I even predict that this whole Ukraine war in which Putin, Biden, Scholz etc. are just marionettes, is also meant to give reason/pretext for the “urgent need to quickly establish an European army”.

As this is what the Jews want to create. An european army ( and detachments of that) that they can then use to send to different countries within Europe to oppress and fight the rioting native populations there. Because the jews know very well that more and more people ALL AROUND THE WORLD, and even in Europe are now starting to wake up, and realizing the unspeakable dimension of horrific crimes which the jews have commited against them. ( One being the mass-genocide against the european population, by the jewish mRNA ratpoison deathjabs which the jews camouflaged as vaccines).

Therefore the jews want to have troops at hand in Europe which they can use at will against the people. And they know that german soldiers will likely not shoot at innocent german population, same as switzerland soldiers will not shoot on their own citizens and so on. But if there is a european army, then they can send Spaniards to shoot Netherlanders or Poles to shoot Germans, or Germans to shoot Czechs and so on. That’s all part of their ( the Jews) plan, I tell you. They do it step by step. And watch out for it in the medias. They will slowly inject that idea (european army) into your brains within the next 10 months. And will use the “russian threat” as pretext for it, same as Putin used that “Nazis, Nazis-bullshit” as pretext for invading Ukraine. Mark my words. European Army is planned, and Ukraine-war is just pretext to estalish it, and sell it to the people as “a good, necessary thing”

Last edited 2 years ago by Michigan Man

Macron is the most ardent supporter of an EU army.

Michigan Man

@None of Jews

If you are open to real discussion then I can give you tons of proves that Russia is under jewish control. Let me point out in the following just a few ones:

There are indeed countries left in the world which are not under the control of the jews.

Iran still is not jewish controlled Syria is not jewish controlled Afghanistan is not jewish controlled North Korea is questionable but might also be still free Lybia was not till Gaddafi murder- but now is Iraq was not till 2003 – but now is

If you go to one of these countries there is NO law that FORBID you TO SPEAK freely ABOUT THE JEWS and their crimes.

But go to Russia, and what do you see ? Laws , mountains of laws that forbid you to speak the truth about the jews. Which is a clear indicator that jews rule that country !!.

The so-called president, a jewish looking dwarf, called Putin, born by a jewess ( with her maiden-name being SHALOMova).

All the superrich oligarchs in Russia are jewish ( shall I give you the names or do you admit it by yourself ?)

Especially under Stalin, who’s birthname is Josef Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili, a jewish-georgian originating name jewish rule was cemented. With “shvilli’ meaning “son of” and ‘Dzhuga’ meaning ‘Jew’ or ‘Juda’. So his name is Son of Jew /Juda. All of Stalins wifes, btw. were jewesses too. All the commissars in his secret police and the political commissars – which shot to death tens of thouands of russian soldiers, who, when attacking the german lines, where not strong enough and tried to go back – were jews ! These evil jewish commissars were the ones shooting to death every russian soldier which tried to go back.

When the russians attacked the german lines in hordes mass-assault they attacked like this. First line hordes of badly armed, often drunk mongolian faces, behind them little bit smaller amount of russian christian soldiers with better arms, and far far behind that a very small but long line of jewish political commissars, with pistols eighter rifle or pistol in hand.

Putin was brought to power with maximum help of Mr. Abramovich, a jew. Lots of books are written about this.

Putin is best friend with jewish Chabad Lubawitch sect, and the Rabbi Berel Lazar.

Russia legitimate Nationalbank was extinguished by jews in 1917. This happened between 25th Oct and 7 Nov 1917. Until that date, the legitimate russian Czar was in control of the emission of russian money. Till then the Russian Nationalbank existed. The Nationalbank of the Russian Realm existed from 1860 to 1917. Afterwards Lenin in 1922 established for Rothschild a jewish Rothschild-owned central bank in Russia which replaced the extinguished Nationalbank. Lenins so-called People’s Bank of the RSFSR, later was switched for the Gosbank of the Sovietunion (till 1991). After the fake dissolution of the Soviet Union, the jewish-communist camouflaged it again with another name and it became the todays Bank Rossii (Bank of Russia). So till today Russia is controlled by Jews and has its money emissioned by Rothschild satanist central banking system and not by Russians.

Putin openly admitted that 85% of the first soviet government was jewish. ( I have that speech archived somewhere)

Putin always praises communism, and even let statues of old soviet dictators be rebuilt and put in vacant places, to praise communism ( which is a jewish invented ideology same as bolshewism)

Russia since 1917 never even ONCE tried to persuade the murderers of the legitimate Russian Czar Nicolaus and his family, even though the jew grandbanker Jacob Schiff ( a close friend of Baron Rothschild) openly admitted that he has ordered the murder of the russian Czar and its family. Why was there never no russian government since 1917 even tried to prosecute the murderers and the creatures that ordered the murder, or even made it clear to the russians that the bolshewics were jews, and that there was no such thing like a “russian revolution” but that there was an evil jewish revolution, a jewish coup, against the legitimate russian government which led to the murder of it. And that since then jewish criminals are governing Russia. I tell you, because these criminals ARE STILL governing it !!!

The Nationalsocialists never forbid churches or systematically burned them down. But the Bolshewics and communists (including Stalin) did. Why ? Because Jews hate Christians and Jesus. The leaders of the Bolshewics and communist are mainly jews, and that’s why they burned churches down and forbid them. See also Albania and other nations that were forced under communism. They too can tells you about burned churches and mosques by communist rulers.

If – after all this said, – you still not believe me, then I urge you to please watch these very good three-part series of Dennis Fahey’s and his exposure of the fact that the Bolshevik (so-called) “Russian” Revolution was a Jewish coup against Christian Russia, and how all the follow-up “russian” leaders are connected to Judaism.

The Rulers of Russia, by Rev Dennis Fahey, Part 1 https://kuty.me/t6x

The Rulers of Russia, by Rev Dennis Fahey, Part 2 https://kuty.me/1u1

The Rulers of Russia, by Rev Dennis Fahey, Part 3 https://kuty.me/2t5

Realize the truth, and remember Jesus words: “Only the truth will set us free ! ” So don t be afraid to look at it, you can draw your conclusions as you want, but if you are to shy or afraid of at least looking at the facts then that disqualifies you from all real truth-seeking, uprightness and honour.

Last edited 2 years ago by Michigan Man



You profess to being an American and obviously “aren’t keen ” on jews as you seem to be stuck in the one groove which looks like you are trying to distract posters here from the MAIN object – defeating the USA . As I posted elsewhere here on SF Mr.Putin today -CHALLENGED the west to fight Russia on the battlefield- so far -no takers . Do you know John de Nugent ( US ex military citizen) ???

Michigan Man


Yes, and you think Mr. Putin, he himself, the jew, will indeed go to the battlefield ? Are you that dumb ? It is the russian christian soldiers he wants to send to their deaths. And the order his jewish masters gave is exactly that. They want that USA and Europe too send their christian troops against the christian russians, in order to create large stupid bloodbath Nr. 3 (WW3).

And you are supportive to that ? Are you so degenerated not to see the plan of the Jews behind this ? Christians beating and shooting each others to death on behalf of fat grinning hooknosed ugly jews, who make tons of profit, tons of shekel then from that carnage, and will be laughing their asses off while we are dying from beating and shooting each other to death, for no reason but them wanting us to do so. Grow up kid ! Wake up to the truth, and stop drinking, I urge you !!!

Last edited 2 years ago by Michigan Man

Like the changing map in Ukraine, the world order is also changing, the US hegemony is getting sucked into the black orifice, there’s no sunlight for them but there will be a great future for the world, when this tyranny finally ends.

Muhammad your Prophet

Ukraine has the most powerful weapon in the battlefield while the Putin cockroaches are crying because the obsolete Soviet tanks can’t even move. All the other Russian tanks are at Kiev now being paraded around after the humiliating Russian defeat.

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet
Mohammad your Goat

Ukraine is crumbling fast, they have to beg for weapons. They were crushed in Lysichansk and will be in rest of Donbas.


What’s the weather like there in Tel Aviv, Shlomo?

Muhammad your Prophet

You forgot Angentina among the Russian alliance of all the world’s shittiest countries.

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet
Your Mouth Yankee toilet

Your mouth is by far the shittiest shithole in the world, even shittiest than cunt/anus of that dead skunk who defecated you by some tragic mistake.




Bigg Chungus

How did Ukraine manage to take even a village? I pity the residents…


I don’t know. But considering that Ukrain has pulled troops off other fronts to achieve this small gain is surprising from military stand point. More heavy weaponry in the area means less in other fronts. A quick note is that the region they took has few russian soldiers, mostly DPR fighters and militias. Village is lightly populated and largely evacuated to larger urban centre’s I would suspect. Be interesting if the Russians redeploy and cut north to south behind the Ukrainian lines, but given the minimal deployment of Russian forces, this is not likely unless they have a efficient and extraordinary plan of attack.


A decent response to this might actually be to press west and southwest towards Katerninivka. That could set up a decent small cauldron.

Eric vossrlmans

Russia and its allies have liberated new positions to have maximum artillery coverage over seversk, soledar and bachmut. These places will fall soon. Slavyansk and kramatorsk will fall before the end of the summer. Nothing NATO can do about it.

Michigan Man


Are you sure ? Look at this brand new video from eastern Ukraine. RU ammo depot vaporized by UKR long-range weapon strike https://funker530.com/video/strike-in-eastern-ukraine-turns-russian-ammo-depot-into-massive-fireball/

Last edited 2 years ago by Michigan Man
Jacob Wohl

Michigay Tranny no one is interested in your fake ukrocrap, go watch your mama’s video on pornhub where she sucks 1000 black dicks. 100% real!

Last edited 2 years ago by Jacob Wohl

another hillbilly amerikan lgbt posting Hollywood –Russia…you –you have lost again…you incompetents cannot challenge Russia—humiliated by talibam….LOL

Emperor Tikacuti

The battle of Siversk (Donetsk Oblast) has begun.

Ukrainian troops alongside some militants who fought at both Sievierodonetsk and Lysychansk (Luhansk Oblast), retreating to two points of Siver and Soledar (Donetsk Oblast), troops stationed at Siver have no choice but to surrender 🏳️, due to the road heading to Lyman (Donetsk Oblast) was occupied by Putin’s army in May.

The battle of Siversk will be over soon.

Muhammad your Prophet

The situation in eastern Ukraine is that every time the Putin cockroaches are sent back to regroup they have a wave of desertions back to Russia. The Putin terrorists are forcing the Russians back to the front lines to die for their deranged terrorist president. They’re not even sending them to prison camps anymore. They have no manpower left to do that.


when poko molo sodomize u—use Mexican salsa for lube


loser :)



The lull before the storm. Softening up manpower groupings, destroying equipment and military infrastructure and sending 100s of NAZIS to hell, day after day. MAIMING 100s more and destroying Ukraine in the process.

The population of what is left of Ukraine when this war is over will be less than 20 million people. And most of that will be absorbed by Poland. Ukraine is writing its own death sentence. The NATO puppet country will be left mangled a decapitated. A lesson for all their friends. They could be next.


military situation in lgbt amerika—inferior nazis traumatized….the hillbillies do provide momentary entertainment at south front comments


Do not let them regroup. All the way to Kramatorsk on their backs. Open new front near Donetsk.

Last edited 2 years ago by PleaseHurrytheFuckUp

This ^^


Tass and American news websites 7-7-2022- Mr.Putin- quote – “if the west want to try to defeat Russia on the battlefield –let them TRY ! ” — Now THAT’S what I call fighting talk !!! He also said Russia hadn’t even started his campaign in earnest –well that’s a whole lot better .

Last edited 2 years ago by Donnchadh

> Russia hadn’t even started his campaign in earnest

yup sometimes it looks like they’re just priming their machine, command, and personel and getting it spooled into a decent gear. Like your rpg characters that are starting out their journey and racking up some XPs, they are accumulating some experienced and very proficient personel.

But at some point they might really want to kick it into high gear. It is not good for the people to let a conflict drag, and there are also strategic reasons not to do this.


in Russia we have an expression–we are slow to saddle up but when we do we ride fast—buistre

Michigan Man


Every country in which the people give up their liberty or other essential rights or values in exchange for jewish promises are already defeated.

If you not have the right anymore to print your own money in your own country, then you are alrady defeated.

And neighter USA nor Russia have, as they both have Rothschild Central Bank System. USA since 1913 and Russia since 1917 resp. 1922 ( see above in the comment I gave to ‘None of Jews’)

So the real distraction is done by the jewish medias, which try to distract us all from the real enemy, which is them, THE JEWS ! They want us to fight each other. US and European Christians fighting Russian Christians till again millions of Christians lie dead on the ground like in World War 1 and World War 2.

And you imbecile want that again. You think that is clever, you ? You don t think with such wishies you are directly playing into the hands of the jews ?

How old are you 5 ? 12 , or even 16 ? Much more cannot be, as you write such glibberish nonsense and cannot even grasp the most obvious connections.

Maybe I am too harsh on you now, but common, I gave so much info here, and you still not realize the most obvious thing. Start thinking, instead of keeping on sinking into more childish “Nazi, Nazi” or “USA is jewish, but Russia is not” talk. Wake up, before it’s too let !

Last edited 2 years ago by Michigan Man
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