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Military Situation In Eastern Ukraine On November 3, 2022 (Map Update)

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Military Situation In Eastern Ukraine On November 3, 2022 (Map Update)

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  • Clashes between the AFU and the Russian Army continue in the village of Pavlivka;
  • Clashes between the Russian army and the AFU continue in Mariinka;
  • Clashes between the Russian army and the AFU continue near Vodyane;
  • Clashes between the Russian army and the AFU continue near Bakhmut.


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10% for the Big Guy

Death to Fascists!

Denis Dubé

You should not say these words because their are many fascists in the world, including Trump, Bolsonaro and Netanyahu. People elect fascists. There are many, including bosses, judges, generals, etc. Mugabe ruined his country and never wanted to step down, just as many others who hold power.


You whoudent know fascism if it striped you of your rights and threw you in a prison camp. What kinda leftist are you? The anti gun anti free speech type? Anti oil and gas? Anti booming economy? Pro gay propaganda to children? Pro higher taxes fuel and grocery prices?



Good post ! Exactly that’s the leftwingers ideology which they had to swallow as full-load from their jewish masterminds. The leftwing communist useful idiots do not grasp they they are just used by their higher-up (which are mostly jews as well). If one follows their ideology it is a march into decline and madness. And sadly these communist filth managed to install lots of red-jewish agents everywhere in USA and EU high political and economical circles, to crush the western system from within.

Btw. I have also an answer for commentor Marshall Antonescu (who says one should not speak against the jews because ” not all of them are evil ,and there are real and fake jews among them as well”):

My answer:

Then you do not understand the problem in its depth. If there are 100 human cells, and you know that one particular of these 100 cells has an extremly high propability of being a deadly cancer cell, and you are forced to implant one of the 100 mentioned cells into your body, then which of the 100 cells will you choose ? I tell you ! If you are not an idiot, you at least will not choose the one cell, which you already know is very likely a cancer cell. And that’s the same with the jew problem. For sure not all jews are satanically evil, but we already know this absolute evil on earth merely stems from them. So in all cases one will just by logic and natural survival instinct refuse to have anything to do with these creatures at all. Same as – like demonstrated in my example – one will for pure logic reasons not choose the cell which has a high propability of being a deadly cancer cell.

So you mentioning that “not all jews are evil” doesn t change a damn thing. As the result doesn t changes. If one strikes you with a hammer, but not all the hammer blows were deadly but only 10 of the 14 strikes the killer did, then again the result stays the same. You are dead. And the killer stays a killer. That not all his hammer-blows to your head were deadly, doesn t make him become a “nice guy” or should make mankind refrain from putting him on trial and into jail afterwards, or better shoot him on sight. Same goes for the jews. Even if not all of them are highgrade evil satanists, no one can for sure separate the evil ones from the none evil ones, as the evil ones always pose as harmless, peaceful and none-dangerous when in fact they are just camouflaging their real intentions. Which leaves mankind (if it wants to survive) no choice but treat all of them as enemy forces and throw all of them out.

The former german Reichfuehrer SS, Mr. Himmler, did mention this problem already in one of his speeches telling in one sentence: Quote ” ..and then they arrive, all the decent 80 mio germans, every single one of them has his decent jew beside him, and says: “I know, all the other jews are pigs, but here, the one I found, that’s a decent one”. (So this means, that everybody always thinks to have found among the jews the one or two decent ones, wherefore in fact the evil ones are always claiming to be the “single good an decent one” as that is the trick these parasites always use to sneak into ones society and then destroy everything from within, what is why one should never allow any of them to come in, but it is stricty necessarily for ones own survival and the survival of every free and souveran nation, who wants to stay that way, to radically kick ALL OF THEM out, and forbid them to come back. They are like a deadly virus, they are parasites who always morph, change their names, their appearance in order to confuse their victims, and if one does not realize this and not fights them mercilessy from the very beginning, the result will be that the parasite gets in, destroys your body ( nation ) and will win, and you will be dead.

Last edited 2 years ago by Bridgeindawater
Yeah Sure

Mugabe was a fascist? Right. You’re an idiot.


Fascism just means law and order. All governments are “fascist”.

Denis Dubé

South Front presents the news as it is. I enjoy reading SF. The information is accurate in a dominated US world.

Putin is sad

Another glorious attack ends in the mud


US and UK have been killing and genicide 6 million of innocent peoples in the Middle East lol.


Western media reporting Kherson about to fall to Ukraine. Any feedback here?


George Grylls, of The Times London wrote another vassal shill script which was picked up by other Western media and repeated ad nauseam. He reckons Ukraine says today they’ll be in Kherson by Christmas. doesn’t sound much like an imminent defeat does it?.


Robot, Check out the Kherson situation on 01.11.22 https://southfront.org/ukrainians-risk-being-surrounded-in-ugledar/ RU forces are doing the decent thing as Zelensky’s cannon fodder unsuccessfully attempt to advance.

Yeah Sure

Here’s you feedback: 🤣🤣🤣

USA is a shithole, EU is becoming one

I like the Lancet festival. Watch it daily on Donbass Devushka.



What the hell are the numpty Russians doing? They still aren’t fighting. Putin is insane in the membrane, he thinks everything is an autistic multi layer mystery that requires a “Dr. No” enigmatic response. Just fight you silly faggot. First you do airstrikes, the first ones should be to destroy the enemy air defense, then you go in with the heavy bombers flying high and level the shit out of everything, then you go in with the armor and infantry and take and hold the territory, even a low level criminal like me could do better then the Russian general staff that Putin hand picked. They literally do everything half assed backwards. Wtf!



The whole war is a trap for Russia , like Afghanistan was. Putin allows it. You still ask why ? Come on, can t you see it ? Putin is part of that angloZionaZi shit, man. He was trained by Rothschilds WEF, led by Klaus Schwab, and they put him into the “Young Global Leaders”-program and installed him in Russia. K. Schwab openly admitted to that. I can show you the video if you want ? Putin is a jew and Zhirinowsky too is a jew. That asshole switched its name – like most jews do. Zhirinowsky was born 25. April 1946 in Alma-Ata, Kasachian SSR, Sovietunion, as Wladimir Wolfowitsch Eidelstein. Can you see it ? Putins mother maiden name is Shalomova which is clearly jewish. Look at his face and you see it cleary. Who brought him to power ? Mr. Abramovich, Mr. Berel Lazar (chief Moskow rabbi) and Arcady Rotenberg, Putins jewish childhood friend. Putin put up lots of news maximum strict anti-antisemitism laws. Why ? Because he is pro-jewish, which means ANTI–russian ! Is that so hard to grasp ??

They are all jews. Jisrael with all its russian jews, then JewSA, Zelensky and his Jewkraine, Jewdy Jewtin and his Neo-JewDSSR, Jewrope with Merkel and Sarkozy and Lenin-lover Klaus Schwab, ECB Lagarde and worldbanking boss-family Rothschild and their satanist capo family Rockefeller (who are all intermarried to jewish rich bankers too). The only ones loosing are the christian soldiers which these jewish filth is ordering into war and to fight each other till death, while they (the jews) make thre big shekel money profit from all this bloodshed.

Last edited 2 years ago by Bridgeindawater
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