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Military Situation In Mariupol On April 12, 2022 (Map Update)

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Military Situation In Mariupol On April 12, 2022 (Map Update)

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It looks like the end of Banderistan in Mariupol……..Odesa Next !!


Yes, Odessa is the main prize, and once it has been conquered, the Black Sea coast will be under Russian control. Then liberating all of the rest of Novorossiya can begin. But there is a long hard battle to reach that goal. More troops will be needed. Hopefully Putin will get that sorted, sooner rather than later.

Pamfil Military Academy

Nope, Odessa is the playing card for Kremlin. I spoke about that ‘trick’ many times. In summary, Odessa can remain to nazi Reich Kiev or not.


i doubt that very much.Odessa is very important. Kiev was the playing card. Transnistrian mountains in Moldova are pro Russian. From these heights artillery and Russian ships with marines and Russian forces can take this quite well. Black sea coastline is number 1 importance after the Azov Sea and the Crimean land bridge!


We also need to consider the enormity of what the capture of Odessa will mean to Russia and how that victory will crush the hearts of the usurpers in Kiev. And just think about the huge demorilising effect it will have on their soldiers. The loss of Odessa and the entire Black Sea coast will probably break them and bring about a much swifter end to the war. Many of the Ukrainian soldiers will surrender rather than continue fighting a hopeless cause.


I have a question, and my apologies in advance if it sounds ignorant but I don’t know and would like to know: –Why not Mykolaiv before Odesa? Is it because there’s no Azov in Mykolaiv? Or it’s not the right order of priorities? Or…?


Mykolaiv is Peanuts instead of Cake for Desert after the meal called Mariupol.


Mykolaiv contains the only dry dock capable of building aircraft carriers, I would suggest that it is a strategic goal, Odessa is the distraction


Mykolaiv will become part of the operation to take Odessa.


This map is funny. But Mariupol ain’t a small city. That blue at the Iliyich plant wasn’t present in previous maps, showed up today. Just pump chemicals down the tunnels of Azovstal, this ain’t time to play nice. Some Sarin will do too, this is war.


They are gonna useclegal chemicals. They wanna capture the Big fishes Alive.


As much as I want them to use a flamethrower, I suspect they will use gas.

William White

That would give NATO the excuse they are drooling for to join this war.


No it wouldn’t. If they wanted they would join the war long time ago. NATO has a pussy army, they know they cant fight Russians.

Chris Gr

It is not just like that. Ukraine is just a bait.

Sleepin' with the fishes

I’ve heard they’ve begun with fire truck pumpers flooding the ventilation shafts.


I’m hearing the Chechens are discussing the idea of pumping a mixture of feces, urine, water and flour (thickening agent). That’ll get those rats to come out.


Why y’all downvote this man? Too much violence in the post?


Too much “western” psychopathic violence…


Its been reported that there are ‘retired’ high ranking US military lodged in the tunnel bunkers, that will make for very valuable POWs if they can be taken alive – The news story went on to say that Azov will likely been given orders to kill them to prevent their capture and interrogation


Note – ‘retired’ meaning now working for Academi/Blackwater, a US private military company that specialises in CIA contracts

Pamfil Military Academy

Nope again. Russian will not enter the cabal uncle Shmuel trap. But agricultural antimole SMOKE works very well and it’s not banned.


Most of them would already surrender but they are afraid of Azowites

Sleepin' with the fishes

Why don’t they just frag ’em, Vietnam style?


If Azovstal has 8 levels, then Bury them underground and done with it.


Dand destroy the factory? I woud pump water in lower areas. The rest, must be filled with tear gass for days, they will come out like rats.


there is still the laboratories under the steelworks that have to be taken out. https://www.veteranstoday.com/2022/04/11/testimony-massive-bioweapons-production-facility-under-steele-plant-doomsday-race-weapons/

hans raus


we will take whole ukraine and zielynsky will be dead


just 3 days and kiev will be captured


we have to shift our troops from kiev region to eastern ukraine but everything is under control ;)

russian propaganda aka clown world at its best ^^

Last edited 2 years ago by hans raus

Oh, your February 24th and 25th came from Western media and politicians, Russia never said when it would take Kiev, nor did it say it would conquer Ukraine.

hans raus


Vlad the Impaler

Funny, coming from a subhuman German faggot. When was the last time you Germans won a war, any war? The Franco-Prussian doesn’t count, BTW, we all know the French raise the white flag as soon as fighting starts.

Now the EU is crumbling, Eastern Europe is on the verge of rebellion and Germany is about to crash and burn due to self-inflicted economic collapse. Once again, another German attempt at empire-building fails.

You Germans are the most subhuman of all of humanity’s races. You talk big and have overbloated egos, but deep down, you are still Neolithic barbarians drinking eachother’s piss and that is all you will ever be. Its in your DNA, you are an evolutionary dead end, a genetic failure that will never go anywhere, build anything or achieve anything of note.

You look to us Eastern Europeans with hate and envy, knowing that we have built civilizations that have stood for eight thousand years and again and again you try to copy us, but all your attempts are doomed to fail and nothing you create will ever last more than a few centuries at best, before imploding due to the corruption, depravity, faggotry and degeneracy that are inherent, fundamental features of your worthless, troglodyte race.

Last edited 2 years ago by Vlad the Impaler
Morocco Land of Milk & Honey

Give it six months to a year when the real effects come home to roost. They’ll be jumping on dinghies heading to North Africa for relief.


Yoo we germans fucked you up in ww2 and raped your women your filthy jewish slavic scum

Chris Gr

Jewish is religion not race.

Chris Gr

You are saying bullshit. Most Germans support Russia more than US.


He’s right. Russia’s intent was never to capture Kiev. It was a feint meant to force Ukraine to tiedown troops in the West so Russian troops in the East could fire close the cauldron.

Jens Stoltenberg here....

I’m having an existential meltdown. Can someone please help? They told me I only had to fill out paperwork when I took this job.


MSM claimed that Kyiv will fall in 3 days. Russia never said anything like that. Concerning is only western narrative

hans raus

come on , thats why they russia losted their most elite battalions around kiev? nobody is sending best tropps to die for nothing. Dont believe russian propaganda

Last edited 2 years ago by hans raus

No, that is what they did do. it was military malpractice, but now we are on to a real war and Russia is winning handily again.


Hans, the 1000 soldiers that surrendered this afternoon in Mariupol didn’t get the memo that you are winning? Hurry up, tell them Steiner!

Hans Schweinhund

Don’t you worry. When I’m finished with Moscow, I’ll be marching on Belgrade again.


And your ass will be whipped again.


Hey, Pigdogman (Very suitable surname, for a troglodyte), the operation in Ukraine is only the beginning of the denazification of Europe… To be followed by Kosovo, then all the way to your satanic lair in Londra.

Rejoice, nazi bitch, it’s 1944 all over again!


Don’t you worry about Belgrade, just guard Berlin better this time around.

Yankee two tongue

Meanwhile, the noose tightens.

Hunter, My beloved dopefiend: Dad

I’m coming with my trusty blowpipe, to cut the gordian knot! Never fear. I have 32 days as an officer in the National Guard!

Chris Gr

Nobody said that.


More than 1000 Ukrops Nazis surrended. Just confirmed.

Would upload a video if it was possible. But you can follow on this telegram channel. https://t.me/intelslava


Kadyrov confirmed it.


Damn! Reading the rest of the blog it gives the impression that Ukrop morale is dropping fast. Once wind of this get to troops in the rest of the country I bet there will be a rapid capitulation, and the whole thing will basically be over.

They did what they did, time to slam down their li

It’ll be over when Zelensky is hanging upside down in Maidan square, next to his lovers Parubiy, Tyahnybok, Yarosh, Biletsky and a few hundred others, foreign and domestic.

Russian benevolence

The russkies are too kind accepting a mere capitulation. When the yanks went to war against Assad. they demanded his decapitation. Didn’t get it but, hey – they tried.

Ursula van Der Lickin'

Viewing all those corpses made me think of how Grandpa came to save Ukraine from those russkie bruts. Just brought tears to my eyes

Donald Moore

I don’t know the layout of the plant but it the Russian start taking the above ground they should block the the opening to go under ground except for one. Put tons of waste on the openings and starve them out with some teargas too. When they run out of food, water and air the rats will come to the top to escape!

Eye Cue

Basically they only have to close off the ventilation shafts, or drop some tear gas down there.

The Siege of Mariupol

Boy, the whole Mariupol thing would make a great Hollywood blockbuster. Can’t they get Sean Penn to direct?


Bring in the flamethrower for the next phase men!

Omas Bioladen

TOS-1 is already there. There is video footage of TOS-1 shelling Azovstahl.


USE doggie robots with loads of cameras and infrared. Heat sensing as well. I bet the Chinese would love playing with robots in 24km of tunnels. They could be used like drones.

Omas Bioladen

Why not sent in some vietnamese tunnel rats?

Omas Bioladen

I would use Sarine gas in the steel plant tunnels and pretend it was a false flag by NATO to kill their own operatives. LOLOLOL

Pamfil Military Academy

I warn you Mr. Putin, be aware of night amphibious CIAOps with Turkey submarines.

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