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MARCH 2025

Military Situation In Eastern Ukraine On March 19, 2022 (Map Update)

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Military Situation In Eastern Ukraine On March 19, 2022 (Map Update)

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Fellow ukropbots, an update from the front lines… The situation is looking dire, but we managed to score a small victory. The story of the 7 civilians we recently executed has been picked up by CNN. They headlined it as “Survivors of Snake Island heroically defeated 250 spetsnaz units”. This was a morale booster, but not for some. My squadmate overdosed on “Krokodil” last night, another valiant AZOV fighter lost… Our CO who is currently crossdressing as a woman, gave us orders to make 1 final counter attack to create a distraction so that he can escape and request reinforcements from Steiner’s batallion. We took what remains of our javelin stash and went outside. However, what seemed like thermobaric MLRS rockets turned most of my company into charcoal. These javs are completely useless, we’re just carrying all this weight on our backs like idiots whilst being decimated by unseen attack. NATO, send us something that actually helps. The only individual still alive from my squad is a Canadian volunteer, but he says he can’t go into combat until he finds his dilator, whatever that is… some sort of NATO superweapon i’m sure.

Ashok Varma

There is now general consensus among informed military observers that Russian tenacity, tactical flexibility and above all immense ability to endure has prevailed yet again.Despite al lot of fake narrative by embarrassed western warmongering cowards and paid trolls, the so-called Ukrainians are trapped like rats in holes in Kiev and all over isolated regions. The Russians have fought with sheer willpower and liberated large chunks of regions east of Dnieper River, their ethnic heartland.

The Azov battalion racist Nazis and criminals are isolated in old Soviet era iron foundry and are been slowly annihilated with TOS, Grads and 122mm close support artillery. The Kiev Nazis despite all the boasts and sheer insane propaganda have not been able to launch a single counter-attack even at a company level. The Ukrainian forces are isolated and cut off without any command structure. The type of weapons the US criminals and their occupied NATO lapdogs are providing the terrorists are basically useless for conventional warfare as the Kiev Nazis acknowledged after a Russian SU-25 ground attack frogfoot was hit 11 times by a pin prick Stinger but the brave Russian aviator managed to salvage the plane and land it safely. The Ukrainians have lost 90% of the their antiquated armor and have no artillery left. It is only a question of time and tactics when the Red Army will mop up Mariupol iron works and the slowly grind Kiev to submission.

Another great development which is very positive for President Putin is the immense public support Operation Z has garnered domestically. On the international front all the major powers China, India, Brazil, Iran etc are backing Russian, both politically and economically by increasing trade and creating a non-dollar mutual currency swap model. India has stated that all trade with Russia will be in Rupee-Ruble swaps, while the Chinese have now linked Russia to their banking and credit arrangements. The only long term losers are US and its Euro lapdogs as a new Eurasian economic block takes hold. Russia has won on all fronts. JAI RUS!


Did they sack you from Pravda mate? Your stories were not sufficiently cooked for the well developed palate of the great Tzar? But reading this drivel, I can understand why.

Ashok Varma

Abay madar chod, I am from India and we love Russia. JAI RUS!


Nice. Move to Russia then. They love coloured people. They’ll love you too. Did you know that out of all white populations on planet earth, the Russians are the most racist? Indian migration to Russia don’t make me laugh. 😂😂🤣😂


You’re not even in Europe and writing this drivel. You’ve understand the culture, you know nothing about Russia or Ukraine. Just shot yourself in the foot mate.

Ashok Varma

Europe is also getting multi-cultural by the day. Indians own most of Britain and the French have over 12% Arab and Muslim population. You need to get out more, simple racist troll. JAI RUS!


Dude, the pain you must go through after your TV victories turned out to be virtual. Zelensky has been kept alive but the longer he proves to be useless, the lesser the incentive.

Ashok Varma

Idiot, Russia is the most multi-ethnic country on earth. ever heard if Tuvans, Chechens, Dagistanis, Caucasians and so on. You are an ignorant racist trash troll. JAI RUS!


You know nothing 😂😂😂😂


Indeed I know nothing. Im just a neonazi double digit IQ ukrobot living in Canada suffering from cognitive dissonance.

Pedo Andy from Fcukingham Palace

Shoigu, the Russian Defence Minister and most likely the next president is a Tuvan. SLAVA ROSSIYA!


The diverse Chechens use gay people for hunting practice. If captured alive, they torture them for pure pleasure. Kadyrov would love an Indian slave in Grozny to wipe the floor of the central public toilets for dog food.

Ashok Varma

India has a consulate in Grozny and we have no problems with Chechens who saved a lot of Indian students from Kiev Nazis. Indians like most of the world now hate the Ukrainian Nazi racists who abused foreign students.


That’s why they move to London and Manchester and Birmingham and Newcastle and Aberdeen. Because Indians love mother Russia 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


That’s why they move to London and Manchester and Birmingham and Newcastle and Aberdeen. Because Indians will be your new masters in the UK 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Fixed!


Russia didn’t colonize, exploit or genocide India. The UK did. Payback is a biatch…


If they are gays like You I support it.


Lol they’re are diverse! Chinese people are racist too they hate Indians! What planet are you from?


Lol they’re are diverse! I am racist too, I hate Indians! What planet am I from? Fixed!


The Nazi Bandera doesn’t comprehend that RF is civilization hiden behind Country.

Pedo Andy from Fcukingham Palace

The Khazar clown Zelensky should have bothered to read the history of the great Russian Slavic and Scythian warrior people starting from the sunny day on the Volga in 862 AD when Price Rurik sailed down and established Kievan-Rus of two very powerful Nordic and Caucasian Scythian tribes and picked the majestic Siberian bear as the symbol of the future SUPERPOWER. He observed, at face the Great Siberian Bear appears very playful, somewhat disinterested but always an overpowering presence and has deadly and vicious ferocity when protecting its domain and cubs (children). People admire the Russian bear and its natural authority

jens holm

Aftre the Khazars there beeen ottomans and mulim Tatars, so Khazars dont exist.

The Jews was invited in by Poland-Lituania, because none liked them in western Europe.

jens holm

More likely You are form Qatar having katar🛀🏼


Really? I did not live in Moscow but i was staying there for some time. There are many Asians living there, mostly from central Asian republics but also many indians and chinese, vietnamese etc. If russians were so racist as you say, they would not feel welcomed there. I had the same feeling i had in any other big european city. Rural places of Russia are more traditional ofc and i guess things are different there, and foreigners are not accepted so nicely. But that’s not only in Russia.

Ashok Varma

Moscow has the largest Mosque in Europe and Russian military is almost 20% Muslim.


Lol you did hot live in Moscow. Try living in Moscow. Are you black or coloured? You don’t even know what racism is. You don’t understand it. How many black people live in Moscow? Ask them if Russians are racist. They will tell you.


Lol you did hot live in London. Try living in London. Are you black or coloured? You don’t even know what racism is. You don’t understand it. How many colored people live in London? Ask them if white Londoners are racist. They will tell you.


I live in London you dukbfuck


I live in London where I get my dukb fucked. Fixed!


I love the gayclubs here. Lots of fresh meat from Ukraine. Glorious ukronazisistan.

Yamil Perez

You are mixing up Russia with glorious Ukropisstan. While world saw how you used civs and foreigners as Human shield like isis did. You are toast boy.

Pedo Andy from Fcukingham Palace

The hubris laden Zionist controlled so-called West must understand that, to Russia, Ukraine can never be just a foreign country. Russian history began in what was called Kievan-Rus. The Russian religion spread from there. Ukraine has been part of Russia for centuries, and their histories were intertwined before then. Some of the most important battles for Russian freedom, starting with the Battle of Poltava in 1709 , were fought on Ukrainian soil. The Black Sea Fleet — Russia’s means of projecting power in the Mediterranean — is based in Sevastopol, in Russian Crimea. Even such famed dissidents as Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn and Joseph Brodsky insisted that Ukraine was an integral part of Russian history and, indeed, of Russia. Ukraine is the heartland of Russia’s living soul and nationalism and there will be no compromise.

These are principles steeped in history and non-negotiable for Russian populace. People familiar with the region will know western aggressive meddling and control over a weak puppet government in Kiev will not be palatable Russians and large parts of Ukrainian population linked to Russia. SLAVA ROSSIYA!

jens holm

We all undertsand the Russian paranoia and the usual attitude expand and blow up and back to Your correct seize.

Its because Putin has gas.

jens holm

Russia doesn’t have to be paranoid I and my danish tactical spec ops unit only want to rape and pillage. We are the good guys, 👋

Adam Adamczeski

Orthodoxy is a schism I will say more is Satanism in a different form, just like Judaism. There is not even one Eucharistic Miracle in Orthodoxy. about 70 thousand people set up a miracle in Fatima. Since then, I have had two revelations that have come true. Protestatism, Orthodoxy, Judaism – you will see them after sheep and the fruits are genocide. Popi in Volhynia blessed axes, Protestants supported Hitler, etc … There are so many signs on earth and in heaven that it is surprising that Orthodoxy, Protestantism and Judaimism still exist. There is no color outside the Catholic Church, but it is destroyed by the fan and torn by all.

Read St. Faustina’s Dziemmoczek is there about Russia!


Vatican = Satanism in its most evil form you dumb Polak kurva.

Pedo anti-christ popes are the most evil, sick demonic scum in human history. Vatican committed more genocides than any empire in history, including the Roman mass murdering empire. Endless list of Pedo-Vatican satanic crimes all over the world.

“a miracle in Fatima” hahaha the only miracle how you braindead monkeys owned by jesuits can even talk being so stupid.


I dont think Kiev was ever part of Rus. This is all based on Nestor, who was a Kievan jezuit and who tried to conquer Russia by creating fake history, a commonly used Jezuitic tactic. Kiev has eg very different archictecture than old Russian cities, Kiev = Khazaria. However E, NE and S out of Ukraine has always been part of Rus, and people living there identify them with Rus.


Of course Kiev was part of Rus, just another Russian city. No one even called it Kievan Rus, only Rus. It was infested with so-called ‘ukrainians’ much later, during polish occupation. Khazaria was more eastern.


Did they sack you from Express mate? Your stories were not sufficiently cooked for the well developed palate of the great Boris Johnson? But reading this drivel, I can understand why.

Yamil Perez

Truth hurts try to handle it Trollstoy 🤗


All true, but i hope this ends as soon as possible. Not because i would be in doubt for russian victory in a prolongued conflict, what worries me is the longer the war goes, the more chances of fatal mistakes there is. And US may get desperate when november gets closer. The polls for DNC are in the toilet.

Ashok Varma

Most informed political and military analysts including Indian RAW (Research and Analysis Wing) or foreign intelligence believe that Russia will secure all of eastern Ukraine in the next few weeks and then just isolate the Kiev puppet regime which has no hope and western public has a short attention span and Ukraine is already back page news. The Russians are very tenacious people and have already achieved their main goals. Ukraine is so damaged now that it can’t be put back together. No NATO puppet will fight for a dead NAZI regime. US is no longer a major power. Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, the ex-Treasury secy has a good blog on US problems and the new Eurasian power world.


Putin, system judo master.


‘Another great development which is very positive for President Putin is the immense public support Operation Z has garnered domestically’

Agree. Romanian NATO sorosist TV faggots can’t cope with that FACT, and most of them just OPENLY and INDIRECTLY said: ‘fuck ALL russian peoples if they support Putin’. Sometimes even directly by some sorosist NGO’ s million dollar well-known media figures


Pedo Andy from Fcukingham Palace


jon jerry

South Front, are you giving the latest updates on Izium ? On the map it looks under Russian control but I read about a Ukr counter-offensive that retook the south part of it. Can you verify the source?

Last edited 2 years ago by jon jerry

All Russian maps are under Russian control. But that’s all they can control. The maps. The situation on the ground tells a different story


All news churned out by the MSM are under NATO control. But that’s all they can control. The narrative. The situation on the ground tells a different story. Fixed!

Last edited 2 years ago by BangderaSteponPutin

If that was true, you would not be here commenting stupidities and having a psychotic event. The situation on the ground is the Russians are winning and the Dimwit Brits are losing.


You have to have some significant cognitive impairment. The Ukrainian armed forces do not exist anymore. There are isolated pockets that are either being reduced or their communications cut off. This is May, 1945 End of Days for the CIA Kiev Klown Klub. Time to wake up, Dorothy. You are not in Kansas anymore.

jens holm

My map is right here. I see the dildo hq. Gay kiev nightclubs with zelensky. Pedo island. Deeper BDSM. Im ready to deploy. Hav my purse, high heels lipstick dildos and hormones injections ready.


Are you still talking? Is not clear to you by now that no one cares a damn about what you say? Or are you really paid by your masters per post?


The Russian army delivered a successful strike on the 19th missile brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Ukrainian sources confirm the liquidation of Alexandra Burgart and 8 other servicemen of this unit.

Recall that on March 14, the 19th brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine launched a missile attack on the center of Donetsk, as a result of which more than 20 civilians were killed.



former ukraine pathetic defeated analogous to impotent defeated amerikants—their immoral racist nazis grunting frizzy, Sawyer etc frequently seek attention like female 6 year olds at SF

Ashok Varma

Western lies and fake narrative has been totally exposed along with their racism. Indian students that were saved my the Russian military told horrendous tales of Ukrainian Nazi racism and inhumanity. Ukraine has no support in the wider world as FM Lavrov in his interview on Indian TV clearly explained. Russia will come out much stronger but as Indian generals have been extolling, it must finish the job and and create a new pro-Russian government in Ukraine, like India did in Bangladesh. Ukraine must be deNazified and demilitarized with a small 80,000-100,000 lightly armed military and police under Russian supervision. The Russian Ruble and governance system must be introduced in Ukraine and the demographics changed. Russia should encourage immigration into Kiev from its allied countries. India has offered to help with the medical and educational areas in liberated Ukraine. Iran has also offered medical support to Russia in the liberated areas. Ukraine must be reintegrated into the Russian Federation. President Putin must be commended for his brave and strategic actions to defend Russia and its heartland of Kievan-Rus. JAI RUS!


Mate this is too much even for Putin. Stalin would be suspicious of this type of narrative, and send you t the gulag just in case. You’re trying too hard and exposing yourself 😂😂😂

Ashok Varma

What is with the “MATE” nonsense? Trying to be an ocker Aussie convict. The FACT is that Russia has won. Google Indian general Bakshi’s analysis on Jew Tube. You have to be the most uneducated troll from Brigade 77 troll farm yet MATE! LOL


You are delusional. Fun fun fun 😂😂😂😂


Im so delusional I make adolf is the Reichsbunker look realistic.


Russia is sending it’s reserves to the battle! The second echelon, the third echelon, as this already lost it’s best troops in the first three weeks of invasion. The Ukrainian war machinery is grinding Rusian meat as if it was making salami. It’s also grinding Russian steel, and making a great pay day for Ukrainian scrap collectors. If you’re a farmer with a tractor you might get lucky and find yourself a Russian tank. Sell it on the black market make yourself a small fortune. Of course, after the Russian army is fully exterminated, and the remaining Russian cowards have left the country, Poutine will have a gout attack and succumb to the shock of failure. Then Russia will be taken to court by Ukraine and made to pay war reparations. Which is fitting because he was always a failure. But Russians love failed politicians. They had Lenin. They had Stalin. They had Khrusciov. They had Yeltsin. And now they have a putin. Hard to get lucky in Russia. Russians need to steal from others in order to develop anything in their country. They’re lazy vodka drinking bastards who beat up their wives for daring to find some freedom of speech. They need a strong leader who will beat them up and gulag them and murder them. Because the Russian, for his entire history, has been a slave. He knows only violence. He knows only brutality. He knows only aggression. Russians have never known democracy. They don’t want it, they don’t understand it, it’s not good for them, it’s not working for them. And that’s how they are. That’s how it goes. And in this point in history, their better Slavic half brother will teach them a lesson to never forget.

Sleepy Joe


All that?


Glad you’re reading and appreciating

Ashok Varma

Desperate illiterate trolls are having a hard time as Russian prevail. JAI RUS!


Illiteracy you say? You said you were from India. It’s illiteracy rate is 60%. Only 800 million people. An entire failed generation. But keep pumping more children. And India wants to be part of the civilized world. Good luck with that.

Ashok Varma

India will have a bigger economy than US losers. Get over it, China is already number one and India second largest economy soon.

sod off

Wtf is ‘civilized world’ you LGBT cocksucker degenerate?

Joe Dirt

Why did u waste so much time writing all that crap? Would have been lot quicker to just write: Here is some pro-Ukrainian fantasy bullshit that I need to write for a few troll cents. Oh, I get it now. You get your troll cent per line of this fantasy crap.

Last edited 2 years ago by Joe Dirt

It’s fun creative writing. Try it out. Let’s see your language skills.


Nah I don’t get paid for this. I do t for free only took me 5 minutes to write. Was worth it.




Are you really that stupid? Really?

Ashok Varma

That is RUBBISH dear boy. No wonder western propaganda has failed and 95% of the world supports Russia, including India and China which are half the world alone. Ukraine is finished and get over it.


Sure dear boy. Did you take your meds today? Nurse! 😂😂😂😂


Sure dear girl. You had too much captagon today? Nurse!


Ukraine is sending it’s reserves to the battle! The second echelon, the third echelon, as this already lost it’s best troops in the first three weeks of invasion. The Russian war machinery is grinding Ukranian meat as if it was making salami. It’s also capturing Ukrainian armor and western delivered weapons, and delivering them to their brothers in the two republics. If you’re a DPR militiaman with an AK you might get lucky and find yourself upgraded with a Javelin. Sell it on the black market make yourself a small fortune, too. Of course, after the Ukrainian army is fully exterminated, and the remaining Western cowards have left the country, Zelenskyyyy will have a gout attack and succumb to the shock of failure. Then Ukraine will be taken to court by Russia and made to pay war reparations for damages done to the two breakaway republics. Which is fitting because he was always a failure. But Ukrainians love failed politicians. They had Poroshenko. They had Yatsenyuk. And now they have Zelenskyyy. Hard to get lucky in Ukraine. Ukraine need to beg from others in order to develop anything in their country. They’re lazy vodka drinking bastards who beat up their wives for daring to find some freedom of speech. They desire a Nazi as a leader who will beat them up and gas them and murder them. Because Ukraine, for his entire history, has been a slave. He knows only violence. He knows only brutality. He knows only aggression. Ukrainians have never known democracy. They don’t want it, they don’t understand it, it’s not good for them, it’s not working for them. And that’s how they are. That’s how it goes. And in this point in history, their better Slavic half brother will teach them a lesson to never forget.

Last edited 2 years ago by BangderaSteponPutin

Oh it’s the copy paster now. Too late boy, I already made my point and got my likes.😂😂😂😂😂😂


Oh it’s the copy paster now. Too late girl, I already made my point and got my dislikes.😂😂😂😂😂😂

Last edited 2 years ago by BangderaSteponPutin
Ashok Varma

Russia and its allies have populations over 300 million including Belarus, Iran, Syria, Hezbollah etc and Ukraine has 20 million ethnic Russians alone, the Kiev Nazis have no manpower as most have fled to Europe and Russia will change the demographics anyway like Syria. Kiev Nazis are finished.


Only delusional nutjobs can stand up and defend Russia now a days. But they can’t do it publicly, so they find these Russian filled Internet holes where, they are worshipping on Russian weiners for a few likes. That’s really pathetic. How unwanted must one be in real life to end up looking for admiration on this site. 😂😂


Only delusional nutjobs can stand up and defend NATO now a days. But they can’t do it publicly, so they find sites with pro-russian views, where, they regurgitate MSM talking points and soundbites in hopes of a few likes from like minded NATO cockroaches. That’s really pathetic. How unwanted must one be in real life to end up looking for admiration from fellow NATO cockroaches. 😂😂 Fixed!






Dude most of the the world supported Russia at the UN. Only Anglo racist trash sided with the Kiev Nazis.


Ukrainian war machinery consists almost entirely now of pairs of boots with holes in them.


Ukropistan is sending it’s reserves to the battle! The second echelon, the third echelon, as this already lost it’s best troops in the first three weeks of invasion. The Russian war machinery is grinding Azovisis meat as if it was making salami. It’s also grinding Ukrobot steel, and making a great pay day for Ukrainian gypsy scrap collectors. If you’re a farmer with a tractor you might get lucky and find yourself a Ukrobot tank. Sell it on the black market make yourself a small fortune. Of course, after the glorious Ukropisstan army is fully exterminated, and the remaining Azovisis cowards have left the country, zellerboy will have a gout attack and succumb to the shock of failure. Then glorious Ukropisstan will be taken to court by Russia and made to pay war reparations. Which is fitting because he was always a failure. But banderites love failed politicians. They had bandera. They had adolf. They had porkyshitko. They had zellerboy. And now they have a Bifen. Hard to get lucky in in Ukropisstan. Hohols need to steal from others in order to develop anything in their country. They’re lazy vodka drinking bastards who beat up their wives for daring to find some freedom of speech. They need a strong leader who will beat them up and gulag them and murder them. Because the Ukrobot, for his entire history, has been a slave. He knows only violence. He knows only brutality. He knows only aggression. Banderites have never known democracy. They don’t want it, they don’t understand it, it’s not good for them, it’s not working for them. And that’s how they are. That’s how it goes. And in this point in history, their better Slavic half brother will teach them a lesson to never forget.


“Russia is sending it’s reserves to the battle! ”

Yea … since day one.

NATO is the primary threat to Russia not the Ukraine. Russian forces deployed in the Western District facing NATO aren’t in the battle at all.

1st Guards is deployed outside Voronezh. 6th combined arms army is deployed around St. Petersburg.

This is from US intelligence sources.

I’m not sure what units are fighting around Kiev but in the south / east it was initially of the 8th Guards Combined arms army from the Southern Military Districts supporting the DPR / LPR militias.

It sounds like the Russians are forming battle groups from elements of formations from all over the country to fight in Ukraine leaving the Western Military District intact to face NATO.

Last edited 2 years ago by HB_norica
Betty Boop

Kharkov is being peppered.

Ashok Varma

Odessa will be liberated Next.

Muhammad your Prophet

Scooby, why the fuck is Mariupol still blue? Tell Putin the terrorist cockroach to paint it orange. Nobody will notice.

Ashok Varma

Dear Muhammad, the Kiev Nazis are holed up in the old Mariupol iron works and being TOSSED by Russia. There is no need to suffer unnecessary casualties so the Russians will simply blast them to death or surrender. Indian generals had suggested a more robust artillery and air campaign and that is exactly what the Russians are rightly doing. Russia should use all its weaponry to kill the Kiev Nazis and drug addicts as it has global support. God bless President Putin.

Muhammad your Prophet

They said that two days ago. You want to give them two more days to see if Putin the terrorist cockroach will make good on his promise of destroying all of Ukraine and murder everybody?


Ukie trash needs wiping out dude. Give Putin a big kudos and STFU.


Because crayola doesn’t make a “charred Nazi” crayon.


The guy who designs this map every day has very little work, he changes an arrow from one side to the other and that’s it!

R. Nakagawa

Watch this video and please share: https://youtu.be/o5FfbXPMcsk

When nazi snipers kill civilians, they call Deki to deal with them.

Tzar Igor

Looks like Chechens have cleaned up Mariupol of nazi Azov-Battalion.

Yamil Perez is a gay faggot

Hardcore, giga chad, ultra masculine superwarrior Azov for the win. Cleared out by a few hundred Chechens. Nice :D

Steven Lim

A Russian Kinzal hypersonic missile just wiped out a whole Uki brigade. Russians now control almost all of eastern Ukraine according to Xinhua reports from Mariupol.

Yamil Perez is a gay faggot

Until Iskander-M and Kalibr are replenished from ammo reserves, RuAF need to use remaining KH-55, KH-101 and keep hammering UKROP barracks. Hitting the barracks are the most valuable demoralizing. Find them and flatten them :D


The Russian army delivered a successful strike on the 19th missile brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Ukrainian sources confirm the liquidation of Alexandra Burgart and 8 other servicemen of this unit.

Recall that on March 14, the 19th brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine launched a missile attack on the center of Donetsk, as a result of which more than 20 civilians were killed.


Yamil Perez is a gay faggot

Loads of foreign mercenaries around Moschun and Liutizh area in forest NW of Kiev. TOS-1 flamethrower and loads of BM-21 grad is more effective against entrenched enemies in forest than regular artillery. Unleash the rockets against the UKROPS and their foreign slaves.


These two cities across the river from each other total over 200,000 in population. The Russian military and their allies are learning what to expect and how to deal with capturing population centers in Ukraine.

This capture is one more transfer of an economic center with the transfer out of the NATO, Ukraine, JWO market share into the Russian market share to bolster the Russian economy. As well as the transfer of the tax base from Ukraine to Russia. Ukraine has a gdp of $155 billion. Each population center and surrounding area that Russia gains is lost to the west and added to Russia’s export and trading partner market.

All of the sanctioning countries are losing access to the Ukraine export market as territory transfers from Ukraine to Russia. I see a lot of losers here. Plus they’re subsidizing Russia’s cost of the war with higher oil and gas prices.

Ukraine Imports By country 2020 China $8.25B Germany $5.33B Russia $4.55B Poland $4.08B United States $2.95B Belarus $2.87B Turkey $2.41B Italy $2.12B France $1.48B Hungary $1.20B Japan $1.08B Czech Republic $969.21M Switzerland $922.78M Slovakia $817.77M Lithuania $813.10M United Kingdom $801.14M Netherlands $739.32M Spain $734.89M India $720.21M

– Ukraine Imports By Country –


Last edited 2 years ago by RichardD

But the DPR and LPR only represent 3% of the Ukrainian area. Also, imports distribution depend on where you are in the country. Eastern areas probably trade more with Russia anyway. The economic impact on Ukraine’s trading partners would be absolutely marginal. The biggest loser of this situation is actually Russia. Because even if Russia will annex the two breakaway republics, they only get an extra 16k square kilometers of land area to their country. That’s less than 0.01 % of the area of the Russian federation. Russia is already losing hundreds of billions of dollars in trade and investment due to sanctions and the economic isolation that will follow. The ruble is crashing. Keeping the war going is very expensive. And if Russia gets anything out of Eastern Ukraine, they will have to rebuild entire cities which will be a massive drain of resources. I doubt Russia will be able to take Kharkiv and Kyiv, unless they completely destroy them. This is a very bad way to lead a annexation war.


The DPR and LPR only represent 3% of the Ukrainian area. Also, imports distribution depend on where you are in the country. Eastern areas probably trade more with Russia anyway. The economic impact on Ukraine’s western partners, though, would be huge. The biggest loser of this situation is actually the West. The West is already feeling the pain of greatly increased energy prices due to sanctions they imposed and are even seeking help from Maduro’s government, which, prior to this, they sought to depose. Keeping the war going is very costly for the west. And the West will probably have to halt their plans of putting nuclear capable ordnance in Ukraine as talks are already underway to affirm Ukraine’s neutrality, that is, they will not seek to join NATO. This is a very bad way to lead a march of NATO to Russia’s doorstep. Fixed!

Last edited 2 years ago by BangderaSteponPutin

The Ukrainian economy must be the global leader now, just roaring away with exports and loads of workers flooding in to take the jobs in the economic rocket ship! Up, up and away! Glory to heroes!


Putin is a skilled and experienced economic administrator. The windfall profit from increased oil and gas prices is easily paying for the cost of the war and most or all of the sanctions losses. Once the areas under Russian control are stabilized. The damaged ones will cost money. But there will be revenue from the undamaged areas that will help offset those costs. Plus Russia won’t have to compete with the west for exports to Ukraine. So a lot of the rebuilding costs will benefit Russian businesses.

Yamil Perez is a gay faggot

American and British mercenaries taking cover in empty civilian houses inside Moschun village NW of Kiev. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbc7BBDu9kE Internet Autists, do your detective. Geolocate these cunts so the RuAF can annihilate them.


Agree. Internet is always 2 way band. Those LGBTQ atheist trash will be wiped out.

Yamil Perez is a gay faggot

Loads of French Faggot Legion around Irpin and Liuzihn, American/British foreign legions near Monschun. RuAF, get to work. Eliminate them all :D

Yamil Perez is a gay faggot

Entire forest NW of Kiev needs to unfortunately be destroyed in order to eliminate all UKROPS and foreign faggot legions who are hiding there. Sorry trees, plants, wildlife, but UKROP and their western slaves would rather see you burned down than let drug addicted government be transitioned to a normal one. TOS-1, BM-21, D-30, airstrikes, incendiary. Hit the forests NW of Kiev with everything to flatten it. Very sad this has to be the case but coward ukrops hiding in there to hinder the RU army advance. Pussies.

Yamil Perez is a gay faggot

Mariupol, Nikolaiev, Lischiansk, Severodonetsk… all going to fall in succession.

Yamil Perez is a gay faggot

BUK-M1/M2 only weakness is having ZERO early warning radar attached to launcher. So they do not have 360 degree radar coverage. Only 120 degrees in a certain direction when turned on. That is why they need a Snowdrift radar or Kasta-2E2 escorting them at all times with 360 degree radar coverage to detect TB2 and other small loitering drones, so they cannot sneak up on BUK from behind where radar is not pointing. Kasta-2E2 can detect TB2 over 60km away and Snow drift at 40km. Use these, and TB2 will never come near BUK even if its FCR is not turned on. This will extend engagement against TB2 from 20-40km as well. A big increase over using the FCR alone.

Last edited 2 years ago by Yamil Perez is a gay faggot

The next major city to fall after these two may be Mykolaiv east of Odessa, population 476,101, over 90% of whom speak Russian:

“As of 2017, 63% of the population spoke Russian at home, 7% Ukrainian, and 28% spoke both Ukrainian and Russian equally.”

– Mykolaiv –


Last edited 2 years ago by RichardD
Adam Adamczeski

The history of Russia, or rather the genocide, as it begins in these lands, is the beginning of a departure from the belief in one universal church and the creation is shrinked by Protestants. There is no tear in heaven and earth to confirm that schism is good. But there are signs that there is no amusement outside the Catholic Church. Whether we like it or not. There are demons in Ukraine. For what man can kill a wild boar or a woman with an ax or saw it in two. They even murdered their own wives because they were Polish. This is what your Orthodoxy looks like!


The history of the crumbling americant empire, or rather the genocide, as it begins in these lands, is the beginning of a departure from the belief in one universal church and the creation is shrinked by Protestants. There is no tear in heaven and earth to confirm that schism is good. But there are signs that there is no amusement outside the Catholic Church. Whether we like it or not. There are demons in Ukraine. For what man can kill a wild boar or a woman with an ax or saw it in two. They even murdered their own wives because they were Polish. This is what your protestsnts look like!


Polak Kurva go suck pedo-jesuit dicks after you finish licking Yankee butts and cleaning German toilets.

Vatican = pedo Satanist empire, the worst evil in human history at least till late 18th century when Anglozionist empire UK/US took over.

Last edited 2 years ago by Escu
Adam Adamczeski

Everyone put their hands on it, as is Ukraine and we, Poles and Russians, piss on others and Germany, the country enslaved by Marx, which in his poems educated Satan and British pigs eliminating the threats of trade for themselves and Jews who liked this land. Was there a genocide in Catholic Poland – I do NOT skip the fact that we are occupied by Jews brought from Russia. The same as they shot in Katyn. The same ones who murdered millions of Russians!


moron nazi amerikant

Adam Adamczeski

If it were not for the Khazarian plague, the Slavs would live together, Poles, Russians, Lithuanians, Belarusians, and the Ukrainians will scatter. Ukrina is an artificial creation, but now it is. Only Ukraine without a flag and if they want a flag, there is no way out, they have to be plowed and grain sown. Because there is no consent for a country that feeds on blood, if not the genocide in Volhynia is trafficking in children, laboratories, etc. Statistic Ukraine – this is how it is now.


the only sure thing is that Russia will learn alot about war after this is over…the russian army will become stonger and with good lessons learnt.. ola tanks might have been destroyed and prooven that those are machines from another era…new battlefields are constantly evolving… Russia will be stonger for her next war…NATO or Turkey


𝙎­𝙩­𝙖­𝙧­𝙩 𝙣­𝙤­𝙬 𝙚­𝙖­𝙧­𝙣­𝙞­𝙣­𝙜 𝙘­𝙖­𝙨­𝙝 𝙚­𝙫­𝙚­𝙧­𝙮 𝙢­𝙤­𝙣­𝙩­𝙝 𝙤­𝙣­𝙡­𝙞­𝙣­𝙚 𝙛­𝙧­𝙤­𝙢 𝙝­𝙤­𝙢­𝙚­. 𝙂­𝙚­𝙩­𝙩­𝙞­𝙣­𝙜 𝙥­𝙖­𝙞­𝙙 𝙢­𝙤­𝙧­𝙚 𝙩­𝙝­𝙖­𝙣 $­1­5­𝙠 𝙗­𝙮 𝙙­𝙤­𝙞­𝙣­𝙜 𝙖­𝙣 𝙚­𝙖­𝙨­𝙮 𝙟­𝙤­𝙗 𝙤­𝙣­𝙡­𝙞­𝙣­𝙚­. ­𝙄 𝙝­𝙖­𝙫­𝙚 𝙢­𝙖­𝙙­𝙚 $­1­9­7­1­5 𝙞­𝙣 𝙡­𝙖­𝙨­𝙩 ­4 𝙬­𝙚­𝙚­𝙠­𝙨 𝙛­𝙧­𝙤­𝙢 𝙩­𝙝­𝙞­𝙨 𝙟­𝙤­𝙗­. 𝙀­𝙖­𝙨­𝙮 𝙩­𝙤 𝙟­𝙤­𝙞­𝙣 𝙖­𝙣­𝙙 𝙚­𝙖­𝙧­𝙣­𝙞­𝙣­𝙜 𝙛­𝙧­𝙤­𝙢 𝙩­𝙝­𝙞­𝙨 𝙖­𝙧­𝙚 𝙟­𝙪­𝙨­𝙩 𝙖­𝙬­𝙚­𝙨­𝙤­𝙢­𝙚­. 𝙅­𝙤­𝙞­𝙣 𝙩­𝙝­𝙞­𝙨 𝙧­𝙞­𝙜­𝙝­𝙩 𝙣­𝙤­𝙬 𝙗­𝙮 𝙛­𝙤­𝙡­𝙡­𝙤­𝙬 𝙞­𝙣­𝙨­𝙩­𝙧­𝙪­𝙘­𝙩­𝙞­𝙤­𝙣­𝙨 𝙝­𝙚­𝙧­𝙚­.­.­.­.­.http://Profit21.cf/

Last edited 2 years ago by SamuelWatts
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