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Military Situation In Northern Palestine On December 9, 2024 (Map Update)

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Military Situation In Northern Palestine On December 9, 2024 (Map Update)

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  • Four Israeli soldiers were killed in a mine field near Naqoura;
  • Israeli drones attacked a vehicle near Binj Jbeil. A civilian was killed;
  • Israeli drones attacked Binj Jbeil. Several civilians were wounded;
  • Israeli warplanes attacked a restaurant near Marajayun. Three civilians were killed;
  • Israeli artillery shelled Majdal Zoun village;
  • Israeli artillery shelled Zebqin village.

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you can expect the nato paid propagandists desperately explain to you that putin is bad in a large number of ways. because the only way for them not to be strategically defeated in ukraine is that russia is regime changed. do not expect rational arguements from them. do not expect anything truthful from them. since these people are perfectly happy with israel conducting a genocide, do not expect anything from them.


and don’t exoect a genocide from israel they’re lot is as the losers historically.

Last edited 2 months ago by Annon
Syria ASSad-fucked by Putin!

remember “the axis of resistance”?



the four israeli soldiers killed today won’t be able to remember.


iran 🇮🇷 and russia next .. putin is a sucker..!


you conviced me. how come it wasn’t clear until you laid clearly your incredible theorems ? “iran and russia next” and “‘putin is a sucker!”. what a revelation ! such clarity ! it explains everything ! (/s idiot)


you’ll learn putin is just another new world order globalist..was world economic forum young leader..😊


as i said, you conviced me with your clear logic and impeccable reasoning. it’s not everyday that you have the chance to witness such clarity of thought : “putin is a sucker !”. einstein-level cognitive result. (/s)


the forum’s founder, klaus schwab, prides himself on making his annual meeting in davos open to all comers, including via a personal relationship with putin dating back to the early 1990s.

putin and his predecessor as president, dmitry medvedev, have addressed wef five times from 2007 to 2021. putin was even invited to speak in january 2015, in the aftermath of russia’s invasion of crimea, but he turned down the invitation.


only weak minded conspiracy theorists would care about such things, as it means anything. next you will explain to me how the earth is in fact flat and putin and the rest of the west is hiding the truth from us.


the west will throw putin under the bus and divide russia among themselves if putin doesn’t act quickly and destroy them first..!


they are trying and failing to throw putin under the bus for a quite some time now. that’s exactly why they are so upset. the western empire is sinking and time is definitively not on its side. no need to rush and patience is a virtue.


think about it..! why would the leader of russia allow his people killed, by the thousands, as he kills others, by the thousands, for about 3 years when he could have finished the war in 3 weeks or less by taking out the ukraine leadership..?


this is a country you’re talking about. this is not how any of this works. you kill a leader, and another person takes its place. and considering zelensky, you have all chances for the replacement to be actually more competent. not speaking of the enemy taking out your leadership. you don’t understand anything or you are lying.


just watch and learn.. putin is just another globalist..!


adjectives are for weak minded people that have no facts and no capacity for reasoning. hence “putin is a sucker !” or “putin is a globalist !” or “putin is a smurf !”. none of that is relevant to anything.


don’t be silly he would have just accelerated ww3 and historically been seen as the evil ogre .course whoever loses will be


the west is rome. the western roman empire .the east is itanbul .the eastern roman empire they’re both roman.


he’s no founder it’s the roman forum always has been .


yes ,j worked for years ago one of their, ” young president’s ” buf things change he went from rhe golden haired cherub to down and ouf virtually overnight after getting caught with his pants down in the wrong company . they’re very judgemental.nof forgiving and absolutely fixated on image is everything


well i’ve scoured their net and delved info their web as tangled as it is ,and concluded that thd whole lots plain simple divisive propaganda. that’s all .and they constructed the whole lot so now they can say iran russia turkey are the new axis of evil . now pope francis has been busily announcing 21,new cardinal’s including an indian . get the picture .


and aside from what i imagine is rather a record number of papal appointments i’ve also concluded that i have never in my lifetime witnessed the royals holding so many high level meetings as they’ve conducted over the last few months .never . so dot dot dot .


there is a papal conspiracy to makes us believe that the earth is round when it’s obviously flat. i bet it is the pape and his lackeys that hid your medication, the bastards !

Last edited 2 months ago by MacZ
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