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- The AFU entered the northern part of the village of Snegirevka;
- Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU were reported near Soldatske;
- The AFU artillery targeted Russian positions in Myrolyubivka village;
- Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU were reported near Pyatikhatki;
- The AFU artillery targeted a pontoon bridge near Nova Kakhovka;
- Russian artillery targeted the AFU positions in the Nikopol area.
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So we won. And then why are we retreating?
It’s a trap
It could be a trap. Also with the Ukrianians shelling the only crossings it makes logistics a nightmare. Additionally if the flood gates are blown bad outcome for both sides now. Both sides can limit forces in the area due yo natural barriers. Fighting will most likely escalate in the east. If Russia isn’t careful this would open up a route to Crimea for ukrain. With Kherson gone, Odessa seems a very long way away. What ever deal the Russians are trying to make is either worth more than the strategic integrity of the southern front, or the Russians have begin to cave to western operations. Either way, unless the river freezes solid this winter, don’t count on a large scale assault to retake the city as the limited crossings and right bank offer a great deal of opportunity to repel offensives
Sorry, how’s the Brave New Ukraine looking? I mean, say, compared to 2013 before the US coup? Did Victoria Nuland and Geoff Pyatt get you all set up with the jelly-of-the-month club? Or did you end up losing Crimea, Lugansk, most of Donetsk, most of Kherson, plenty o’ Kharkov and Zaporyzhe, along with millions of refugees, tens of thousands dead, and gaining billions upon billions of unpayable debt? Keep up the good work, Ihor!
*Repli stratégique* Les soldats et la chaîne logistique enlisés dans le Kerson manquent à Bakhmut. Poutine, ses généraux, l’armée russe et les alliés sont géniaux.
Only fools would want to fight for any western powers.
While mean while at home there sons are getting propagandized by the lgbtqwzyx cult and have the state pay for there castration, or have drag queens read story’s to them on there laps or the mass forced vaccination with an experimental mrna and mass censorship almost on par with north Korean standards.
But hey the tv told them Putins bad. Don’t mind the 2014 Odessa massacre or the Minsk agreement expiring and not getting signed off again.
Complete sheep, being led to the slaughter house one way or another.
Only fools would want to fight for any jewish powers regardless if western jewish or eastern jewish ones.
While mean while at home there sons are getting propagandized by the lgbtqwzyx cult and have the state pay for there castration, or have drag queens read story’s to them on there laps or the mass forced vaccination with an experimental mrna and mass censorship almost on par with north Korean standards. That’s the situation in the western jewish colonies called USA,Canada, UK, and EU.
And in the eastern jewish colonies, there is the Gamaleia Institute, run by the jew Alexander Ginsberg, producing Sputnik V and injects the eastern version of the jewish vaccine poison into the russian christian population. All thenoligarchs in Russia are fat ugly jews, with best ties to the supreme jew-puppet, called Jewtin. He was brought to power by the jew Abramovich, and the jewish chief Moskovian rabbi Berel Lazar and childhood friend and jew Arcady Rotenberg. Putin tricked the russian soldiers into this war, telling them that “they are just going onto a excercise resp. training mission NEAR THE UKRAINIAN BORDER”, when in fact he sent them over the border directly into the ukrainian hornets nest. But stupid russian are still following and believing in this lying jewish dwarf and follow hisorders. He forced shiploads of new very strict ‘save the jews and never speak the truth about them”-laws onto Russia, and gives the Jews all the russians taxpayer money, while at the same time he sends the poor russian men and woman into full blown poverty and into death in the Ukrainian meatgrinder, where he always orders to attack, and then when on position is successfully conquered after thousands over thousand of russian deads, he gives the order to retreat and s.o.
The more russian christian men die the better for Jewtin and his jewish hook-nosed friends. He even managed to bring Finland and lots of other formely neutral countries become hostile and force them into the arms of NATO.
That’s the situation in the eastern jewish colonies.
Bottom line: Both are shit, and just gulags controlled by ugly satanists creatures called : Jews !
In my opinion Kherson is an important city that could be defended to inflict heavy casualties on the Ukros but the city would be destroyed.. Russia has compassionately chosen to abandon in the interest of limiting human suffering and unnecessary military losses. This should display that Russia’s SMO is not a land grab but a necessary defense of Russia and Russia does not desire the conquest of Ukraine but a negotiated peace.