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- Russian-led forces took control of Blahodatne village
- Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue in Krasna Gora village and Paraskoviivka
- Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue in Bakhmut and its outskirts
- Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue near Debrova
- Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue near Ugledar
- Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue north of Klishchiivka
- Up to 110 Ukrainian servicemen, 3 armored vehicles and 1 infantry vehicle were destroyed by Russian artillery on Krasniy-Liman front, according to the Russian MOD
- Up to 90 Ukrainian servicemen, 2 armored vehicle and 14 motor vehicles were destroyed by Russian artillery shelling in the Donetsk region, according to the Russian MOD
- Up to 100 Ukrainian servicemen, 1 tank and 2 armored vehicles were destroyed by Russian artillery in the South-Donetsk and Zaporozhye region, according to the Russian MOD
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dumbasses in dumbass, ugly dar in ugly dar.
Shut up Nazi.
You can offer Ukraine oranges 🍊.
Link Correction Yo I want everyone to click on this link and watch a video on Odysee titled: SU25 being shot down from a Pilot Perpective
Its the most epic f*** video I ever seen in my life, its something that you can make a movie out of, I can picture this being like the Russian Version of the American Movie: Behind Enemy Lines!
I can’t wait to hear what you guys say about this!
azov dont gaf about Syria so I dont gaf about Ukraine.
Germany, Italy, France, and Turkiye will watch Ukraine from afar, maybe provide a few tips, maybe supply a few vehicles.
Why do you care about Syria so much?
Why do care about faggots so much.
No HIMARS intercepted, those Lancets probably have already taken out most of the launchers.
Ukronazis used up their current HIMARS supply to attack that hospital. So brave.
300 Nazis down in one day, some more to go, -Next!
300 in one day, I am still killing more Americans with my vaccine and plan to build new research facilities in Ukraine to kill almost everyone.
..including American citizens.
Now this is some typically hilarious American shit. They are absolutely back-pedalling after telling Krusty to shoot the moon and try for Crimea. The Americans know it can’t be done. As funny as that 180 degree butt-fuck for Krusty is, the subject itself comes up in an assertion of American regard for territorial integrity. These are the cunts that backed the destruction of Yugoslavia, beginning with the Slovenians, then the Croatian Nazis and Bosnian jihadists, then the Albanian narco-terrorists. Not to mention chopping off South Sudan. The Americans are truly the most vile liars since their mentors in the British Empire.
You still need to apologise about Holodomor.
I’m sorry that you believe the ridiculous Holodomor story despite all evidence that no deliberate policy of inducing a famine was ever enacted in the Ukraine under Joseph Stalin. You’re a lazy fuck-o, so you didn’t bother to read Conquest, who was tasked by British intelligence the creation of propaganda that characterized the famines in ’32-33 as failures of communism. Even Conquest admitted that no such thing as the Holodomor took place. Credulous, lazy and stupid is no way to go through life, cunt.
Everyone recognizes Holodomor except the Stalinist pricks.
That’s a bizarre statement. There is no evidence whatsoever of a state policy of the USSR to implement a deliberate famine on the territory of the Ukraine in the period in which the Holdomor is alleged to have occurred. We went down this road before, and you failed entirely to provide any evidence to support your sentiments regarding the silly Holodomor story. Even your sentence is a sad little logical fallacy. But as always, you have the opportunity to provide a reference to some kind of documented state policy of the USSR to impose a famine in the Ukraine. Knock yourself out, derpster.
You can’t see the truth because you are a troll.
What I definitely cannot see is a shred of evidence from you to support your silly Holodomor belief. Still waiting on your plethora of evidence. I bet it’ll just blow my mind when you finally have the big reveal!
Most of the area affected by the famine wasn’t even in Ukraine, especially the much smaller Ukraine of that time. Holodomor is a construct of the Bandera persecution ideology that helps to try and justify genocide against all other races.
No it is not. Every part of the world, even Russia acknowledges it.
Still no evidence of any kind to support your silly belief. Great job.
There are plenty of documents and plenty of pictures. If you stop the derp trolling you will see them.
So we won. Not yet? Are we waiting for next winter or what?
Go to Kiev I hear a clown calling you. You will win
Soon, Ihor, soon. Keep your trizub triple-dong-dildo well-greased with cosmoline, for the great Bandera Days victory butt-fuck parade in Donetsk is coming soon. I think nine more years, max, until you can celebrate the successful completion of the ATO.
Change humorous joke, it is no longer funny.
I don’t understand why the Russians don’t shoot at US and NATO planes which, after all, are bringing arms and ammunition to the Kiev regime. They should send missiles to all the planes that are not theirs over the so-called ukraine. And they should hurry with this because not only tanks are being getting ready to be sent, and now there is already talk of F-16 aircrafts.
Fuck-o, the Americans are getting ready to pull the plug. They were sure that the Russian government would be undone by their relentless propagnada agitation combined with the sanctions and the war, but, in typical US style, they have failed completely. They’re getting ready to pull the plug on Krusty the Klown and the Kiev Kabal, so that they can focus on their losing confrontation with China.
On the subject of Donbas, the Ukrainian/Georgian Hasbara-special Ed trolls consistently claim that the reason the Minsk accords were not implemented is because Russia violated them. Russia consistently claimed that it was not a party to the conflict, whereas the Banderites and their Five Eyes owners claim that hundreds of Russian tanks were in Donbas in 2015, and untold numbers of regular Russian soldiers. If the fighting in Donbas was all being done by Russians, why were the Ukretards so hot and bothered about the alleged leadership of the militias like Somalia, Sparta, Batman, etc. I like to look at cited sources, and a quick gander at any Wikipedia entry on the Donbas war relies entirely on Ukrainian sources or US/NATO think-tank sources. Surely there is a vast trove of clear images of hundreds of Russian tanks and APC’s and SP guns rolling across the borders from Russia to Donbas in 2014-15?
As an American, I’m absolutely ashamed that we are involved in war we have no business being in. Ukraine did this to themselves by not following the terms of the Minsk Agreements. The United States is facing financial and societal ruin and yet we are spending billions to fill the wallets of the MIC. To put it into perspective, since WWII the United States has been involved in conflicts in the following countries:
Korea, Vietnam, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Somalia, Yemen, Ethiopia,Pakistan, Afghanistan, Lebanon, China, Haiti, Libya, Egypt,Venezuela, Croatia, Cuba, Grenada. El Salvador, Nicaragua, Azerbaijan,Georgia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Panama, Armenia, Macedonia, Kyrgyzstan, Kuwait, Belarus, Myanmar, Moldova, Malaysia.
Why? When America does it’s supposedly for a greater good. When Russia does it, they are labeled pure evil. We have rougly 750 military bases all around the world…why? If it’s supposedly to keep the peace then it’s obviously not working.
There is no such thing as Macedonia. Macedonia is only one and it is Greek. You are talking about Vardaska.
Perhaps I should have just called it the Southern Balkans.
However, my point remains the same
Today AFU again was shelling Donetsk killing civilians and children in Donbass. After that, Russia has offered to enter into peace chatting with Kiev and our equal partners.