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MARCH 2025

Military Situation In Mariupol On March 21, 2022 (Map Update)

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Military Situation In Mariupol On March 21, 2022 (Map Update)


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If takes so long for Mariupol, how Russia wants to take dozens of cities in the Ukraine? It’s far beyond the capabilities of the Russian forces.

What a mess.


Azov uses civilians as a shield, this is why it takes so long. Btw if you would have watches Putin’s speech before this operation you would have heard that he said that they do not plan to enter most cities, eliminating azov battalion in Mariupol is part of denazification. Also Russia doesn’t carpet bomb cities for months like nato does before entering.

Last edited 2 years ago by Alex

Why should I watch big brother, it’s enough how he treats his brothers and sisters.

And in fact, Russia didn’t gather informations about Ukraine for months. The reason why it fails so badly.

And Ukraine simply told the Russians to f*ck off after capitulation demand for Mariupol. Russia is is running out of close combat soldiers already. What a mess Russia is in, completely snafu.


Oh, look, my little groupies again. So desperate to show how important my comments are for them. 🤪🤷🤭


You’re gay!


Ukraine is losing around 1000 soldiers and militants a day, mostly because of the constant Russian shelling and air strikes. This will inevitably lead to the collapse of the Ukrainian Armed Forces at the eastern front. Mariupol, Sumy, Chernihiv are already completely surrounded and cut off from supplies, Kharkiv is 90% encircled. It doesn’t look so good for Ukraine at the moment. Usually in a war the side with air superiority will win, and it’s Russia in this case.

Last edited 2 years ago by Reznov

Already? It’s not day 2 or 3 anymore if you didn’t notice. And loss numbers of Ukrainians are far lower, as Russian forces aren’t able to communicate in time. Old Soviet doctrine is not working out. 🤷


nazi hillbilly humiliated by Taliban—-your feminine insecurity amuses


failed on twitter it seems, ghost of kiev, that ship and countless other fakes produced by kiev regime



Who cares about propaganda, the results of a failed invasion and coup are showing for more than two weeks already.

Steiners attack will take Kiev in two days. 🤷


From day one Putin has said tha they are not interested in taking the cities. Russians are focused on ukr. army which is in the east and is surrounded and russians slowly grinding them until they give up or die. There is no point in doing several months carpet bombing campaingn like nato does, 78 days in Yugo and 40 in Iraq. Russians want to capture Ukraine not destroy.

Boris Kazlov

Russia is not interested in taking cities with civilians but in destroying ukronazi military, mission accomplished.


CIA desperate pathetic—fully contradicted by Macgregor, bakshi saker

Boris Kazlov

This retard forgets that Russia is not engaging al its forces in Ukraine, to beat this 3rd. world country only technical know ledge is needed, most forces are reserved to engage NATO agression


And then they tried the “acceleration of the DPR and LPR” … Russia was still half asleep. And the propagandists started asking every single nation if it would join the war with Ukraine, because it wouldn’t let a “fascist junta” rule over it. But its peoples don’t like war.

And Russia quietly agreed to mediation. And Russia imposed ceasefire, which was agreed upon as a result of the mediation.


Hi groupy, thanks for making me important. 😂


We have many more volunteers to send to Ukraine, my groupie. 🤪🤪🤪


Syrian donkeys or Chechen mule? 🤭


Thats why Russian nazi’s op burgers schiet in Cherson.

Ukrainian asssuking pigs

None of the people who have escaped said it was the Ukrainians blocking the escape route, but Russian road blocks turning them back. I suppose dem Ruskies, wanted to keep the civilians in the city to eat all the food, so the defenders would starve?

Hungry men ain’t so tough, and don’t hold out for months.

Can a Slavic person be a Nazi? Did not Hitler categorized The Slavs as sub human? 1 step up from Jew, but below arabs and blacks.? So a Slav Could not be a Nazi, but could be a fascist, which would mean they have one supreme leader for life who is all powerful, No free elections or at least sham elections, and outlaw or kill off all political opponents. Use the state as a personal piggy bank, etc.

Last edited 2 years ago by Ukrainian asssuking pigs
Robert Danielson

Not every city in the Ukraine is infested with Nazis. The reason Russia is going slow in Mariupol is that the Nazis are not allowing civilians to leave the city and are instead are using them as human shields.


Every city in the Ukraine is full of Ukrainian soldiers, as Russia has to face already for more than 3 weeks.

Don’t worry, with the attack from Steiner Kiev will fall in two days. 🙄🤭


I understand Mariupol is one of the most fortified cities, maybe the most. But yes it takes a bit longer than most of us would hope. Still as others point out, Russia in full control.

Last edited 2 years ago by Destrollyer

Full control of what, Kiev? 🙄🤷

Russia failed hard and still fails hard.


nato is failing hard lmao, fried mercs anyone ?



Last edited 2 years ago by Ceasar

With overall, let’s say 250k soldiers, how should that work? It’s not that Russia would be attacking with a million soldiers.

Absolute minimum for a successful invasion is 3 to 1 for the invader. 🤷

And Russia is already running out of combat experienced close combat soldiers, the very reason why Mariupol told Russian military to f*ck off with their demand to hand over the city.

This is going to be a disaster for Russia.


The only disaster is in Europe and USA = Gasoline at 5 dollars per gallon and inflation…. The Russians can’t buy Toyotas now but continues collecting money from gas supplied to Europe. Only 10% of Russian combat elements, troops and hardware, are being used in Ukraine….. All your bullshit is Wishful Thinking.


If you forgot, Ukraine took over massive amounts of weapons from the Soviet Union. It takes ages to destroy them.

And sure, Russia opened its stock exchange for limited operations only. Does that sound good? Lol.🤷

And Russia already failed to pay their interest rate in rubels, had to use precious dollars instead.

Little reality check shows where the wishful thinking really is. 🤷

Boris Kazlov

Mariupol is falling, nazis aurrendering, let’s talk next week, when the Russian flag flies proud


It is not Hollywood it is so hard fort NATO because Poutine win the war . The war is over. Russian destroy the NATO army they dont want take all The cities of Ukraine. They trop dozens cities in Donbass and may be they will take Odessa and some others cities buts not aller the cities


We didn’t want to have Kiev anyway! We win! 😂🤭


what value does the kiev have when it is bombed the nato way, better take care of ukr army in the east and march into kiev later lol


An overkill from soldiers and material to liquidate a few Ukraines soldiers and still the Russian invaders are, after almost a month still incappable of occupying Mariupol. I hope somewhere they can be liberated by free Ukraine.


They definitely serve the Ukrainian war effort very well.


Utah hillbilly like lgbt mess—diarreah everywhere


Then why do you live together with them? 🤷🤭

Joe Biden

What a mess in your dumb shemaIe mouth after your uncle finishes…

Loki fucks Johan in the Ass

Loki making minimum wage while working for his Ukrop oligarchs. What a mess.


In Mariupol the photo-op Chechen marionettes are playing soldier games and embarrassingly spraying and praying at empty buildings to impress the Kadyrov daddy back home. They’re also filming themselves saving children, how low is that, using a child for your propaganda, but if course after the camera is out of the way they gang rape the innocent little soul. They take it after their prophet Magomed, as they call it cause he loved children too, but the Chechens go much younger, because a few extra years won’t add much to the age gap. Of course the great general Magomed ChildRapist Tushnaev had his brains scattered and other body parts by Ukrainian artillery, but he made sure to record an I’m still alive video beforehand, as a fighting plan B. Such is the bravery of the Chechen child molesters, who want to be remembered for their disgusting actions even after their swift elimination. Meanwhile, the over ten thousand Ukrainian Azov Spartans are making effective use of every bullet, every rocket, every grenade and anything that could maim kill and disable the mutant mongoloid vermin which invaded from Siberia.


But they are outnumbered by millions, so they don’t need to finish the Chechens off because we are sending reinforcements. In this light, we have to take the unusual step of not shelling the city itself. With mass casualties still going on, there’s no use, you know. We’re all dead already. So freedom loving Ukrainians who hold our values dear decided to head for Slavyansk (and all of the rest of the Ukraine, but not those refugees!) to perform my previously delayed bloodletting ritual, during which we’re going to cut up thousands of young Russian soldiers, send them to their premature deaths with bayonets and then eat them with gooey caviar and Ukrainian Azovian honey. Who are you, again, soldier boy, if you don’t eat those soft dead bodies of your enemies? This is for old times’ sake, if we’re still alive.


My God you caught psychosis. You’re not making any sense.


You’re obsessed with me I’m flattered.


But they are outnumbered, so the Russians don’t need to finish the Azov off because reinforcements cannot reach them. With mass casualties being inflicted on the Nazis, there’s not much use resisting. The Nazis are dead already. So freedom loving LDR and DPR who hold their homes dear decided to head into the fray to perform their patriotic duty, during which they eliminate the fanatic Azov soldiers, send them to their premature deaths with bayonets, after which their bodies will be left to rot and be eaten by street dogs. Who are you, again, soldier, if you don’t soundly defeat your enemies? This is for old times’ sake, just like in the Great Patriotic War. Fixed!

Last edited 2 years ago by BangderaSteponPutin

Tears and vomit 🤢 propaganda from raging shit for brains ukrop

Azov nazi cockroach was crying for help on camera from the same civilians he shoots and uses as human shields after saying they will die for ukraine and welcome martyrdom. Funny how quick they stop being about that life when that life is finally upon them!!

💩 = you, loser :)

Thats why Russian nazi’s shoot civilians in Cherson. Probably Putin will say they shot at them self.


Bangdera: I knew from his comments that he could only be from Isra-hell. Well, now I have confirmation. PS go and check your Talmud because there is stuff on a par with your puppet Biden there.


In Mariupol the remnants of the Azov battalion are playing soldier games and embarrassingly spraying and praying out of buildings they are taking cover in to impress the Zelenskyyy daddy back home. They’re also filming themselves, calling for assistance while they continue to murder their fellow Ukrainians. How low is that, committing inhuman crimes against the very people they are supposed to protect. They take it after their role model, Bandera, who was complicit in the murder of Jews; his own countrymen. There are videos where people who refused to take up arms were tied to lampposts and beaten up and those attempting to escape the city were attacked. Such is the bravery of the Azov monsters, who want to be remembered for their disgusting actions, but justice is already upon them as they hunker down in their besieged city. Meanwhile, the over ten thousand Russian and allied troops are making effective use of every bullet, every rocket, every grenade and anything that could maim kill and disable the Nazi vermin who can be only described as spawns of hell. Fixed!

Last edited 2 years ago by BangderaSteponPutin

Lol you’re such a retard you had to answer twice and edit it top. Braindead mongoloid.


Bandera was a little b*tch. You gonna cry?


You’re obsessed with me I’m flattered.


They actually pay you for this retarded second grade tactics? honestly I’m laughing my ass off 😂😂😂😂😂😂


They actually pay you for this retarded second grade drivel? honestly I’m laughing my ass off 😂😂😂😂😂😂 Fixed!


Thats why Russian nazi’s op burgers shoot civilians in Cherson. Probably Putin will say they shot at them self

stephan williams

You are one weird guy, lemmee tell ya! The putrid pus that pours out of your rotted brain is proof enough of that.

I wonder – are pharmaceutical products responsible or are you simply insane…(?!)


I wonder when the Ukrazovnaz forces with enter Russia? LOL.


We Germans are so ass fucked we project our war defeat trauma on others every 5 years. Every urban battle a Stalingrad, Berlin or Western bombing of Dresden to them/us/me. Germans quote lines that are pitiful for themselves and try to tag them on others to feel a little stronger. Yes, I admit, Ukraines best soldiers are stinking corpses now and Ukraine will fall, likely to Russia but maybe West-Ukraine becomes a failed state, but for a few more weeks I wenck my dick like the little closet nazi and all out EU faq I am.

Last edited 2 years ago by Loki

Oh, look, my little groupies again. So desperate to show how important my comments are for them. 🤪🤷🤭

jens holm

We Danish are sometimes little gay no big deal to humans who are human. That is why world needs liberated to critical sexuality and Putin resist but we will defeat.

Kiev will not fall in 1000 year like Mariupol.

As I have said in other threads. Putin and DPR are communists, an old Soviet style of government which they will not abandon. Maybe about one third of rebels would go quietly to the middle east and be welcome. The rest I would say they are all like reds because they are all afraid of the west.

They would let nuclear nations treat them like royalty instead of cruelly dropping atom bombs on them. Look at the United States. Can you think of any dictators that even think of opening themselves to democratically elected elections? Or let any other country have nuclear weapons at all? Or let any other country grow the way we have? One might even say with all of our history we are the most libertarian countries in the world. So the rebels are communists that I consider Nazi’s (old Lenin and Red Army, then later uprisings. Left that without good leader and what did they do?

The best leader of world got was Zelenskiy. They all envy power from one single man. Now look at Ukraine. It is new 1000 year Reich and people happy around free world to come out. Putin bad.

Last edited 2 years ago by jens holm

You had to edit this trash comment? Why?

Die in a fire already, nazi lol

Timmy Temperance

I was walking by the river today near town and I saw a kingfisher, a brilliant flash of blue over the water. Then I noticed some big rabbits near the waters edge and stopped to watch them a while and see if the kingfisher would return. I noticed something in the water and saw a large black mink swimming across the river. It rubbed its belly and chin in the dirt on the bank and then approached a rabbit near the waters edge. There was a standoff for a few moments and then the rabbit ran away. All this happened in the space of a few minutes and made me very happy.

Last edited 2 years ago by Timmy Temperance
Muhammad your Prophet

Why can’t Putin storm the Azovstal Plant with his group of elite units, Scooby? At least the ones who weren’t incinerated to death in Kiev at the beginning of the war. There must a moron who thinks he’s an elite fighter that can at least pretend he has any clue about how fight in ground man to man combat. With those shitty training courses they have in Russia. He won’t have to worry about them coming back.


After all, aryan heros from the FREE West are here to rescue Kiev and the peoples of Ukraine, and just because they’re child molesters, it doesn’t mean that they’re inferior. The future of Europe depends on the passing of these little monsters, and hopefully the heroic decendents of the great SS-Galicia Azov-Ukraine will become heroes once more. Their grandfathers battled the kosher regime in the Soviet Union for Hitler but now the grandson battles the Putin regime in Russia for NATO.


After all, no one from the so-called FREE West will be there to rescue the Nazis of Kiev and the rest of Ukraine. The future of Europe depends on the wiping out of these little monsters, and hopefully the heroic decendents of the Great Patroitic War will become heroes once more. Their grandfathers battled the Hitler regime in the Germany for the Soviet Union, but now the grandson battles the NATO puppet regime in Ukraine for Russia. Fixed!

Last edited 2 years ago by BangderaSteponPutin

nazis in ukraine to be obliterated, used as food in pig farms—you have 1 redeeming quality


No changes in days. I was hoping that this will be faster.


Russian soldiers suck dead Chechen balls in Ukraine


Do not surrender! You know the treachery and murdering by Russians of Ukraine soldiers who where given passage throw a humanitaire corridor out of Ilovaisk train junction, to be murdered on purpose .


nazi should not surrender–better to obliterate you to package as pig food


I imagine that after Mariupol is out of the way, probably sometimes this week, the so-called russian steamroller will start rolling gently before it will start gathering speed. After securing Lugansk and Donetsk territories by pushing back, or circling the existing Ukranian forces in the area and leaving Odessa circled tightly by russian forces, Russia will in practice have cut of the current Ukrainian territory from Black Sea truncating Ukrainian armed forces rendering it rather incapable of offering any meaningfull resistance to Russian armed forces. The rest probably will be systematic destruction of the Ukrainian armed forces by Russia until Ukraine will come to the negotiation table.


Everything is rigged on this site. They have paid counter commentators, the likes and dislikes are artificial. Massive scam. Probably a Russian intelligence service scam


Russian groupie fake. Vermin conspiracy theories like this are below me.


The very need to counter comment shows how desperate the situation for Russia is. A winner doesn’t have to use such tactics, as the results speak for themselves. 🤷


Yep. Pure pathetic desperation.


your senility is not rigged


The Siberian mongoloid vermin hordes keep coming to Ukraine and keep dying.

jens holm

Yes, I agree. Mongoloid Bolsheviks the Russians are. And there are no nazis in Ukraine.


The Siberian cockroach swarms are invading Ukraine worse than Moscovite slums. Good thing the Azov Spartans have the insect spray. Stomp Em boys!


Insects are having a feast on the dead Azov nazis in Mariupol. Get off your psychedelic drugs.

Last edited 2 years ago by Loki

Oi, another groupy. I’m famous, lol! 🤭

New Emerging Totalitarism in the EU

The author of one of the main Russian-language YouTube channels on military issues was arrested in Riga (EU). European authorities want to accuse him of treason (!) because of the pro-Russian orientation of his videos. He is a private citizen.

History of Arms” has become one of the most patriotic YouTube channels for amateurs in recent weeks. Its author, Kirill Fyodorov, published analyzes of military operations there and made no secret of his pro-Russian stance. The videos became a trend and had millions of views, which did not please the EU authorities.

Cyril, who was a permanent resident of Latvia, decided to emigrate to Russia in view of the deteriorating foreign policy situation. In addition, since the beginning of the military operation, the blogger has received regular threats – he was compulsively suggested to shift the focus of his videos to anti-Russian content, otherwise he would face serious problems with the authorities. But on March 17, shortly before his departure, the state security authorities arrested him without any explanation directly at his parents’ home. He was not released after 48 hours, and his family and lawyer were threatened with trouble if they spoke to the Russian press. As Readovka learned, Fyodorov was arrested at the request of the European authorities in Latvia – he is accused of collaboration with Russia and is to be charged with high treason. In particular, he is accused of collaborating with the Russian secret service.

The situation is complicated by the fact that Fiodorov is a citizen of Latvia, and his relatives who are currently in Riga are under pressure – people are extremely scared and afraid to talk to anyone. It is clear that the European authorities will use this case to put pressure on those who support Russia in the media. In today’s Europe, unfortunately, there can no longer be two opinions on the question.


as amerikant nato impotence and cowardice—utter failure is exposed the more desperate the CIA funded nazi comments at SF become….feminized puerile morons throw tantrums like babies–no pacifier


Ukraine AIR FORCE did have approx 100+ Russian made MIG airplanes prior the military operation. Now Poland wants to send theirs to Ukraine. But why send more if you have 100 planes? Something tells me that many of those 100 have been eliminated.

Last edited 2 years ago by FreeManSon
Death angel

What a failure of the Russian state. In 6 days Russia will run out of ammunition on all rusian depo. Russian are asking for help? The so called second biggest military power. Ha ha After what we see how Russian army behavior on battlefield,, Nato will wipe out the Russian army in less than 1 day. We will hunt down Putin and his Generals for the rest of their life.

Last edited 2 years ago by Death angel

This Loki gey is annoying.


aller Nazis habhaft zu werden braucht Zeit, in Österreich sind Nazis verboten in der Ukraine aber erlauft


Nobody wanna conquest all the ucranian cities. That would be imposible for any army. They are getting specific Targets, very slowly without sacrificing civilians. Theta are not NATO firces after all :)

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