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MARCH 2025

Military Situation In Kiev On March 24, 2022 (Map Update)

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Military Situation In Kiev On March 24, 2022 (Map Update)

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Mikhail Mizintsev white haired general faggot

The Putin cockroaches trying to encircle Kiev are now encircled themselves from both flanks. And the worthless 40 mile convoy north of Kiev eating marshmallow by the campfire all the way to Chernobyl. That can’t be good, Scooby.

Last edited 2 years ago by Mikhail Mizintsev white haired general faggot

worthless moronic gibberish by a worthless moronic faggot troll ^

Mikhail Mizintsev white haired general faggot

The could try cut them off through Borodyanka. If the counter offensive was strong enough to retake Makariv then they can start moving north and try to control that highway heading into Kiev.

Last edited 2 years ago by Mikhail Mizintsev white haired general faggot

more worthless moronic gibberish by a worthless moronic faggot troll ^

jens holm

Next time You comment try to make a comment. Your service dog might help You.


Go service your dog stupid bitch.

Last edited 2 years ago by Barry
jens holm

Thats not good. I tried to have sex with a dog but it bit me.

So I prefare cats and minks. Preferably dead ones.


Make a trip to Mariupol to join your loved ones and all will be fine.

Vlad the invader

Oi, apropos bitch, did you see my Schoigu somewhere?


nazi jens senility woof woof

Mikhail Mizintsev white haired general faggot

Yuri the nazi faggot doesn’t even know that he’s s nazi faggot.

Last edited 2 years ago by Mikhail Mizintsev white haired general faggot
Vlad the invader

We need dog like you now! Wanna join happy party Russian army?

No, there was no recruits in Ukraine, you gonna have fun, honest!


Next time you wake up in the morning make sure you wake up. The elephant on your head is better under your feet.


jens holm definitely a worthless moronic faggot troll

Last edited 2 years ago by blahblah
Mikhail Mizintsev white haired general faggot

The Putin faggot troll is crying now.

jens holm

You cry when I put my big dildo into your ass. You are verry cowardly faggot.

Mikhail Mizintsev white haired general faggot

This Putin faggot troll looks like he could use a dildo from the white haired general.


this moronic faggot jizz swallower has been fucked in the ass one time too many by zelensky, hunter and joe biden ^

Mikhail Mizintsev white haired general faggot

Blahblah is an obsessed crying faggot.


another worthless and moronic reply by an obsessed crying faggot ^

Mikhail Mizintsev white haired general faggot

The crying faggot keeps coming back. Why does the faggot keeps coming back only to begin to cry?

you raped for 10 years by leroy Otis in arkansas prison—no longer able to feel dildo…

Mikhail Mizintsev white haired general faggot

Yuri may have bought Leroy Otis’s dildo on ebay because I have no fucking clue who it is.

Mikhail Mizintsev white haired general faggot

Blahblah is crying faggot.


another even more worthless and moronic reply by an angry crying faggot ^

Mikhail Mizintsev white haired general faggot

Another Putin faggot that’s crying. Join the others.


moronic cum guzzlin faggot crying and squealing while being butt raped by Hunter Biden in CIA dungeon ^

Mikhail Mizintsev white haired general faggot

The cockriach faggot keeps coming back like a piece of shit so maybe he’s a sado like the white haired general faggot.


keep crying while being butthurt worthless moronic faggot ^

Mikhail Mizintsev white haired general faggot

Ask the white haired general faggot to stick his favorite dildo in your asshole.


very angry moronic faggot troll crying and mumbling with zelensky dick in his mouth and joe biden dildo in his asshole ^

Mikhail Mizintsev white haired general faggot

Blahblah has no friends. I get it. That’s why he only likes to suck the faggot general’s dick.

Last edited 2 years ago by Mikhail Mizintsev white haired general faggot
Mikhail Mizintsev white haired general faggot

The Blahblah is such a faggot troll that he only comes to Ukraine because his white haired general faggot promised him to suck his dick.

Michel LeBlanc

There will be no counter attacks.

You want to die and drag as many civilians with you as you can. Cowards like you wont step up to the fight.

jens holm

They are not as You assume. I see the Russians are the one killing civilians. Tose Putin has gas at least should make that dirty smoke in their own contry. They als saysthey are big having all Sibiria.

Maybee Sibiria is empty becaise of all that gas from the Blimp.


You see shit coz your head is deep inside Joe Biden’s butt.


nazi shoe shine boy racist—raped in CIA orphanage for 10 years—now so ugly lgbt social worker pays Pakistani to change your diapers

Mikhail Mizintsev white haired general faggot

Yuri the nazi faggot turns out he’s a social worker. Maybe that’s where he finds all the dicks he likes to suck.

Last edited 2 years ago by Mikhail Mizintsev white haired general faggot
Mikhail Mizintsev white haired general faggot

The Ukranian counterattack already captured Makariv, you fucking moron.


moronic crying faggot keep spamming moronic faggot gibberish ^

Mikhail Mizintsev white haired general faggot

The white haired general faggot wants to lick your asshole, and Putin approves.


butthurt moronic faggot troll licks stoltenberg’s rectum and joe bidens saggy balls dreaming about bandera ^

Mikhail Mizintsev white haired general faggot

Blahblah is such a masochistic piece of shit that he will even have the white haired general faggot light him on fire.

Suk Me Kok

Your white haired mom wants to lick my asshole lol

Dirty old bitch like you, too bad that crack whore didnt๏ปฟ swallow that load of dog sperm u were in

Mikhail Mizintsev white haired general faggot

Look at this other faggot. Maybe he likes to suck Blahblah’s dick just like he likes to suck the white haired general piece of shit faggot.

Last edited 2 years ago by Mikhail Mizintsev white haired general faggot
jens holm

Thats right. Cutting like that is a nice possibility. The map above hopefully is wrong in the details.


Cut off your head idiot.


According to Vladimir Chirkin, there is no need to hound a city like “useless Kiev.” From recent maps it looks as though that area isn’t going to see any more significant action.

jens holm

According to other maps and estimations this map is wrong. Those arrows means nothing if the represent nothing.

I have seen news for a succefull important small countterattack. Both cant be true.

Try some plums


I have noticed that you faggot brigades of the Assoff Nazis do not provide maps. Only the Good Guys do. ITs easier for you to lie that way.


senile nazi Jens ask Julius ebola for used condom—only receive used diapers from social worker

Mikhail Mizintsev white haired general faggot

Yuri the nazi faggot wants to keep sucking his general’s dick. That’s why he comes to Ukraine to rape people.

G2 guy

It is quite embarrassing to read such childish and worthless insults. I hope SF starts moderating this open platform of imbeciles, so mature people can comment and discuss events.

Vlad the invader

You show the intelligence we need in Russian army now!

Wanna join trusty ol’ Vlad?

basement in US embassy in poland

mariupol is a done deal. next up is kiev. it is gonna take somewhere around 2 months to take over kiev completely. doubt “ukraine” will exist after this noble war. those opportunistic poles are drooling over Lyvov.

Mikhail Mizintsev white haired general faggot

The Putin cockroaches still can’t take Mariupol after an entire month. How exactly is it a done deal, Putin faggot?

basement in US embassy in poland

it is a done deal and azov nazies were all eliminated today. it took exactly a month to do it. next up is kiev. crying and bitching about this noble war is not gonna help anyone. move on and get on your life. “ukraine” is history.


It took less than a month actually, they didn’t reach Mariupol on the first day. The most entrenched, fortress city in Ukraine: they had 8 years to prepare and the knew very well Mariupol is the key strategic objective. US Army needed 6 weeks to take Fallujah vs badly armed Iraqi insurgents.

Last edited 2 years ago by Theo
jens holm

Very funny version. Before that they took the rest.

jens holm

I have seen none of that. Some link could be nice.

If there were it would be a headline here right away.


incompetent nazi jens frustrated now that maripul entirely liberated by Russia—there no links in your senile brain—all synapses now ferment shit danish cheese

Mikhail Mizintsev white haired general faggot

Yuri likes to keep calling nazi without realizing that he’s the biggest nazi faggot there is.

jens holm

Also some dildos could be nice. My old broke after verry hard work.

Dick Von D'Astard

Chum, it is around 80% taken, only reason it isn’t 100% is that unlike your Banderite friends the Russian forces (DPR/LPR and Chechens) are attempting to minimize civilians deaths, wherever possible.

Mikhail Mizintsev white haired general faggot

If it’s 80% taken then why the fuck it still hasn’t been taken. Destroying the entire city hasn’t done squat for the Putin cockroaches.

Only kid can ask that kind of question.

Yamil Perez

He is not a kid, he is a demented old pedo with nothing to do but to fart here from his wheel chair ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Mikhail Mizintsev white haired general faggot

Here’s another Putin faggot that went crying to his white haired general.

nazi arkansas insect upset like ugly obese amerikant female—this explains why u r lgbt

jens holm

There are no checkens there. The Kadyrov backgrounds are old photos from Grosney.


stupid senile nazi —chechen brigades have eradicated Azov nazis trying to leave mariopul wearing dresses—like you feminized Danes—like u robots—their tattoos betrayed them your stupidity is comical

Last edited 2 years ago by Yuri
Mikhail Mizintsev white haired general faggot

That’s why Yuri loves to suck nazi dicks. Because he can’t contain his sado fantasies.

Last edited 2 years ago by Mikhail Mizintsev white haired general faggot
jens holm

Unless the Russian front sollpases, they will. But thats no victory.


jens homo jibber like lgbt monkey

Mikhail Mizintsev white haired general faggot

Yuri the nazi faggot is the same as Blahblah the Russian faggot.


Mariupol is done dumbass, did your cia masters not update you?

Poor ukronazi

Yamil Perez Dead

Keep crying and vomiting diarrhea from your shithole mouth you filthy cockroach from Zelenclopwnsky shitter.

Mikhail Mizintsev white haired general faggot

Your general faggot can’t capture Mariupol. He spends too much time sucking Putin’s dick.


moronic faggot troll sucks zelenskys dick while wearing high heels and yellow-blue buttplug ^

Mikhail Mizintsev white haired general faggot

You fucking troll faggot now crying about trolls. Go suck Putin’s dick, faggot.


moronic very angry faggot troll sucks 100000 dicks of all NATO fags while being repeatedly sodomized by Zelensky and Porky ^

Mikhail Mizintsev white haired general faggot

The faggot keeps coming back to the white haired mass murdering general faggot. He’s obviously a pedo piece of shit.

Last edited 2 years ago by Mikhail Mizintsev white haired general faggot
jens holm

Very optimistic. We will see.

jens holm

Many other things might happen. Soon Putin not even will have zink under his pillow.

Ukras are determinat deciding in their own country recognized by UN for 30 years.

No flowers and russian flags there apart for their coffins.

jens holm

I have a big black dildo under my pillow. It is verry big, bigger than Denmark.


jens homo senile moron only sees lgbt social worker —nobody will visit ugly jens nazi homo

Mikhail Mizintsev white haired general faggot

Yuri likes to play nazi when being raped by his white haired general faggot.


we will put a dildo in your ass when we get you

Mikhail Mizintsev white haired general faggot

One of the white haired general’s dildos he can put into Putin’s mouth.

jens holm

I now take a dildo from my ass and put it into your mouth.

To freshen your breath it stinks verry much.

Yamil Perez Dead

Where do you see encirclement here, brainless blind roach? your old faggot insectoid eyes must be full of cataracts, or just full of Zelensky sperm ๐Ÿ˜€

There is no encirclement braindead idiot, only deep penetration into Ukraine. Like my dog penetrating your mother, or your uncle penetrating you…. deep, deep penetration.

Mikhail Mizintsev white haired general faggot

Your white haired general faggot would have to penetrate you if Meriupol doesn’t fall in two days.


the convoy passed on days ago. Now if Steiner could just get enough men….

All the nonsensical trolling nonsense aside, it is time for some grown-up comments that a good objective site like SF should attract rather than idiots.

The Russian Operation Z to pacify Ukraine and deNazification campaign has exposed some serious leadership, logistical, soldier morale and operational issues. Perhaps, President Putin relied too much on faulty intelligence and unprofessional non-combat tested “generals” like Shoigu. In a month of operations in a country three times the size of UK, the Russians have not made any spectacular breakthroughs. They apparently were unprepared for a long war against a country of 44 million armed to the teeth by NATO for the past decade. Russia failed to accumulate and develop large stocks of missiles and ammunition for a long campaign.

Even Russia’s friends like Iran and India, two countries with illustrious combat experience are baffled by Russian lack luster aggressive approach and inability to conduct combined arms operations or exploit enemy gaps. The Russian intervention force of barely 150,000 combat and supply troops is simply not enough. Russia now has to reorganize and revamp its military on a total war footing as NATO’s ultimate aim if the destruction of Russia by using Ukrainian Nazi surrogates. Russia also needs to get objective opinion of allies like India and Iran who have far better quality leadership. I hope Mr. Putin or some Russian leaders read this site as Russia is facing a very long war and an existential threat and can not fight NATO armed terrorists with a softly softly kid gloves approach. Russia has a mass industrial base and that needs to goon war footing and reserves need to be called up. So fat Russian military tactics have been far from impressive. The recent impotent NATO meeting has given Russia a total free hand to strike harder in Ukraine.

Last edited 2 years ago by G2 guy

Yes, good discussions I like. And even though I really feel it is very clear that this Putin-started war of aggression isn t justifiable, I see a lot of jerks and little Putin-goblins here hysterically defending that little commie dwarf and his civilian-slaughtering war-machine. So lets come clear on that topic.

I see that USA was the main driver behind the coup in Ukraine (maidan). On the other hand, USA could only do that so easily because anyway Ukrainians were fed up with communist oppression already a long time ago. Yanukovich was just a puppet of Moskow. The crimea affair, were Putin took away Crimea from Ukraine, was done cleverly by Putin (it was legally not ok, and according to law even criminal, but he disguised his law-breaching act in a smart way with fake polls and did it mainly because of the seaport and the russian fleet, Sevastopol etc. being at risk. Black Sea Fleet harbour was an absolute strategically and also militarially important place for all of Russia empire, and they therefore couldn t effort to lose that to pro-US country.) So they took that land away from Ukraine. But then Russia went even further supporting further dismembering of Ukraine and pushing forward the pro-russian separation movements in eastern-ukraine. Areas which are economically highly important for the wellfare of all of Ukraine.

That’s why Ukraine said: “Stop, this we will not allow. Crimea was taken away, we do not accept that, but we are to weak to take it back, and due to the russian fleet we, from strategically point of view, at least understand that blantant criminal act which Russia felt forced to commit. But with eastern Ukraine it is different. Trying to take it away is a direct declaration of war against all of Ukraine, and we will not tolerate it, be sure about that.” That’s why there was the mini-war between Ukraine and pro-russion separatist movements in Lughansk and Donetzk for 8 years. These areas are of maximum economically importance for all of Ukraine, but are of no significant economical importance to mighty Russia, which has dozens of areas on its territory where there are commodities in the ground.

So instead of pushing for separation and land stealing, Putin had two options at hand. 1.) Eighter doing a diplomatic stunt, and offering the russians from that area to come and resettle to russia and live there in peace. 2.) Or to invade these two areas and maybe a small 30 km long strip deeper into Ukraine as buffer-zone (or ask blue-helmets to create buffer-zone at the frontline-border there) perpetuating the conflict this way, but at same time, this way, also reaching the aim of hindering ukrainian artillery from shooting into the eastern separatist Ukraine areas. These were the two logic based options which a clever minded statesman would have thought about.

But instead Putin declared the 2 East-Ukrainian areas “acknowledged souvereign states” and made them defacto “military protectorates” of Russia, hence laying the groundwork for further escalation, and then, like a dumbass, even started a total war of aggression against all of Ukraine. So yes, now he is fucked ! There is no way back for him anymore. He, like Bush, Blair, Sarkozy and all the other NWO/JWO satanic puppet leaders is now officially a war-criminal, a massmurderer and earned his personal special seat in hell.

Last edited 2 years ago by Mickey
G2 guy

Thank you for posting a mature and intelligent analysis. I believe that Russia misunderstood the western strategic goal of destroying Russia itself, which has been an Anglo dream since the Catherine the Great era. Pepe Escobar in Asia Times has a good analysis as well. Russian military, after the fall of the USSR had gone into a state of coma and only after the Munich conference of 2007 regrading the unacceptable introduction of NATO into Ukraine, did President Putin start rearming Russia, albeit at a very moderate pace. Russian defence expenditure in real terms is smaller than Saudis or India. Russia also has a very deep Zionist and western 5th column that has sabotaged its national security. The SVR and GRU both failed to provide real time sit-reps on Ukraine and the level of NATO armaments.

Russia has no other option left now but to go on a total war footing and see this operation through. Russia has a massive military industrial output capacity that can be retooled to support a military buildup and long term defensive strategy.

The most viable short term operational plan should be to destroy the Ukrainian infrastructure and capacity to resist. The Kiev-Lviv road and rail links should be severed as well as all communications. Russia should start mobilizing its 2 million reservists and also conduct an open and honest discussion with its Chinese, Iranian and Indian military allies on 360 degree objective examination of its shortcomings and ways to address them. On a completely objective point of view, Russia still is a great power with over 160 million population including Belarus and ethnic Russians in Ukraine, so manpower is not a major problem, but quality officer corps and leadership is. President Putin has been led down by Shoigu and the intelligence agencies, that need to be revamped. This conflict is only in its first few weeks and should give the Russian leadership enough feedback to adjust tactics and long term strategic goals, including conducting a demographic change in Ukraine, like the Zionists have done in Palestine and Dr. Assad with Iranian help has achieved in Syria. This is a fight for Russia’s survival and Ukraine is a mere NATO pawn.

Last edited 2 years ago by G2 guy

Yes, a multi-polar world is much better than a Worldwide One World Jewish Dictatorship. But what most people here cannot see or even imagine is that in fact USA the Europe, Russia and China are since long time, already fully in the hands of the very same hook-nosed psychopaths. It is Rothschild, Rockefeller and Chabad Lubawitch. Russian people urgently need to understand the true history of their own country, before it is too late and they are tricked into helping to start World War 3. And moreover that Putin isn t their real ruler, but that it is the above mentioned evil creatures, who are the real rulers behind the scene.

People need to inform themselves about the 2 resp. 3 diabolic real rulers of the world. It is them behind it all. They set up puppet companies and NGOs, and even puppet states and puppet politicians, which then play like actors in a movie, with one side temporarily being the “Good guy” and one side being the plausible “Bad guy” (the role they gave Putin now). And then they do as if they were really fighting each other, when in fact it is all just theater. They are doing everything according to a script, like actors in Spielberg Hollywood movies. Jewish politicians (in fact actors) ordered by jewish rulers from behind, disguised as eighter christian or muslim strongmen, sending the clueless christian or muslim masses into stupid wars against each other, and making a hell of a lot money from all that slaughter of the dumb so-called goyim. 1913 they took over the USA, with the Federal Reserve Act, which was unconstituational, and established the FED bank. A jewish private, which illegaly adopted the right to print American money, while the legitimate state, no-longer had the right to do so. Thereby the USA in facts ceased to exist as a souvereign nation. 1917 the took over Russia. Then in 1918 and 1945 they finished off Europe. And between 1949 and 1963 the fully installed their jewish-communist regime in China through their hidden agent Mao Tse Tung.

Russia and USA and EU today are all totally jew-infested and China is ruled by jewish-communist ideology and party even to today, with Rothschild and Rockefeller having brought to China nearly all of there belongings – this, likely because they know what is to come – because they planned it. World War 3 will destroy USA, Europe and Russia. That’s why they (Rothschild and Rockefeller) brought all their belongings, valuables etc. to China already.

Putin is a jew ( mother maidenname is SHALOMova), he is in the same lodge as Angela Merkel (golden Eurasia lodge), Erdogan for example is in the same lodge es Mr. Bush was (Hathor Pentalpha). Putin. Or look at Canada’s Trudeau, same as with Austria’s Mr. Kurz or France’s Mr. Macron and Hungarian president Orban, or Germany’s current foreign minister Baerbock, they all were members and are agents of the WEF programm called “Young Global Leaders”. Klaus Schwab even acknowledged this facts openly. So what are we taking about ?

Why are we still taking about Putin does this, or Biden said that, Obama did, or Macron ordered that. Xi Jinping promised Russia to .. and Orban allows, or Scholz, Merkel, Baerbock disagrees, Selensky threatens and then Putin does blah blah and so on and on. It’s all bullshit. GET IT ! THEY ARE ALL IN THE SAME TEAM !!!!!

We the people of the world, we are the attacked one ! These demonic parasites want to disrupt our societies, make us dependend on their sick systems, want us to comply with their murderous orders, want to bring us mentally down to our knews, they want to confuse our minds so that we support our own extinction. They want us to take the experimental gen-modifying mRNA poison-shots, so that we degrade our DNA, and become degenerated little transhumans, while they themselves stay as they are and are then therefore the new jewish masterrace, and therefore make there satanic scripture, the talmud spells become true that jews are the only human beings on earth, while all the other creatures are goyim, human-look-alike ANIMALS !

This is the real threat, the real enemy we all need to turn against ! These sick satanic parasites, these arc-evil pest of mankind, the eternal massmurderous enemy of all decent godfearing people. Liars and poison-murderers since the very first day. The inject floods of toxic people into different countries in order to create havoc and chaos and to tear apart the societies, they promote homosexuality and all kind of godless behaviour, the are the hidden warmongers and often also financiers of all large evil activities around the world. They wer the wirepullers behind the american-slave trade, and are also today deeply involved in slave trade, pornography and child-prostitutions and satanism. (see Epstein , Weinstein, Tom Hanks, Rothschild family, Marina Abramowitch, Lenin, Marx, the bolshewics etc.)

Judaism stems from the very old child-sacrificing cult of Molech, these satanists were hunted and kicked out from everywhere because they were evil creatures, cheaters, fraudsters, notorious liars, thieves, perverts, childmolesters, childstealers and childern-murderers. Then one clever leader of these brute decided that in order to dive away from prosecution, and in oder to be harder to kick out and not be killed so easily, it would be a good thing to claim to be “a religion”. So from a satanic mafia-organisation, it switched its face to become a “religion”. They anyway had their satanic criminal rules, which they now declared to be their “religious beliefs”. They got very rich, and started inbreding again and again of thousands of years, only seldom marrying outside of their organisation, in order to led fresh blood into it, and to hidden still births. So over time these behaviour generated an even more evil mentally and by soul totally degenerate, beastly and evil brute of inbred satanists, which then – depending on situation and favour – by choice declared themselves to be an own race, a nation, a religion, or just “the chosen ones”. They are to today an undefinable evil morph, something between world wide spread mafia-organisation, satanic cult (pseudo-religion) , and race (of psychopathic inbreds).

This is the children of Satan, chosen BY HIM, to be the pest of mankind, and – as now we all see, with their often deadly mRNA poison-injections, which they want all of us to innoculate with, the enemy of mankind and thereby, the most dangerous enemy to our all existence!

Last edited 2 years ago by Mickey

Qu’attendez-vous pour les anรฉantir ร  coup de missiles ? Vous en avez plus ?

do you think tha this map is true?

Correct. But how could they know it? They are only getting disinformation and no critical media. It is even criminal to call this war a war, so if the great big brorder is capable of redefine the meaning of words he is no beter as the lunatics in the west who call a men who thinks he is a women, women, or gosh for that mater. But we donโ€™t get 14 years prison for declaring a donkey a donkey, a scorpion a scorpion, Biden a seniel nut and Putin a faschist.


So, let’s invert your statement, and see what that looks like, as, “The Zelensky cockroaches”. Clearly, what you so obviously really want to say, by way of your using the term cockroaches, is “sub-humans”, but you are way too scared to actually do it outright, and reveal your true self. Which indicates that, even you, realize how ridiculous and extremist your neo-Nazi ethno-hatred language really is. So, listen up, Yamil Perez, your thinly veiled neo-Nazi ethno-hatred rhetoric is VERY obvious to everyone.

Last edited 2 years ago by AssyriaRising

faggot troll!

Hayate kirino

They are advancing in the opposite direction

jens holm

Now only with one foot ๐Ÿคพ๐Ÿผโ€โ™‚๏ธ

Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy

Get me out of here right now.


Is the reality setting in now that Southfront is giving Kiev their own map you little rat?

Clown of Kiev

Aren’t you already in Pooland?


why your safe in hollywood zelensky at your greenscreen

G2 guy

Russia should have taken out this cowardly clown in the first strike, now he is in Poland and will keep on spouting propaganda. This war has exposed a weak link in both GRU and SVR and heads should roll.

Dick Von D'Astard

While Kiev’s brave defenders impose curfews upon the captured population, the real battle is already decided in the east and south where the best of Ukraine’s Nato proxy armies (trained by the U.S./UK etc) have either been smashed or put in a meat grinder and Novorossiya is around 66% along the way to being recreated there.

Last edited 2 years ago by Dick Von D'Astard
jens holm

I see a stalemate and hardly no sign of any Russian advance.

Before the new styructures and upgrades by USA and UK it was an incompetent foot soldier going west force. It was added nuke systems given to Russia long time ago – for something.

For its seize and capasity its doing very well. The difference is all over. The main parts are local decidings making mobility, flexibility and oppertnities.

It als has showed rhat tanks used as in WW2 and often with no heavy infantery support are sitting ducks for modern warfare.

The gamechanger here are RPGs and up in seize as well as drones. It also has shown the Ukras use their old museum stuff much better then the ussians do.


It seems that you’re speaking in tongues. Enjoy the rapture.

jens holm

Sorry Iam mentally disabled after being tortured and sexually violated by CIA when I was a little girl in Aarhus.

But I verry like CIA now.


All the time…


mental illness cannot be treated by your lgbt social worker—45 years of dildo therapy made you more senile


Pay ur dept.


Nice map thanks

The ukrainians are reporting that russians are back inside belarus. Yet intelslava is freely travelling on camera through bucha!

Very soon the nazis will be rolling into moscow!

These delusional azov ๐Ÿ’ฉ s! ๐Ÿ˜‚ they keep me entertained with their stoopid propaganda


Independent map: https://www.scribblemaps.com/maps/view/The-War-in-Ukraine/091194


You notice these guys just playing games with Kiev? Its time hasn’t come. I suppose after Donbass, Kiev is gonna be assaulted in ways it hasn’t seen before. The idea currently is to keep the city engaged with thousands of defenders.

Timmy Temperance

OK I need to say something. I have noticed a few times that the Foreign Ministry of Russia uses the term Anglo-Saxon when speaking about UK and US, but that is incorrect use of the term. Anglo-Saxon is a historical term, since England was subsequently conquered in large parts or in whole by the Vikings and then the Normans. Anglo-American would be correct and make sense when talking about geopolitics, or perhaps English speaking countries if you mean to say the countries such as Australia and Canada which also follow the US lead on most foreign policy matters. To say Anglo-Saxon is in fact kind of racist. I know that is not the intention, but the meaning in translation is like saying that Slavic people are bad. There are many Anglo-Saxon people, or more accurately due to the comopolitan and heterogenous nature of UK history and population, white English-speaking people that like RUssian culture and do not agree with the policies of their government and NATO. I hope Russian FM can modify this so as not to alienate their foreign friends!

Last edited 2 years ago by Timmy Temperance
Timmy Temperance

Also I mean Irish people would mostly classify themselves historically as Celts and they aren’t doing Russia or DPR any favours right now!

Timmy Temperance

Yes I called Sergey Lavrov but he is still celebrating his birthday and he seems to be quite busy these days.


you stupified amerikant hillbillies becoming more gullible and fascist


Irish people would be very silly if they mostly classify themselves as Celts. Somewhere around 60% of genes in people in Ireland are from Anglo-Saxon or other genomes that are not “Irish”. The Five Eyes are Anglo-Saxon countries.


only idiot arkansas hillbilly believes your stupidity


thereยดs a lot of stupid noise of stupide imbeciles in south front comments. Imbeciles, go buy rubles!


Starting to look like Europe will have to if they want the gas kept on.


gorg–you consume too much CIA sperm—despite your social workers claim, having been repeatedly raped by lgbt in arkansas–will not improve your mental illnesses


Only you and your lgbt husband yamil… probably the same schizophrenic retarded monkey troll with another gay name.


kiev is nearly as pathetic as Chicago—looting, gangs of thieves and criminals…ze released all inmates gave them weapons to terrorize citizens and police…uncivilized nazis in usa and ukropistan the same


Ukraine is young democracy, fighting Russian fascist mafia. It takes time to get rid of Russian corruption legacy.

Tiffany Dover

Where is Gonzalo Lira?

Universal Order

Imagine fucking up an invasion this hard. Communism is weak. Marxists are pathetic. They STILL haven’t taken Mariupol! With this war, your cancerous and decrepit empire is at last put to the sword, and National Socialism comes back into prominence!

Stalin must be screaming in hell.


Exactly ! Russians unable to fully take Mariupol. Taking horrendous losses in men and material every single day. The outskirts they have, and doing some incursions into the City center. But that’s it. Azov regiment is still defending the city. Now after 1 month the so-called mighty Red Army including hordes of hired chechen traitors to Islam and Chechnya are not able to take that city. A city that has significant amount of partly russian speaking population. So if russia can t even take this city, against small AZOV battalion after a month, then how long will it take to overcome Dnjepepotrowsk or Charkov let alone Lvov or Kiev ? The russian butt-boys in this forum should do the math ! Europe doesn t want communism, it is infiltrated by communist-jewish politicians, and these criminals will be executed in the time to come by the angry national folks of these countries and then the natural national right and order will be revived all across Europe !

Last edited 2 years ago by Mickey
Liberty Broadcasts

Actually the map is incorrect. On western bank Makariv and Peskivka are under Russian control, Boyarka and Bishev are contested. On eastern bank Brovary, Boryspil and Baryshevka are contested.


Nice but it should read “Russian control” rather than “DPR/LPR control”: there are no Donbass militia forces in that area.


One page of useless comments from several commentators. Add something new to the discussion. As in most of the wars there are little to now who has done what, same video clips from both side is blaming each others for atrocitiesโ€™. Next thing is false flag operation might be a chemical scenery and who is the leader in false flag operations??


That map is just plain silly! Try to follow more credible sources. Eg: https://www.scribblemaps.com/maps/view/The-War-in-Ukraine/091194


If I read western mainstream press, they tell me, that the operation was a total disaster. And that Putin had to dismiss 8 Russian Generals and the head of the Russian military intelligence.

Everyone expected the Russian army to take a country like the Ukrain in just under two weeks.

If I read Southfront they tell me that the operations are a total success. No word about any general or planing staff dismissed. No word about Russian losses. Just telling us, that advancing slowly rather than by now controlling the country should be the better way.

Of course Russia has a much more powerfull army than Ukraine and will win in the end. But as a neutral observer I had expected the Russians to perform much better.

Some experts of the west say, that it is because of bad planning and the fact that NATO had years to train the Ukraine forces.

We probably never will know the correct number of death on both sides and numbers of lost equipment. But if number of losses are anywhere close considering the overwhelming disparity in arms then Russia looses a lot of military prestige in this war.


We get reports from locals from Karelia that many batallions have been wiped out in Ukraine. New batallions are being built from scratch, along the border vs Finland. 40 000 dead/lost/captured/wounded would seem to be in correct ballpark vs RU losses.


The Ukrainians had eight years to dig-in numerous defences in the east, thousands of MANPADS to deter aircraft, civilians to hide behind, NATO to sabotage etc etc.

Barba Papa

I’ve seen maps of WW1 battles where the frontlines moved faster. Get your shit together, Russia. End this before NATO does something stupid and shit gets out of hand.


Wow. Look at all the trolls! The State Department must have released another batch of funding.


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Last edited 2 years ago by AnnabelleHorrocks

Who controls Irpen? The Ukrop-fags on Twitter are claiming the UAF took it.

Death angel

Yes we did And we killed 387 Russian solider.


To be on safe side, ignore RU and UA media and look here: https://www.scribblemaps.com/maps/view/The-War-in-Ukraine/091194


Ukraines are encircling Russian North West side of Kyiv (regaining Bucha and Irpin, ) and have encircled the nearest battalions on the East side while pussing back the main Russian army East. Thats a proven fact. The same is happening in the South West of Ukraine , Kherson will be liberated soon.


It is KIEV people, KIEV, always was always will be.

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