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Military Situation In Eastern Ukraine On March 22, 2022 (Map Update)

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Military Situation In Eastern Ukraine On March 22, 2022 (Map Update)

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Same map and different arrows tomorrow? 🤷


Yes, the map is the same because the battlefield is the same. Kinda obvious.


There have been changes. Just minor changes. The front is shifting in a westward direction, though a few KM a day. Again, the areas around Donetsk City feature some of the most fortified and dug in areas of the Ukrainian defensive line. This area also has a large collection of battle hardened forces, both from the nationalist groups and the regular military (though it is also important to keep in mind that the Ukrainian officially acknowledges these groups as part of the military). Based on maneuvers and reports, it looks like the Russian and their allied forces are focusing on clearing their rear lines, and reshuffling their front line forces. They will most likely also be making changes to their logistics as well. While this is occurring, I would expect forces operating under Kyiv will attempt to resupply their front line troops and possible rotate fresh troops in when and where possible. Though this could prove a little difficult given the Russian aerospace forces constantly hitting convoys as they move around Ukraine. Likewise, Ukraine will most likely keep up its harassment operations with its drone forces, though this has become apparently diminished as the conflict goes on. Ukraine is running low on combat drones, though new ones will most likely make their way into the conflict soon enough through various means.

(-eddited for spelling.)

Last edited 2 years ago by CentralAsianStudies

Some interesting points you have. The southeast surely is the weakest part of the Ukraine, no matter the fortifications.

Nevertheless it’s doubtful if the Russian Forces can keep going, as they lost massive numbers of soldiers and equipment, especially in the beginning.

Russia’s main advantage is their technological superiority, while it struggles to put it to full effect. While interestingly enough it’s weakest part is communication and still supplies.

It seems that this situation can last for quite some time. It will be interesting to see how it will develop.


South East Ukraine is by no means the weakest, quite the opposite. For the past years many nazis were assembling in Mariupul, ready to strike Donbass. Also there were needed to keep Don Cosacks in line, since they are people with an iron will. Therefore Mariupul is quite a mess, surely other cities should go easier.

James WDC

If they are dug in that deep wont encircling them happen that much quicker and prove more fruitful in creating a caldron in the East?


you have to be thorough if you have a big azov rat infestation, you have to make sure you kill them all so they dont grow back.

Selensky likes to suck hairy balls

true, it is like wiping off a rats asshole. it is a dirty messy job cleaning up rat shit.

jens holm

A help for fresh comments could be You left Your own latrine.

The Nazis in Ukraine are 2,15% and not even in the parlament. Even so You and Putti has gas tell its a Nazi like Goverment, which has to be replaced.

But they are like us with normal parlamentarisme very semilar to West and many other parts of the world.

jens holm

Zelinsky is more and better elected then Putin. If he and his Parlament is not doing well, they also by routine now can be replaced.

So Putin makes no sense. No 17,8% Russian/Russians should take over Ukraine again highly supported as a Russian Oblast.

That was the whole point about 8 years ago. Sure they were helped by many of us. Many coutries and NGOs contributed by all kinds of small and big support in all levels.

We want Ukraine as a part of the world and affiliated by own choises making its own destiny and clean their own quagmire.

Nato is no attacker. Whats to take there. Russsian??? None wants those infected underdevellopers as part of us as they are.

We might if they started raising their children into normal devellopments to improve their livingstandards. Its the same for Ukraine. As for EU and the help we have given the liberated east of us, its something for something.

being a part of the world economy is not UNICEF or Father and Mother Christmas and MeToo. If they dont produce, they can buy our stuf and vice versa.

No Russains should keep that devellopement back and reduce it to we are bad. Its something for something.

We are doing fine compared to a lot east of us. We wish better living conditions for others too. So far Rusians as well as Ukras for very good reasosn dies 10 years before ours too.

jens holm

In Maripol or the left of it, there are 3 big Ukra units or was. Why are the rest of the Ukra military forces never mentioned?

You are parrots and a third class version of ghostbusters.


The military situation is the same as yesterday. The genocidal Russian vermin, reptiles and bottom feeders continue to bomb and destroy East Ukrainian cities, slaughter innocent civilians indiscriminately, both of Russian and Ukrainian ethnicity and cowardly avoid direct confrontation with the brave service men and women of the Ukrainian armed forces. They are here to kill, rape, steal, murder and destroy the civilian population, as to show to the world what Russian military liberation meanas. Of course images and videos of this real time broadcasted genocide are seen in every country of this earth by any nation except Russia who has brazenly blocked any information and it’s propaganda is keeping the Russian population in the dark about the true scale of the horror. This is a retarded strategy because one in four Russians have ties with people in Ukraine and the horrible truth of this invasion is slowly being revealed among the Russian public opinion. People in Russia have been fooled by the putinist propaganda machine with tales of Imperial greatness and European conquest, but the reality of this invasion is that the Russian state is permanently destroying relations with its best and closest neighbour. Who will still want to befriend Russia now?

Last edited 2 years ago by BangderaSteponPutin
Sod Off!

Bitch no one even reads your moronic monkey screams, keep farting from your shithole mouth until you have a stroke soon in that stinky basement.


I’m glad you’re reading and appreciating. The more dislikes i get here, the more I know I’m right


nazi ukraine is going down!!!

jens holm

Your hopes might come through at christmas. 19 of 20 Ukra brigades are not nazis.

Nazis are 2,15% of the poplation and not even in the parlament.


senile nazi jens like gibbering monkey

Adolf Hitler

I had the same logic. Didn’t work out.


yeah you are a masochist reject degenerate desperate for attention who loves to be abused and raped, it makes you feel alive when someone piss and shit on you. your only purpose in life is to be a toilet…

jens holm

He show exacly whats wrong with You.

Its confirmed well by Your nonsense.

His article even biased a lot represent the real world which I live in well. Most peolpe live in their own Putin has gas buble.


senile nazi illiterate–how many amerikants raped you after nazis used you in arhAUS orphanage

Selensky likes to suck hairy balls

and everybody here is RIGHT there with you in your mothers c0nt

jens holm

As ususal we get in mothers too about it. By that You most likely is an arap from arapistan playing arap mijav music.

No reflexions are needed. You already has communicated with Your TV.


having unknown prostitute mama used by nazis them amerikants—senile nazi jens did know before advanced dementia


prostitute mama in arkansas trailer park taught you this? how many lgbt did she rent you to each day?


Hello you little bimbo. Because you still can show your stupidity on internet that means you still have electricity and all other things. If for som reason on Russian place is USA you will be sitting in your basement warming around fire and crying why is so cold and why you must hold all your stupid thinking only in your head ! You asking for this for long 8 years!

Last edited 2 years ago by Tatrancan
jens holm

People where I live read this and parts are very semilar to Our facts about it. Your kind not even get facts. Facts and oppinions about it is forbidden. Its not even Facebook and Instagram but also any reflecting media in Russia is forbidden.

Putin even has made threats to his own people.

Sure BangderaSteponPutini is very biased, but he mainly dont lie. Your kind has inveded his belowed ones and those are the ones killing soldeirs as well as ´civilians every day. They also take out expensive infratsructure and normal houses making total destructions of the worst kind.

He writing is very affiliated to, what we see, which You cannot or are in total deniel for.

He represent free sober free speech well.


pathetic illiterate senile nazi

Farmer Brown

Don’t listen then, I don’t care. But don’t come crying back to us when your moma is selling her body in the street for a few scraps of bread.


Whoops. Sorry. It seems I have mixed up Russia with ukropisstan. My bad, new script.


we are coming for you to faggot

Selensky likes to suck hairy balls

how is there still so much room in your mothers c0nt with all those big throbbing Russian penises in it is completely beyond anyone here…?!

jens holm

There we go again. You probatly is most related to Doly Yourself.


Now all these fucking Ukranian bitch women come to my country Germany. fuck off Ukranistanis!


Go down on all fours. Now turn your head toward your body. See that? It’s Abdul.


Ukraine is the only country that has nazi in the military. You’re fucking stupid

Farmer Brown

He’s half right. In just about all the world (even Belarus), nobody will serve a Russian in a restaurant now. You cannot travel, you cannot fly outside the country, you cannot bank, you cannot work, you cannot sail. Just about all your planes are soon to be grounded. Your sporting teams are excluded from all tournaments. Your cultural events have been cancelled. Medicines cut off. Your ships are excluded from all ports. All foreign companies are deserting Russia. Everybody is cutting off projects and winding up businesses. Most of the EU is going to cancel using Russian gas and oil within a few months. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY wants to be tainted by anything Russian. All because you believe the crap you are being told from Putin and support him when he started his crazy war with Ukraine. You are going to be living in the 19th century soon. Enjoy!!


It’s look like it’s now so popular in Europe yelling we don’t need Russian gas! Can you honestly tell what kind gas you planning to use? You don’t get noting from USA because we don’t have enough! You don’t get much from Arab and Norwegian don’t have enough for all Europe. If you think you have enough wood in your country to stay warm then congrats. Take your head out from tv and start thinking. Have a nice day.

Last edited 2 years ago by Tatrancan
Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy

Somebody help me. Wont go down with the ship.


Well, of course. Rats are always the first to abandon the sinking ship.


This map shows that the Ukrainians and their elite NATO-supported Whiteman WonderNazis have just about completd the ATO in Donbas. Last few Russians throwing down their personal weapons and running home. Brand new Ukrainian corvettes are docking at Sevastopol this very moment. Another Mission Accomplished by the leader of the New World Order. Great success, Brandon!

jens holm

So where is Your Eastern Bunny.


where is your social worker—u pathetic senile nazi?


Step by step…. village after village Russia will be victorious… nothing will be left of the Ukrainian army…

Farmer Brown

Well, I don’t know what they allow you to read in your country, but things are going exactly the opposite direction. The Russian army in Ukraine is just about done. Keep your ears open for rumours of Russian armies encircled, rendered combat ineffective and wiped out. Because Putin will try to hide it (likely with some chemical event). But it is going to happen.


It’s not Call of Duty retard. Actual war where soldiers are attempting to minimize civilian casualties is quite a bit different than your gamer world.

STFU please.


there is no Eastern Ukraine—this is now Russia


Maps here become stupid. The best ones is at https://colonelcassad.livejournal.com/7509250.html. Russians are going good. The snare is getting close for the nazi terrorists.

Last edited 2 years ago by Pamfil
Farmer Brown

Wow. You do know that the Ukrainians are getting very close to encircling Russian troops outside Kyiv? That the Ukrainians are pushing them back from the road to Odesa? The Russian logistic lines are broken and have been for weeks, fuel and ammo is very low. The Russians are so short of precision weapons they are firing them from the Caspian sea. The human casualties within the Russian armed forces are horrendous and loss of armoured vehicles are just stunning. The Russian air force STILL cannot fly over Ukraine without losing planes to air defences – one month after this started. I know you are being fed falsehoods, so don’t believe me – but just keep a more open mind and question everything. If I am wrong, then why is Russia cutting off all social media? Just don’t say we didn’t tell you when your boys and brothers don’t come home, and reports start to circulate of a rout of several Russian armies in Ukraine. The Russian forces are beaten. They are not yet turning and running, but that day is approaching. Don’t say you were not forewarned.

Last edited 2 years ago by Farmer Brown

they fuck bandera without rubber

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