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Military Situation In Syria On December 26, 2020 (Map Update)

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Military Situation In Syria On December 26, 2020 (Map Update)

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A brief overview of the recent developments in Syria:

  • On December 26, Russia reported that Idlib militants violated the ceasefire regime in Greater Idlib 32 times: 15 – in Idlib province, 12 – in Latakia province, 5 – in Hama province;
  • On December 25, heavy clashes between the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and Turkish-backed forces were reported in Mushairafa and Jahbal areas, according to SDF sources;
  • On December 26, artillery of Turkish-backed forces shelled SDF positions near Ain Issa;
  • On December 25, artillery of Turkish-backed forces shelled SDF positions east of Raas al-Ain;
  • On December 25, Russian warplanes struck ISIS positions in the Bushri mountain 5 times;
  • On December 25, Syrian Arab Army (SAA) artillery shelled positions of Turkish-backed forces north of Lattakia;
  • On December 25, a Turkish military convoy entered Syria via the Kafr Lusin crossing.


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What … no chatter on the dead IRGC slugs in Masayaf?

No hospital reports?

No SANA pics of the damage done?

Bad news is hard to sell … hello?

Denial is all you got …


Rhodium 10

Hello? What about the israeli missile?…all of them shot down!…you should buy Pantsir instead of Iron Dome junk!…and how do you feel everyday being hitted by rockets, flying ballons, shot, stones…?..



Didn’t the IAF destroy that piece of junk the ONLY time the IRGC responded with a volley of missiles? The retribution on Iranian targets on that day …. has left the IRGC dumbfounded … and have never responded since … xD

Check it out on YouTube or wherever it’s posted … It’s unimportant to me whether YOU believe or not … xD

I’m Canadian … but the Israelis feel fine … under their 4 tier missile defense systems … Iron Dome knocked out both Hamas rockets and the IAF hit exactly what they wanted as a response inside Gaza … Groundhog Day … SMACKED AGAIN AND AGAIN

Rhodium 10

Israelies murder with total impunity a canadian engineer working for a canadian company !…IRGC are safe and keep position in Syria while IDF everyday face Palestinian attacks ( riots, stones, fire ballons, rockets,snipers)…


The Pals are flies … they need to be fumigated every now and again … the call it ‘mow the grass’

Canadian engineer? Huh?

Rhodium 10

Gerry Bull…was murder ( mafia style) by Mossad agents in Canada!…total Impunity even if he was a Canadian and the crime was in Canadá!


Oh … that yarn

The ‘big gun’ as I recall … it wouldn’t have been ‘arab’ technology … eh?

Bull … was a loon willing to sell his ‘idea’ for ???

Elon Musk …. used his brain and has ??? but we’re in a different age

When Constantinople fell to the Ottomans … they BOUGHT European technology … you couldn’t expect any advanced technology from muslims

May it ever be thus …


Rhodium 10

I am not muslim…I only say that Israel is nothing but a US dog police to keep under its control the Arab states.


Israel wanted peace from the START … the UN voted for PARTITION but they were attacked and have been attacked since 1948 …

It’s 2020 … the Abraham Accords have made it possible to see an end to the Arab/Israeli War

The US ally has been great to Israel … no doubt

Since 1967 and especially after 1973’s Yom Kippur War … the US benefited from Russia’s defeat in the Cold War … American prestige grew as Israel handily defeated their RUSSIAN BACKED AND RUSSIAN ARMED Arab adversaries … it’s a mutually beneficial relationship

Rhodium 10

They failed in Lebanon war 2006… IDF troops were stopped by the use of massive ATGM, IDF warships were damage by antiship missile, infantery was taken out by long range snipers…and Israeli population could not resist the constant wave of rockets…


One warship damaged … they now use the Trophy System on tanks / personnel carriers …

The IAF took out the long/medium range missiles in the first 48 hrs …

Drones are now a battlefield auxiliary and the IDF are at the top of the class … 2 squadrons of F-35’s

100’s of missions per day … the sky’s over Lebanon will be buzzing …

200,000 DEAD in the first 48 hours ,,,

‘WE ARE ALL HEZBOLLAH’ has doomed the State … it will NEVER recover

4 tier anti-missile Systems working in sync

Finished? Wipe yourself

Rhodium 10

No Man!..a rain of ballistic missile, drones, rockets would hit Israel from Syria, lebanon, Iraq, Yemen, Iran in the first 48 hours…IAF jets would not dare to fly high otherwise would be shot down by S-200/300…therefore Israel would go crying to Daddy USA to ask for help…


200,000 dead Lebanese I the first 48 hours

The damage wrought egregious …. nowhere to tap dance … lol

Rhodium 10

5 millions of israeli population hide in shelters in the first 24 hours…


Shelters are ? … while the IDF / IAF / IN do their business … eh?

The onslaught will be like nothing seen before … MOMENTUM … will be a ‘blitzkreig’ that will not stop … until victory … eh?

The plans are drawn up and ready … it would be a shame not to finish the job this time …


Rhodium 10

Little biting barking dog…

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