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Military Situation In Southern Raqqah And Eastern Aleppo On July 31, 2017 (Map Update)

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On Monday, government forces started clearing the ISIS pocket in the Sabkah area. The crossroad town of Madaan located in about 67 km from the city of Deir Ezzor besieged by ISIS will likely become the next target of the operation. The Bishri Triangle is another high priority target for the advancing government forces. Capturing these sites, the SAA will establish control over the two key road heading to Deir Ezzor from the northwestern direction.

Military Situation In Southern Raqqah And Eastern Aleppo On July 31, 2017 (Map Update)

Click to see the full-size map

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Michel S.

Hi Great maps, however for colourblind people or colour sensitive, even regular like me, the contrast of the maps is low, hard to differentiate borders, can you make the colours more different?


Justin Ryan

I’m 6’10”! Please make all your doors in your house tall enough so I don’t have to duck my head. Also my brother is in a wheel chair, please make all your steps into ramps. Thank you.


Hmmm.. sarcasm is not required her, I am giving a constructive feedback for the editors to improve and hit more regulars..

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

They could use a border to clarify the areas with a contrasting color would make it simpler.


Justin Ryan >>> Mentally unstable comes to mind, LoL:)))

Justin Ryan

Says the guy who finds it necessary to counter almost everyones comments on the site! Ive been on many pages where i saw u write a reply to 90% of the comments made!

And i am mentally unstable? Dude, u literally have OCD! do u hump peoples legs to try and dominate them?


Justin Ryan You should be helping other people with a location map of Syria and its towns and cities. Instead you bitch about it.

Justin Ryan

And yet before u wrote this i already did send him 2 maps! I play bad cop not good cop! Only a mother has the soft reply to their lazy child. The father has the harsh reply in order to discipline! I gave the child what he needed! He’s welcome!


Justin Ryan You are living in FANTASY, I posted the 2 maps.

Justin Ryan


This is what i wrote to him 2 days a go YOU MORON!

Before u even posted your maps!


“In the time u took to write your comment u could have done a google search for “syria war map” My sarcasm was not a shot at your request, it was a shot at your LAZINESS! Do you really think they are going to change the colours just for you?

HERE….. i found 2 for you! (there are sooo many more) took me 10 seconds! You’re welcome!

http://syriancivilwarmap.com/ https://isis.liveuamap.com


Justin Ryan The fact is the maps on Southfront are not clear.

Justin Ryan

Search for my posts on this news blog! U will see! Here is what i sent him BEFORE u sent!

http://syriancivilwarmap.com/ https://isis.liveuamap.com


dont bother apologising! I dont accept apologies from fuck heads!


Justin Ryan 1. All you have to do is ask that person if he saw the laps or not.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

This is easily remedied a large overhead door and just ramps with traction surface coating should be the norm.

Justin Ryan

lol. I like your reply! ;)


Michel S.

As a normal sighted person, agree with you that Southfront maps are difficult to read.

The Deir Ez Zor to Raqqa area is very important for the long term economic survival of Syria and Iran which is why Putin – Russia have given away Raqqa to the US led “Terror Axis” in order to block the following:

Iran – Iraq – Syria Land Bridge Iran – Iraq – Syria – Cyprus – EU Oil and Gas Pipeline Route of the proposed New Silk Road through Syria




Thanks More

Justin Ryan

In the time u took to write your comment u could have done a google search for “syria war map” My sarcasm was not a shot at your request, it was a shot at your LAZINESS! Do you really think they are going to change the colours just for you?

HERE….. i found 2 for you! (there are sooo many more) took me 10 seconds! You’re welcome!

http://syriancivilwarmap.com/ https://isis.liveuamap.com


Well they just did, and you think I do not follow other maps? However the others differ as not all data is same, like the liveuamap is pro opposition as they are Ikrainians, Syriancivilwarmap is short on staff.. you just wasted you energy on nothing..

Спасибо ЮФ за выполненную просьбу.

Montenegrin ??

6 months ago if you told me the SAA would clear all of East Aleppo province and take all of south Raqqa and make it into Deir ez Zor from the Western side I would say you are crazy. The SAA has made unbelievable progress on all fronts from the beginning of the year: to think they started off January pinned at Tiyas and there was a possibility that airbase would fall!

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