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MARCH 2025

Military Situation In Eastern Ukraine On March 18, 2022 (Map Update)

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Military Situation In Eastern Ukraine On March 18, 2022 (Map Update)

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The situation is as follows. Russians believe they are winning. But they’re just buying time. Ukrainians deliver punishing losses to the Russian armed forces on every point of battle. Russians don’t seem to notice that as they apparently have an unlimited supply of troops at their disposal. That’s why they don’t treat their wounded and they shoot their own defectors. So defectors abandon their equipment, drop their combat gear, dress civilian and creep through the forests and fields of Ukraine, looking for ways out, so not to be detected by their Chechen execution squads. The Russians are shooting themselves in the foot. Literally. Their own tactics are depleting their own army. The Russian army is the only army on planet earth where the soliders arrive on the battlefield in vehicles and return home on foot, abandoning their fully functional equipment.

Arzt Injektion

They are still counting the dead in the barracks strike at Nikolaev. 50+. Is there no one in Ukraine that will negotiate terms? Are you just going to let Zelenskyy carry on until there is nothing left of Ukraine?

Hungary Guy

Yep, just as the CONvid HOAX with empty hospital staff dancing amidst a deadly PLANdemic. Sober up hasbarat


The situation is as follows. Ukrobots believe they are winning. But they’re just buying time. Russians deliver punishing losses to the banderite armed forces on every point of battle. Ukrobots don’t seem to notice that as they apparently have an unlimited supply of troops at their disposal. That’s why they don’t treat their wounded and they shoot their own defectors. So defectors abandon their equipment, drop their combat gear, dress civilian and creep through the forests and fields of Ukraine, looking for ways out, so not to be detected by the Chechen execution squads. The ukrobots are shooting themselves in the foot. Literally. Their own tactics are depleting their own army. The Azovisis army is the only army on planet earth where the soliders arrive on the battlefield in vehicles and return home on foot, abandoning their fully functional equipment.


Get a life


Indeed I should. I should quit the SBU cyber warfare unit.


Why are you so determined to copy me? You think that copy pasting my posts and my name and changing a few words makes any difference to anyone? I mean this is the next level of trolling. At least contribute with something to the discussion otherwise you’re just filing space pointlessly here.


“The Azovisis army is the only army on planet earth where the soliders arrive on the battlefield in vehicles and return home on foot, abandoning their fully functional equipment.’

The Russians are giving Ukrainian equipment to the DPR, LPR militias. They’re also got full pallets of brand new British NLAW ATGM’s … Ukrainians didn’t even get time to open their presents.


When I see posts like this, especially after all the documented equipment left behind by the Russian battalions, I’m even more convinced that the Russian side is trying hard to hide a major disaster in their ranks. You guys are so intellectually weak, you are refuting my posts by copying me. This is stuff a five year old does. If the Russian population falls for such infantile persuasion tactics, then it’s understandable why you would let your country be dragged into a stupid war by a stupid dictator. The average IQ for the average Russian person must be close to borderline retardation


I like how you take from media as if it was fact.

This is the fact, Russian is advancing Russian advance have been slowed down.

Zelensky have been crying for more help Euro are afraid of russia to impose no-fly zone

The fact that you never see video where russian winning a battle, destroying ukrain troops, capturing them, should alert you something is wrong, because russia is advancing. They even about to capture mariapol.

Why did the advance been slowed down, maybe they do face fierce resistant, and maybe they want to limit civilian and environmental casualties. Maybe it would be 48 hour if russia carpet bombed ukrain for 1 month non-stop before advancing like how USA and NATO did on thier invasion like iraq, yogoslovia.


To change the engine of a T72 or further derivates, Russians need 2 to 3 days. Western tanks around 15 to 20 minutes, due to different doctrines.

This former Soviet doctrine is causing many issues right now, as it aims at a complete different combat scenario, with the emphasis of breaking through front lines, where many tanks are simply expected to get lost and being expendable.

However, there are no front lines in the Ukraine war anymore. Now the tanks don’t fit into the current type of combat and are difficult to repair too. Thus no surprise that there are so many tanks and other equipment being abandoned.

Yamil Perez

1243 ukro tanks destroyed. 267 abandoned. Oy oy…


How’s the Ukrainian ATO in Donbas coming? Must have those Little Green Men just about mopped up by now. And the territorial integrity operation in Crimea? Should see the Harry Truman docked at Sevastopol by next week, no? Funny thing about Ukronazis. When they fled west after WW2, the Americans thought they might use them against the Russians. They were in DP camps in Germany. The Americans gave them uniforms and the first thing they did was start trials and executions for their own “traitors”. They were actually too psychotic for CIA. MI6 happily used them up over the next few years on kamikaze terrorist missions. Funny, funny stuff.

Gay Boy Zelenskky McZioNaziJew Dick Lover 69

Haven’t heard of the ‘Mogadishu mile’ ay? The no.1 military on the planet – murica- had 90% of it’s air and ground apparatus deployed in Mogadishu-Somalia destroyed in just 24 hours by crazy Somali’s with nothing more than soviet era Ak47s and RPGs. The entire force had to run out of the city on foot.

Last edited 2 years ago by Gay Boy Zelenskky McZioNaziJew Dick Lover 69
bot vs bot

I love how you you bring two sides of history just like an “expert” in the mass media maybe you are using a kind of artificial intelligence to deliver void words as fucking politicians, it is really nice.


Ukraine has zero chance in this war.. Today Kiev had to declare thet they now have lost the entire shore and landmass above the sea of Azov. The siege and squeeze of Kharkov continues, and Marupol will soon be mopped up. My guess is that Ukraine loses all ots shoreline eventually as they will not agree to terms. Odessa is next after Kharkov i believe.

John Hawk

….get back on your meds, quick!


Ukkropbots, i don’t feel so good. Our best trained fighters stationed in Mariupol are already caught praising Chechen leadership on camera and 50+ dead Ukkrop soldiers in Mykolaev are being tossed into mass graves after a Kalibr missile strike. CIA if you are reading this, tell me when to carry out the anthrax false flag, we don’t have any fighting men left over here.


Oy vey…

Yamil Perez

Oh no. Not by precious beloved koshernazis 😭


The map is old.

The Objective

Ah home again in beautiful Tel Aviv, warm and sunny. Eff ukronazisistan.

jens holm

I thibk I bdoke my viking mangina. jens nit so goot right now. Coconut was too big. Need some danosh rotten fish in vinegar with moldy corn bread. Best medicin ever, ja.

Adolf Hitler

Oh Nein. Nicht schon vieder. Diese Russiche schweinehunde. Nicht nochmal :( Meine wunderschöne Azov nazis😢


Lol Nazi leadership hated the Ukrainians, so much so that all strategic understanding went unconsidered until absolute desperation.

Axis could have attacked through North Africa, smashed the British, took all the oil through a narrow corridor where the roads don’t turn to slosh. They could have promised Ukraine freedom and created a buffer the Soviets would have had to push through to reach the Axis invaders, Ukrainian terrorists wreaking havoc on the Soviets all the while. The Axis could have done the same to the Baltic. Promise of freedom, creation of terror cells against Soviet in territory that had little strategic value.

But what did the Axis do instead? “Let’s build an army smaller than the Soviet and invade and not let the Ukrainians join because they are weak and useless feeder peasants.”

Nazi top leadership was even more willing to work with Russians first. Look at the Lokot Autonomy.

Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy

Condolences to the fallen Azovisis and CIAisis operators. May they rest in pieces…


Looks like you were bred, born and raised. In Banderstan. “The Banderstain Wain” Mammie will have to change úr diapers 100 times or more ‘fore this thread expires. 39 and counting


Military academy here: Take that NPZ settlent for the fuck, you russians !!!! How many times I must tell you ?? And all your misery in that sector will be gone forever letting trapped thousands inside the cauldron. NPZ NPZ NPZ !!!!!!!!!!!!!

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