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- Russian forces repelled Ukrainian attacks near Korenevo
- Russian forces repelled Ukrainian attacks near Aleksandrovka
- Ukrainian forces entered Russkaya Konopelka
- Clashes continued in Martynovka
- Clashes continued south of Nechaev
- Russian forces repelled attacks near Malaya Loknya
- Clashes continued near Krasnooktyabrskoe
- Clashes continued near Kositsa
- Clashes continue in Borki
- Clashes continue near Krupets
- Ukrainian forces entered Komarovka
- Ukrainian forces captured Kolmakov
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krusty the klown of kiev and ko. are asking for excavating equipment to be included with this month’s welfare cheque from the americans. clearly the ukretards are fired up about trying to fortify their 60km long buffer zone on their border that extends for hundreds and hundreds of km.
“america is our barracks ” winston churchill he meant permanently .and they are firstly the pentagon is controlled from england by the s.o.b. ie the special operations branch and secondly thev” american ” military industrialists ; boeing , raytheon and lockheed are british simply out served to american location for economies of production and supply.
basically, everything that ever came out of churchill’s mouth was rubbish. there is a single mic blob now, but the old british companies are rolled into the us ones, not vice versa. not that it matters, given that wall street and city of london are a single entity.
too much money and time spent on ceremonies and statues remembering and adkiring dinosaurs and events from 80 years ago. times have changed, different wars are now fought now and world leaders should rather spend the money on their citizens rather than annual events for certain members of connected society to show off their perceived importance.
so i am the author of the “thank you manifesto” , if you did not read it, check the archives. and today i have one update: one more reason why ukranazis are helping russia to be a better country. so because of the sanctions and demonizing of russia in the western msm, those very many -russians who in the past visited collective western (but also new young tourists) have now discovered beautiful new routes: asia, africa, latin america.
not only this helps to widen the psychological, cultural and social horizont of these russians, but also is changing the society in russia for the better. i am from the collective west myself, but i am a friend of russia. i have been there before covid and i have been there now. the difference by then and now in how they interact with us (foreigners) has been improved dramatically. they now treat us guests much more friendlier then in the past
why ? because visiting countries like china or latin america etc. they really have nothing against russians and treat russians good, the russians feel welcomed. and when they com e back home they want to give it back, the hospitality. and the second reason: collective west always treated russian guests bad. the russophobic usa and britain for example.
and what about france who hates all tourists from all countries. so in the past the russian tourists/businessmen/diplomats came back home frustrated and hating foreigners. now they come back full of joy and thankfulness. there you go, the small update to the “thank you manifesto” – fascist kiev making russia a better place, both for russia and for the foreign guests.
ps: i am also the author of the “contrary theory” btw
well you could start with the fact russians dont live in the dark ages .
i’m here to see russia win so that progressivism fails and i get to see the heads of progressives cracked with the bludgeons of those who are fed up with the tyranny of neoliberals and communists.
progressivism must die.
and we shall see its most violent death in the uk, and i’m here for it.
russia can figure itself out culturally on its own it does not need leftist “philistine world-improvers”.
when you’re trying to equate communists with identitarian woketards, you’re lost on the same garden path as the woketards, who think they’re leftists. there hasn’t been a communist in power for over thirty years, and that includes china, to sure a neoliberal totalitarian state, albeit a more civilized one than the us.
zionists are communists are bolsheviks are frankists are psychopaths… have given birth to the wokeisms, the lgbtism, the socialisms…. anything that attacks family, faith and freedom… they hijack any religion, any institution, any government that lets them and their counterfiet banking cartel in…
omg what century do you live in ?
new routes in russia first. square of russia is almost equal to whole south america, there are a lot of places to visit. look at ex-volcanoes of kuril islands, especially lake with small island inside volcano of krenitsyn in onekotan island and partly ruined volcano of ushishir island, which look like amphitheater. also known as the emerald grotto of yankich’s island.
if the japanese attacked the kurils would putin defend them or run away and complain about terrorists?
he’d take the leash of kim and let him start little fires all over japan…
if the japanese attacked the kurils , japan would be atomically erased from the face of earth
im impressed by the russians inability to stop this, their army really sucks.
thats because corrupt russian generals linked to the oligarchy ( suppiers of the military complex) dont care about how many villages ukraine have taken….they care about to produce weapons to destroy western equipments
russia certainly isn’t some great hope for the resistance or anything…
resistance against what? russia is definitely a major stumbling block to the efforts of the us to rejig their control over europe in the face of the enormous changes in the global economy. the derp is strong in you.
you idiot still not get it. usa+eu+ru+cn are all since long under the full control & rule of world jewry which is now trying to transform their conquered nations into a one-world-dictatorship called nwo resp. jwo. and to make stupids accept this they play the game of ‘good cop vs bad cop’ saying heaven will come if we allow them (jwo) to exchange their unipolar world order (us&west) for their so-called “multipolar” world order (ru&china&east).
if they’re all long under the control of world jewry, then why would world jewry be “trying” anything? what precisely is “world jewry”?
if they were under jewish control the jews would be building synagogues globally, people would be getting converted to judaism globally and israel would be the most powerful military on earth .
i can’t say that i disagree with you there.
they don’t want animal converts
what you’re doing there is called “appeal to emotion”. you have no way of knowing the sentiments of russian generals. if you were someone who did, you wouldn’t be spamming sf comment boards. silly, lazy nafomosexuals and ukretards. a match made in heaven.
im sure the 200,000 russians who had to flee their homes wish the russian generals gave a bit more of a damn about protecting russia then what we are seeing in kursk
try checking the facts instead of speculating from bigotry
piss off troll
what’s happening on the donbas today? more ukrainian success in their eleventh year of fighting in donbas?
success for the globalists yes just think how many gallons of diesel are being sold per hour to keep the navies air force armies moving each day .just imagine you owned say standard oil or british petroleum how much you’d be earning from that every hour .
i lived through half of the cold war, during which there was no chance, whatsoever, of the soviet union attacking the us empire in europe. and yet unimaginable fortunes were spent on fending off the voracious communist superpower that simply folded their tent and left their satellites in the former nazi empire, and then allowed their own state to be dismantled. and poor, oppressed semites assumed six of the seven most powerful oligarch spots.
it’s common sense putins trying to not escalate the war. he’s trying to create a situation whereby ukraine negotiates for peace. they who profit from war won’t let that happen
judging by the piss poor results it looks like putin is doing his best to create situations where the russians have to negotiate for peace.
yes, by encircling your mighty kursk invasion force and destroying it completely… after they eat that for breakfast, they’ll send some more khinzal pizza to your nato cia posts as a special treat in thanks for all the free steal left in kursk.
ukranians cheap drones can penetrate deep into russia, to even moscow and russians claim their air defences are best in the world.
ukrainians were able to go unnoticed and build up forces for the offensive. russian reconnaissance are simply amazing………………………….
even with the numerical advantage in every field – manpower and weapons, russians are unable to stop ukrainian advance.
russians, for the last 7 months, were boasting about their “amazing” achievement of capturing few hundreds square kilometers (30×30=900sqkms, math is for fools who think a 900sqkm is a lot of territory), while ukranians has captured lot more territory within days.
and people here still think russian military is the best in the world.
great strawman arguments. it would appear that in the area of kursk in which the ounb 2.o terror operation was launched, the russians did not have a numerical advantage. meanwhile, in the eleventh year since the start of the ato, the failed ukrainian cia project sits with over 20% of it’s pre-2014 coup territory lost, along with millions of citizens, with no end to the losses in sight.
“20% of it’s pre-2014 coup territory lost”
he doesn’t count it, because he know it’s russia! actually all novorossia (sea shore from danube to caucasus) and malorossia (kiev, chernigov, poltava, zaporoje) is russia. if you look at the border with poland, you can find town or rava-russkaya. it was found in the middle of 15 century when region of chervonaya rus’ (red rus’ in old russian) was in poland. l’vov region in poland was named as województwo ruskie and ruthenia in austria.
the russians gave all that up to the ukrop 100 years ago and have been retreating ever since, both culturally and demographically.
ukrops didn’t exist 100 years ago… what planet are you on? or from????
good point. ukraine didn’t even exist during ww1, or ww2. apparently these wars never really ended…well because the banks never stopped counterfieting, and now the kahzarians want what they arrogantly think belongs to them, those who take what they want using the slave armies of goy suckers… that is over now, they’ve hit the wall…
yes, your analysis is true, and i put my signature to it, no problem. but 1 little point i d like to add to your statement is, that there might be a difference between the value of territory. for example capturing a nuclear power plant or taking it off from connection, or encircling & taking a big town like bakhmut or fortress like..
avdiivka (in strategical, economical & propagandistic/political terms) is of much more value than just occupying some pointless swathes of land somewhere at the border (like ukr now took west of sudzha). nonetheless the ukr incursion hit pootin by the balls, and caught him off guard, with his pants down & ass wide open. and he’s now getting a full load – with no chance to stop or defend against his humiliation,while ukr is triumphing big time !
goodness, there is a real fixation on putin’s rectum among the ukretardish and nafomosexuals. this image of the failed ukrainian cia project engaged in a homosexual rape is certainly indicative of something in you.
russias population of military aged people is tiny compared to natos and with england being able to harness americas african jail population into service russia doesn’t stand a chance in a long campaign .its simply numbers over time and russias done .in between trillions are earned from military profits and then the slower the war the greater the rebuilding profits will be .
right. and that’s why the us had to resort to stop-loss during their iraqi and afghan fiascos. thanks for derping. you derp hard.
i don’t think the problem is number of soldiers it is the tactics and strategies. putin interfers with everything the russian army does he won’t let them do normal military tactics like destroy supply lines. putin has curious thinking patterns which the western intelligence agencies have down pat and use to manipulate him. putin doesn’t want to be seen as an effective military leader and he doesn’t want russia to be viewed as a successful military power.
so cheap drones could not penetrate the best air defences in the world? given that the area attacked by the ukrainians in the ounb 2.0 terror operation was not really defended, can we call the ukrainian attack an “offensive”? regardless, i’ve seen a lot of videos of the destruction of ukrainian personnel and equipment in the kursk salient, so clearly the russians are doing something right in that region.
this was a setup. scott ritter has just stated that the russians have never seen this kind of operation before from the ukrainians, so it was a nato designed operation. so now the russians can study nato tactics in real time. that is why the russians removed the barriers from this front, they knew.
he doesn’t know much . he speculates.
he is a very silly person.
i don’t see this not ending in nuclear war, the west are run by insane people who can’t abide living under the rule of normal people.
normal people don’t rule other people anywher, and never have.
ukro aim was probably to loosen restrictions on using nato weapons inside russia, like gangster initiations, make them compliant in crime, you’ve come this far now you are one of us and do as we say, little by little, break down moral values, western saps falling for it.
the ukrainains don’t lift a finger without american say-so. the us tried this blame-the-help game in south vietnam. compulsive liar and rapist jp vann claimed he was fighting with one hand tied behind his back because his arvn lackeys were no good. then johnson unleashed the mighty us army who managed to massacre vast numbers of the people they were ostensibly helping, and went home.
i think the people of the us and uk overall, although clearly not some elements in govt who have done so on various occasions, wouldn’t normally attack their neighbors, but now ukros present it as a fait accompli using western weapons and pmc’s and pull their suppliers further in by increasing the enmity between them and russia.
ukies trap their best troops near kursk fail –another 350 die yesterday–dumb not amerikans getting weaker sending burgers to zelensky
unbelievable.. i would have thought the russian army would have destroyed or captured all of these mercenaries by’s becoming more of a clown show every day..!!
la russie se bat depuis le début avec une main dans le dos, parce que les ukrainien sont des ‘frères’ et que c’est une guerre civile… lol les ukrainine se batent avec tout ce qu’ils ont… total ils mettent une bonne gifle à la russie des qu’ils le peuvent… et si jamais ils trouvent la plus petite chance de la mettre ko, ils n’hésiterons pas une seconde!
russia has been fighting from the start with one hand behind its back, because the ukrainians are ‘brothers’ and it’s a civil war… lol the ukrainians are fighting with everything they’ve got… all in all they’re slapping russia in the face as hard as they can… and if they ever find the slightest chance of knocking her out, they won’t hesitate for a second
it reminds me of the syrian army’s takeover of aleppo, with cease-fires imposed by russia every 15 days… total it lasted 6 months at the cost of thousands of syrian soldiers’ lives… it’s the same thing… putin doesn’t want to be seen as the bad guy, so we don’t go all the way and it’s the russian soldier who dies needlessly.
the cease fires were to create human corridors letting people escape. al quaeda was heavily armed by usa and it was very difficult to get them out. the first domino to fall was the palestine neighbourhood which they liberated themselves. unfortunately their commander was killed in this battle.
from the outset, russia has been able to destroy the entire electrical grid… but it hasn’t done so. right from the start, the logistical infrastructures should have been blown up (train station, bridge, etc.) but they weren’t… we’re promised a tough response… lol a few more empty sheds or minor factories will blow up here and there and in the end nothing will be different… russia is weak because decisions aren’t made
russians are getting hammered and can only defend where they are and lose territory every day. notice russian news sources are very quiet about their losses.
reports said kursk would saved in 48 hrs, then weeks, looks like its going to be years and russia is daily losing fuel storage, naval vessels, russian territory, infrastructure, aircraft and weapons storage. my goodness its a disaster and its getting worse each day.
interestingly kiev advances towards aleksandrovka, and they expanded this pocket since the previous map update. this means they are playing “all in” and the result will be the same as kursk 1943: only retreat after this
the russians are losing kursk faster then they are gaining in the donbass. looks like crap.
correct, it is all or nothing for kiev but when the supplies and reinforcements are cut off it is over. rf is trying to contain the pocket without a lot of casualties. soon the counteroffensive will start when the frontlines are bombed to the stone age. remember there are no defensive lines as in donbass and the front can collapse anywhere.
lgbt amerikunt vanka inferior burger species
is there a real russian army or just special units and pnc’s? obviously the conscript army is just a non functional joke that can’t do anything but mow lawns. russia is in real trouble they can’t handle what is going on at all. very disturbing.
putin must go and make way for a smarter and bolder leader against nato. he is like biden, who shows his weakness and incapacity every day. otherwise, things can only get worse for russia.
russia was a nuclear power that nato feared. thanks to putin, russia is de facto no longer a nuclear power. nato then lost all caution and is raising the stakes every day, increasing russia’s losses and global discredit.
another dumb amerikunt receive 1 taco from crackhead hunter biden
russia army is butter without freezer, with nato on the ground in 3 days they were back to moscow
vadolf zelensky : ” ukraina blowed all the bridges at kursk. this is the biggest strategy in 2024. russians can not enter to kursk via bridges anymore, also ukranians can not exit from kursk”
the boat anchors in the middle east will get some fine missiles to target carriers; however i have the feeling this is just smoke and mirrors for a false flag don’t you think?
i don’t see the end of russia embarrassing herself. it seems like the red lines don’t exist at all. where is the national pride ? what is next nato forces occupation of moscow without answer. putin is definitely not a type of man that should lead the country in war. russia needs somebody like prigozin a courages man with a healthy dose of self respect
amerikunt cuck no self respect–how many taliban peniz sodomize u?
i am fully namerikuntized worship money and lick all mulatto peniz in chicago
drones hit ammunition depot in russia’s voronezh oblast :
alexander gusev, governor of russia’s voronezh oblast claimed that ukrainian drones hit an ammunition depot in ostrogozhsk of veronezh oblast caused a fire and explosion at the facility on 24 august.