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Military Situation In Syria And Iraq On October 23, 2017 (Map Update)

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This map provides a general look at the military situation in Syria and Iraq on October 23, 2017.

The US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces have established control over the Omar oil fields east of Deir Ezzor city and some nearby points. Meanwhile, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) has advanced southeast of Mayadin city.

In Iraq, government forces have tighten control over the contested areas recently captured from the separatist Kurdistan Regional Government.

Military Situation In Syria And Iraq On October 23, 2017 (Map Update)

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MD Ranix

yankee retard coalition is the biggest problem at the present moment – syria and her true allies will not be giving up as easily as these zio satanic terrorists think – like syria, iraq too will have to be careful of more meddling which will be triggered by these scumbags too


Compulsive swearing is a sickness.

I would advise you to be checked for “Gilles de la Tourette” affliction.


swearing??? where?


Even the word ‘Truth’ is a swearword now Turbo.


I didn’t know “retard” & “scumbags” were classified as swear-words. I’ll make sure to say “Earmuffs” prior to swearing in order to not offend anyone ;)


Your zionist pals swear all the time Dutch. They do it to intimidate though. That’s really the difference.


“… yankee retard coalition IS the biggest problem at the present moment …” instead it sould’ve been ” … yankee retard coalition HAS BEEN the only problem at all moments since they created and maintain that mess in the ME and NA.”

Terence Silvestre Jr.

So retard?, I do not think so. Because the ”yankee retard coalition” have been able and have succeeded, with simple deceptions and some cunning maneuver, to steal the Omar field oil, the best and greatest natural resource of Syria in the eyes of my beloved ingenious Russia, the greatest allied of Syria without being able to do nothing to predict and avoid it, after being only 10 KM of the prize a week ago without doing anything great to take it. Big and pitiful mistake.


Does SF has any info on the alledged bridgehead of SAA on the eastern banks of the river, north of Mayadin – Diban?


Don’t be surprised if invading Iraqi forces take Irbil. There seems to be a lack of leadership by Barzani & the KDP. Barzani is widely believed to be corrupt. Noteable that some Kurds have complained about Peshmerga readiness/leadership compared to ISF in events after fall of Kirkuk.

Reports are that ISF & PMU are building up forces and may have already taken several more Kurdish towns.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

So retard?, I do not think so. Because the ”yankee retard coalition” have been able and have succeeded, with simple deceptions and some cunning maneuver, to steal the Omar field oil, the best and greatest natural resource of Syria in the eyes of my beloved ingenious Russia, the greatest allied of Syria without being able to do nothing to predict and avoid it, after being only 10 KM of the prize a week ago without doing anything great to take it. Big and pitiful mistake.


The so labelled “”ISIS”” tribal fighters , occupied the Omar field , not owned it . You can not give / or sell / or trade what you do not own . In common law it’s called “dealing in stolen property” . However there must be a deal already in place , as it was earlier reported that SDF had turned over to SAA the Jafra Gas Field , and gas is the main item in Omar . Controlling Al Bukamal , is key .

Terence Silvestre Jr.

I hope it’s as you say, my friend. Because with these crafty and disloyal Kurdish puppets, servants of the Americans, everything is absolutely and wickedly possible and if it was not, they are able to use all kinds of deception, lies and gadgets to achieve whatever is suited to them to achieve it.

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