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Military Situation In Kharkiv Region On May 23, 2023 (Map Update)

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Military Situation In Kharkiv Region On May 23, 2023 (Map Update)

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  • On May 22 Ukrainian sabotage and reconnaissance group entered the territory of the Russian Grayvoronsky district;
  • The legal regime of the counter-terrorist operation was introduced in the Belgorod region;
  • At least 8 civilians were wounded;
  • According to preliminary reports, Ukrainian forces were repelled from the village of Gora-Podol.


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Little Blue Men

there must not be another bucha, another bakhmut. ukraine will invade a russian city in russian territory and that city will be fought over and russian citizens will die in the fighting, not ukrainians.


ukrainians began to die in this conflict when the us overthrew the ukrainian government with the help of ukrainian nazis. since then, the armed forces of the failed ukrainian cia project have killed thousands of ukrainians in their failed attempt at ethnic cleansing in donbas. donbas is russian, so the ukrainians have been busy trying to invade and kill russian civilians. but failing time after time.


your boring pro russia narrative doesn’t sell well. in reality it was moscow’s plan to block ukrainian will to integrate european union using “eurasian project” as tool. putin’s clan is fantasizing eurasian project because it’s last chance to play big role. they fucked things badly.

Johannes Ekhman

the economic gap between china and russia is huge. china’s economy is almost ten times bigger than that of russia. china produces 13 times more steel than russia. russia is just 3% of china’s foreign trade. west and china needs each others. russia in this context is almost irrelevant.


this is not what xi said when he was in moscow. your cope is all over the place


he just wants gas at a bargain price

Chris Gr

he is stalinist not “pro-russia”.


poor li’l golden shower child. never did get over your total failure to support your silly sentimental beliefs about the imaginary holodomor, and started calling me a stalinist to cope.

Chris Gr

why do i need to cope? you are not even important and nobody cares if you believe that holodomor is real or not. i don’t see why all the basement dwellers here think that they are important or something. nobody cares about all of you. go live your miserable lives and stop bothering other people in order to feel great and actually cope with your own insecurities.


grefeld. yes and situation is developing. cid spokesman andriy yusov reported russians are evacuating nuclear facilities in the belgorod region. one of the nuclear weapon caches is right near grayvoron. see rlu.ru/3hnhh

Romanian yankee kurwa

a low level iq whole nation, those idiotic monkey like people are exasperating similar with theirs neighbors, romanians. they act like genuine fools, theirs actions giving more and more russian unity and solidarity. just stupid dumbfuck sheep.


little blue man, you’re right. yes, sounds wacky but indeed its taking place already – ukrainians have taken several russian troops pow inside russia and taken them back overthe border, see: rlu.ru/3hn8s and in other place 7 ukr troops took 22 ru special forces (so-called spetsnaz) captive, see rlu.ru/3hn1p


and then? what happened? you woke up?

Romanian yankee kurwa

there is a big increase in ukroshit cemeteries all along kukraine vassal jumerican shithole, and from this point an accelerated ratio of denazified banderists will take place

T.M Wallgren

elements of the all-russian pro-ukrainian russian volunteer corps (rdk) and freedom of russia legion (lsr) conducted a raid into belgorod oblast on may 22. they are ethnic russians fighting for freedom of ukraine and against aggression of putin’s russia.


there seems to not be much patriotism inside putin’s russia. people are getting droopy. russian armed forces also ridiculed and mocked.

Kari Laakkkonen

more and more russians are seeing putin as a cocksucker.


of course russian army patriotism and morale is low, as they are permanently lied to, sent as cannonfodder to invade foreign country and are treated as subhumans by their judaic putinist government, which allows even fake muslims like the kadyrov traitors of chechnya to mistreat and beat them for evacuating wounded russian fellow servicemen. see rlu.ru/3hhly

Last edited 1 year ago by goony83
Chris Gr

that group is nazi in orientation

Shit country makes shit military

is russian army just bunch of pussies?

Gerd Trunschka

examples like these are underlining that russia has lost ukraine for at least next 100 years. ukrainians hate and despise russia. backlash to kremlin leaders.

Markus Kallio 🇫🇮👍🇺🇦

russia has lost finland, poland, estonia, latvia, lithuania, ukraine, georgia…. etc… we can only guess what russia will loose during next 20 years.

Bjarne Granlund

russia will lose belarus during next 10 years.


i agree but its not “russia” that lost these countries but the 1917 jewish-created, jew-infested government of that judeo-brainwashed violently forced together conglomerate called soviet union which in 1991 relabeled itself into rf, in order to lure naive people into thinking soviet union and communism was dead. alone from putin’s behaviour and kaydrovskis fighting in ukraine one can see that soviet union just rebranded itself to rf.

Last edited 1 year ago by goony83
Chris Gr

kadyrov is right-wing and putin center-right.


the failed ukrainian cia project has lost crimea, most of four oblasts including donbas, millions of refugees who have fled aboard, millions of citizens who have become russian, and 150k+ dead military personnel. you wacky nafomo piss-suckers just don’t get it.

Markus Kallio 🇫🇮👍🇺🇦

you are spreading kremlin/your own propaganda. most realistic figures of ukrainian military personal losses is from 25,000 to 35,000 military deaths. russians has lost quite the same. both 🇺🇦 and russian mod are exaggerating enemy losses.


good riddance to bad rubbish. poor russia, free of the most corrupt nation in europe.


has andrei raevsky, alias ex-saker, mentally collapsed?


poor ol’ piss-sucking, urinal-puck-munching nafomosexuals and banderpite ukretards sure do bother themselves about ol’ clyde. don’t stop piss-sucking as the failed ukrainian cia project disappears down the toilet.

Chris Gr

are there many clydes?


there’s only one, but there are many angry, frothing nafomosexuals and ukrainian trolls gnashing their teeth and pulling their hair out pretending to be clyde. the catastrophe in the ukraine is producing serious cognitive dissonance in them.

Chris Gr

you are not masculine either, so why do you care about if the others are homosexual or not? and you also care about fascism while you yourself support another form of fascism, the red one.

Mauro Chiesa

somebody asked about man called andrei raevsky and you got furious. for heavans sake why?

Mauro Chiesa

do you remember how the saker for years was bragging of russian military superiority and many his disciples took his praising as face value. in feb 2023 he finally closed the blog. the real reason was poor achievement of rf military. true his physiccal conditions is not so good. he undermined covid-19. bad mistake for overweight man.

Jonas Strandval

raevsky should have known better. i have to admit that poor achievement of rf military has surprised me too even if i never believed the rf military hype.


no. i do remember the ato of the failed ukrainian cia project lasting nine years and not being able to implement the us puppet policies in donbas. i vividly remember the us coup in kiev in 2014.

Kari Laakkonen

ryssäpaskaa nöyryytetään kunnolla


of course after the defeat of bahkmut…ukraine-maidan needs a show and what is better than a new ” red beard operation”?… taking two small village close to border covering the bahkmut disaster!


if your assumption was true then sweden and finland would have joined russia & china instead of nato – so obviously these nations – which have much higher living standard and less corruption than ru and cn, do not believe in the lies you are telling. ru won a town and lost two countries forever – even worse made them become its enemies. jewtin’s chabad and jewish oligarch sponsered anti-russian policies are driving ru into the abyss & into total debt & dependency on china !

Last edited 1 year ago by goony83

this is a false analogy, a logical fallacy. it has nothing to do with what he was talking about.

Johannes Ekhman

the economic gap between china and russia is huge. china’s economy is almost ten times bigger than that of russia. china produces 13 times more steel than russia. russia is just 3% of china’s foreign trade. west and china needs each others. russia in this context is almost irrelevant..

Gerd Trunschka

yep. that russia has just share of 3% of china’s global trade has been veiled in russian mindset. west is much much more important trade partner to china than russia.

Last edited 1 year ago by Gerd Trunschka
Eric Samuels

it’s ridiculous to talk about china-russia partnership because russia is now totally dependent on china while for china and its strategy russia is just one nation among others. of course china take advantage of russia’s distress. india too.


not the case at all.

Kjetil Bjarnesen

russia has no credibility in its agenda. stalin had at least something (communism) to offer to citizens of enemy and own people. putin’s chaotic package of ideology consists of orthodoxy mythology, great patriotic war as new religion, slavofilic nonsense, homophobia, genophobia, luring western neo nazis, giving room for redblack russian fascists and selective fictional story of “eurasia”.


it’s very important to follow also economic warfare, especially energy. situation has turned very bad for russia. energy prices in europe gone sharply down and russia has no energy as a “hypersonic” weaponry. no wonder why all russian hype that “europe goes down on its knees” has ended. this is a big thing. important western victory which will have serious consequences to kreml.

Last edited 1 year ago by Stenius
Mauro Chiesa

ww2 was also basically battle of strategic critical resources: oil, coal, aluminium, steel, coal… putin calculated that natural gas is key thing for europe. he totally forgot how renewables are changing the energy world from now on. the era of oil and gas (fossiles) is over though they will be quite important for next 20 years but their high time is over.


absolute rubbish. the us imperial apparatus has lost control of hydro-carbons so they are attempting to crush demand. renewable have not, and cannot, replace hydro-carbons. the standards of living will be scaled back while the empire tries to cope with the failure of the neo-con plan for hegemony.


and that’s why germany is in recession, along with the main us puppet in the uk. there’s no such thing as the “west”, despite what you nafomosexuals tell each other while you stare into one another’s eyes snowballing your urinal pucks.

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