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Military Situation In Syria On December 22, 2018 (Map Update)

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  • Units of the Tiger Forces are being deployed on the western bank of the Euphrates;
  • US forces are reportedly preparting to evacuate from the al-Tanf base;
  • The Syrian Democratic Forces have asked France to establish a no-fly zone over northeastern Syria;
  • Artillery duels and clashes between the Syrian Army and militants continue in northern Hama.
Military Situation In Syria On December 22, 2018 (Map Update)

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Hahahaha, asking France to establish a no-fly zone….. :’)


I must say, watching Fr aircraft fall from the sky would be rather heart warming.

You can call me Al




The last one, ROFL!


This is kinda weird! The french arnt that bad! They beat Germany in WW1. They kicked ass all the way up to ww2. They were never bombed in ww2 so their city stayed in tact whilst they a fierce resistance! they make damn good aircraft and helicopters! Their Foreign Legion is hardcore as fuck! Yet we make jokes about them!


Remember when they wouldnt go into Iraq when George W Bush said there was “WMD’s”? they refused! It really screwed things up AND they were right!!

They are revolting right now against their leaders for very good reasons and they have a history of beheading their elites in the city square for crimes against their own people!

yet here u al are making jokes! They are one of the greatest empires to exist!the USA would not even exist today if it were not for the French! And Napolean almost conquered the world (back then europe was the world)! Known as the greatest modern military leader!

And yet here we are making jokes! If youre from the UK, France is better than you! If youre from the USA, u wouldnt even exist if it were not for France! France is the worlds second biggest seller of military hardware! Doesnt that count??

Look, i support Assad, the SAA and Russia but im not gonna sit and listen to total bullshit! France is strong tough and proud! if we are to having a pissing contes of nations, France is number 2 in my view!

1. USA 2. France 3. Russia etc etc!

China can lick my balls! They only copy and steal! UK is done and gone! Jaguars are the biggest piece of crap ever made! UK military hardware these days is very minimal!

Jokes were usually made about the Irish! But the French? Doest make sense! Anyone who thinks France is weak, has a history of being weak or are a low grade military nation can LITERALLY lick my balls like a bitch!

Also means u got no fucking idea and this site has gone totally fucking biased! U have nothing good to say about any nations other than those u support!

Look at French history! They are bad ass’s! Remember, Russia was taken over by JEWS! Belshiviks were jews! They almost lost the Caucasus to the Chechnyans! They were shot down by the Georgians, they almost radiated all of Europe (chernobyl) Their Soviet citizens were PC sucks who told on their neighbours to gain better govt resources for themselves!

Now i love russia especially in this war! But after WW1, Russia was a Jewish state!

France was and still is an empire with many colonies!

France is far wealthier than the UK makes faaaaar better military hardware! Has a better way of life, fuckingCHOPPED THE HEADS off their royal families (Gotta respect that), and yet here are u little fucking bitches (YES… THATS WHAT U ARE…. LIKE LITTLE JEALOUS TEENAGE BITCHES) having a fucking winge about France! At least FRANCE is rebelling against migrants, their President, against the attacks by the EU on their free speech. What the fuck is your country doing? I bet the country u are from is doing FUCK ALL!

So Rodger……. suck my dick cunt!

(note: im an Australian)

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

yea with those scary french missiles hahahahhaa


,,This is kinda weird! The french arnt that bad! They beat Germany in WW1. They kicked ass all the way up to ww2. They were never bombed in ww2 so their city stayed in tact whilst they fought with a fierce resistance! they make damn good aircraft, helicopters, ships and subs! Their Foreign Legion is hardcore as fuck! Yet we make jokes about them!


Remember when they wouldnt go into Iraq when George W Bush said there was “WMD’s”? they refused! It really screwed things up AND they were right!!

They are revolting right now against their leaders for very good reasons and they have a history of beheading their elites in the city square for crimes against their own people!

yet here u all are making jokes! They are one of the greatest empires to exist!the USA would not even exist today if it were not for the French! And Napolean almost conquered the world (back then europe was the world)! Known as the greatest modern military leader!

And yet here we are making jokes! If youre from the UK, France is better than you! If youre from the USA, u wouldnt even exist if it were not for France! France is the worlds second biggest seller of military hardware! Doesnt that count?? France TOOK power from the sunni tribes in Syria and gave it to the weakest tribes (the alawites) by putting the Assad’s father in power becasuse the Sunni’s were murdering the alawites! So thanks to France, Assad is in power! Yet u make fucking jokes! Do u even understand what u are saying cunt? (yes, youre a cunt, deal with it)

Look, i support Assad, the SAA and Russia but im not gonna sit and listen to total bullshit! France is strong, tough and proud! if we are to have a pissing contest of nations, France is number 2 in my view!

1. USA 2. France 3. Russia etc etc!

China can lick my balls! They only copy and steal! UK is done and gone! Jaguars are the biggest piece of crap ever made! UK military hardware these days is very minimal!

Jokes were usually made about the Irish! But the French? Doesnt make sense! Anyone who thinks France is weak, has a history of being weak or are a low grade military nation can LITERALLY lick my balls like a bitch!

Also means u got no fucking idea and this site has gone totally fucking biased! U have nothing good to say about any nations other than those u support!

Look at French history! They are bad ass’s! Remember, Russia was taken over by JEWS! Bolsheviks were jews! They almost lost the Caucasus to the Chechens! They were shot down by the Georgians, they almost radiated all of Europe (Chernobyl) Their Soviet citizens were PC sucks who told on their neighbours to gain better govt resources for themselves!

Now i love russia especially in this war! But after WW1, Russia was a Jewish state!

France was and still is an empire with many colonies!

France is far wealthier than the UK makes faaaaar better military hardware! Has a better way of life, fuckingCHOPPED THE HEADS off their royal families (Gotta respect that), and yet here are u little fucking bitches (YES… THATS WHAT U ARE…. LIKE LITTLE JEALOUS TEENAGE BITCHES) having a fucking winge about France! At least FRANCE is rebelling against migrants, their President, against the attacks by the EU on their free speech. What the fuck is your country doing? I bet the country u are from is doing FUCK ALL!

So Rodger……. suck my dick cunt!

(note: im an Australian)


Syria should retake all territory west of the Euphrates first. If they wait a bit before moving to the East bank the SDF will just turn on itself and destroy itself.


SDF has their hands full with Turkey, time to claim Syria’s oil and gas.


Erdogan’s turkish and Ocalan kurds are both syrian enemies.


lslamic State – Enforcing Sharia in Raqqa https://youtu.be/jOaBNbdUbcA?t=20

Alejandro Bonifacio

take beer!


Life in the Islamic state before bombings of the inoccent civilians. https://youtu.be/BGL2GmMTegQ

You can call me Al

“Life in the Islamic state”

Another Troll, come on SF – please get rid of them.


Syria – Secular


Both France and UK continue to bomb in Hajin. France has pledged to send troops each time USA withdraws. So France can continue to provide airsupport, the more so as their aircarrier is operational again as of some weeks ago. For interdiction they also have their landbased Aster 30 system, with a reach of 120 kms. For deployment they would need tacit approval by Iraq and maybe some US assistence. Whether they have the resources to bring it all together in a timely fashion, I cannot tell.


Dutch, are you an Ocalan boy?


Hay man you have taken so many votes on your wise ideas. Please share some votes with me.

Jim Martin

If France put their mind to it and their hart in it they could.

With a population of 67 million and an army of over 110,000 putting in 5,000 French Marines and Foreign Legion would not be an issue. Add attack helicopters and Artillery to replace American Marines and you have an effective deterrence to Erdogan’s homicidal intentions against 4,000,000 Syrians and 50,0000 SDF who with their inclusive governance structures hold the only future for all 23,000,000 Syrians

leon mc pilibin

Macron the rothschild zionist puppet is acting the little Napoleon again.The sooner the real French people get rid of his kind ,THE BETTER FOR ALL FRANCE.

Stuart Wakefield

I wonder what will happen to the oil fields at AL Oman & Tanak that the USA control ?

You can call me Al

You know how the Yankers are; they will just blow them to smithereens; but and a big but, that could actually be a preferable option as they have suffered badly from the 10 years++ of sanctions (on maintenance and equipment etc.).

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