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Military Situation In Mariupol On April 7, 2022 (Map Update)

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Military Situation In Mariupol On April 7, 2022 (Map Update)

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Burning Russian soldier

How are we still failing?


flood the area with water and gasoline as no civilians are there. have a fag. drop the match.

Burning Russian soldier

That’s a great way to burn the rest of the russians indeed. Good idea!


They are Ukraine force ,who near deplets of food ,water ,ammo and their lifes

Burning Russian soldier

Another monkey that can hardly form a sentence.

Ur skull crushed with sledgehammer

You are failing since that filthy pig you call mother defecated you from her butthole. your entire loser existence is one huge failure, soon to be over.

Burning Russian soldier

Strange fascination you have with all those things. Is that what they subject you to in your kremlin sex dungeon? You must be projecing. I think you are in the first stage of grief.


“amerikans are the living refutation of the cartesian cogito ergo sum. amerikans are yet they do not think. the amerikan mind peurile primitive…” Julius Evola

Burning Russian soldier

Yuri, you ape, I told you to go back digging trenches in the red forest. The commissar is gonna get you!

Petra Petroleum

Google is preventing comments, NSA are using codes for phone verification to convey homosexual propaganda and your NATO government is watching you!

Burning Russian soldier

Again, the odd fascination with homosexuality here. You kremlin whores must truly be closet gays.


More like this guy Zelensky is a complete bender. Just look how Zelensky is way into this prancing faggotry:


Last edited 2 years ago by Bob
Burning Russian soldier

You… analyse videos for homosexual behaviour? What? You looking for a partner or something? There’s grindr for that dude.


Dude? How old are you troll? Your mom called, she said your laundry is ready….

Burning Russian soldier

Thanks, can you tell her I’ll be there in a couple of hours? I’ll go to her right after I finish fucking your mom. Now go back to work slave, otherwise the kremlin will be angry with you for not doing your propaganda job :D


“nothing can thrive in amerika unless inflated by hyperbole and gilded with a fine coat of fraud …amerikans cannot think except by means of slogans–they identify garbage as quality. the stupidity and ignorance of amerikans has long been a topic of hilarity in Europe”. Paul Fussell

Last edited 2 years ago by Yuri
Burning Russian soldier

Copying random edgy quotes from the internet does not equal intelligence, Yuri.


Russia is fighting a war against all of NATO, in Ukraine.

Burning Russian soldier

(and losing)



If they were loosing you wouldn’t be on here doing damage control day and night 🤣

Burning Russian soldier

Damage control? This is fucking entertainment bro.

The Saint

Your desperate antics are a form of entertainment for the rest of us.

Burning Russian soldier

It’s not “desperate” if it’s entertainment for me you moron. Reading comprehesion really is down the drain here. Out of all of you coons, you’re the one that should really stick to sucking kremlin handler dick instead. There at least may be hope for the others still.

The Saint

I didn’t mean to upset you, your increasingly desperate antics are quite amusing. To get a few more laughs, I suggest you post your Baghdad Bob website again.

Burning Russian soldier

Don’t worry buddy, there’s absolutely nothing that you can ever do to upset me :) I’m simply bemused by the collective lack of intelligence here. I do wonder how much they pay you people though. Can’t be a whole lot, if you’re fishing the bottom of the barrel.


You’re losing and you look so pathetic making daily attempts, all day. Lolol No lifer troll has nothing going for him. loser

Burning Russian soldier

At least I don’t have to suck dick to get paid, unlike you.


I’m sure that nobody reading your posts doubted for a moment that you suck all the dick you can get, and nobody pays you to do it.

Burning Russian soldier

I don’t need dick when I get plenty of russian pussy. I love those cheap russian whores (a little too much sometimes). Tight as fuck.


So you cope with your own pathetic existence by watching these videos and pictures and then go boasting about them online to get fed like a troll by others online…

Ohh I get it, you are a racist/nazi…nuff said.

Interesting. Yet you don’t go fight on the front lines, you are hiding behind a fake name, fake IP, fake news…like fake everything.

Naw, no point in responding to a mentally ill excuse for a human being, you don’t deserve one ounce of emotion from other human beings.


Last edited 2 years ago by -K7-
Burning Russian soldier

The kremlin farm has truly awoken now :D I think my job here is almost done :D


you need to get laid bro

Burning Russian soldier

That’s very kind of you, but you don’t need to worry about my sex life whatsoever.


If only our keyboard teenage warriors would understand that THIS is what war looks like…there is no glory …there is blood, dirt, cold, darkness…but none of them trolls and idiots would stand a day away from their safe, warm houses, well fed without yelling for their mommy…poor souls, who died for an old , bigot madman.

jens holm

For every dead Russian there are 10dead hoholtrash.

Burning Russian soldier

You high on kremlin cum?


NATO special forces are now heavily operating in Ukraine, under guise of foreign volunteer BS, they are rotating in from Poland. This was point of the sudden western media narrative-blitz about foreign volunteers – to provide cover story for the flow of incoming NATO special forces.



Burning Russian soldier

All caps? Man, that kremlin handler must be really dicking you good. I sure hope it doesn’t hurt too much. Yikes.


And your disgusting obsession with perversion. All you do is express your degeneracy. That’s what happens when you have no life. Sad creature you are.

Burning Russian soldier

I mean, I’m not stuck in some sweaty hole with poor, ugly, russian apes posting propaganda online, so I don’t know. It sure feels like I’m in a better place here.

Mariupol was 100% liberated

…. .. … …?

Last edited 2 years ago by Mariupol was 100% liberated
Burning Russian soldier

Damn it, you promised me Mariupol was 100% liberated!

jens holm

I guess Azovisis just sucks at fighting.

Burning Russian soldier

I’m pretty sure you know how to do some of that sucking yourself. I bet they just let you come up for some air from underneath that desk.


Because you’re just a no lifer basement dwelling troll and it’s obvious. Funny how you think people don’t know you’re a troll…get a life

Burning Russian soldier

I mean, you’re not wrong about the troll part. But you are a little confused about the basement, that would be your location. It’s funny how one troll is dicking an entire kremlin sex dungeon full of keyboard warriors though. Don’t let the commissar catch you sleeping on the job guys.

Putin's MASSIVE Balls, NATO's empty nutsack

Missing NATO General most likely killed by Azov to hide evidence and prevent his capture. “The Pit” Bio lab and torture center on the lower 8th floor of the steel works will be brought to light and the world will know of these crimes.

Burning Russian soldier

This is as disjointed as your fucking face. They should hire a new monkey to do shitposting, you can’t possibly qualify.

Burning Ukrop Faggot takes it up the Ass

Losing, your losing faggot. Nazi crimes will be shown to the world. Did I hit a nerve, where is the missing General?

Burning Russian soldier

You couldn’t hit yourself in the fucking face even if you tried, let alone “hit a nerve” on me. Now, quiet slave, go back to sucking dick like a good minion.


“I do not envy amerikan happiness: it is the happiness of a different and inferior species”. Stendhal

Burning Russian soldier

“Russian corpses burn brightest during night” – Mahatma Gandhi (probably)

Burning Ukrop Faggot works the Azov Gloryholes

Ukraine is gone and you’re soon to be dead!

Burning Russian soldier

I don’t see how the two are connected, let alone true. You should probably pick up your trash though: https://russoldat.info/category/poteri-rf/tela/


Hard. Very.


300 years after …

jens holm

Kiev Oblast of the Russian Federation 🇷🇺



jens holm

There was a chithole called Ukropisstan…


Swim tekhokhist khats, swim!

Last edited 2 years ago by RabidKashaBuenokowski
Rufus Shinra

To all those in Western countries, such as myself, I never thought in a million years Russia would be fighting in in the side of right and good. But after weeks of watching nearly a hundred videos and reports from the front lines in Ukraine, the Russians and their allies are defending civilians from the brutality of the Ukraine armed forces against their own citizens! Watch the real videos of Patrick Lancaster who is reporting from the front lines. Literally every citizen he speaks to says the same thing. “Ukraine troops are killing us”. Watch the videos for yourself, don’t just listen to one side of the media. What the Ukraine troops are doing to citizens is brutal and criminal. No media in the west will report the truth, it sickens me.

Burning Russian soldier

We all know you’re writing from a kremlin sex dungeon, not “the West” lol.

Tommy Jensen

The many o’s in your filthy comments show everybody where your sniffing nose is.

Burning Russian soldier

Good lord, another closet homosexual.

jens holm

Thanks for your coming out.

Burning Russian soldier

You truly are a rare single cellular specimen. This doesn’t even make sense.


You are constantly projecting

Burning Russian soldier

I don’t think you know what projecting means. You’re not gonna pass that kremlin intelligence test without some extracurricular activities I’m afraid.


“amerikans are panicked by homosexuality…only in amerika is the father vestigial: the amerikan mind and conscience is feminine”. Geoffrey Gorer

Burning Russian soldier

Oh, I see you are their copy paste ape. You haven’t promoted yet to writing your own posts. Better go back to sucking dick bro!

Burning Ukrop Faggot

Dead, soon you will be dead! :)

Burning Russian soldier

You first :) But before you die, enjoy that russian shithole you’re gonna spend your poor life in.


Why are you obsessed with sex?

Burning Russian soldier

You didn’t really score high on reading comprehension at school did you? I guess that’s why you’re whoring yourself out to the kremlin.


“amerikans are the most prudish in western civilization; they sublimate their desire by chasing the dollar. amerika is gigantic–a gigantic mistake”. Sigmund Freud

Burning Russian soldier

I’m starting to think your birth is the gigantic mistake here.


Yes, good question. I think BRS should satisfy its appetite in different fora.

Burning Russian soldier

“Its”? They don’t teach you proper English at the kremlin anymore? Geez, the budget must have really gone down the shitter after the ruble got dicked. I know all of you are sitting next to one another in some dungeon somewhere though. Stop touching each other’s dicks and at least correct each other!


“amerikans cannot provide each other sexual pleasure….the cult of sincerity: amerikans are not sincere–it is a performance”. David Riesman

jens holm

Calm your tits hoholtrash. Nobody likes you in Europe. Even poles detest you.

Burning Russian soldier

Who says I’m Ukranian you ape. My expectations of you were already low, and here you are. You can’t even write coherent sentences that are more than 5 words long.

Putin's Massive Balls teabagging Burning Ukrop fag

Suck a dick!

Burning Russian soldier

I can’t, you’re the expert here. I bet you’re the dick sucking instructor himself.

Von Tzu

It is hard for most Westerners to understand this. Yesterday I was at an art gathering in my town somewhere in Zone A. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaanddd, most of my artsy friends are completely clueless about the world. The bubble in the West is thick, we are so accustomed to lies that we support literal Nazi’s right now. This is so hard to process for the avarage Westerner that we willing belief any fabrication throw out there and deny the truth whenever we see it. This is quite an achievement by western intelligence.

Burning Russian soldier

Another “west” pretender typing from some russian sex dungeon.


I’m. Canadian. Your brain can’t handle it and is short circuiting from the programming. Sad. You degenerate, sex obsessed perverted no lifer troll projection artist Disgusting and STUPID

Burning Russian soldier

Meaningless words.


“amerikans cannot provide each other sexual pleasure”. David Riesman


I started seeing Ukrotard trolls all over Canadian websites beginning in 2014. They seem to despise free speech, and don’t care how absurd they look trying to control the narrative in any forum in which the insane Ukrainian situation is discussed. Most Canadians are in the dark about the real nature of Banderpite Ukrotards. I was quite shocked to find out the degree to which the full-blown Ukronazis have been integrated into the US imperialist structure. 14 Waffen SS survivors smuggled into Canada by MI6 after the war. Eighty years of crypto-fascist Ukrainian ultra-nationalism fostered in Canada. They are some creepy death-cult people.


“amerikans love big because they feel so small. the artificial sexual scarcity in USA derives from the amerikan money neurosis. amerikans have always been genocidal enjoying killing from afar”. Philip Slater

Burning Russian soldier

Oof edgy, if only I was American, I might care.

Burning Ukrop Faggot

Dead soon, YOU!

Burning Russian soldier

No u :D


Elas, people without education, not the least as regards history, will always be clueless, “useful idiots” for the rulers.


Yes i live in England,i always knew how bad our politicians and media are but Lord have they gone to the dark side in Ukraine,its like am am living in a Fascist police state where no alternative view is tolerated,even to the point where they have cancelled Russian literature and even cats from entering cat shows,we are in Nazi book burning terrirtory,Lancaster had better watch out they will kill him if they can,also i heard yesterday Scott Ritter has been closed down on twitter,the scumbags really like to control the narrative.

Florian Geyer

There are a few who are now seeing the cesspool of British neo-liberal tyranny. I suspect that the UK will slide into poverty and depression during the next few years.


Yes, the same everywhere in the West, I’m afraid. Well, one thing always reamains true, whatever they do: Russia ALWAYS prevails. Ask the Germanic knights, Karl XII, Napoleon Bonaparte, Adolf Hitler, and, eventually Bide’n, Johnson and what have you.


They protect children from the LGBT agendas, they know the difference between men and women, they know what marriage is and support the family and large families. Russia also has a colossal amount of Churches.

Florian Geyer

Very well said.

The NATO war against Reality is now being fought by the various LGBT regiments, commonly known as the Asbergers of NATO.

Burning Russian soldier

Quite creative, this made me chuckle. I don’t know though, there is a deep, unhealthy, fascination you guys have with LGBT things.

Nato is laughing at you

I know right? Are they afraid of fags or what?

Burning Russian soldier

I think they’re afraid that they are fags, so they’re trying to convince themselves that they despise homosexuals. Unsuccessfully I might add.


“amerikans are panicked by homosexuality”. Geoffrey Gorer “amerikans have lost the capacity for spontaneous feeling”. Eric Fromm


So you talk to yourself with another troll account. Hahahahaha No lifer troll is so desperate

Burning Russian soldier

Congratulations, more words.



Burning Russian soldier

Meaningless repetition


“amerikans cannot feel pure pleasure”. Slavoj Zizek

Burning Russian soldier

Pff. I bet you can’t either. Micro penis is no joke dude, you got to get that checked.


Arguably the most important political assasination of the post-WW2 Twentieth Century was the murder of Patrice Lumumba. Since that time there has been more or less continuous massive levels of bloodshed in the central area of the African continent that receives almost no notice in the Anglsophere. Millions have been killed. The CIA, with help from Canada and Belgium murdered Lumumba to preserve the control of African resources by colonial powers, most of whom just happen to be NATO countries. A protective bubble formed by a comprehensive network of liars, from media, government and academia has protected the Anglosphere populations from the truth for eighty years.

Rufus Shinra

Also, I grew up viewing Russia as the bad guys. Movies like Rambo 2 and 3, Rocky 4, Top Gun, Red Dawn, ect… I never thought in a million years Russia would be the “good guys” and the west would be the ones supporting war, strife and the destabilization of nations. The West controls Ukraine and has done since 2014. If anyone does a bit of research, they will realize that Ukraine has been slaughtering ethnic Russians for 8 years! And, to my great surprise, has been supporting neo national fascists! I almost wish I never even learned the horrible truth of this conflict, for I cannot believe that such atrocities have been occurring for 8 years without any country giving a damn. I am beside myself, I can’t believe the world let this happen.

USA is 666

Where is the cave that you were living in located?


Quite right,i am on a forum where i have been highlighting that truth for a long time,yet there are still those on that forum who are in total denial,it didn’t happen they say,its all Russia’s fault,i was also thrown off two other forums because they didn’t like me posting facts instead of MSM nonsense,we live in Orwellian times.


The US is the most violent, powerful and aggressive military entity in history. They have assaulted populations across the globe. No other country even comes close.


Russia, WWIII is being played out in Ukraine, with all of the NATO nations funding and providing military equipment, lethal and non lethal aid plus military personnel from NATO nations and from the security agencies and from the proxies of NATO. This is NOT Russia against Ukraine Nazis but all of NATO, with the Uki nazis, against Russia. You do know that NATO and the worlds evil deepstate HATE you to death and obliteration. The lines of the battlefield are drawn in Ukraine’s borders, for now. So USE your noggin, you cannot avoid this fight, you have to face it square on. China, Pakistan, India, all of the world not completely under NATO’s thumb will have to face the tyranny of our world and even those civillians in Germany France, UK we are all under the thumb of tyranny, deception, disdain for humanity and disdain for decency. Americans who voted Trump who value their constitution should be with Russia. Nobody in the NATO nations should be supporting the NATO war against Russia, NATO are disguising their war against Russia as Ukraine and Russia BUT this should be clear, it is not so.


Starting to think 🤔 there is a really high value target being protected in Mariupol. Time is not on Russia’s side so its time to just level the Azovstal plant and surrounding areas and move on. Being bogged down in Mariupol the last few weeks hurts overall.

Burning Russian soldier

I’m starting to think it’s time to collect the garbage. Before more of you get hurt.


Al Doobie

I’m starting to think you ARE the garbage.

Burning Russian soldier

I will give you… an A for effort on your riposte. I ain’t going to lie however, you’ll have to up your grades through “extracurricular activities” if you really want to pass the intelligence test.


desperate impotent nazi traumatized—sodomized by taliban, now humilited by Russia; I suggest Seroquel and a better lgbt therapist in your alabamy trailer park

Burning Russian soldier

From your coping, it seems like you are dealing with the first stage of grief. I can help you bro.

jens holm

Ukrobot hohols aren’t collected, thet are just recycled as fertilizer.


I think its almost over in Mariupol,there are about three thousand Ukrainian and Azov freaks holed up in the steel plant and port area,they can’t last much longer,and if those Nato gangsters are there i really want them taken alive,they would be worth far more to the Russians.


They will not leave the place alive with Azov executing most of those who even think about surrender.

The Saint

Blood agents can be used to clear the underground galleries in the Azovstal plant, which is where most of them hide at night.

Tzar Dušan Silni

A great victory in sight

Burning Russian soldier


Your comrades agree!

jens holm

30,000+ drad hohols agree 💯

Burning Russian soldier

drad? You can’t even spell a single word right? Who hired you on the kremlin “special” keyboard warrior task force.


CIA hillbilly from arkansas trailer park reveals herself—hofstder observed only amerikants fetishize the alphabet. Daniel Boorstin described your reduction of thinking to spelling as “the american spelling fetish”—another moron from CIA. LOL

Muhammad your Prophet

The evidence of torture and mass murder from Russia is so gruesome and grotesque that Adolf Hitler is now eagerly waiting for Vladimir Putin to join him when he puts a bullet through his brains.

Burning Russian soldier

I’m sure they will make a lovely couple :D



Muhammad your Prophet


Time for a Rethink Methinks

Is it 2025 already… time flies by…



RU kicked out from HR counsil. Also Serbia voted against Russia.


https://twitter.com/BowenBBC/status/1511922984180666370?t=AwTN_mx0385yheyCznKy2Q&s=19 Reason is clear.

Burning Russian soldier

Round of applause, please!




And look who stands with Russia, except for China who is bound to keep his population in the reins it are all failed states or whining beggars and everybody knows where their hart finally is.


Guess it’s time to say fuck it then right? Obviously it is and always will be okay to invade eastern countries, kill civis in the name of democracy, level cities as long as American wants it.

If Russia keeps this up, they will piss away their own freedom, fighting like they do is a complete waste of time, I see it now.

There is no point fighting fair and square against an enemy that can do what ever they want, while the whole world applauds them.

This war was a real wake up call.

Fuck, I have to agree with G2, time to fight like the US and just wipe Ukraine and everything off this map, fuck it, nuke this entire world, we clearly as a species don’t deserve to be alive.


—human rights in your crack head alabama trailer park= discounted CIA cocaine, lgbt sodomy

Putin is a dead man walking

O my god this is so fake….. Unbelievable… Ukraine army just delivered through helicopter ne ammunition to Mariupol. Go fuc. k yourself Russian propaganda website


Gurble guk?


Once Mariupol is back where it belongs, as the main port of Donbass, which will be very soon, the brave fighters of the DPR, LPR and their equally brave fighters of Russia, the road to Odessa and the restoration of Novorossiya is cleared.


Where is the difference between brainlessly repeating and abusing a vacuous slogan and putting forward a well thought out and analysed argument. Neither Putin, nor southfront, nor any of the headless, uncritical chickens waffling here have ever been able, nor will they be able, to provide a conclusive definition of the term Nazi, certainly not in the sense that can justify unscrupulous genocide and war of aggression.


johan is nazi—definition solved—-you are a hillbilly moron devoid of any intellectual capacities “definition is always a negation”. Spinoza If you had the capacity to comprehend George-Hans Gadamer you would not humiliate yourself so overtly


Could you expound on scruplous genocide? The concept is intriguing. I mean, if you’re done posting vacuous slogans while complaining about vacuous slogans.


I understand that you are looking for an escape route, so you do not need to expose your ignorance concerning the subject of my question. But you only confirm that you are brainless using vacuous slogans. This makes you to an instrument of all atrocities committed during this war of aggression, but who cares if one lacks a conscious?


fishes in the barel …

Cpt Pervis



who knows does putin and russia control its jewish olichargs or do they control putin and russia? Nato is controlled 100 % by jews, the europeans are second rank citizens who have no rights and no voice in the western media or politics. How is this in Russia? I would like to support russia, but i would really need to know who is in charge, because the jews just want to kill us all and thats a fact.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x