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MARCH 2025

Military Situation In Severoodonetsk On March 17, 2022 (Map Update)

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Military Situation In Severoodonetsk On March 17, 2022 (Map Update)


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Andy Lee Lowell

Does anyone know how many Ukrainian Nazis are entrenched at Severodonetsk? Also, is their retreat cut off?

jens holm

Both are wrong questions.

Andy Lee Lowell

I suppose they seem like wrong questions to Ukrainian Nazis like you.

jens holm

there are none at severodotsk. Thye max are 20.000 of 90.000 of the armed forces. Asovsk for very strange reasons are at the Asav terrain.

And no the map shows they are not cut off. It seemes they are retreating because they dont want to be cut off. Only reinforcements can change that. I think there are none apart from the incommers. They might not be usefull a place like that.

2,15% are Nazis in Ukraine.

Naming people as Nazis as You do tell me You are in an underdevelloped country, an underdevelloped person or both.

jack rabbit

Your English sucks. Your comments are simply a regurgitation of Danish mainstream media judeo-slop talking points. You are an annoying brainwashed lemming. Why are you here? Fis af!

jens holm

I will say my level is a very ususal ones for danes and the rest of the world having free medias added 1000s of mobil and androids from Ukrainian citicens working here or as arrivers.

They do contact their families and friends every day.

If You want to know more just ask. We danes can make camels fly even they dont want to.


Your english might be slightly better but the contend is incoherent, what you say are a bunch of meaningless, would be, expensive words spun to an insult. By acting this way you only proof you have no arguments so You proof Jens right. Your disrupted reaction indicates that you have no added value, contraire to Jens, so you are the annoying one the useless one the expendable.

Dr Cruel

Thanks for the update.

At least part of the Ukrainian force is made up of irregulars, with the ability to hit armor and air elements hard with standoff weapons. I suspect at least the regional irregulars will stay in Severodotsk, if for no other reason than to defend their homes and families. Once they’re cut off, of course, they’ll quickly run out of those fancy NATO rockets but they can still get help from drone strikes, and turn to the traditional partisan warfare of the region. Anything heavy that remains will probably be used for static defenses. Once all the regular Ukrainian forces are put down, the local insurgents take over.

C’mon guys. There must be some Russians here. You know the drill. Dig in, fight from the ruins and the sewers, then when the enemy thinks they’ve finally flattened you the partisans infiltrate the rear areas and hit supply lines. Some of you must have studied the Great Patriotic War. You know what happens to invaders in this region. You know how it plays out. You know how it ends.


Some must have, but when big brother say move they all move. In russian battls it is always been so soldiers and material are always used as a stampede and the ones who survive to looters https://t.me/dvish_alive/10348


Whatever will happen, I guess it is clear that UKR learnt from the russian missile-strike on the foreign mercenaries trainings camp near Lviv. From now on, lots of russian prisoners of war will always be placed inside these trainings-camps too. So that when russia strikes these kind of camps in the future they will always also kill lots of their own soldiers.

Last edited 2 years ago by Mickey
jens holm

According to several sources this incident happend about 30 kilomters from them. None of them were hit.

If true I would not make statemenets as Yours. But sametimes 10 elefants on the roof is better then one on Your hand๐Ÿ›€๐Ÿพ

Andy Lee Lowell

You’re clearly a Nazi. But which country do you come from, Nazi? Are you a Ukrainian Nazi, or are you a NATO Nazi?

Out to kill Russians? Is that you point for living, Nazi?

jens holm

Whereever You come from You must be born yesterday, a senile or an accident.

You just wrote Your relations to facts as well. Drowned jellyfish has more substance.

jack rabbit

Your English sucks. Your comments are simply a regurgitation of Danish mainstream media judeo-slop talking points. You are an annoying brainwashed lemming. Why are you here? Fis af!

jens holm

Danish media are quite sober but I have my own opinions as well as from other parts of the world.

I know mpre about Eastern European history then most of people living there.

And why: I could read about it long time before 1991. Until there You only had highly censured Stalin creations.

Your comment hardly is a comment. Somebody must have mesmerised You. It os or should be about the military situation march 16 2022.

Maybee You ARE from Mars, but You are not one of the 4 tools the danes as at the American Marslander. It has no pedals.๐Ÿ›€๐Ÿผ


Regardless if mercenaries were hit or not. At least it is clever move, to put dozens of russian prisoners of war into those facilities in the future. So russians will think twice if they are going to bomb them and risk killing dozens of their own, or if they not better refrain from such actions. That was my point, I wanted to make.

jens holm

I know its a well known trick both ways. I also know what went on in the Bolsjoj theatre.

None cant just get rid of a million or 5 in Ukraine heavy populated cities. And soldiers very much try to divide areas into safe and unsafe zones for civilians and keep them safe.

By that they are protecters and not having prisoners or hostages. They fx also know where their own landmines are.


There are no such thing as “russian prisoners”. A Russian can die but won’t surrender. All those vids are fake, Pentagon productions.

Muhammad your Prophet

Of course, they never surrender because they were promised your sweet pussy and they will do all it takes to get to it. And yes, MSM is fake news galore dont you know, Scooby? Example? Hunter Bidens laptop contents are apparently authentic now. Huehueheeee

jens holm

So what about in WW2. Some seemes verified and some might be propaganda as You write.

But You cant just take everything away like that. If so Russia is not even in Ukraine๐Ÿ›€๐Ÿพ



Angry American

You don’t understand the Russian mind or world view. They will sacrifice as many as is required to accomplish the mission and they’ll will do it with dignity. Suffering, it’s part of Orthodox understanding and Russian history.

jens holm

Thats no Russian thing. Its no new thing as well.

Alamo is one. Another one could be Berlin 1945.

But Berlin in Your Stalin version probatly was a liberation meeting with smiling Walter Ulbright waving some silly flag for non keepers.

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

That will only show the world whom the bad guys really are. Plus, Russia will take no prisoners as a result…


how many POWs are there – you cant swap dead prisoners for live ones…..


This thing is not about “prisoner swaping”. It is about making russians think twice before next time they bomb such camps and facilities. And btw. the fucking Israelis often “swap alive palestinian prisoners for the bones of dead israeli soldiers”, so even that argument (quote: you cant swap dead prisoners for live ones), you wanted to bring forward, is false.


Tit for tat,


Russian army only is able to occupy the streets between villages, mostly during the day at night they are ambushed and quit. Because they lack trained soldiers they must relay for their logistic on reserve and green boys. Even the regular soldiers stay awy from the fields aside the routes so everybody understands these toddlers flee as soon as they can. And no they are not encirceled.

Last edited 2 years ago by Johan

Greetings from Mexico, GLORY to RUSIA, your are not only waging a war with ucraine, but with all europe and the USA ( intel, infinity money and guns), crush the empire for the sake of the world please, all latin america is with you(common people, 80% of latin america is prorussian), we want to see the USA empire fall, we are tired of being with they shoe on our neck since last 100 years.


PD1: Yamil Perez is probably a Mexican emigrated to USA, and let me tell you, they threat us as scum, they all extreame racist with Mexicans, so i dont understand why he keeps defending Uncle Sam like that, maybe stockolm Syndrom.

Sorry for bad english, not my native language.


jens holm

You support the tequila well and Your sombero is too big.


Stfu Jenโ€™s u cumb dunt no one gives a shite about anything you say you phaggot.๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ

jens holm

Jens Stoltentroll is my daddy. I love him much cause he molests me every night. So shut up or i will throw you in de head with rotten danish fish in vinegar. You punk.

jens holm

The writer is Yuri Gagarin which unused brain was given to Laika.

jack rabbit

Your English REALLY sucks. Your comments are ONLY a regurgitation of Danish mainstream media judeo-slop talking points. You are an annoying brainDEAD lemming. Why are you here? Fis af!

jens holm

When people dont like, what I write they make it into some spelling contest for teachers and authistics.

Sure my english is not spelled correct. I am in the fast communication media. The program here for socalled ENGLISH is meant for more simple languages into English.

It cant cover how westerns speaks, writes and think at all.

Its farsi or arabic thinking added to english.

So much is haram too in thise site. And we also use SMS and MMS a lot.

You cant debate structures. You cant debate equal rights, so men can be sold too. People hide real oppinions to protect themself using VPN too. By that there is no debate.


Debate is learning from and by each other too. I try to raise my knowledge level being a laernes until I die. I do forget some as well. But this in too much is not even a debate site.

Its I love Turks, I hate Turks, I love assads I hate ISIS, I hate Jews, I love jews, CIA did it, Mossad did it.

And everytime the writers are not responsible for anything sitting in peace on their ears only.

They not ecven want to know their enemies well. Well how can You fight. Do You fight an elefant, a tiger or a snake in the same way. Well you do. And the result.

Its always expected we are afraid and cry rivers as well as we are sitting ducks.

Thats what I meet here.

jens holm

I started here about three years ago. Some danish muslims blamed me for knowing nothing. But I was confirmed I in those days knew much moore then them because it also was my hobby for many years.

Now I know much more and in detail. I always see if things written are fkes and terrible wrong and infected. And I do check up. Im fast.

I have had Eastern Europe as a hobby too since I can remember. Some here forget the last Tzatin actuakky was Danish and more open then the Tzar and knew people living there better then him.

Its also forgotten we have had many Baltic refugees getting a new life here. They never was nazis or commuists.

jens holm

I just teel You non censured news and facts in the version the rest of the world use. Well apart from Your many friends and supporters in Syria, Eritrea, Belarus and North Korea.

Andy Lee Lowell

Where are you from, Nazi?

jens holm

Im from beautiful danemark. Im a proud Copenhagen neonazis. Leader of only tranny spec ops unit in the world. I havey purse, high heels, lipstick, dildo and hormone injections ready.


danemark they make good cookies

jens holm

That true. They make too many fat but smiling people.

Maybee hey are inspired by marie Antonionette.

jens holm

Thre we go again. Injury Youri gagarin was here. They took his nose of and donated his head for a football team.

He might be Russian. He cant be on facebook, because he has no face.

Best regards from Ahmed the terrorist.

Evil persons are giving him skin lotion, but he has no skin.

jack rabbit

You said two truthful things there, shit-for-brains… Denmark is beautiful (nothwithstanding your existence), and you are some kind of a sexual freak. Fis af!

jens holm

As long a people dont harm others, they can do in sex whatever they want. I have seen many man and women relations which has gone south even they were and are socalled normal.

We have equal rights and join all. We are including all as well as we can. Thats for criminals as well.

We see those LGBTQ whatever as a part of the DNA nature anomaly. We dont choose. We not even choose to be born. Thats the real facts.

There are no bastards here to be looked down at anymore. But we do have bad parents not taking care of their children but also non biological parents taking well care of children, which are not made by them.

We also has prostitutes and not whores. They mainly are normal taxpayers even it seemes to be s strange job as well as being a custumor.

Thats no freaking. Its unfreaking and consensus.


Ha ha ha ha! Awesome Jens!

jens holm

Thats Youri Gagarin from some trailorpark in kansas. Im Jens Holm Denmark and has not written what he did.


El Chupacabra will be smashed, milked and eaten then raped.

Rabbi Schmul Rozenberg

The chupacabra can join us for buttsecks, Yamil โ™ฅ๏ธ chupa chupa oy oy


Yes a lot of people in the world are actually with russia, its just that the west/nato control the media, they trying to make russian feel they are alone, to crush their morale. In the media, russian are constantly losing, but when you look at the map they actually advancing. They will only metion 2 things to advance thier agenda 1)russian is losing left and right 2)the situation is so dire, Ukraine will fall in next 24hour, europe is next.

Its confusing and conflicting, at 1 point they claim russian is losing, and on the other point they wanted to show the situation is so dire for Ukrainian, other country will be next, it will be WW3 soon so that every other country fear russia and see them as common anemy.

jens holm

We are not controlling the media. We just has permanent and free acces.

Its more as Putins and the Pekingese dont control them.

In UN the russians are supported by Syria, Eritrea, Cuba, North Korea + the Feudal Assads.

I dont think any are telling the Russians are loosing. Its very visble they are delayd well sompared to what the no brainer in Moskva is telling.

When a socalled President order the whole popultion to bend over 5 times a day with their bare bottoims towards him, something might be terrible wrong.

He is.

The clown is naked.


Argentinian, i totally agree with Pablo. Fuck the USA


Yami Perez is most likely an Israeli fascist – itโ€™s the Yamil that is the clue.

Yamil Perez

Thats right. And not ashamed. When i was in the IDF we sniped Palestine children for fun.

Rabbi Schmul Rozenberg

Oy vey how naughty. No buttsecks for you tonight

jens holm

I hold their hands. We took girls two and two, they were only worth one of those big bullets. Hamas paid us.

We sold the unicef food to the rest of them for water.

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan



Reminds me of my encounter at the caldera entrance one night a few years ago with multiple non conventional lifeforms yelling at me from different directions. I’m doing some heavy automatic handgun training for an overnight ET contact operation that I’m planning there this year once the snow melts down and the disappearing lake drains out. The gravel floor will hold the weight of an ET defense force landing craft. https://i.imgur.com/HGMd3Se.jpg

Last edited 2 years ago by RichardD
Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Russia is gaining ukrobots are draining ๐Ÿค—

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

A Krasnopol a day keeps Azovisis away ๐Ÿค—

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

CIAtrolls and ukrobots are crying and raging ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿคก

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Slava Rossiye ๐Ÿ‡ท๐Ÿ‡บ

Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy

Get me out of here ASAP. I will bomb myself. Start WWIII. Save my ass. I will throw the last ukrop baby at a Russian tank. Best most honest most excellent most patriotic president ever ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿท

jens holm


according Ukras


Zelensky hetzt Zivilpersonen und Kinder zum Partisanenkampf und bewaffnet sie um aus den Wohnhรคusern zu schieรŸen


Yes but is Putin better (apart from not being a gay dancing star like Selensky), I mean ? Putin send 18 year old kids in military uniform into certain death into Ukraine, telling them:” You are jst going to do a normal military exercise near the border.”

He betrayed and murdered hundreds if not thousands of russian kids by this lie. They were tricked into coming to Ukraine and ended dismembered and burned by Javelin rockets and artillery shells. Anyway I have no sympathy for Selensky as well.

He is a clown. Yes, it is unbelievable. Jew Putin and jew Selensky both are actors, but lots of people don t realize it. With jew Selensky (before becoming president of UKR) even being a gay dancer. World wake up ! These hook-nosed creatures are really fucking up the world. Does anybody really believe this Selensky is the hardcore neo-nazi leader ? Oh, come on. Itโ€™s jews, not national socialism destroying the world ! See Selensky video and start laughing and vomiting big time. https://bit.ly/3JoFT9b

Last edited 2 years ago by Mickey
jens holm

I dont like Your rhetorics. It has too much balletdancing.

But Russia did the same in Tjetjenia sending in rookies in first line agains very well prepared defenders. So its a no learner.

jens holm

If Hitlewr had done that with ukraine righ away, he would have food, iron and coal there for free during WW2 and most like won the WW2.

Ukras knew knew any communist there very well.

It was a big mistake by Hitler in 1923 Mein Kampf not to do that. The indication was real.

He could have said: I dont like Poles, they should not live in the middle of germany. I dont like those communists and the Tzars they are an everplasting enemy and a problem.

BUT THE UKRAS are fine people. There is free space for a new friendly country and a lot od it. We help them in advanced things and we need what they have.

By that no slavery there was neeeded. Theybythat could have slaves in fx Poland instead.

josef gruber

God save an protect Russia from evil forces

jens holm

No God is needed. They can retreat and remove the hysteric sprectahlmaster.

jens holm


score list


Why did the Russians retreat from Mykolaiv?


. I’ve been playing war games for 50 years come this May. Before computers. We had to play at our high school for our favorite because it took two ping pong tables to accommodate a giant 1939 historical map of Europe with penny sized hexagons laid over it all for facilitating movement. Over 20,000 unit counters with an instruction/rule book about as thick as a phone book for a city housing 100,000. Some of the economics in the game were way over my 15 year old head. We rarely played every man for himself, so I didn’t need to sharpen my diplomatic skills in a hurry, and concentrated only on tactics and strategies used by all the past armies I could study. Though slow to absorb the many complexities compiling the economic side to the game, I eventually figured it all out one day. Before you move any of the hundreds or thousands of units under your command when it’s your turn. You deal with your economy. Here is just one action. You look at what resources you have and see what you can build and where you can build it. Lets say you want to build up your air force as Germany. They have aircraft factories at the start of the game so what type do you want? Fighter, light bomber, fighter/bomber heavy bomber, dive bomber, torpedo bomber, scout plane, light medium or heavy transport? Say you say fighter. What kind? Focke Wulf, Messerschmit? Messerschmit! What kind? Me109? Me110? Me110! What class? A,B,C,or D? is the last question. You then record where it is being built and wait til its finished building. Now if you are Germany or Russia you have to have at least 5 people each to play one turn a night. The average time was eight hours. The most sophisticated combat table ever designed I’ve never seen bested. Not even close. Anyway there is a little background. With all my many decades playing board and computer war games, My prediction is Ukraine will be DONE in less than a week. Peace!


The only way that it will end in a week is with a political agreement. I’d be surprised if that happens. With the objectives that the Russians have laid out, I don’t see the current Ukraine Government agreeing to the terms, or the Russian Government lessening theirs to any significant degree when they’re winning on the battlefield. And the Russian economy continues to do well. In part from elevated oil and gas prices. Which are covering the cost of the war. And part or all of the sanctions cost.

As far as a military settlement. That’s unlikely to happen until a Russian compatible replacement government is stood up in Kiev. Which is months away at the soonest given the current rate of advance. And will still leave a residual NATO subsidized Ukraine “Government” in western Ukraine. Until those areas are cleared of resistance and brought under control of the central government in Ukraine.

Even if a political settlement is reached with the current Ukraine Government. Given it’s track record. It’s unlikely that it will honor the terms. Zelensky lied his way into office promising peace and then subverted it. Which is why the war occurred. He’s being paid and supported by NATO and the Jew world order to bait and fight the Russians. NATO and the Jew world order don’t want an end to the war. They want it to bleed Russia and tie up the Russian military so that it can’t be used against them elsewhere. Like Syria.

Russia is receiving an additional $100 billion to $200 billion a year from oil and gas sales that it wasn’t getting last year. That’s nearly 100% profit going directly into government accounts from state owned firms, and taxes and profit sharing from firms not 100% owned by the government. The Russian defense budget is $60 billion a year. I don’t know what the war is costing the Russian Government. But as long as oil and gas prices stay high. There’s more than enough in oil and gas windfall profit to pay for it.

As far as the battlefield progress. Time is on the Russian’s side. The Ukraine military’s ability to hold positions is being continually degraded. With little or no hope of maintaining military strength, let alone increasing it to be able to recover lost territory. They’re fighting a losing battle as troop formations, heavy military equipment and fortified positions are progressively destroyed.

The Russians have to administer the areas that they overrun. They want to do minimal damage to them so that they don’t have to pay for rebuilding them. And they can make a positive contribution to the Russian economy, rather than being a financial drain. That in my opinion has lot more to do with the pace of the Russian advance than the ability of the Russian military to defeat the NATO/Ukraine and probably Israel combine on the battlefield.

If the Russians wanted to, I think that the Russian military could advance much more rapidly than it is. And at little or no increased cost in personnel and equipment losses. But it would be at the cost of much greater property damage and loss of life for the Ukrainian side. That Russia would have to deal with once the overrun areas are brought under Russian control.

Right now the Russians are conducting an assessment as to what the most efficient rate of advance is considering the damage being inflicted as the advance occurs. It looks like elements of the NATO/Ukraine combine are self inflicting a scorched earth retreat to maximize the administration and rebuilding costs that the Russians will incur as the areas that Ukraine withdraws from come under Russian control. And the Russians are developing counter measures to discourage the opposing side from maximizing damage to areas that they’re withdrawing from.


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Last edited 2 years ago by KatieWelch

Encircle those nazi syphilitic rats, let one small escape route and eradicate them from both sides when running. Kill them al. No merci for the NATO hitlerist garbage, including the foreign mercenaries. Spare those filthy CIA agents for an ad-hoc tribunal, and execute them on camera, to see all world what deserves the criminals who bombarded and killed thousands of Donbass civilians. No merci for them.

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