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Military Situation In Nagorno-Karabakh On September 29, 2020 (Map Update)

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Military Situation In Nagorno-Karabakh On September 29, 2020 (Map Update)

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Fierce clashes continue in Nagorno-Karabakh. According to the reports, the attacks targeted the territories of Armenia and Azerbaijan. Iran also claimed that several Azerbaijani rockets had landed in its Northern Ardabil province.

A brief overview of the recent developments in Nagorno-Karabakh:

  • According to the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry, the Dashkesan region was shelled with artillery fire from the territory of the Vardenis region of Armenia;
  • Armenian Ministry of Defense claimed that all positions in southern Karabakh were recaptured from Azerbaijani forces;
  • Clashes between Armenian forces and Azerbaijan forces continue in the Fuzuli and Mataghis areas;
  • Azerbaijani artillery shelled Armenian positions in the town of Martuni;
  • According to Armenian sources, Azerbaijani kamikaze UAV attacked a civilian bus near the city of Vardenis.


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Guess what, the real reason behind this conflict is about gas pipeline. The “Tanap” pipeline will link Azerbidjan to Europe crossing Turkey, insuring at the same Turkey to get 6000 billion m3 supply of gas a year. The problem is Russia is currently the main gas supplier to Turkey and doesn’t want to loose this market and possibly European market The gas again such as in Syria, is the true reason of the war.


Isn’t Russia number 3 in gas supply of Turkey?


I said one of the main supplier. Turkey gets most of its gas from Azerbaidjan. And YES Russia still have a part of imports there. But the pipleline project wioul not only potentially reduce Russia market share, but also open the European market to Azeri gas.

Juan Antonio Lucas

I am sorry but you have no clue of the conflict. I was in Armenia and Azerbaijan last year and let me tell you… the conflict is ancient, personal and deep rooted in both societies. The pipeline does not even go trough Armenia or Nagorno-Karajak. It goes trough Georgia, so the area in dispute doesn’t have anything to do with it. It is not always about oil. Here you have two countries ruled by dictatorial and over nationalistic governments wich use the tension and hate to keep both societies in line. The conflict is, most of all, ethnic, so it has the potential to be very nasty if it scalates out of control.


Okay :) My post was only a theory, I don’t pretend to be right about this war. Gracias amigo


This is just BS. The gas transported from Azerbaijan is much lower than the gas from Russia.

Just some speculation.


well then Russia will want to do something about it and Turkey will want to make sure nothing is done about it.

cechas vodobenikov


cechas vodobenikov

Russia #1 supplier…54%


which year? im talking about 2020 Jan1 to date


Gas from Azerbaijan to Turkey is yes. But not much of this goes to rest of Europe. Turkey probably absorbs all of this gas supply.


So far yes, but the Tanap project will change everything. Russia might use Armenia to hinder Azeri plans


You are just wrong. The pipeline does not even go through any part of Armenia.


Ok, but the war could be a way to bother Azeri project.


No, Turkey won’t allow it. Armenia is in big trouble now.

John Brown

Wrong there is more demand then Russia and Azerbaijan can supply. They will nee Iranian gas as well. There is demand for gas and oil pipelines to India, China and Pakistan as well,


No, it’s about testing Russia, it’s laying more groundwork for a potential war on Iran.



Tanap gas pipe line project

Kenny Jones ™

Hope they cut it off


Interesting things happening. Turkmenistan has recently canceled russian language school education, (Russia seems to be quiet sensitive about these things), and even ignored Russian MFA request for explanation. And with the new Caspian division agreement, there might be a potential for undersea pipe from Turkmenistan. Another reason being Gazprom price renegotiation, Turkemistan-India pipe getting stuck in Afghanistan, and increasing Chinese domestic production.

cechas vodobenikov

turkistan is a poor irrelevant nation—Uzbekistan, Khazakstan the most important; both enjoy excellent relations w ‘Russia


Turkmenistan has massive gas reserves, so irrelevant. But Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan indeed are both the main power players in central asia, i agree on that


Armenia should just swap its territory in South Armenia for most of Nagorno-Karabakh. Then both Armenia and Azerbaijan will be happy. Then Nakhchivan will be happy. But clearly Armenia won’t be happy to have a strong Azerbaijan.

Turkey won’t do that either. Since Nakhchivan is like another Syrian Hatay province. The Minsk group has been a joke. They did not do anything to stop Armenia aggression. That group does not even include either Turkey and Iran. This is like another group of world power to decide the fate of other nations and other people. Azerbaijan will never agree to the referendum proposed by the Minsk group. This is like to reward the territory gain to Armenia.

This would be the same to hold a referendum after Israel army expelled most Arab citizen out of Palestine. The referendum has no meaning.

John Brown


If Armenia’s leaders had any brains they would give back the occupied areas of Azerbaijan that are not theirs and not Nagorno-Karabakh. Then it would be settled and everyone could save face.

Russia will let Azerbaijan get a piece as a lesson to Armenia for kicking sand in Russia’s face for the empire the past 2 years I bet Russia secretly gave Azerbaijan the green light to get their territories back after Azerbaijan agreed to construct the silk road Iran to Russia transportation corridor..

I wonder if Armenians will wake up in time before their Zio Shabbos Goy leaders destroy them all.

The Azerbaijan leader is also a moron for sucking Zio d_ck. I don’t think Iran and Turkey appreciate it, but seems to have smartened up latetly.

Whichever, country has the least stupid leaders will win though both are trying to win the most stupid leader contest.

I think Armenia is winning the most stupid leadership contest right now if they are dumb enough to up the ante and try to take back those villages. Then Azerbaijan gets back all lost territories in a month or 2 including Nagorno-Karabakh and Russia will let them.

Armenia appears to be going for total defeat. You would think they would learn from what is happening with other morons who sucked up to the empire like Alexander Lukashenko, right now and past examples of Saddam Hussein, Libya etc etc.

Reminds me of the idiot Viktor Yanukovych and the other idiot Alexander Lukashenko. I bet the empire assassinates Alexander Lukashenko very soon

cechas vodobenikov

u ignore that nachos was ethnically cleaned of all Armenians by Azeri-turkis your hypocrisy is despicable

Doom Sternz

The enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh held a referendum in 1991 where the people chose independence from Azerbaijan and self-declared the Republic of Artsakh. Artsakh includes Nagorno-Karabakh and seven surrounding districts which accounted for about 30% of Azerbaijan.

Joseph Stalin decided to make the Nagorno-Karabakh region an autonomous oblast of Soviet Azerbaijan. After the dissolution of the USSR the enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh held a referendum where the people chose independence from Azerbaijan and self-declared the Republic of Artsakh.

Armenia has supported Artsakh both militarily and economically because it is populated by an Armenian majority and because of the UN principle of self-determination. The only interest for the Azerbaijanis is the integrity of their territory hence the need to ethnically cleanse the area of its Armenian population in the same way that Ukraine attempted to cleanse the Donbass of ethnic Russians to maintain the integrity of its territory.

The attacks by Azerbaijan are war crimes. Will the perpetrators go before the ICC? The attacks by Ukraine are war crimes. Will these perpetrators go before the ICC?


War crimes? Nagorno-Karabakh is an region of Azerbaijan. How comes it is a crime to take back its own territory? “Republic of Artsakh” is fake and one recognizes it as independent.

If we allow every region to hold a referendum, then this world will be a total mess. Then Catalonia would have left Spain many years ago. Kurds would have formed its own republic too. Gypsies would have a Republic of Gypsy. But where?

Armenia should just pull its troops out of Nagorno-Karabakh and all part of Azerbaijan. Russia knows how determined Turkey is this time. Russia already has had enough of Turks. Armenia is of little strategic interest to Russia now. Russia is not there to save Armenia.

The Armenian ethnic cleansing of Azeris in Nagorno-Karabakh is really mind bugging.

Doom Sternz

After the dissolution of the USSR the enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh held a referendum where the people chose independence from Azerbaijan and self-declared the Republic of Artsakh.

It was decided because the majority of the people were ethnic Armenians. ie no ethnic cleansing took place because it was already majority Armenian.

cechas vodobenikov

artsahk=95% Armenian


People in Sikkim also held a referendum to declare to join India. But that was a population of 200,000, guarded by 20,000 Indian soldiers.

And Armenian army had expelled all Azeris out of Nagorno-Karabakh. It is a crime to do ethnic cleansing.


You mind your own business you filthy muslimmDont interfere in India’s internal matters

cechas vodobenikov

and azeris ethnic cleansed Armenians from nachos part of azerbijian —u ethnic cleansed Indians from USA


UN principle of self-determination only pertains to the former colonial era situation. There is no such thing of an ethnic region within a sovereign nation that would declare its independence. Catalonia is a perfect example. This is why Republic of Artsakh is never recognized by any country.

Also, “Republic of Artsakh” includes several provinces outside Nagorno-Karabakh. It is illegal to annex sovereign Azerbaijan territory unilaterally.

“Republic of Artsakh” is an illegal formation. It has no legal ground. It will be dissolved soon.

Doom Sternz

The “Republic of Artsakh” wasn’t annexed. This is not a war against Armenia, Azerbaijan attacked the area known as Nagorno-Karabakh.

cechas vodobenikov

farcical that a murikan references laws—u bomb Serbia illegally, 7 Muslim nations illegally by obomber–illegally occupy Guam, PR, stole Kosovo from Serbia u fascists do not sign on the the international law of the sea, and reject the ICC farcical that an uncivilized murikan can use the word illegal


Armenia should pull its troops out of Nagorno-Karabakh. That is illegal occupation.

Doom Sternz

There is no illegal occupation by Armenia. The enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh held a referendum in 1991 where the people chose independence from Azerbaijan and self-declared the Republic of Artsakh. Its a point you seem unable to understand?


I would like to express strong support to the Armenian people from Serbia. We know that Azearbaijan is a dictatorship where the son inherited the father. The criminal clan in Azerbaijan can survive in power only by provoking a conflict with Armenia. Armenians are a peaceful people, but they will not allow genocide to be repeated against them. Brave Armenian brothers, Serbs are with you. You will win!

cechas vodobenikov

international law is most violated by amerikans—they only refer to it when there imperialist interests r threatened….self determination sometimes requires separation—Abkhazia, Pridnestrovia, Crimea, South Ossetia, Artahsk…where neighbors ethnically cleans….as do the Albanians in Kosovo….in areas where ethnic groups are not ethnically cleansed separation is not required—Catalonia, Scotland, Tirol,Friesland, Brittany, Chechny etc

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