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MARCH 2025

Military Situation In Eastern Ukraine On May 10, 2022 (Map Update)

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Military Situation In Eastern Ukraine On May 10, 2022 (Map Update)

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  • Russian-led forces took control of Velyka Komyshuvakha village
  • Russian-led forces completed the mop up operations in the Popasnaya area
  • Clashes between the AFU and Russian forces continue in the Azovstal plant
  • Clashes between the AFU and Russian forces continue near Toshkivka
  • Russian units advanced around Ugledar town outflanking it from the eastern direction


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23.02 Ukrainians will send flowers to our solders and eastern ukrainians join us in our march against nazis

25.02 Chechens will storm kiev and kill zelensky

25.02 Zelensky fled to Poland

26.02 We have total air supremacy

26.02 that Milerovo russian air base destroyed itself

28.02 We are not storming kiev but going to encircle it

30.02 china is with us and will attack Taiwan

01.03 Mariupol was 100% liberated

03.03 the Saga of the 100 miles long convoy that missed kiev and went to Paris instead

05.03 Chernihiv sumy Karkhov and Kiev are about to fall

06.03 Mariupol was 100% liberated

08.03 Odessa will be encircle and an amphibious landing is eminent

10.03 we will not stop in ukraine but go to the baltics also Poland and close the Suwalki corridor

11.03 Mariupol was 100% liberated

13.03 those dead wagner guys do not exist

15.03 UAF is pinned in the cities and unable to move completely cut off, west can not supply arms

18 03 no more Oil depots for UAF army its over

24.03 that ships in berdyansk sank themselves

27.03 we are making loads of progress

28.03 that ammo depot in Belgorod exploded themselves

29.03 SHoigu says hello

30.03 that oil depot in belgorod exploded themselves

01.04 what a fools we were just kidding we never wanted kiev


02.04 phase two phase two! We are so smart we will pull of north ukraine and attack donbas while UAF has interior lines to get there 3 times faster and now with help of open corridors to resupply from the west

03.04 Mariupol was 100% liberated

04.04 Bucha dead bodies are actors or zombies

05.04 Mariupol was 100% liberated

06.04 There are actually deads in Bucha but by Ukranians

07.04 Mariupol was 100% liberated

07.04 What you have satellite images with the dead bodies since beginning of march? fake news satellites orbit earth but can t see bucha

08.04 NATO general is trapped and will be caught in Mariupol

08.04 So now you have video footage of civilians being killed by our forces? How do you know those are russians? So what they have Z marks, ukranians have paint too… Ukranians were no where near bucha and was fully in Russian control? How do you now that that civilian women in bikes can not carry an ATGM with munitions? They are a threat! But still Bucha is ukrainian provocation, nothing to see here move on!!!!

09.04 Boris johnson and zelensky are making hollywood special effects movies for the new star wars in Poland pretending to be Kiev

10.04 We never wanted to demilitarize we never wanted to denazify ukrainian government, we always wanted Finland to join NATO and have armies in our borders

11.04 china please please do something

12.04 Mariupol was 100% liberated and we found a biolab in azovstal

13.04 We are winning, we are winning, we are winning, we are winning, please…

14.04 Moskova sankt himself by instant self combustion in a very special operation to the bottom of the black sea. Fishes derping boom boom goes the kalibr

15.04 Moskva did not sank had a minor fire from an accidental cigarette In a bottle of vodka but is being towed away to sevastopol and the crew evacuated just in case

16.04 Those 40K syrian fighters that left to join denazify ukraine did not arrive yet after a month of travel but are coming very xoon

16.04 fake news fake news nothing hit Moskva it is just taking longer because there is a huge storm and a tsunami and meteorite attack from Mars

17.04 it sank… And that vídeo that shows it in a calm sra is fake news. And all those wives and mothers desperate for news of their sailors in social média is also fake news


17.04 PHASE TWO PHASE TWO! But how da fuck did the ukros reinforce and rearm the east? Phase One was a success right? 8d chess?

18.04 ULTIMATUM: mariupol is 99.9% liberated and the rest hás 6 hours to surrender or else

19.04 ULTIMATUM: now it’s for real! You have 6 hours to surrender or else!!!!

19.04 Putin: FAKE NEWS we NEVER wanted to DENAZIFY the Ukraine Government. ZELENSKY is like HITLER but I LIKE HITLER

20.04 ULTIMATUM: please please surrender or else… Please?

21.04 Putin tells shoigu those nazis in mariupol are not so bad afterall and can keep their factory for themselves

22.04 NEW GOALS NEW GOALS, phase two will be completed with all the east and south of ukraine from kharkiv to transnistria. Anything shorter than that is a defeat. Slava rossya!

23.04 Phase two started maybe, sometimes slow but progress arrr tactical positioning preparing stuff but the caldron, the CALDRON is cooking!

24.04 new videos of Putin looking like dying trembling shit just to faint weakness for the west Satan. 8Dchess! Master strategist!

25.04 Bryansk just entered in self combustion to warm russian hearts for easter

26.04 Planes and helis are crashing, our major offensive is measured in cms, belgorod bryanks transnistria are on fire, heavy weapons are arriving to the ukrainians, now even germany says they don t need our gas anymore, We are defaulting in our debt, Sweden and FInland are joining Nato, Ukraine still has an airforce… BUT WE ARE STILL WINNING!

27.04 Transistria is UNDER ATTACk. We will attack South Ukraine, Moldova, Romania, Bulgaria, and probably Poland just for spite

29.04 Lot of funny things happening in Russia, fires everywhere seem to erupt for nothing. Cimate change is real!

29.04 Nothing happened but we are advancing! WE ARE DIGGING BIGGER HOLES!

30.04 Nothing happened but we are still winning! Pudin is a master strategist and attracting all the western weapons in Donbas and destroy all of them at once in a decisive victory! 8D checkers suckers!


01.04 We need war declaration we are fighting with our hand in the back, we are TWO MILLION strong

02.04 Gerasimov went on a school trip to donbas and the combat post got anhylated, funny coincidence

03.04 we haven t seen bayraktar footage for a month, hahaha russia got them all

04.04 oh those raptors got hit by a bayraktar? TOR SAm systems also on snake island? Fake

05.05 We destroyed 200% of Ukrainian air force on the first days of war but we still claim to shoot down an average of three planes everyday. Its like a respawn game. WINNING!

06.05 Azovs are using human shields! civil evacuation of azovstal? silly them we will destroy them by tomorrow

07.05 Mariupol is not 100% liberated :( Putin is a liberal jew softy

08.05 Snake island got hit again? Two raptors, one Serna landing ship? One MI-8 heli??? Even a bomber run with already destroyed Ukrainian planes? Fake news!! That heli landing troops are ukrainian!! Never mind they were destroyed by a bayraktar, we cheer their destruction they are ukrotards for sure. Wagner says they are russian SOF? Wagner does not exist!! Intelslava is fake news also!

09.05 No cauldron, no declaration of war, no Mariupol, no air force (weather was so bad putin had two umbrellas), no gerasimov. Even Biden signing lend and lease was more exciting… Non victory day was Boring!!

10.05 Black sea fleet can not go less than 100 miles of shore, Snake island we made a tactical retreat, we are running out of isklanders, we keep tacticaly retreating from kharkiv region, no cauldron yet, no azovstal, but we are winning!


Give it a break, dude!


Ukrotard raging at Clyde! Clyde still make fun of failed Ukrainian CIA project! Salient containing Severodonetsk being milled into little chunks. Missiles raining down on the territory of the failed Ukrainian CIA project. NATO still selling Krusty the Klown of Kiev antiques on credit! Cry, Ukrotard, cry!


The world owes President Putin and the Russian people a debt of gratitude for their efforts in eradicating the scourge of fahclsm and nahtzism where-ever it rears it’s ugly head.

First germany, and now 75 years later …. in uKRAPistan !

God bless you President Putin and the people you lead !



Don’t you enjoy the rank stank of torched uKRAPiTrash corpses too ?


The world owes President Putin and the Russian people a debt of gratitude for their efforts in eradicating the scourge of fahclsm and nahtzism where-ever it rears it’s ugly head.

First germany, and now 75 years later …. in uKRAPistan !

God bless you President Putin and the people you lead !



Smells better than fresh brewed coffee !


The world owes President Putin and the Russian people a debt of gratitude for their efforts in eradicating the scourge of fahclsm and nahtzism where-ever it rears it’s ugly head.

First germany, and now 75 years later …. in uKRAPistan !

God bless you President Putin and the people you lead !





The world owes President Putin and the Russian people a debt of gratitude for their efforts in eradicating the scourge of fahclsm and nahtzism where-ever it rears it’s ugly head.

First germany, and now 75 years later …. in uKRAPistan !

God bless you President Putin and the people you lead !



William Wallace

Hey does anyone know the computer program used to make these maps? I’d like to try it out please! Thanks South front for all the work you guys do. I read everyday.


Ukrotards and fellow fascist creeps continue to screech as they troll SF! Total, catastrophic failure of Kiev Klown Kabal to counter Russian Special Operation on territory of failed Ukrainian CIA project! Tens of thousands of dead Ukrainian servicemen, dozens to hundreds more each day, millions of refugees gone forever, thousands of square km of territory gone forever! Billions in debt that can never be repaid! Glory to Banderpistan!



Putin is turning baked NAZIS into an art form. Let the NAZIS IN AZOVSTAL EAT THEIR DYING COMRADES.


Maybe that’s why they’re keeping the amputees down there. They’re eating them, one limb at a time. Pretty stringy and bony by now, though.


Russian military offensive has been pathetic by all standards. It’s clear now that their army is too small, soldiers surprisingly poorly trained and once again the lack of good NCO’s revealed. Information stream not working well and that’s the reason of high number of senior officers killed. RF engineers poor repairing damaged tanks too. Logistics not working well.

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