6 gorillion russian soldiers have already been killed, over 8 brazilian transport planes, jets, helicopters have been sunk, ukrainian forces have already taken Kazan, Petersburg, Vladivastok, Sochi and are now marching towards moscow. russian troops are surrounded by and trapped inside their tanks, and started commiting suicide by the hundreds at the gates of Baghdad. Putin should surrender now while he still has a chance, his end is near. should he choose to flee to avoid arrest and execution, western Russia will be annexed by Ukraine.
Russian leadership has got way too much patience with the gaycranians, i think that they should be deleted.
Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan
3 years ago
CIAtrolls and ukrobots are crying and raging 🤗🤡
Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan
3 years ago
A cruise missile a day keeps CIAisis away 🤗
Alberto Bohon
3 years ago
Russian troops stationed in Kherson, are they still in the city or have they withdrawn? does Russia control Kherson? Grateful
Glory to 🇷🇺
Bella Catt
3 years ago
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6 gorillion russian soldiers have already been killed, over 8 brazilian transport planes, jets, helicopters have been sunk, ukrainian forces have already taken Kazan, Petersburg, Vladivastok, Sochi and are now marching towards moscow. russian troops are surrounded by and trapped inside their tanks, and started commiting suicide by the hundreds at the gates of Baghdad. Putin should surrender now while he still has a chance, his end is near. should he choose to flee to avoid arrest and execution, western Russia will be annexed by Ukraine.
Oy vey…
Lol you’re funny
I Have a Bridge for Sale . . .
Russian leadership has got way too much patience with the gaycranians, i think that they should be deleted.
CIAtrolls and ukrobots are crying and raging 🤗🤡
A cruise missile a day keeps CIAisis away 🤗
Russian troops stationed in Kherson, are they still in the city or have they withdrawn? does Russia control Kherson? Grateful Glory to 🇷🇺
Fantastic work-from-home opportunity for everyone…Work for three to eight hours a day and start getting paid in the range of 13,000 to 19,000 dollars a month…Weekly payments…And best thing is…It’s so Easy…follow details on this website…http://Flycash9.ml/