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Military Situation In Eastern Ukraine On March 15, 2022 (Map Update)

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Military Situation In Eastern Ukraine On March 15, 2022 (Map Update)


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Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Slowly but steady gaining momentum. Once the UAF in the east is toast and Mariupol is done Kiev is next.

Last edited 2 years ago by Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan
Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Ciatrolls and ukrobots are crying and raging 🤗🤡

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

A cruise missile a day keeps Azovisis away 🤗

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Slava Rossiye 🇷🇺

Corrupt shithole of russiapisstan

https://mobile.twitter.com/Cen4infoRes/status/1503800877601148938 Russians are worse terrorists than isis and al Qaeda combined.


We all LOVE MOTHER RUSSIA! Peace for Russia and Ukraine! and Jesus loves you shithole


retarded nato-nazi garbage propaganda for braindead zombies ^

Muhammad your Prophet

When’s the retaliation against the phony false flag attack against Donetsk going to be, Scooby? Putin the terrorist cockroach wouldn’t want people to know that he deliberately murdered 20 civilians in Donetsk.


What are the economic prospects for the young people in the Ukraine in the next ten years? How could the ethnic cleansing operation in Donbas, or trying to join NATO, or selling the country to the IMF, or babbling about acquiring nuclear weapons possibly have a good outcome for the Ukrainian people?

Muhammad your Prophet

There, there. Don’t change the subject. When is Putin the terrorist cockroach going retaliate for the phony false flag attack against Donetsk where he deliberately murdered 20 civilians from the so called Donetsk People’s Republic he’s supposed to protect, not murder?


There was a massive attack on Aidriivka. It appears that the 95th division is no more. What a shame.

Muhammad your Prophet

Look Scooby. Another Putin propaganda robot that just went haywire.


Keep repeating the same lines, booby


Russians figure out that the best way to eradicate the atheist LGBTQ NATO-backed nazi rats is by pounding them with hundred of kg bombs and shells. Give those motha-fuckers degenerate syphilitic nazi’s hell !

Yamil Perez Dead

The only subject here is you mental patient: test-subject for twisted MK Ultra experiments in CIA sex dungeons. Used by everyone to piss and shit in that dirty stinky hole you have on your face. Now swallow it you gay hooker and return for more.

Muhammad your Prophet

Hopefully they don’t have any of those in Donetsk, Scooby. You don’t want Putin the terrorist cockroach murdering his own people with those phony false flag attacks and destroying all of it.

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet

Change ur nick stupid asshole u are insulting all Muslims

Abu Muhammad Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

Muslims insult themselves. Are just illiterates who believe so fervently in a fantasy god and engage in such an exaggerated religious unfoldment.


Battle of Mariupol and Yavoriv Beligerants Russia 4chan Versus US UE Globohomo Reddit MSM Ukraina commanders and liders Vladimir Putin versus /u/spindokto Volodymyr Zelinski Wali Lucifer results Reddit foreign legion wiped out. nazi Azov regiment realities checked, 4chan keks.

Muhammad your Prophet

This Putin propaganda robot just went haywire.


really? you mother knows better. ask her


Go easy Russia! No sense in charging a well dug-in enemy. Perhaps better off committing more troops to surround them, cut off supplies, then flank them and create cauldrons.

Muhammad your Prophet

Ask these Russian marines in Odessa to keep murdering civilians for their terrorist cockroach president, Scooby. Try to convince them. I’m sure you’re a very persuasive lunatic, right? And the fact that you live in a deranged fantasy is a plus. It’ll sound confident. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/russian-troops-in-disarray-crying-26363358


NATO troll needs to supply troll news. What a surprise…..

Muhammad your Prophet

Why would NATO need a troll? They can already listen to every single conversation from the Russian forces after the moronic Russian air force destroyed every single 3g and 4g tower in Ukraine needed to comunicate in secure lines. They can even listen to the Russian terrorist president farting on his toilet, Scooby. So how exactly is that going to work?


Exactly, why would they need to send you cockroaches here…..

Muhammad your Prophet

Exactly. So now back to the subject you’re trying to change, Scooby. Why did the moronic Russian air force destroyed all lines of communications and now the entire world knows that the Russian army doesn’t want to fight in your deranged phony war of mass murder?


Now where did I leave the bug spray?…..

Muhammad your Prophet

Why are you evading the question, Scooby? Don’t you care about the mass of innocent civilians you’re murdering? I guess that’s why you’re the cockroach.

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet

desperately begging for attention you’re truly pathetic as much as you are stupid


your feminine desperation for attention like all 7 year girls


if you were not already defeated and feminized by taliban you would not post your meth driven lies at SF


Whut?? Lol you really need to be extremely retarded even by your monkey levels of retardation if you believe that Russian military or any military need civilian towers in Ukraine to communicate haha you fucking monkey idiooooooooot. Go kill yourself dumb cheap whore and stop farting from your toilet mouth always full of stinky shit.


they direct you automatons w discounted tacos

Corrupt shithole of russiapisstan

Russian troll getting triggered by facts. what a surprise…


Says the parasite with a troll account. Do you live here cockroach? We’re going to use raid on you, like the Russians are raiding the nazi cockroaches.

Muhammad your Prophet

Dan the faggy Putin cockroach who just came out the closet is now stalking like a lunatic. No surprise here.


Change ur nick u deserve to be skinned alive stupid asshole

Abu Muhammad Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

Fool. Your religion cultivates murder and unrest. Without Western help, you will all kill each other or starve to death. Are just illiterates who believe so fervently in a fantasy god and engage in such an exaggerated religious unfoldment.


you are expert on lgbt —amerikant military transgender


feminine projection amuses from arkansas hillbilly nazi


You are a fool who knows not that he’s a fool.

Muhammad your Prophet

The full wisdom of the Putin cockroaches feeling the indignation of their deranged sense of morality. I’m so blind that I can’t see the wisdom of Putin the demented terrorist cockroach. But I’m trying, Scooby. I’m trying to learn his moronic wisdom that destroyed all secure lines of communications.


“amerikants are ignorant and unteachable”. George S Santayana

Yamil Perez Dead

Not just a fool, he’s a deranged delirious degenerate who spams moronic garbage on this site 24/7 every day, probably paid a few cents per day by CIA/MI6 terrorists, plus all bananas he can swallow… although his endless mouth-farting is completely worthless, his entire pitiful and failed existence is completely worthless… he’s just a nato-owned cockroach from a cesspool, particularly filthy one.

Last edited 2 years ago by Yamil Perez Dead
Muhammad your Prophet

Calm down, Scooby. Go bang one of those super hot Russian chicks at the FSB. Don’t be such an angry faggot.

Cannon Fodder

The same crap and no sense of humor to boot, whatever. They ain’t getting their money’s worth. The dude is mental.

Muhammad your Prophet

A Russian dictator monster just invaded another sovereign country and is committing mass murder in front of the entire world, Scooby. What is there to laugh?

Yamil Perez Dead

I always laugh to your stupidity you desperate shiteating whore. Yeah, not nice to laugh at you autistic, deformed invalid monkey; probably not your fault coz your mother was raped by a donkey and then her abortion failed so miserably….

Hunter Biden

I’ll ask your mother in Moldavian brothel after she finish sucking my dick. Perhaps she’ll even save you something for dinner so you don’t need to whoring yourself by spamming moronic garbage 24/7

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

More news from the Disney news network…


taco brain so stoopid she believes fake anglo news


Another russian general was grilled today 🔥

Andy Lee Lowell

Where did you get this news? I couldn’t find any reports online confirming this.

Corrupt shithole of russiapisstan

That’s because all you believe is propaganda like south front

Andy Lee Lowell

Don’t make me laugh. I read about the Mariupol cauldron today at ISW Study of War website. Do you know who they are? ISW is 100% pro-Ukrainian. The website is directed by a member of the Kagan family.. Vickie Nuland married into that family.

My point – in case you can’t understand it – is that a pro-Ukrainian, anti-Russian news site is admitting that Mariupol is about to fall. What does that tell you? Things must be really, really bad for the UAF and Nazis if even their own propagandists admit disaster is about to fall.

Get it now?

So, I repeat myself – does anyone know how many Ukrainian and Nazi soldiers are in Mariupol? Is it really 14,000? This is going to be huge news when the surrender occurs.

eat shit and die

No one believes your moronic lies not your Yankee masters you filthy dumb whore.

perhaps you shouldn’t spend every second of your pathetic miserable existence here, you bitch are literally ALWAYS here: you do’nt even sleep, you don’t eat (except turds and cockroaches in your basement), you are addicted to being abused and raped here… pathetic masochist degenerate insect.

Last edited 2 years ago by eat shit and die
Yamil Perez

And all you believe is the CIA News Network…


your senility and mental retardation is expected—pity to sexually repressed shallow gringo nazi—u r an impotent timid feminized defeated coward—emperor gates denies you freedom and you beg to shine his shoes

Last edited 2 years ago by Yuri
Muhammad your Prophet

Who the fuck is Yuri? Yuri’s a geisha, right Scooby? She’s a geisha?

Andy Lee Lowell

They’re all admitting online that Mariupol is about to fall. I heard there are 14,000 UAF and Nazi soldiers there.

That’s going to be an incredibly big victory for Russia when it breaks. All the Western MSM headlines will have to acknowledge what’s happened. Think about it – 14,000 Nazis and Ukrainians. That’s a huge catch.


I would be a bit surprised they would have so many that isolated actually. Not to say there isn’t, but I guess they must have caught them off-guard in the closing cauldron before they got a chance to escape north.

Should be a turkey-shoot then!

P.S. I think they should publish more footage of the dead Nazi’s as an example of whats to come for the rest of them.

Andy Lee Lowell

If you can find any reliable indication of how Ukrainians and Nazis are trapped at Mariupol, by all means, post your data here.

This is going to be really, really huge victory for Russia. It’s on the verge of happening!

Russia’s about to score it’s first major break-through victory.


It does make me wonder now how many civilians they are holding hostage in the basements, and whether they will use them to negotiate a transfer to Western Ukraine, similar to what militants did in Syria.

Andy Lee Lowell

You may be correct. One of the saddest – and most outrageous – parts about it is that Western MSM will play along with the ruse. US and UK newspapers will deliberately fail to report that the Ukrainians and Nazis are literally using human shields.

Western MSM will always find a way to blame the Russians for everything. For anything.


Spot on. The truth is irrelevant for Western MSM. They have their narrative, their agenda, they don’t care about anything else. and they are always even more fanatical than hawks in Washington DC. Incredible. Since Pulitzer and Hearst it’s difficult to say whether media serve politicians and military to prepare every US aggression, or media actually force politicians and army into every war. Sick symbiosis I guess.

Last edited 2 years ago by gonzalo
Muhammad your Prophet

Путин = бог киева.

Слава России!

Yamil Perez

I kissed the pee pee of Zelensky.

Muhammad your Prophet

Does the West’s degeneracy have no end? We must conquer Ukraine, to save its children from American homosexual grooming. Слава России!


Give those syphilitic neo-nazi NATO earthworms uninterrupted hell !

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