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MARCH 2025

Military Situation In Eastern Ukraine On March 16, 2022 (Map Update)

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Military Situation In Eastern Ukraine On March 16, 2022 (Map Update)


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Andy Lee Lowell

Russian liberation army – onwards, to victory over the Nazi Ukrainian enemy!

Ukrainian Nazi troops – shame on you forever, for your war crimes, racism, ethno-chauvinist politics, and brutal treatment of non-combatants!

The Russian liberation army hammer is about to drop in the east.

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan



From Anna News:

– New authorities organized in Kherson – they seek to improve relations with Russia –

“The southern city of Kherson, as well as the Kherson region, were taken under the control of the Russian Armed Forces and are gradually establishing a peaceful life. Politicians and public figures of the city have already established a new authority instead of the Rada – the Committee of Salvation for Peace and Order. The mayor of Kherson, his deputy, the director of the local news agency Tavria News, among others, became members. Reports on Wednesday, March 16, RT .

In a conversation with the agency’s journalists, Kirill Stremousov, a representative of the committee, noted that the region is interested in close trade, economic, social and cultural ties with Russia. “It is the Russian Federation today for me personally that is a priority and a direction that we set ourselves in shaping the stabilization of the situation in our region,” the official’s comment says.””

What this says to me is that the Russian Government is taking over Ukraine one local area and government at a time. Which is obviously easier to do in Russian speaking areas where the local population has been subjected to ethnic cleansing and persecution by the Kiev government and it’s NATO supporters.

All of Ukraine east of the main river is Russian speaking to varying degrees. What will happen in mixed areas and west of the river remains to be seen. Given the Russian Government’s extensive experience in administrating mixed and Russian minority areas. It’s reasonable to expect that a national government will be gotten operational in Kiev that will implement Russian objectives throughout the entire nation. Despite NATO and the nationalist elements responsible for the ethnic cleansing efforts to prevent it.

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Ciatrolls and ukrobots are crying and raging 🤗🤡

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

A Krasnopol a day keeps Azovisis away 🤗

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Slava Rossiye 🤗

Timmy Temperance

Dude. Col. Macgregor on the GrayZone, YOutube. How is he able to live in the US and tell the truth?! Amazing, well done to him for speaking common sense and not reciting the toxic narrative of NATO. It is so rare to here real free speech and people trying to give on objective opinion here in UK and for a US Colonel to do so, I am welling-up. They using your map btw.


They can’t suppress the truth for long. People are starting to see American lies. Slava rossiye. I need to visit Russia after this war is over.


Well he is retired and probably has little to gain from shilling for the corrupt establishment. Furthermore he seems to be a man of principle, as far as I can tell. Unfortunately men of principle are in short supply nowadays, as 99% of the people who work for the establishment are sellouts. To me the notion of selling your soul for worthless paper money doesn’t sound very appealing, but then again, the system teaches people from a very young age what the best measure of success looks like and that any means to further yourself within this system is acceptable.

Last edited 2 years ago by Sunny
Timmy Temperance

LOL. The Guardian has a funny article about the Tuss congratulating herself for the release of Nazanin hashasin. Apparently it had nothing to do with the repaying of 400 million for tanks many years ago. Yeah right. And that money is going straight to the IRGC btw, humanitarian purposes my ass.

Last edited 2 years ago by Timmy Temperance
jens holm

I will throw you in the head with danish rotten sardines in vinegar. You punk.

Muhammad your Prophet

Southfront posting the exact same image as before. They have to post something there. What else can they come up with? It’s not like the terrorist Russian president has made any progress to report.

Adam Kafei

If you’re going to post maps on the daily, there area going to be days where the map doesn’t change, look at the Syria and Iraq maps, or the Afganistan map, when was the last time they changed?


They are waiting for you in Mariupol, they still have a few hours to live. Don’t waste time, go!

Muhammad your Prophet

Where exactly would you want me to go, Scooby? Putin the human terrorist cockroach is targeting even little children in Mariupol. He’s murdering everybody he can just because he’s a mass murdering cockroach who the world can’t wait until he chews his cyanide pill.

jens holm

Beforey my sex change surgery I used to ejaculate in the the exhausted pipes of cars parked in Copenhagen. I was arrested twice. But it was worth it.

jens holm

Danish tranny’s support baby killers and Azovisis. Brothers in arms.

Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy

Im the biggest terrorist ever tho. Best President ever 😈💯

Timmy Temperance

I am concerned about the strikes on the airfield in Kherson which destroyed Russian helicopters and vehicles, and the strikes on the command post near Kiev. Why are these positions not protected? I don’t know a lot about war but it seems that any major gathering of military vehicles or aircraft should not be so easy to strike.


I think they were hit with artillery, not much you can do about it except not be in range of the killzone. I think the stacking of helicopters in Kherson was probably a sign of overconfidence or negligence. Hopefully they won’t make that mistake again.


All major gatherings are easy targets. There are no perfect protection.


ukrainian thugs are desperately waiting for more 60+ year old Brits with fecal incontinence bringing ammo and steroid pills in their backpacks to help them fight for their zio/nazi democracy


It is strange when some people are too overjoyed. This is war. An unfortunate but neccesary war. Not a reason for joy, smilies and pleasure over it.

Many looks like to forget that this operation is not against Ukraine or the people there.

It is to make safe the Donbas region (and a bit more), and make a regime change or at least a notable direction change in the political and other leadership in Ukraine: change it from hostile western pawn to at least neutral.

The problem is: The intervention of the Russian Armed Forces was not that effective/ quick as it supposed to be. People in Ukraine may not like or support their regime, as history proves many did drop weapons and surrender in 2014 – 2015 when sent to the front against will. But many tend to arm themselves if case of war come to them/ when get attacked, let alone siege of cities.

People are not the enemy, puppet masters are.


The former regime and supporters certainly won’t be happy and will probably do everything they can to undermine the new. But the ordinary citizens, or at least most of the sane ones, will appreciate a new opportunity without the drama and corruption of the past.

At the end of the day, the regime was set on a course of confrontation by way of weapons of mass destruction. If the citizens of Ukraine want to blame anyone, it is their Government.


No, it is the government of the United States of America and their banker owners.


And Poland, the Baltic States, UK, recently even Canada. Also the tons of international organizations and NGO-s/ other Soros assets. It is so glabalist.

USA not even the N1 player, nor was in the failed attempt recently to make orange revolution in Belarus.

That what I meant under “puppet masters”.


They certainly added to the problem, but the Mafia groups that jousted for the presidency and corruption within their own society are ultimately responsible for it’s downfall.

Ukraine has to be rid of this toxic kind of leadership within it’s society and instead promote a sustainable heirachy that feeds new blood into the system with good values and a long-term outlook.


Take that NPZ settlement from north direction and they will be fucked all way into a great cauldron

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