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Military Situation In Northwestern Syria On March 8, 2020 (Map Update)

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Military Situation In Northwestern Syria On March 8, 2020 (Map Update)

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A brief overview of the recent developments in northwestern Syria:


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Willing Conscience (The Truths

All the area that’s coloured dark green just below the purple buffer zone is controlled and occupied by HTS, which means the SAA are still legally allowed to take back this area without breaking the ceasefire, I suspect the SAA’s constant bombing of this area in Hama and the recapture of 2 villages in Idlib will mean the SAA will try to recapture the lot soon, which will mean that only the small light green area will be left with any rebel presence below the buffer zone.


It gives Erdo a bit if wiggle room to redeploy his Jewhadi’s to Libya :)

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Sounds good but that’s just moving the problem from one spot to another, it’s better to kill them all here and save the Libyans the same sort of grief that Syria’s had to endure, and if we can’t do that, then we should continue to try and force them all to move to Turkey and let that madman sort out his own mess. And there may still be a chance we can do that, but it’s going to take a lot longer now due to Erdogan’s new fortified frontier, and we’re going to need to make some new friends out of our old enemies to help us do it, lucky for Assad he’s not the only one who hates Erdogan and the Muslim Brotherhood with a vengeance, there’s still a chance the SAA will be able to eradicate Erdogan’s fanatics. :]


Morally , I agree with you as to sending the Jihadi’s to Libya.

It would be karma though for the EU experience a conflict for oil and gas off the coast of Libya and actually within the confines of the EU with the oil and gas of Cyprus :)

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Yes it’s always good to see the people that have been dumping their rubbish on other peoples backyards for years suddenly get a heap dumped on their own for a change, let’s see if they like the smell of rubbish anymore than anyone else does, LOL. And Karma applies to Idlib too, even if we do have to abide by a ceasefire how long do you think it’ll take for the fanatics to turn on each other. Without anyone to fight they’ll have way too much time on their hands and you know what that usually means. Karma’s coming for Erdogan and the terrorists too, and they’ll be each others Karma hopefully, which would be the best Karma of all, the SAA just sitting back and watching them eat each other alive. :] Cheers Florian.


I agree, the opportunities for Jewhadi taxation and plunder of the locals within Idlib have greatly decreased. This will cause infighting again as the criminal gangs fight for dominance, particularly near lucrative the border crossings..


Both Hizbullah and IRGC are on the UNSC terrorlist and blacklisted which means no agreement covers them also which means Turkey can hunt them freely. Thats why Israel hunts them freely.

Russia is fighting side and side with terrorist organisations


nice try, but that’s not true. The UN does not call Hezbollah nor IRGC a terror network. You’re thinking of Israel and the US.


They truly are listed on terrorlists in the UN list of terrorist organistations

dominique DELAWARDE

No, they are not by the UN


Willing Conscience (The Truths

Neither are listed as terrorists by the UNSC though both organizations have had many resolutions passed on their accounts. What’s that old saying, “one man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter” so it depends on which side you’re looking from. Hezbollah and the IRGC are not in Turkey making trouble, they’re in Syria, and Assad’s gets to decide who he thinks the terrorists are, and I’ve never heard him call either party anything but helpful, but he does call the guys Erdogan backs terrorists, lol, he even calls Erdogan himself a terrorist.


Ooh-aah Hezbollah, sing ooh-aah Hezbollah!


Teilschlachten again, Moltke the Elder would approve.

Gary Sellars

There are no “rebels”, only different factions of Wahhabi goat fuckers and child killers. The so-called “rebels” are those Salafi whackjobs that haven’t officially sworn to AQs banner (but they follow the same twisted creed).

Willing Conscience (The Truths

It’s fair enough to say the vast majority of them are nut job Zealots, but believe it or not there actually is a very small minority of REAL moderate opposition fighting in Syria, or I should say several very small groups of them, and they don’t have any religious ties at all, just political affiliations. But even if they don’t chop people heads off and scream “praise Allah” when they do it, they’re still the enemy, they oppose the rightfully elected Syrian government. which by definition makes them terrorists. Unfortunately Gary we can’t attack these ‘moderate opposition’ arsewipes according to the ceasefire agreement, well not unless they attack us first that is, but if they do attack us I’m sure the gloves will come off and we’ll get to give them a good hammering too. :]


I’m rather entertained that the Sultan has agreed to liberate the M4 for the Allies (for as long as the “truce” lasts) and saved them the bother of fighting and dying for it. ;O)

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