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Military Situation In Kharkiv Region, Ukraine, On June 1, 2023 (Map Update)

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Military Situation In Kharkiv Region, Ukraine, On June 1, 2023 (Map Update)

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  • On June 1, Russian border guards and security forces thwarted another attempt by the AFU to cross the border and attack Novaya Tavolzhanka and Shebekino border crossing;
  • Ukrainian artillery reportedly destroyed an Tyulpan 240 mm heavy mortar of Russian forces south of Shebekino;
  • On June 1, at least two Russian missiles struck an military industrial facility in Kharkiv.


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in bahkmut alone wagner killed more ukro separatists and foreign mercenaries than the size of the entire uk army. no wonder the ukro goblins are coping and seething 🤣🤣🤣. such is the life(or lack thereof) of natostan cannonfodder.

Psionists slaves of America

viva putin. more tos-1a, more white phosphorus, more thermite please. banderites, zionist-supremacist and their israel-first treasonous aipac slaves and mercenaries need much more karma. never forget rachel corrie and the uss liberty. the welfare funded banana republic of israel and its illegal orthodox settler leaches need to be held to account and expelled from the west bank and the golan heights as per countless unsc resolutions. it’s the only way to keep a rules based world order

Last edited 1 year ago by Psionists slaves of America

urraaaaahhhhh!!! 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺


en las guerras la data filtrada siempre la dan a la baja debe haber muchos mas muertos debido el poder de fuego masivo en esta guerra


banderoský fašisti neustále provokujú ruské vojská. myslím, že čas sa kráti a ruské vojská začnú ofenzívu. je na čase vytlačiť banderovských fašistov aby už nemohli robiť opakovane útok na ruské územie.


the war crimes comitted by the rf forces during the initial attack/smo, firing on civlians, using civlians are targets pracising, terrorising them in the begining, and somehow, this is never debated, witch leads to just one conslusion, russians cant be trusted at all, the so called sites whom suports rf is a pack of rotten scums whom never talks about the real deal, but ends up drooling something about hitler, yeah, moa is like simply the stinker, a harbarats(units/etc) pack of scumbags.


these “crimes” only exist in your rotten rat skull: nothing there but decomposed manure and retarded cnn-nafo filthy lies for indoctrinated cretins like you. russians were actually waaaaay too lenient toward civilians (unlike yanks during their wars), i can talk a lot about countless real ukroterrorist crimes but why wasting time on a worthless dumb little shit like you? keep worshiping ukroterrorist mass murdering genocidal psychopaths, you nafo-sect degenerates belong in hell with them.

Last edited 1 year ago by T.M.Wallgren

it’s funny you should mention these warcrimes, because it’s the ukrainians who are guilty of all of these and not the russians. how do we know that? uh well that’s simple, the people who actually live there confirm that. how do we know they aren’t lying? because they’ve confirmed with tens of thousands of video uploads that kiev has been bombing them since 2014. if you wanna spread propaganda, at least make sure it doesn’t get debunked instantly.

Gneaus stapo

endlösung der russenfrage. jedem das seine, as the yanks say..love it or leave it. so for ivan flatheads there is just one way and thats eastwards. wanna be a flathead, live among flatheads, russia is big enough. u want em take em


what gay cope shit are you on about?

Emanuel Gomes Bueno - Brasil

395 soldados ucranianos mortos em 01 de junho de 2023. ucrânia mais débil e derrotada! para começar bem o mês!


if the pace continues at this level in 1,5 years ukraine will run out of nazi soldiers.

Gneaus stapo

one year after flatheads run out of t55, so ukrainian victory is certain. nothing working for flatheads: mobilization didnt do, general winter didnt do, taking out critical infrastruktur didnt do… i hate that dirty trump butt licker lindsay graham copied my line: bang for buck, best war ever, money well/ best spend .


you germans didn’t win a war since centuries, a you are a lloyd austin butt licker. hey fritz, how the recession going in germany?


it’s interesting that you call others flathead, but you yourself licks the hole in the ass of a nigger, or, how do you nazis call them, “untermensch”

Breaking News

joe biden fell on stage during a graduation ceremony at the us air force academy 😃😃😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣


taliban therapy has helped stapo accept his homosexuality

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