Really? Russia has taken land equivalent to the size of England. Let that sink in!
Timmy Temperance
3 years ago
Meanwhile in Ireland. I always got the impression that the Irish preferred to think for themselves when it came to global events. I know they are quite vocal when it comes to the Israel-Palestine saga, I think because they identify with the underdog from their historic struggles against the British. But since the g*y Indian became chief and Brexit, they have really drunk the Flavor Aid. Whatevs, they are a funny people and like to dance.
The Irish are over emotional, kinda like wimmin folk
3 years ago
Just push them to Dniepr river, honestly, there is not much left on the east bank now. Stabilise front there, and force them to negotiate. If they decline, they can say good-bye to all the East of Ukraine. I would not bother with anything west of the river (maybe only Odessa – Nikolaev).
2 years ago
I am Turkish and I support The Russians. Thank You Mr. Putin for cleaning the world from neo-fascists!!!
Most excellent Comrades 🤗👍🥇
CIAtrolls and ukrobots are crying and raging 🤗🤡
At this rate the war will be very very long. Many more losses. High costs.
Really? Russia has taken land equivalent to the size of England. Let that sink in!
Meanwhile in Ireland. I always got the impression that the Irish preferred to think for themselves when it came to global events. I know they are quite vocal when it comes to the Israel-Palestine saga, I think because they identify with the underdog from their historic struggles against the British. But since the g*y Indian became chief and Brexit, they have really drunk the Flavor Aid. Whatevs, they are a funny people and like to dance.
The Irish are over emotional, kinda like wimmin folk
Just push them to Dniepr river, honestly, there is not much left on the east bank now. Stabilise front there, and force them to negotiate. If they decline, they can say good-bye to all the East of Ukraine. I would not bother with anything west of the river (maybe only Odessa – Nikolaev).
I am Turkish and I support The Russians. Thank You Mr. Putin for cleaning the world from neo-fascists!!!