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Military Situation In Gaza Strip, On Israeli-Lebanese Border On November 8, 2023 (Map Update)

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Military Situation In Gaza Strip, On Israeli-Lebanese Border On November 8, 2023 (Map Update)

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  • More than 10,569 Palestinians were killed and more than 26,000 others were wounded as a result of Israeli airstrikes, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health;
  • On November 8, more than 10 civilians were killed by Israeli airstrikes on Beit Lahia;
  • On November 8, Palestinian fighters repelled Israeli attacks in the Shati and Sheikh Radwan areas;
  • On November 8, clashes between Israeli forces and Palestinian fighters continue in Beit Hanoun;
  • On November 8, clashes between Israeli forces and Palestinian fighters continue near Al-Ijlin;
  • On November 8, Palestinian groups fired several rockets at Kissufim;
  • On November 8, Palestinian groups fired several rockets at Nir Yitzhak;
  • On November 8, at least 10 tanks, 2 personnel carriers and 1 armored vehicle of the Israeli army were destroyed or damaged on various fronts of the Gaza Strip.


Military Situation In Gaza Strip, On Israeli-Lebanese Border On November 8, 2023 (Map Update)

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  • On November 8, clashes between Israeli forces and Palestinian fighters continue in Beit Hanoun;
  • On November 8, Palestinian fighters repelled IDF attacks near Sheikh Radwan;
  • On November 8, clashes between Israeli forces and Palestinian fighters continue near Atatra;
  • On November 8, Palestinian fighters repelled Israeli attacks in the Shati and Sheikh Radwan areas;
  • On November 8, clashes between Israeli forces and Palestinian fighters continue near Tal al-Hawa.


Military Situation In Gaza Strip, On Israeli-Lebanese Border On November 8, 2023 (Map Update)

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  • On November 8, artillery duels and clashes between Hezbollah and the IDF continued in the Lebanese border area;
  • On November 8, Israeli artillery shelled the Alma al-Shab area;
  • On November 8, Israeli artillery shelled the Halta area;
  • On November 8, Israeli artillery shelled the Yarun area;
  • On November 8, Israeli artillery shelled the Mhabib area;
  • On November 8, Hezbollah targeted Shomera with an ATGM missile;
  • On November 8, Hezbollah targeted Zarit with an ATGM missile.

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how is the behavior of the israelis any different to the russians in ukraine? or the horrific mass rape of german women at the end of world war ii?


“the hate propaganda encouraged the soviets to be merciless. the soviet press pictured german women in a demeaning manner. “use force and break the racial pride of these german women. take them as your lawful booty. kill!”

— ilya ehrenburg, jewish soviet propaganda writer.

Last edited 1 year ago by Eric

archive ph 1d9eh

tinyurl com does not work.

Last edited 1 year ago by Eric

retired nazi janitor hillbilly eric desperate for attention


your twilight zone fantasy cannot refute the pictures shown at the link provided.

on another note: t me thuletide 5878

“instead of accepting palestinian refugees, egypt stationed tanks on its border. their prime minister said “we are prepared to sacrifice millions of lives to ensure that no one encroaches upon our territory.”

why do middle eastern countries refuse palestinian “refugees”? because they constantly commit terrorist attacks and attempt to overthrow governments.”

Last edited 1 year ago by Eric

i am a little suspicious of thuletide’s attitudes on some topics. he does have a point about their refusal to accept palestinians.


you want to believe the germans behaved the same way, fine. the difference is there are many exceptions to the rule in film. german propaganda accurately depicted the russian people in a positive light as victims of the soviet regime. there are also many problems with the soviet narrative that reek of atrocity propaganda and failed to provide forensic evidence for their claims.


the chimney and alleged homicidal gas chambers at auschwitz are self-admittingly “reconstructions”. that’s why the chimney is not connected to the building. the blueprints of auschwitz indicate the gas chamber was a morgue converted into an air raid shelter, the soviets crudely converted the interior to make it appear like a gas chamber.


dumb nazi hillbilly poko molo senile–discarded irrelevant


yet here you are; an idiot that cannot prove me wrong. instead you speak precisely like the mentally challenged fool that you are.


david cole interviews dr. franciszek piper, director, auschwitz state museum:

holocausthandbooks com index php?page_id=1004

odysee com @avawolfe:d jewish filmmaker david cole visits auschwitz swimming pool: e

codoh com library document lack physical evidence david cole drowns ganges en

Last edited 1 year ago by Eric

en wikipedia org wiki metgethen_massacre

“the metgethen massacre (german: massaker von metgethen) was a massacre of german civilians by the red army in the königsberg, east prussia, suburb metgethen, which is now imeni alexandra kosmodemyanskogo in russia’s kaliningrad oblast, circa january–february 1945.”


“the german photo with the original caption “nahaufnahme von den beiden frauen und den drei kindern” (closeup of the two women and the three children). image courtesy of the library of congress”

“there are several contemporary reports by german military personnel stating that, among other things, women had been raped, mutilated, and killed, and that 32 civilians had been rounded up on the local tennis court and killed by an explosion.”


nazis attacked ussr and russians kindly improved german genetic code🤣


“not sees” attacked the ussr preemptively. stalin had plans to invade germany. his involvement in the bolshevik invasion of the newly independent poland in order to link up with his fellow jewish bolsheviks in germany and newly independent hungary goes to show his intentions were the conquest of europe.


i was referring to the soviet-polish war in 1918-1921.

Last edited 1 year ago by Eric

furthermore, they attacked the japanese in manchuria twice! battle of lake khasan (29 july – 11 august 1938) and battle of khalkin gol (11 may – 16 september 1939).

they annexed the baltic states (lithuania, latvia, estonia) in 1938 against their will and sent tens of thousands off to die in gulag concentration camps. they invaded finland and failed to subjugate that country.


they forcibly annexed bessarabia and another part of romania. then they demanded that germany recognize their imperial ambitions over finland, bulgaria and the dardanelles guarding the bosphorous strait.


soviet nkvd (led by jews leonid raikhman, yankel yurovsky, genrikh yagoda, and lazar kaganovich) killed tens of thousands of polish army prisoners. germans investigated the remains in 1943 after villagers discovered the remains and altered the german occupiers who were very popular enough to enlist 800,000 men from the soviet union to fight for the waffen ss.

Last edited 1 year ago by Eric

russian archives in the 1990s revealed the soviet nkvd committed the murders like the international team of investigators from neutral countries discovered in 1943 after being invited to investigate the site for themselves. this was blamed on germany at nuremberg like many other atrocities committed by the all-lied powers of britain, america and the soviet union.

Last edited 1 year ago by Eric

the smolensk air disaster in 2010 is suspiciously similar to prigozhin’s assassination at the hands of the russian government. polish president lech kaczynski was surely assassinated at the order of putin. kaczynski demanded earlier that russia recognize its role in the katyn forest massacre that germans uncovered in 1943 and blamed on at nuremberg, only to discover in the 1990s that the soviets committed the massacre and framed the germans for that crime among other communist crimes.

Last edited 1 year ago by Eric

you cannot think outside of the box:

odysee com @avawolfe:d jewish communist atrocities rare-footage:6

shows footage of poor soviet living accommodations and churches the communists turnedd into factories and alcohol distilleries:

archive org details afe86001393

^ all letters are capitals. it shows up lower case after posting the comment. i removed the “.” and “/” in order to post my comment without receiving error messages.


odysee com @noreg megin:5 russian veteran recalls their crimes in germany (subtitles):0


moron hillbilly bores us w fringe nazi website


america’s living standards are much higher than russia’s.

Last edited 1 year ago by Eric
Dick Von D'Astard

mosul, iraq has a territorial area of 180 km2. gaza strip is 365 km2 and has the underground 500km of tunnels.


moron nazi hillbilly poko molo eric emerges from his omaha trailer park


why is it that every time you post a comment it comes out as incoherent gibberish? russia’s rural dwellings are exactly as you describe. russia is a shithole.

Last edited 1 year ago by Eric

thuletide wordpress com 2022 06 12 russia is nigeria with snow

imgur com gdkpazw jpg

^ when copying and pasting to put into your internet browser’s search bar, change all of the lower case letters to capitals. add “/” between “com” and the letter “g”. place “.” between “r” and “com”. place another “.” between “w” and “jpg”.

Last edited 1 year ago by Eric
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