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Military Situation In Northwestern Syria On March 4, 2020 (Map Update)

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Military Situation In Northwestern Syria On March 4, 2020 (Map Update)

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A brief overview of the recent developments in Syria:


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Did Russia allow Turkey’s drones to learn the latest in warfare? What we are witnessing in Idlib is unprecedented – drone swarms causing significant losses in a major interstate conflict. Is Russia struggling to deal with those drones electronically?

Legis Legis Juscius

maybe, russains have very small masets inside syria, an their all like in latakia, but the quickly risings numbers of downed turkish UAV shows that, their using them in swarms, but with every day the actvity drops, because of large numbers of UAVs shot down

Saquib raza

Russia mod just now Turkey linked al quada terrorist tried to blow with chemical weapons near saraqib. Russia is mad now

Saquib raza

Tonight will be a long night for Turkish proxies


Thats the case,I’m inclined to assume it to become the very much shorter one!

Wahid Algiers

Yes, Tigers and Hezb shock troops like to work at night…..squeeze the terrorists and crash more türkü-mongols.

Porc Halal

This is the last card turkey can play which is the favorite card for the deceiving MSM and the evil globalist coalition i.e. jewish + muslim brotherhood & far left progressive ‘elite’…

Lone Ranger

Turkisis lost 20 drones sofar. I think Neither Turkey nor Russia wants a direct war.


But there will be no Russian compromise on terrorist in Idlb So it is up to Turks to chose. If they chose to get killed with the terrorists that is their choice. If they target Russian airplane than that will be declaration of war to Russia

Lone Ranger

I only hope Erdofuck is not too demented at this point. I dont have big hopes… I agree, Russia was way over the top generous with Turkey, but if they shot down a Russian jet everything is on the table. And Russia wont lose this one.

Saquib raza

They tried to attack saraqib with chemical ammunition when Russian military police is there. Russian mod will show the proof . Russian military is really mad at Putin . They have to retaliate .

Lone Ranger

I hope they were not successful with that attack. Dont worry, payback is coming, Turkisis will cry and rage…

Saquib raza

Failed attack don’t worry

Saquib raza

One container leaked and the terrorist fail to carry out the attack

Saquib raza

Larvov, defence minister, Syrian Russian command all are going to retaliate hard tonight. that is for sure


If Erdogan thinks he can pull any of his old tricks on Russia again he is dead wrong. The only alternative to compromise with Russia is war

And not only against SAA this time but Russia, Iran and Hezb also. Using terrorist is not acceptable option for any kind of compromise and Turkey is just not strong enough to impose anything on Russia and others.

Lone Ranger

I agree. Its up to Erdofuck now wheter Turkey has a future or not.

Porc Halal

One thing is for sure…economically, turkey is not capable of withstanding a real war not even against syrian army so we are not even talking of waging a war against the almighty russian army!…the islamist turhish regime has no choise but win this war which I am not sure they can achive…


Jews banks will be happy to lend a lot of money to Turkey government for this adventure.


Let turkey bleeding money they will go bankrupt soon or later.

Wayne Nicholson

What we are witnessing in Idlib is a failing Turkish operation that has been unable to gain any ground on the SAA and some very creative Turkish videos that show guided artillery strikes with captions claiming they are drone strikes. s Russia struggling to deal with those drones electronically?

No quite the contrary. Russia shut down air defence operations and grounded aircraft for a few hours in a mistaken effort to deescalate the conflict. Turkey went on the offensive rather than deescalate. Russia’s back in business again and the Turkish advances are rolled back. If you don’t believe me check the map and tell me who’s winning

Xoli Xoli

Let’s see how Erdogan will be please tomorrow. While he is the mastermind behind swam drone attack on Russian base.

johnny rotten

All turkish news and video are bullshit!!!

Porc Halal

Totally bullshit!…just islamist propaganda…

Shia man

Turns out a lot of them are just fixed videos

Constellation 2023

Sort of like Russian media. LOL


Americans are experts on that

Wahid Algiers

Thank you Syrian 9th Stormimg division: https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/syrian-army-went-behind-enemy-lines-to-save-pilot-in-idlib/ the dogs were sleeping with open eyes, dreaming of erDOGGYan, the backyard criminal.

Wahid Algiers

…only 3 gypsy-bodies for bringing to their ugly mothers? And only 15 injured? Too less. Let’ s start the party….tÜrkÜ-mongols are invited.

Constellation 2023

The Russian Federation is a rogue state, trying to recover some of its former “superpower” luster.


USA is a murder state from the end of WWII till today.


My eyes are used to the green: I found the Black Stain on Idlib confusing. Then first time I checked out the map legend and it told me the unclean, unclear, disturbing-looking Black Stain on the map means just another slimy terrorist scum, who re-invented themselves under another terrorist-slime name.

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