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Military Situation In Mariupol On March 23, 2022 (Map Update)

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Military Situation In Mariupol On March 23, 2022 (Map Update)

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jens holm

Some counteraatacks from the outside seemes a little too optimistic.


Interestingly enough Mariupol still keeps up, despite all the hyperbole weapons and Chechen or Syrian mercs.

The whole Ukraine bought time due to Mariupol holding out. And not only that, Russian Forces will have a difficult time to get into the Ukraine. With maybe 250k soldiers and bad communications not going to happen.

The invasion is a mess with failing logistics and supply routes being ravaged by small Ukrainian squads.

Worst for Russia is, it finds itself in hostile territory, unlike what they expected. Fighting in hostile territory is costly.


They beat you up when you were little, it’s not your fault.


bla bla bla more toilet talk from shit for brains toilet talker


Cities are incredibly hard to take, no matter what advantage in tech or manpower you have. Still, according to War Gonzo, there is only about 30% of urban areas left to liberate. The rest are huge industrial complexes of Azovstal, where fights still continue aswell.

About whole operation, i don’t think Russia has any plans to take whole of Ukraine. They will try to take DNR and LNR areas, for sure. The rest they will just try to capture enough to force negotiations.


Russia can’t take the whole Ukraine. This is from an army that prides itself to be able to mop up to Berlin. Russia barely has the armed forces to defend it’s own borders. So they need to stop the warmongering posture. Their military is not that great as they want the world to believe. The invasion of Ukraine was supposed to have emotional shock value in the world. To display to everyone the might of the Russian armed forces. It backfired terribly. It’s clear that Russia is unable to sustain a long term war even against an inferior army. And nuclear threats are not productive, their make the Kremlin look like genocidal maniacs. And they also diminish it’s moral standing. Russia can’t take the moral high ground and lecture others. When they’re doing the same themselves. Also Europe is allot more urbanized than it was back in the 1940’s. The Kremlin warmongers believe they have the manpower to launch a war against the Baltics. NATO forces will crush them as soon as they dare to cross the border.

Last edited 2 years ago by BangderaSteponPutin

Yes, that is one possibility, and I hope you are right on that. But the other option is, that Putin is such a pig, that he deliberately sacrificed these thousands of young christian russian soldiers, in order to mislead his opponents into thinking he is weak, when in fact he is strong. Posing weak in Ukraine – showing as if unable to overrun that (in comparison to Russia) small country, and then suddenly storming in Blitzkrieg-style westwards through whole of Europe, from Poland , to Germany to France and Netherlands. And overrun a completely surprised NATO. Yes, I know that this might sound somewhat far fetched, but please read the prophecies of Alois Irlmaier and others and you will see that lots of seers foresee and Russian sudden invasion of Europe.

Last edited 2 years ago by Mickey

I think and hope that NATO military planners are already drawing up potential invasion scenarios by Russia using the data analysis available from Ukraine. We’ve never seen Russia attempting to invade a large country using this modern post Soviet army. This is a major military lesson for anyone who was wondering what a modern invasion of Europe would look like. It’s pretty much certain that any neighbour of Russia who detects military buildup at this borders needs to take it seriously and prepare for war.

Yamil Perez

You can prepare but EU would need 10years and a few $trillions to be able to do that.

Michel LeBlanc

Lol which think tank in dc did that crack dream came out of.



No, it’s not far-fetched. It’s brilliant. You found the secret to real enlightenment and wisdom. When did it first occur to you that shoving GHB up your ass while you inhale paint thinner was the path to true knowledge?


Idiot, I told you already that different seers from Nostradamus to Alois Irlmaier foresaw these events.

We are now at point 5 of the Irlmaier Prophecy, with all points before, having already become reality. See:

The Third World War, which Alois Irlmaier prophesied in the 50s and the signs of the coming Third World War before it starts :

1. First comes a prosperity like never before! 2. This is followed by an apostasy like never before. 3. On it a moral corruption like never before. 4. Then a large number of strangers come into the country. 5. There is a lot of inflation. The money loses more and more value. 6. Soon after, the revolution follows. 7. Then the Russians invade the West overnight.


Last edited 2 years ago by Mickey

LOL…dude, I had to write that shit down.

Last edited 2 years ago by zman
Ryan K Sergent

I have read these prophecies and what he’s doing now is part of them. He’ll plant his flag in Rome. something like that. I don’t see him as evil like my Government though.

Yamil Perez

Dont be too shocked if they still take the whole of Ukraine.

Jens Borg

Russia doesn’t want to take the whole Ukraine you demented junkie.


Lol, indeed it doesn’t, once they are done cooking ukro army in eastern cauldrons there won’t be any ukkie army left to defend ukrostan and ukros will fall


Russia can’t take the whole of the Ukraine, that’s a given by now, indeed.

Question is, what exactly is planned? So far there is no real strategy to be seen. It might have turned towards occupying the east, with mostly Russian people, but even that is turning out to be far more demanding, if not impossible.

The different markings suggest that there wasn’t even a centralized command, but just some individual task forces. If true, it could explain the very bad start of the whole invasion too, where every bit of surprise was given away latest. To reorganize that right now will be a mammoth task.🤷


I think the plan is to starve Ukraine out, disrupt it’s economy, it’s political and social life and harass them until they are ready to lay down arms and accept a deal. From the Russian point of view, Ukraine has already lost the war on the ground. Probably there will be fighting and skirmishing along the front line for as long as Russian troops are on the territory of Ukraine. Perhaps Russia has understood by now that bombing cities is unproductive from an international PR perspective. Killing civilians is also not great for similar reasons. The more Russian forces are stationed on the territory of Ukraine, the weaker the special military operation narrative will become. It’s important that the denazification narrative is demolished, and the political and national legitimacy of Ukraine is recognized by Russia. Also it needs to be acknowledged that Russia has invaded another country, an independent state which was always peaceful and non-aggressive towards is neighbours. Of course everyone agrees with the Russian military superiority there was never a question about that. But Russia has failed to demonstrate to anyone that this invasion was legally and morally justified. In that sense they will have it difficult to achieve their stated goals.


With other words, Russia is presented with a dilemma.

If it moves in more forces, it’s becoming clear that it’s a war, logistics are hard pressed even more.

If it doesn’t, it has to achieve its targets with a force to small to accomplish anything else than occupying the east it currently has.

At the same time it has to make the Ukraine suffer, while not being obvious with it, to get the demands through it wants.

That’s incredibly difficult to achieve.


Yes exactly. And that’s why Russia is trying to hard to hide the extent of its military loses from the Russian public. I mean, if an army loses more troops than any war they have fought in the past 80 years, they can’t call it a special operation anymore. Russia is playing a game of definition and semantics with the Russian people. It takes painful facts to debunk their own propaganda. It’s like walking a tightrope. I think the flattening of Mariupol and elimination of resistance is enough to demolish the special military operation narrative. Civilian casualties are likely to be horrific already. Of course Russia will get to count the dead, but Ukraine has population records and they can do their own estimations too. Also there will be independent research. The truth will come out.


And as Russia failed to prepare its propaganda narrative according to the current situation, nor spent enough time to create a filter bubble to keep independent thinking in check, it’s fighting a losing battle even at the home front.

The military losses will break the narrative anyway, no matter how many mercs are recalled from Wagner, are imported from Syria or Chechnya. And there people will ask questions too.

That can easily turn into Russia’s second Vietnam/Afghanistan.


I think the underlying narrative that’s widely understood among the Russian supporters of this war is that there will be territorial gains as a result. I’m not sure why ordinary Russians are so enamoured with the territory of Ukraine. They have these national narratives about the birth place of the the Russian nation and the inferiority of the Ukrainian people. In a way the Russian propaganda is careful construed to play on already existing stereotypes within the mind of the Russians about Ukraine. People are more ready to accept propaganda when it reinforces their existing beliefs and when it’s presented to have a positive convenient outcome. Then when the backslash from the sanctions become evident, it’s already too late because 75% of the people are already committed to this war. The deal was sold to the Russians before the invasion started. Since the majority of the world doesn’t share the Russian historical narrative about Ukraine, and indeed Ukrainians themselves don’t share it, it’s very difficult for the justifications of the Russian state to stick outside Russia, giving the absence of the necessary cognitive foundations.


Indeed, propaganda always should use existing thought lines, as it simply rides on top of them.

Can’t judge how far the narrative already sunk in with the Russian population, but it surely is too short a time to create an effective war narrative.

But if there are really territorial gains in the end is still not decided.


That’s right that’s what the Nazis did too. They ideology was built upon the widespread and malignant anti-semitism present in the social landscape of the time. It wasn’t hard to demonize the Jews. They were demonized already in the minds of the people of the time. Goes to show that politicians often ride the currents of widespread popular belief. It’s hard to believe that in the 21st century there still are are large nations who’s majority population could be convinced of the necessity and usefulness of large scale invasions of neighboring countries. Probably the revelation that the Russians are in favor of territorial expansion came after the annexation of Crimea which was widely supported by the Russian people. Then Putin realized that his warmongering thoughts weren’t just his own, but were shared by a vast chunk of the population.


Well, the most dangerous empire is a humiliated empire that goes down. That’s still stuck in the Russian mindset, the collapse of the Soviet Union.

The west didn’t really care about it and expanded its influence sphere towards the east, a further humiliation. There have been warnings about it, that Russia would try to turn back the wheel of time.

The main issue is, this was blinding the Russians, including their administration and political leadership. ___

Not sure what’s going on in the north of Kiev right now, seems that Ukraine was/is more successful than what has been expected again. But lets wait for further news regarding that.

Jorge Nunes

Unfortunately for people like you, it won’t. As I said in my previous comment to your mediocre comments, you must revise your narrative, because it is incredibly like the «mainstream» propaganda of the failed USA and it senile old president.


“Also it needs to be acknowledged that Russia has invaded another country, an independent state which was always peaceful and non-aggressive towards is neighbours.”

Sorry, unacceptably dishonest premise. Try again!


Russia succeed easy against NATO, Ukrain win in the média mainstream and in Hollywood🇺🇸🎥🎬 movies. 🗼France🇫🇷 against Algérie 1954-1962. France loose. USA loose in Afghanistan and Irak. USA and Ukrain, maffia States with the zionistanz

Arzt Injektion

Too late, despite suppression, the whole world is seeing how ugly this little fascist regime is in Ukraine. Now all the Western PR organs are being identified and they will be asked why they are supporting Nazis. The tide is turning.

Jorge Nunes

Yesterday, they took 137 military objectives in 24 hours. Today, it was 96 military objectives. At this pace, by the end of April your despicable nazi army in Ukraine will be in tatters. Revise your military coordinations. Right now, they are in a mess and worse: you are doing what CNN and Sky News does on TV – disinforming the public.

Bitongo Rutamira

I am in East Africa and even here we can tell from the information presented by various sources that Ukraine had ammassed a Nato supported sizable army to invade the Donboss. Another army was entrenched in the North which would block Russian armies coming to the aid of the two republics. From the point of veiw of miltary experts here who actually fight a lot not like TV generals, different small platoons of Russian specialists were dispassed to different cities to tie up the remnants of Ukie armies. Destrcution of Ukrainean armies in the East would mean the “end” of the main combat operations. What do you think?



Arzt Injektion

Russia doesn’t need to take all of Ukraine, because Ukraine is going to be Partitioned. Poland will take much of the west, Hungary, Romania will take back their territory. What do you think the purpose of “Peacekeepers” are? To confront the Russian army? Don’t be daft. It is to occupy land to be reclaimed and with the whole hearted endorsement of Zelenskyy.


That (quote: “They (russia) will try to take DNR and LNR areas, for sure. The rest they will just try to capture enough to force negotiations”) would indeed be a clever move.

But, and that is what makes me wonder, Putin isn t that clever anymore. As he already declared that the mission is to “demilitarize and de-nazify UKRAINE” and not only eastern Ukraine. So he talks about all of Ukraine. And that is a real big task to accomplish. Deep pockets and real big balls you need to make that become true.

And for sure it will take at least 40-80 thousand dead russian invader troopers to get this done. Maybe Putin is indeed willing to sacrifice all these young russians for his megalomanic ambitions. But I am sure the russian mothers of all these young russian soldiers will definitely not want it.

Putin took a big load to his mouth. Therefore he cannot stop, without losing face if he not manages to topple the Ukrainian Government, and slaughters every ukrainian man, woman and child holding a gun in order to legally defend their homeland.

And the more the war drags on, the worse the political situation for Putin. Moreover we should not forget that NATO is pumping in weapons day and night. Volunteers from all around the world are coming to Ukraine. NATO is already discussing the coming NO-FLY-ZONE over Ukraine. They are not talking about IF there will be such a zone, but only about the dimensions of it ( eighter western Ukraine or western + middle of Ukraine including Kiev ). So time is running out for the invaders in really lots of different ways at the moment.

Last edited 2 years ago by Mickey

I’ve always been in favor for NATO intervention in Ukraine. It’s still possible. They don’t have to put troops on the ground just provide aerial bombardment support on Russian positions. That would help tip the balance of this war in Ukraine’s favor. Those Russian convoys could have been bombed long ago. Russia would have been forced to withdraw. Peace would have been achieved. But NATO is scared shitless of nuclear escalation. And Putin is mad enough to push the button and risk sacrificing the Russian people. Still I don’t think he would be allowed to do it.


No fly zone is playing with very big fires. This could easily escalate beyond control.


One way or the other it will escalate anyway. As the whole thing was only started by Putin, in order to later escalate into World War 3. USA, EU, Russia and China are ruled by the same rootless hook-nosed clique, they are the NWO/JWO and want WW3 and Armageddon.

Last edited 2 years ago by Mickey
Jorge Nunes

Yes, it will escalate beyond your control, because Russia will win. Make no mistake about it and your pityful Ukraine will be denazified.


Yes, and no. Keeping only Donbass region means Putin don’t have an entire border buffer and that’s impossible. By putting the border on Dniepr is not good also. Sharing a river with an enemy is a strategical mistake. So, I bet they split Ukraine into 2 keeping the entire Dnipr on a favorable prorussian government.


I reckon Russia would like to block the access of Ukraine to Black Sea hence Odessa is a very attactive target after securing DNR and LNR areas. It will also give the opportunity to connect to Transdiniestria, the russian administrated Moldavia. https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.4xx8ISRG9xjBYqjXIMFsnQHaFj%26pid%3DApi&f=1


Now that Russia went into the ukrainian quagmire, the next logical step is to make Georgia a memberstate of the EU and NATO as quickly as possible. Then pump it full with weapons, and open a second front in the south of Russia. Let Georgian and Chechen Mujahideen eliminate the treacherous fake-muslim Kadyrov-system in Chechnya, and move on to liberate Dagestan and Ingushetia from the russian occupiers. This way the Red Army will have to wage a desasterous two front-war, and will drown in its own blood even faster.

Last edited 2 years ago by Sörenson
basement in US embassy in poland

ukraine is no vietnam (jungle), afghanistan (mountain), korea (mountain) or venezuela (jungle). it is a wide open flat land.

Yamil Perez

You are a bit delusional today. Try to lower your LSD intake.


Hi I’m Loki the American white trash living off trump-biden welfare, sitting all day in front of the computer monitor watching porn and enjoying myself with a huge dildo, And when I get tired of so much anal masturbation, I go trolling in SF.

Michel LeBlanc

Yeah sure, and how mobile is the ukro orcs forces?

Ukraine is still alive by the clemency of the russians.

Your too stupid to see that. Russia could flatten the whole place but it chooses not to.


Bought time for what? The Ukrainian forces are completely isolated in cauldrons, no command and control. The country is never joining NATO and never getting nuclear weapons. Donbas will never be returned to the Ukraine, and nor will Crimea. Compared to the country’s position in 2014 when the CIA overthrew the government, it’s just been a time-lapse movie of utter degradation and collapse in the Ukraine.


Even if Ukrainian forces are separated, they are fighting in their own country with support of the people. That alone already eases operations.

While on the other hand Russia is facing an increasingly hostile population, which in the north already started to support attacks on supply lines.

It’s not that easy. 🤷

Yamil Perez

You are a funny guy. You sacraficed 14,500Azov trolls to win a week. Slow clap 👏 Wont change the outcome tho.

No more jew world order

please dont call yourself loki, but rather faggoti, its an insult to our culture if you use loki as name.


You have a million dislikes of your comments and you are still persistent in writing total nonsense. What kind of shit do you have in your head instead of brain!?

Freelance Intelligence Analyst

You are up for a very rude awakening.

Last edited 2 years ago by Freelance Intelligence Analyst

Wake me up when Kiev is taken. 🤷🤭


Where have you seen syrian mercs ? Looks like Karpaty Rus is planning to join Russia and Kherson is using roubles insead of Hrivna, Mariupol is just a matter of time, no need to rush .. rest of your comment is just ukro propaganda to give hope to ukro fighters and let them fight to the death, just like hitler did, funny think they still think that they are winning.


The Russians are still unable to take the city. Ukrainian have orders to fight to the last man and to the last bullet. Urban terrain makes artillery and tank support pretty much useless. Russia is forced to use air power to rubble Ukrainan cities. But that only means more civilian casualties. How many Ukrainians is putin willing to kill to get his territorial ambitions? The more Ukrainians are killed by Russia, the more hatred they are sowing between the two nations. Zelensky is just another politician, he’s executing the will of his people to fight the invader. Zelensky knows that a prolonged Russian aggression is advantageous for the interest of the Ukrainian nation. Yes some territory might be lost in the east, but Ukraine needs to fully precipitate it’s national and cultural identity from the Russians. Zelensky is playing the Ukrainian nationalist goal like a master. He knows what he’s doing. When invading forces threaten the very survival of a nation, that idea of survival takes precedence over any other goal. And support of the national movement is higher than ever in Ukraine.


More bad news today troll, your full-time job is about to get annihilated as well. It’s looking like a very good time to sit down with a few books to educate yourself burgerflipper.


Last edited 2 years ago by ATLGA
Sleepy Joe

Dude what territorial ambitions?

Anyways, whatever floats your boat my yaaaawnish troll


Ha ha still there? Go and lend a hand, they need some cannon fodder in Mariupol. You can finally do something useful with your sorry self.


Ukronazis crying and raging. You will soon be in your final death throes before russkies step on you like the cockroach that you are for a swift, merciful death.


because they care of civilians stupid fuck!


No they don’t care about civilians. There are over 100k civilians trapped in Mariupol without food and water. They are being bombed every minute by Russia. Nobody has counted the civilian dead yet. They can easily run in the tens of thousands.


No they don’t care about civilians. There are over 100k civilians trapped in Mariupol without food and water. They are being bombed and abused as human shields every minute by Ukronazis. Nobody has counted the civilian dead yet. They can easily run in the tens of thousands.

Stephan Schulze

You – intentionally, of course, Nazibot – miss the point.

Russia leads a war against an enemy, not against civilians – and in particular not against their Ukrainien brothers. This increases the own death toll – but saves civilian lives (as real experts like Scot Ritter already figured out). The un-funny thing is that – despite the commonly known Mainstream lies – not Russia, but the Ukraine itself which is permanently and massively violating the rules of law. There are thousands of pictures and videos that show Asow and other Nazi cowards hiding in and fighting from civilian areas. Russia destroyed not 1 single bridge in Ukraine – the destruction of all bridges has been performed by the cowardly rats aka “UFA”. In short words every such action is a serious war crime. And since the war is led in that manner from Ukrainien side from the very first day and in all areas it is obvious that all their leaders are to be send to Den Haag. I personally would also want to see all surviving Asow Nazis there, but I guess that DPR and Chechen fighters in Mariupol will find a different solution for them.

Universal Order

No shit, they are defending the civilian areas that you retards are invading (and bombing). How goes the cognitive dissonance? Imagine invading a country and then calling people criminals for fighting back!

Stephan Schulze

It took many years, many wars, many conferences to define rules for wars. Discussing moral is not a concept, since truth dies first (as an example, check for the phantom visit of the EU presidents in Kiev lately – was all fake). So no matter who is right in the war, all sides have to follow rules. Yes – it is that easy – so shut up and accept that you defend a concept which is sinply terroristic. Of course you can do that – but this makes YOU a terrorist

Yamil Perez

You must feel very proud to sacrafice 14,500 soldiers and thousends of civs for a city that will fall no matter what. Typical neonazi.


Yes that’s what I would say to Putin too.


“The DPR”, not “the Russians” (at least not only).

“Liberate”, not “take”.

“Nazis”, not “Ukrainian forces”.

“Human shields”, not “urban terrain”.

“the will of NATO”, not “the will of the people”

“playing comedy”, not “the Ukrainian nationalist plan” (remember he’s a clown, not a statesman)

“the survival of the Nazi colonial regime”, not “the survival of the nation”

See? Much better, much truther.


Who was the last european leader who said fight to the last man?? What city was that too?? dalingrad? talingrad?


Berlin, the leaders name was Adolf Hitler. He was drugged up and screaming to the volksstrum to fight to the last six year old Aryan child from his bunker(until he blew his brains out). Zelensky is pretty much a Hitler fanboy/copycat. Many of the wannabe Azov scum with Hitler buttocks tattoos that lurk here still have shrines to him in their mother’s basements.



Last edited 2 years ago by BangderaSteponPutin

Zelensky is a Jew… Azov are servants of a Jew president & US Zionist oligarchs.

Fully support Russia in this conflict btw but real National Socialists would’ve put Azov scum in camps for being degenerates.


Has anyone ever tried asking one of them about the huge contradiction? It is notvjust Zekenskyy who is Jewish, the entire ruling class is.


I know that the German wartime economy didn’t have the means to incinerate six gorillion Jews. I know how the media and the powers that be forced the war against Das Volk and caused Hitler to make some miscalculated decisions. That is why Putin will not push past Ukraine or even try to occupy Ukraine. I also know your heart is in the right place brother but looking to the past isn’t how our goals will be achieved. Hitler was a man before his time and didn’t have the patience necessary for the battle that we are undertaking, he played in to the Zionist wishes by fighting back too soon. Millions of Europeans dead and for what? Look at Das Volk, completely neutered with NATO bases littering their soil. The same situation as after the First World War. It’s a great time to be alive though. Russia, India, and China are preparing the final blow to the economies of NATO and their US paymasters. The international order tilts further each day to the freedom fighters through economic warfare. The manufacturing base of the globalists are destroyed. Their reserve currency will be overthrown soon. Their economies cannot stand on the debt they’ve been allowed to run on in the past. It will be a day the poor, downtrodden, and colonized will rise up against these scumbags. Wishing you the best and keeping you in my prayers.

Last edited 2 years ago by ATLGA

Hitler was also a Jew (most likely), so what? Israel is Jewish and nazi, so what? You can be Jewish and nazi, you can be gay and nazi and you can even black and nazi (Vox leader in Catalonia is black, he’s the only black political leader of any party and he’s the only one leading a racist party, as crazy as it sounds).


Schicklgruber ( aka Hitler) was not Jewish, but their were some rumors his GRANDFATHER was born to a 42 year old maria Shickelgrubber and a 19 year old Frankenburger.

Hitler’s DNA Y ( male) Haplogroup based on testing of the remaining male line of his family is supposed to be E1b1b1 ( now called M35 ).

This is found at a very low rate in Ashkenazic Jews of about 1.3% ( if you don’t add in E-M123, which is not Hitlers Haplogroup in any case).

“Behar (2004b) deemed sub-clade E-M35* a “major founding lineage” among Ashkenazim. But according to Semino (2004), E-M35* only occurs among 1.3% of Ashkenazim and among 2.5% of Sephardim. Behar, on the other hand, reports finding E-35 at a frequency of 7.1% among Eastern European Ashkenazim, versus 19.1% among Ashkenazim in the west. Not only do Behar’s figures contrast sharply with that found by Semino, but Behar also apparently discovered a significant difference in the frequency of this sub-group between eastern and western Jews. The discrepancy between Behar and Semino’s results may be attributable to Behar including sub-clade E-M123 results within his larger E-M35 category. The fact that E-M123 does not appear separately as part of Behar’s data suggests that he did, in fact, combine these sub-clades into a single category.”


A 1.5% occurrence in Jews of his area makes VERY IMPROBABLE that Hitler had a Jewish Grandfather.

Even if he had a Jewish Grandfather, that would not make him Jewish by Jewish Law ( Torah), to be Jewish by Jewish law one needs a Jewish born or Converted MOTHER, and your tribe comes from the Father.

So, despite the sleazy Headlines, Hitler was no Jew.

Zelensky is a Big question. We know he defines himself as Cristian, maybe his father was Jewish.




The noose is tightening on the nazi scum

Attila the Hun

1 Russian nuclear bomb a day, keep Americunt cuckolds and their western European puppets away

Muhammad your Prophet

Without that Azovstal plant there is no Russian supply line in Crimea. Russia would be forced to supply everything from the Black Sea. That’s where everything should be heading.

Yamil Perez

Lay off the glue its bad for you…

Muhammad your Prophet

Glue? Who the fuck does glue? Do they still do that shit in Moscow?

Yamil Perez

There will be a lot of crying and raging when Mariopol falls.

Universal Order

Another day, another stalled offensive. More and more vatnik blood for Wotan.


Military academy here, you nazi faggots !

Russian are doing an excellent job there, by comparing Fallujah huts sand level city 3 month of aerial bombardment and NATO cuckold’s encirclement. And even more, Fallujah was much more small in comparison with Mariupol. Excellent job there my brother ! Use naval target practice bombarding into the Azovstal. Now it’s time for entering the new branch of the russian army: the SNIPERS. Sun Tzu art of war: when enemy become more compact, pack together, cornered, let snipers to wreck havoc. Take no azovist prisoners ! Don’t feed them, don’t talk with them, they are permanent brainwashed mad dogs. And btw talking about ukrop tortures against prisoners and civilians….I’m wondering what a squad of medieval Ciad africans armed with AKM’s will do to those bastards when telling them about nazi racism….I even don’t want to imagine and I’m a very tough old war rooster boys. I never seen more insane and apocalyptic tortures that of those stuck in time africans. Maybe Putin can manage to bring some in and ….speak them about Ze faggot nazi racists, maybe.

No more jew world order

ukraine is so well according to the jew stream media, but in the mean time russia is gaining ground everywhere



Fuck that nazi scum


These discussion threads are something else


its how occupied palestine spend their reparations. then go sucking sams dlck for more.


It is interesting reading argument between 2 i di o t s – Loki and Bangdera. Jens and Yamil can easily fit into that discussion.


The situation in Mariupol will be resolved soon. The Azov brigade is doomed. https://twitter.com/Cyberspec1/status/1506747505576660993


Putin conseguiu em 3 dias fazer que a Rússia se tornasse inimigo do mundo. O povo russo não merece isso, é o que dar ter um ditador na Rússia. A invasão está sendo um desastre, uma vergonha, uma guerra contra uma nação indefesa, matando crianças, bebês, grávidas, velhos, famílias inteiras sendo mortas, os ucranianos mostrar uma coragem incrível. A Rússia tem inveja dos ucranianos. Achou que ia derrotar em 2 dias os ucranianos, como não conseguiu, ameaçou usar armas nuclear, tem que questionar a saúde mental de Putin, ele pode destruir várias nações, porém os russos precisam saber que também eles podem desaparecer do mapa por que tem armas nucleares apontadas pra Rússia.


And still they want not to surrender! Great soldiers! They certainly remember the treachery and murdering by Russian of Ukraine soldiers passing threw a humanitaire corridor out of Ilovaisk train junction.


And Russia lost 60% of all equipment used in Mariupol.


I saw some pictures of Ukraine soldiers and there rapport and it was nowhere anxious. The situation as SF tells us is nowhere correct, but then bought are bringing their story. It is absolutely interesting that the Ukraines reject to surrender, they must be quid sure about their position and capacity, and maybe the mistrust in the Russian words.

mike l hutchings

GLORY TO UKRAINE…GLORY TO THE HEROS…. The truth of the slogan can’t be spoken

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