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Military Situation In Eastern Ukraine On June 16, 2022 (Map Update)

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Military Situation In Eastern Ukraine On June 16, 2022 (Map Update)

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  • Russian forces claimed control over the village of Sydorove;
  • Clashes between the AFU and Russian forces continue in the Azot plant in Severodonetsk city;
  • Clashes between the AFU and Russian forces continue in the Zolote area;
  •  Clashes between the AFU and Russian forces were reported southeast of Bakhmut.


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Pedo Andy from Fcukingham Palace

The dumbass UKie hoholassholes are being whacked…SLAVA ROSSIYA!


Ukraine is losing men and ground very rapidly and with Russia now on the frontfoot and earning $7 billion extra a day, thanks to western idiocy by pushing higher oil prices, Russia can fight on for centuries. Ukraine should negotiate and end to this nightmare and Zelensky should be beheaded.

On northeastern front #RussianArmy & #DPR forces took full control over the towns of Bohorodychne/Богородичне & Sydorove/Сидорове & reached the northern outskirts of Mayaky/Маяки town.

Angry Hillbilly

American drivers struggle as gasoline prices hit new record

The average price that Americans pay for petrol is now hovering around 5 dollars for a gallon (3.8 liters), which is a new record. But in the western state of California, it’s closer to 6.40 dollars. Some drivers are spending as much as 160 dollars to fill up their tanks. Over 150 million Americans are on Mcjobs low pay and face poverty and food insecurity. Gee thanks senile Grandpa Joe.


As Russia advances, is Western support for Ukraine faltering?

As the war rages into a 17th week, Kiev is appealing for more heavy weapons, but rhetoric from Western leaders suggests support may be ebbing as western populations struggle with high cost of living and escalating fuel prices that are a boom for Russian and other oil producing economies.

Ukraine’s battered defenders continued retreat against Russian forces in the 16th week of the war, but Ukrainian leaders say they are so outgunned and in danger of losing more territory in the Donbas and central Ukraine, where Moscow is focusing its offensive.

Western governments have pledged huge quantities of howitzers, armoured vehicles, anti-tank and anti-air weapons, but the politics underpinning these deliveries may now be eroding as the war lumbers on in a seemingly open-ended stalemate whose economic side-effects are taking a toll on global growth and impoverishing western consumers, who are angry at billions of their tax dollars being drained in a lost conflict with no relevance to burdened western taxpayers.

Work AT Home

I produce eighty 5 dollars each hour for in operation an online job at .st03 I ne’er thought i’ll have it off but my relief makes 10 thousand greenbacks monthly operating this job and she or he or he instructed coniferous tree State to be told further concerning it. The potential with this will be endless. For a lot of detail…… 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐞.𝐭𝐤/

Last edited 2 years ago by Work AT Home

Most NATO countries donated old soviet weapons that have been sitting under tarps for 10-20 years. They made a big deal about the quality weapons they donated but the vast majority was junk, old, garbage. With the Russia satellites watching every major shipment when it hits the border, they simply wait to see where the Ukranians are storing it and blow the storage facility up with a cruise missile.

Seamus O'Neil

Ukraine reveals daily military casualties Up to 1,000 soldiers are being killed or wounded each day, according to a Kiev official


The US government doesn’t seem to give a shit about it. Their politics have nothing to do with taking care and doing what is in the best interest of their own citizens.

Last edited 2 years ago by Mike

65% of French people (not me) agree that President Macron visits his ally Zelensky in Kiev. This is the today survey.


But most French are Zionist captive eunuchs.


Matter of proportions. People are different inside a same country. I just give statistics.

It’s easy to overcome France rulers if you live in a clever way who does not advantage them.

Last edited 2 years ago by Sylvain

Thank you for the truth. Vive Le France !

Jill Simmons

I quit working at shoprite and now I make $65-85 per/h. How? I’m working online! My work didn’t exactly make me happy so I decided to take a chance on something new… after 4 years it was so hard to quit my day job but now I couldn’t be happier.

Here’s what I do……………….>> N­­­­E­­­­T­­­­C­­­­A­­­­S­­­­H­­­­1.C­­­­O­­­­M

Last edited 2 years ago by Jill Simmons

He gets his dumb statistics from Snopes. Piss on France.


Don’t put all French people in the same France.


I hate everybody equally, not just the French.


It’s you right to hate everybody

peter bos

You’ve stated before 75-85percent, there is no evidence of this unless you’re willing to believe psychopathic tabloid press’ opinion polls, on the contrair here in France we now pay over 2euro/L for petrol/gasoline, people are fed up to the teeth with self serving politicians like this one married to his trany sugar daddy


Exact. That’s why I wrote above “This is the today survey.”. Maybe 80% are against Putin and in the same time only 65% are for the Macron Kiev trip. By the way, it’s between 2/3 and 4/5 so this shows that between 10 and 20 millions of French are not for the current “French American Foundation Young Leaders” power in this war.

Moreover, people can buy a Honda CBR 125 motorbike and spend 2.7L per 100 km like me. Or do some biking in an endurance way at 15 km/h and spend 0L per 100 km. I use my 10L per 100km old car very rarely.

In the adult group, they are about 4-6 millions people including me who are not Covid-vaccinated (93% of the 18+ years old group).

So we have at least a Danemark-size or a Suisse-size population who are far from following these rulers in all subjects.

Last edited 2 years ago by Sylvain
Macron is a homo

But will Zelensky spit roast him with one of his favourite AZOV bum boys?


I don’t know. This is their private matter. I am so far from these people actually.

Muhammad your Prophet

The situation in eastern Ukraine is that the Putin cockroaches destroyed the three bridges in Severdonetsk but now they have no way of crossing the river to Luysyschansk. Ukrainian forces are already blocking all their attempts to cross the river by destroying the boontons bridges. The Putin terrorists are trapped in Severdonetsk as well. What a bunch of fucking morons.


No idiot– the AZOV NAZZIS HAVE NO WAY TO RETREAT NOW–They will be slaughtered. Russia will missile them to oblivion !

Muhammad your Prophet

And you have no ways to cross into Lysychansk, you fucking demented moron. The shitty Russian army just sabotaged its own supply lines by destroying those bridges. You’re so deranged and psychotic that you just cut off Severdonetsk completely from the rest of Dombass. Fucking saditisc piece of shit.

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet
The fight against German Nazism

They cut off Severodonetsk not from Donbass, but from Ukraine. They will bypass Lisichansk on pontoon bridges and take it into the encirclement.

Last edited 2 years ago by The fight against German Nazism

I don’t look at southfront everyday, but when I do I enjoy the efforts of you and hans to provide a comedic level of coping and seething (as the kids call it) for our entertainment.

As for your theories on entering Lysychansk, the poorly maintained road running east from the Donetsk Oblast looks fine enough after Lysychansk gets pinched off. Same with that P66 road running north from Zolote

Muhammad your Prophet

Right after you raped your dog. I understand. You must feel exhausted from all the raping.


prophet swallow CIA sperm regurgitates diarrea at SF


Ignore the dumb Ukro Nazi Mohamed whatever moron. He is now foaming at the mouth, as his child raping heroes have no way out…hahaha That piece of shit is now getting very desperate.


he is from Tel Aviv and god did not gift him with creative ability. These are the sort of useless people the Klaus Schwablers talk about that can easily be replaced with AI.

Muhammad your Prophet

This is the sort of antisemite cockroach who likes to babble deranged garbage around here and the Southfront troll farm and not even the Putin cockroaches can understand what the fuck he’s saying.

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet
Muhammad your Prophet

You’re cut off, you fucking demented idiot. Now you’re forced to use boonton bridges to move supplies from Severdonetsk into Dombass completely exposed to Ukrainian artillery. Good luck with that. you murdering piece of shit.

Kike Kike Baby

Your inbred Jewish brain seems to be malfunctioning, try rebooting it with a 9mm slug through your frontal lobes!

Muhammad your Prophet

Your deranged antisemite brain might have to start thinking about getting a lifejacket so that you don’t drown trying to cross the river. There are plenty of cockroaches like you who couldn’t swim fast enough the last time around.

Kike kike baby

Is the IDF sending Zelensky lots of their standard issue diapers and offering training on how to shoot kids throwing stones?

Muhammad your Prophet

I have no idea. You want to join the Hamas cockroaches too and find out?

Kike Kike Baby

Wanna buy a cheap two bed apartment?, (well most people would call it a double oven), Comedy, it’s a gas!

Muhammad your Prophet

That’s called psycho babble.


your desperate senility amuses


Is that your daily sitrep from the National Enquirer?

Muhammad your Prophet

I thought that the Southfront troll farm was the shitty ruskie version if the National Enquirer.

The fight against German Nazism

Troll Farm – are you talking about yourself and Hans?

Shlomo Shekelbergsteingoldsilvergreen

*hand rubbing intensifies*

Muhammed Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

No problem.

The missing part of the bridge can be filled up with broken Ukrainian tanks and Ukrainian corpses.

Muhammad your Prophet

It can be filled up with the corpses of all the Putin cockroaches left around across the rest of the city. That’ll be plenty.


They can surround Lisichansk from the south and west. Actually, I see that two major Russian thrusts are at Bahkmut and Slavansk. If Russia and her allies control those two cities, they control the entire M03 highway between them and cut off tens of thousands of Ukrainian troops and surround Kramatorsk. At that point, the Ukrainians will be in extremely desperate shape.

Muhammad your Prophet

Just like in Kiev, right? The same moronic encirclement around the entire city. And then what? The shitty Russian army wants to take a detour?

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet


Last edited 2 years ago by PaulRevereDeux
Hans raus

This map looks the same as map from 16.04. So called 2nd army in the world :D


My point exacly , no changes , no advance on ground just a couple of vilages…better to stop the war no sence to fighting on its like in the WW1


after denazified and u senile morons accept defeat—“better to stop war”

The fight against German Nazism

Look at this one.


Hans raus

,,U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin: NATO is “close” to adding Finland and Sweden to 30-nation alliance ahead of Madrid summit ”

another putin ,,victory”


Last edited 2 years ago by Hans raus

Putin is a pretty amazing leader, isn’t he? He just winks at Finland and Sweden, they then volunteer to open their territory as a legitimate training area for the Russian military.

Hans raus

Another one

,,The Ukrainian Army has shot down a Russian Ka-52 helicopter near Kherson.”


Last edited 2 years ago by Hans raus
The fight against German Nazism

This is not a K-52, this helicopter has only one propeller.

The fight against German Nazism

Most likely they shot down their helicopter again and pass it off as a Russian one.


nazi fake news from CIA Hans

Hans raus

Another HIMARS and another ,,good” news for russia……..not ^^

,, USA will supply more systems to Ukraine #HIMARS .

US National Security Adviser @JakeSullivan46 : “We expect additional deliveries of #HIMARS systems in the next aid package from the United States.”

👉🏽 HIMARS is an American multiple launch rocket system.”

Last edited 2 years ago by Hans raus
The fight against German Nazism

Yes, this is good news for the Russian army, it will gladly capture it.


And then redesign it to be more effective.


senile nazi—Russia easily jams himars w radio waves ukie defeat obvious—amerikant lies impotence desperation will not save u

Last edited 2 years ago by Yuri
Hans raus

haahhahahahahaah russia still use sovie junk, dont compare NATO and russia. Its like africa and europe :D



In this article it’s stated that according to a poll by the European Council of Foreign Relations, my country (Italy) is the most pro-Russia in Europe. When asked who’s the main responsible for the war, 56% of the Italians replied Russia and 27% Ukraine while the average is 73 and 15 respectively. It also means that 17% don’t answer against an average of 12%, which means many of them would answer Ukraine but didn’t do in order not to be blamed: let’s not forget this is the country where the government accuses of being a “Russian agent” whoever disagrees with Government’s views – thus I guess I’m a sort of “invader” lol Anyway, the same survey tells us that 39% thinks the main obstacle to peace is Russia while 35% thinks it’s Ukraine, while the average is 64% and 17%. Again in Italy 26% don’t answer against an average of 19%. Romania and France just follow Italy with, respectively 58-21 and 62-18 on the first question and 42-24 and 53-23 on the second. The most “anti-Russian” countries are, I know you know, Finland, Sweden, UK and Poland. Thirdly, 67% of the Italians think European economy is going to be damaged in some way while 62% think it’s Russia’s economy to be damaged. The survey was taken between the 28th of April and the 11th of May, when our medias kept saying Ukraine was winning and Italians mostly believed medias and the ruble was still very weak (or beginning to rise). I’m quite sure that if this survey is taken in July, the percentages will be completely different with about 75 blaming Ukraine: you know there’s a bulk of people here who still trusts medias but nevertheless reality cannot be hidden for too long and the good job made by…”Russian agents” in Italy is managing to let many of us open their eyes.


as ukie defeat becomes more obvious their leaders become more delusional desperate…the angloshere EU has isolated itself from the civilized world the new G8 has 25% more GDP and no sanctions: Russia, China, India, Brazil, Mexico, Indonesia, Turkey, Iran and interested nations include Argentina, Pakistan, Bangladesh pozadi amerika….pozadi europa


By loosing hundreds of men each day, Ukro will soon be a women country


Zelensky will be very happy to replace them with african and polish migrants: that’s what Ukrainians are fighting for

The Ogs

When you look at the photo in detail, all the little farms etc, every inch of land is developed! Amazing. Not like here in Canada which is mostly wilderness. But this of course is a sad situation indeed, these men fighting might not be brothers but they’re cousins for sure…

Alexander the Transnistrian

A village a day, keeps the Nazis close to defeat anyway

UntermenschMommitPoopit Raus

Weiss hier jemand was die Orkranischen Schocktruppen in der Gegend Siversk machen? Ich glaub bald werden sie Krasvpol, FAB500, und Iskander essen.

Rachel Lee

I am making $92 an hour working from home. i was greatly surprised at the same time as my neighbour advised me she changed into averaging $ninety five however I see the way it works now. I experience mass freedom now that I’m my non-public boss. That is what I do……>>> http://www.Richjobz.com

Last edited 2 years ago by Rachel Lee

200 mil crianças da Ucrânia sequestrada pela Rússia, sem pai, sem mãe, sendo abusada por pedófilo, traumas por resto da vida, que triste fim para essas crianças.


Macron confirms NATO will not provide combat aircraft or tanks to ukies—only spears and 30 year old used condoms supplied by jens

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